ADLINK USB-1903 User Manual

USB-1900 Series

16-bit 250kS/s USB 2.0-based High-performance
DAQ Module
Manual Rev.: 2.00 Revision Date: August 31, 2011 Part No: 50-1Z084-2000
Advance Technologies; Automate the World.

Revision History

Revision Release Date Description of Change(s)
2.00 Aug 31, 2011 Initial release
USB-1900 Series


Copyright 2011 ADLINK Technology Inc.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copy­right. All rights are reserved. No part of this manual may be repro­duced by any mechanical, electronic, or other means in any form without prior written permission of the manufacturer.
The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in order to improve reliability, design, and function and does not represent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer.
In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, spe­cial, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
Environmental Responsibility
ADLINK is committed to fulfill its social responsibility to global environmental preservation through compliance with the Euro­pean Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) direc­tive and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive. Environmental protection is a top priority for ADLINK. We have enforced measures to ensure that our products, manu­facturing processes, components, and raw materials have as little impact on the environment as possible. When products are at their end of life, our customers are encouraged to dispose of them in accordance with the product disposal and/or recovery programs prescribed by their nation or company.
Product names mentioned herein are used for identification pur­poses only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Using this Manual
Audience and Scope
The USB-1900 Series User’s Manual is intended for hardware
technicians and systems operators with knowledge of installing, configuring and operating industrial grade single board computers.
Manual Organization
This manual is organized as follows:
Preface: Presents important copyright notifications, disclaimers,
trademarks, and associated information on the proper understand­ing and usage of this document and its associated product(s).
Introduction: Introduces the USB-1900 Series, its features. spec-
ifications, and river information.
Hardware Information: Provides information on dimensions, con-
nection, accessories, and pin assignments for the USB-1900 Series.
Installing the USB-1900 Series Module: Describes installation
and initialization of USB-1900 Series hardware and software com­ponents.
Operation: USB-1900 Series functions described here include A/
D conversion, D/A conversion, encoder, programmable function I/ O, and others.
Calibration: This chapter introduces the calibration process to
minimize AD measurement errors and DA output errors.
Important Safety Instructions: Presents safety instructions all
users must follow for the proper setup, installation and usage of equipment and/or software.
Getting Service: Contact information for ADLINK’s worldwide
USB-1900 Series
Take note of the following conventions used throughout this manual to make sure that users perform certain tasks and instructions properly.
Additional information, aids, and tips that help users perform tasks.
Information to prevent minor physical injury, component dam-
age, data loss, and/or program corruption when trying to com-
plete a task.
Information to prevent serious physical injury, component
damage, data loss, and/or program corruption when trying to complete a specific task.
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USB-1900 Series

Table of Contents

Revision History...................................................................... ii
Preface.................................................................................... iii
List of Figures........................................................................ xi
List of Tables........................................................................ xiii
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Overview.............................................................................. 1
1.2 Features............................................................................... 1
1.3 Applications ......................................................................... 2
1.4 Specifications....................................................................... 3
1.4.1 General Specifications................................................ 3
1.4.2 Analog Input ............................................................... 4
1.4.3 Analog Output............................................................. 7
1.5 Unpacking Checklist ............................................................ 8
1.6 Software Support ................................................................. 8
1.7 Driver Support for Windows................................................. 8
1.8 Utilities for Windows ............................................................ 9
2 Hardware Information...................................................... 11
2.1 Overview and Dimensions ................................................. 11
2.1.1 Module...................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Module Stand ........................................................... 14
2.1.3 Rail Mounting............................................................ 18
2.1.4 Wall Mounting........................................................... 20
2.2 Connector Pin Assignment ................................................ 21
2.2.1 Connector Signal Description ................................... 24
2.3 Analog Input Signal Connection ........................................ 24
3 Installing the USB-1900 Series Module........................... 31
3.1 Connecting the USB-1900 Series Module ......................... 31
3.2 Device ID ........................................................................... 32
3.3 Hardware Configuration ..................................................... 33
4 Operation........................................................................... 35
4.1 Signal Function .................................................................. 35
4.2 A/D Conversion.................................................................. 36
4.2.1 Analog Input Circuitry ............................................... 37
4.2.2 AI Data Format ......................................................... 37
4.2.3 Software Conversion with Polling Data Transfer
Acquisition Mode (Software Polling) ......................... 38
4.2.4 Continuous Acquisition (Scanning) Mode................. 38
4.2.5 Analog Input Triggering ............................................ 41
4.3 Trigger Sources ................................................................. 41
4.3.1 Software Triggering .................................................. 41
4.3.2 External Analog Triggering ....................................... 42
4.3.3 External Digital Triggering ........................................ 43
4.4 Trigger Modes.................................................................... 43
4.4.1 Post-Trigger Acquisition Mode (no retriggering)....... 44
4.4.2 Delayed-Trigger Acquisition Mode
(no retriggering) ........................................................ 44
4.4.4 Gated Trigger............................................................ 46
4.5 D/A Conversion.................................................................. 47
4.5.1 Bipolar Output Modes ............................................... 48
4.5.2 Software Update ....................................................... 48
4.5.3 Waveform Generation............................................... 48
4.5.4 Waveform Trigger Sources....................................... 51
4.5.5 Waveform Generation Trigger Modes ...................... 52
4.6 Programmable Function I/O............................................... 56
4.6.1 TTL DI/DO ................................................................ 56
4.6.2 General Purpose Timer/Counter............................... 57
4.7 Basic Timer/Counter Function ........................................... 57
USB-1900 Series
4.8 General Purpose Timer/Counter Modes............................ 58
4.8.1 Mode 1: Simple Gated-Event Counting .................... 58
4.8.2 Mode 2: Single Period Measurement ....................... 59
4.8.3 Mode 3: Single Pulse-Width Measurement .............. 59
4.8.4 Mode 4: Single-Gated Pulse Generation .................. 60
4.8.5 Mode 5: Single-Triggered Pulse ............................... 60
4.8.6 Mode 6: Re-Triggered Single Pulse Generation....... 61
4.8.7 Mode 7: Single-Triggered Continuous
Pulse Generation...................................................... 62
4.8.8 Mode 8: Continuous Gated Pulse Generation.......... 62
4.8.9 Mode 9: Edge Separation Measurement .................. 62
4.8.10 Mode 10: PWM Output ............................................. 63
5 Calibration......................................................................... 65
5.1 Loading Calibration Constants........................................... 65
5.2 Auto-Calibration (USB-1901/1902 only) ............................ 65
5.3 Saving Calibration Constants ............................................ 66
Important Safety Instructions.............................................. 67
Getting Service...................................................................... 69
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USB-1900 Series

