Adrian Empire MARSHAL S User Manual

Marshal’s Manual: Addendum to Marshal’s Manual Page 1 of 7
The July 2002 edition of the Marshal’s Manual was authorized for playtesting by the Imperial Estates (Crown Writ 02-01). As a result of this playtesting, there have been changes to the manual, effective December 2002. These changes have been incorporated into the manual, and published as marshal-03.pdf. It is highly recommended that you use the 2003 edition.
As an alternative, you may print this addendum for use with the July 2002 edition of the manual. The full text of the referenced changes is contained in this document.
As an alternative, you may print this addendum for use with the July 2002 edition of the manual. The full text of the referenced changes is contained in this document:
Article I.B. Listing of all combat- and missile-weapons-related manuals added
Article IV.E. Conflict resolution was expanded and clarified
Article VII.A.1.a. Scoring procedure added for combatant qualifications
Article VII.A.1.e. Lost combat cards will cost $2.00 for replacement
Article VII.B.2. Scoring procedure added for marshal qualifications
Article VII.B.4. Qualification procedure added for new subdivisions
Appendix A.C.2. Imperial Marshal shall keep a list of qualified combatants and marshals
Appendices renumbered (placed ministries in Appendix A to conform to other manuals)
Qualification Tests. Added place for test-taker’s legal name, test date, scorer’s name, final score, as well as a test for qualification of Missile Combatants
B. Scope of Duties and Responsibilities
A qualified marshal is expected to have read all combat-related manuals including:
Adrian Combat Manual
Adrian Marshals Manual
Adrian Missile Weapons Manual (formerly the Archery Manual)
Adrian Missile Weapons Construction Guide (formerly the Arrow Construction Guide)
E. Conflict Resolution
1. All combatants shall submit to the decisions of the marshals.
A combatant may immediately appeal a marshal’s ruling to the presiding noble whose decision is final, except that the local noble may not overrule the decision of the:
Imperial Minister of Combat, Imperial Minister of Jousts and War, Imperial Crown Marshal, deputies or the rules as set forth in the Combat Manual.
Crown Marshal if the noble is directly involved with the call
2. Combatants have the right to call their own blows. This does not limit or negate the ultimate authority of a marshal to call any legal blow not called by the combatants: a. A marshal may stop combat and ask if a combatant felt any blow. "Did you feel that?" b. The marshal may ask the deliverer of the blow if they thought it was a legal shot. "Did you
hit him? Where?"
The marshal may then decide whether to impose the call on the combatants or not.
© Adrian Empire Inc. December 2002
Marshal’s Manual: VII. Qualification, Authorization, Training Page 2 of 7
3. Calls will be imposed if a simple majority of the presiding marshals saw the blow and deem it legal.
4. Marshals have the ultimate authority to judge all blows to any combatant, calling them dead or wounded as they see fit.
5. Marshals have the authority to dismiss fighters from the field (war, tournament or demo) for losing their temper or using vulgar or offensive language at any time.
A. Combatant Qualification
1. Qualification Procedure
a. Written Test
The combatant qualification test is given to the new combatant (Appendix E). The combatant must score at least 75% on the test to be allowed to continue the qualification process. The test is an open book test covering general safety, target areas, and issues specific to the type of combat in which the combatant will be qualified. (Note: The test may be given orally if necessary.)
Paragraphs b. c. and d. do not apply to Combat Archery or Siege Weapons qualifications.
The qualifying marshal will correct the test immediately. If the score is less than 75%, the combatant must retake the entire test. This may be done that day, or on another occasion (at the test-giver’s discretion). There is no limit on the number of times a combatant may take the test. Once the test has been scored at 75% or better, any missed questions will be reviewed and corrected by the combatant prior to being mailed to the Imperial Crown Marshal for filing. The Imperial Crown Marshal will maintain the list of qualified combatants.
e. Combat Card
If the qualifying combatant and the marshal conducting the qualification are satisfied that the new combatant is fully aware of the rules and is safe, then the marshal shall sign the combatant’s combat card, and notify the local Crown Marshal or Minister of Joust and War.
Lost combat cards will be replaced at the cost of $2.00.
B. Marshal Authorization
2. Written Test
The prospective marshal must score at least 90% on the Marshal Authorization test (Appendix E). This is an open book test covering marshalling for tournament and war for all types of combat.
The qualifying marshal will correct the test immediately. If the score is less than 75%, the combatant must retake the entire test. This may be done that day, or on another occasion (at the test-giver’s discretion). There is no limit on the number of times a combatant may take the test. Once the test has been scored at 90% or better, any missed questions will be reviewed and corrected by the combatant prior to being mailed to the Imperial Crown Marshal for filing. The Imperial Crown Marshal will maintain the list of qualified combatants.
© Adrian Empire Inc. December 2002
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4. New Subdivisions
New subdivisions that do not have any authorized marshals may select up to two persons as marshal candidates. The marshal candidates must successfully complete the written test as described above, and be approved by the local Crown or Imperial Crown Marshal. Once this is done, they may act as marshals, and may qualify combatants at the Sergeant level.
5. Authorization Follow-up
The ministers (Joust and War, and Crown Marshal) of chartered subdivisions and Imperial deputies shall submit monthly reports to the Imperial Ministers. These reports will detail the authorization of new marshals, any authorization or qualification revocations/expulsions, injuries requiring medical attention, and other activities that concern the marshallate or Imperium.
The Imperial Ministers (Joust and Crown Marshal) shall submit reports on the state of combat and combat training within the Empire to the Imperial Crown on a quarterly basis
6. Active Status
Marshals are required to attend at least one (1) training collegium every two (2) years to be considered active. As well as attending collegiums, it is also highly recommended that Marshals marshal lists regularly to keep their skills sharp. Marshals who do not attend the training shall not be allowed to Marshal the lists. Make-up collegiums for those who cannot attend on the scheduled collegium dates are allowed.
© Adrian Empire Inc. December 2002
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