BB-48G, BB-60G, BB-72G
Back Bar Coolers – Glass Swing Door
This manual contains impor t a nt i nfor m a t ion regarding your
Admiral Craft unit. Please read this manual thoroughly prior to
equipment set-up, operation a nd m ai nt e na nc e . Fa ilure to comply
with regular maintenance guidelines outlined in this manual may
void the warranty. MUST READ!!!

• Do not immer s e unit, cord or plug in liquid at any time
• Plug only into a 3-hole grounded electrical outlet
• Do not use thi s unit for anything other than inten ded use
• Do not use outdoor s
• Do not use if unit has a dama ged cord or plu g, in the e vent the applia nce malf uncti ons, or ha s been da maged i n an y
• Keep children and animals awa y from unit
• An y in co rrect installation, alterations, adjustments and/or improper maintenance can lead to propert y loss and i njur y
All repairs should be done by author ized profes s ionals only
• Ensure that the designated power supply is adequate for continual usage and the voltage is correct
• If power shuts off, wait 5 minutes before turning the unit back on to avoid damage to the compress or
1. To remove the unit from t he wood skid, using a Phillips head screwdriver, un-screw the 4 screws from the L-bracket
2. Remove skid by unscrewing all base rail anchor brackets.
3. Lift unit off skid. Please remember not to use the countertop as a lifting point. Also remember to leave the cabi net
upright for 24 hours bef ore pluggin g into power source.
4. Place unit in desired loc ation. Make sure there is adequate ventilation. If necessary use an exhaust fan to keep cool.
Improper installation will void the manufacture r’s warranty.
5. Make sure u nit is in a level area.
6. When setting unit in desired location make sur e it is near a 3-prong grounded wall outlet that is set for the proper
voltage re quirements. Compressor warranties are voided if compressor burns out due to inadequate power
7. Do not use an extension cord.
8. Unit should a lways be plugged into its own dedicated circuit.
It is strongly recommended that any servicing be performed by a manufacture’s authorized service technician.
For proper installation, cabinet mu s t be fastened to the floor with one of the following approved NSF sealants:
Minnesota Mi nin g #E C U8 00 Ca ul k
Minnesota Mi nin g #ECU2185 Caulk
Minnesota Mi nin g #E C U1 05 5 Bead
Minnesota Mi nin g #E C U1 20 2 Bead
Armstrong Cork – Rubber Caulk
Products Research Co #5000 Rubber Caulk
GE Silicone Sealer
Dow Cornin g S ilicone Sealer
1. Position cabinet on le vel surface and allow at least 1 inch between the wall and rear of the unit for proper
2. Using a carpenter’s level, make sur e the unit is level side to side and fr ont to back and cabinet interior floor.
3. To apply the se alant:
a. Draw an outline on the base of the floor
b. Raise and place blocks under the front side of the cabinet
c. Apply the NSF approved bead sealant (see l ist above) to the floor half an inch inside the outline drawn
d. Raise and place blocks under the rear of the cabinet and repeat steps a-c
e. Once cabinet is on floor in place , check to m ake sure the seal is around the entire unit and is tight
Note: When sealing unit on asphalt floor, place a layer of tape on the floor prior to applying the sea l ant to protect the floor.
1. Plug the power cord into proper outlet and the c ompressor will turn on.
2. Set the unit to temperature control setting #4 to give the approximate temperature of 35°F. Allow unit to cool
down for a c ouple of hours before re-adjusting the control setting.
Excessive adjusting of the temperature control switch is not advised.
To ensure proper air flow inside the cooler, load products so that they don’t press against the back wall or comes with-
in 4 inches of the evaporator housi ng. Cold air off the coils mu st circulate down the back wall.
3. To turn on interi or ligh ts , open the front door and the switch is l oca ted towards the right of the unit.
Note: If the unit is disc on ne ct e d or sh ut off , wai t 5 min ute s be f ore re-star ting unit.

• Condensers naturally accumulat e dust and req uire cleaning every 30 days. Dirty condensers result in compressor
failure and prod uct loss. Pl ease note pr oduct loss is not covered by warranty.
• To clean condenser, use a soft brush or vacuum with a shop vac or pressurized air
• If you can’t remove the debris adeq uately, please call an authorized refrigeration service com pany
Condenser Coil – tools required are; Phillips head screwdriver, s t iff bristle brush and ad justable wrench
• Disconnect power to the unit
• Remove lower grill assembly by removing all the screws
• Remove bolts anchoring compressor ass embly to frame rails and carefully slide out
• Clean off accumulated dirt fr om c on den sing coil with stiff bristle brush
• Lift cardb oard cover above fan at pla s tic plugs and carefully clean condenser coil and fan blades
• After brushing condenser coil, vacuum dirt from coil and i nterior fl oor
• Replace cardboard cover, carefully slide compressor assembly back into position and replace bolts
• Re-install l ouver assembly onto unit with appropr iate fasteners and clips and tighte n s crews
• Plug unit back in and check to see if condenser is running