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: USB-1902 Module Rear View................................... 11
Figure 2-2: USB-1902 Module Side View ................................... 12
Figure 2-3: USB-1902 Module Front View .................................. 13
Figure 2-4: Module, Stand, Connector, and USB Cable ............. 14
Figure 2-5: Module, Stand, & Wall Mount Kit Side View
(w/ connections) ....................................................... 14
Figure 2-6: Module in Stand Front View ..................................... 15
Figure 2-7: Module Stand Top View ........................................... 16
Figure 2-8: Module Stand Side Cutaway View ........................... 17
Figure 2-9: Module Stand Front View ......................................... 17
Figure 2-10: Rail Mount Kit ........................................................... 18
Figure 2-11: Module Pre-Rail Mounting ........................................ 18
Figure 2-12: Module Rail-Mounted ............................................... 19
Figure 2-13: Wall Mount Holes ..................................................... 20
Figure 2-14: Module with Wall Mount Apparatus .......................... 20
Figure 2-15: Floating source w/ RSE input connections ............... 26
Figure 2-16: GRND-Referenced Sources w/ NRSE Inputs........... 27
Figure 2-17: GRND-Referenced Source w/ P-D Input .................. 27
Figure 2-18: Floating Source w/ P-D Input.................................... 28
Figure 2-19: Current Input............................................................. 29
Figure 3-1: USB-1900 module in Windows Device Manager...... 31
Figure 3-2: Device ID Selection Control...................................... 32
Figure 4-1: Functional Block Diagram (USB-1902)..................... 36
Figure 4-2: Analog Input ............................................................. 37
Figure 4-3: Analog Input Scan Timing ........................................ 39
Figure 4-4: Below-Low Analog Triggering................................... 42
Figure 4-5: Above-High Analog Triggering ................................. 43
Figure 4-6: Digital Triggering ...................................................... 43
Figure 4-7: Post Trigger without Retriggering ............................. 44
Figure 4-8: Delayed Trigger ........................................................ 45
Figure 4-9: Post Trigger or Delay Trigger with Retriggering ....... 46
Figure 4-10: Gated Trigger ........................................................... 47
Figure 4-11: Waveform Generation for Two Channel Update ...... 49
Figure 4-12: FIFO Data In/Out Structure ...................................... 49
Figure 4-13: Waveform Generation Hardware Timing .................. 51
Figure 4-14: Post-Trigger Waveform Generation.......................... 52
Figure 4-15: Delayed-Trigger Waveform Generation.................... 53
Figure 4-16: Post-Trigger or Delayed-Trigger with Retriggering... 54
Figure 4-17: Infinite Iteration Waveform Generation ..................... 55
Figure 4-18: Mode 1-Simple Gated-Event Calculation.................. 58
Figure 4-19: Mode 2-Single Period Measurement ........................ 59
Figure 4-20: Mode 3-Single Pulse-Width Measurement ............... 60
Figure 4-21: Mode 4-Single-Gated Pulse...................................... 60
Figure 4-22: Mode 5-Single-Triggered Pulse ................................ 61
Figure 4-23: Mode 6-Re-Triggered Single Pulse .......................... 61
Figure 4-24: Mode 7-Single-Triggered Continuous Pulse............. 62
Figure 4-25: Mode 8-Continuous Gated Pulse.............................. 62
Figure 4-26: Mode 9-Edge Separation Measurement................... 63
Figure 4-27: Mode 10-PWM Output.............................................. 63
USB-1900 Series

List of Tables

Table 2-1: USB-1901/1902 pin assignment in
single-end AI mode........................................................ 21
Table 2-2: USB-1901/1902 pin assignment in
pseudo-differential AI mode........................................... 22
Table 2-3: USB-1903 pin assignment ............................................. 23
Table 2-4: CN1/CN2 I/O Signal Description.................................... 24
Table 4-1: Bipolar Analog Input Range and Output Digital Code ... 37
Table 4-2: Bipolar Output Code ...................................................... 48
Table 4-3: Waveform Generation Timer Definition ......................... 50
Table 4-4: Pin Definition of TTL Digital I/O ..................................... 56
Table 4-5: Timer/Counter Pin Definition.......................................... 57
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USB-1900 Series

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

The USB-1900 Series of 16-bit 250 kS/s USB 2.0-based high-per­formance DAQ modules includes models USB-1901/1902, featur­ing four different voltage input ranges, and USB-1903, with additional built-in precision current-to-voltage resistors capable of direct measurement of current signal from 0 to 20 mA.
The series also delivers 2-CH, 16-bit analog output capable of up to 1 MS/s update and programmable function I/O. The software programmable function I/O supports a variety of functions includ­ing TTL digital I/O, general-purpose timer/counter, and PWM out­put. The USB-1900 Series’ analog input, analog output, and function I/O are capable of functioning simultaneously at full speed.
The modules are USB-powered and equipped with removable screw-down terminals for easy wiring. The attached multi-func­tional stand can be used for desktop, rail, or wall mounting.
Suitable for mixed-signal tests, laboratory research, and factory automation, the USB-1900 Series provides a significant sin­gle-board solution with optimum integration of multiple tasks at an affordable price.

1.2 Features

X High-speed USB 2.0
X USB power supply
X 16-CH voltage input and 2-CH voltage output (USB-1902)
X 16-CH voltage input (USB-1901)
X 8-CH current input and 2-CH voltage output (USB-1903)
X Up to 250 kS/s analog input
X Up to 1 MS/s analog output (USB-1902/1903)
X Programmable 8-CH digital input and 4-CH digital output
X Removable screw-down terminal module
X Lockable USB cable for secure connectivity
Introduction 1

1.3 Applications

X Automotive testing
X Waveform generation
X Laboratory research
X Biotech measurement
X I/O control
USB-1900 Series

1.4 Specifications

1.4.1 General Specifications

I/O Specifications
Number of channels 8-CH programmable function digital input (DI)
4-CH programmable function digital output (DO)
Compatibility TTL (single-end) (supports 3.3V and 5 V DI but
3.3V DO)
Input voltage Logic low: VIL = 0.8 V max; IIL = 0.2 mA
max.Logic high: VIH = 2.0 V min.; IIH = 0.2 mA max.
Output voltage Logic low: VOL = 0.5 V max; IOL = 10 mA max.
Logic high: VOH = 2.6V min.; IIH = 10 mA max.
Supporting modes (only one can be selected and function at the same time, please see Section 4.6: Programmable Function I/O)
Data transfers Programmed I/O
Physical, Power, and Operating Environment
I/O Connector Two 20-pin removable screw-down terminals
Power requirement USB power (5 V @ 400 mA)
Operating environment
Storage environment
8-CH TTL DI and 4-CH TTL DO 2-CH 32-bit general-purpose timer/counters:
Clock source: internal or external Max source frequency: internal: 80 MHz;
external: 10 MHz
2-CH PWM outputs”:
Duty cycle:1-99% (please see
Section 4.8.10: Mode 10: PWM Output)
Modulation frequency: 20 MHz to 0.005Hz
High speed USB 2.0 compatible, mini-USB connector
156 (L) x 114 (W) x 41 (H) mm (6.14 X 4.49 X 1.61 in.)
Ambient temperature: 0 to 55°C Relative humidity: 10% to 90%, non-condensing
Ambient temperature: -20 to 70 °C Relative humidity: 5% to 95%, non-condensing
Introduction 3

1.4.2 Analog Input

Analog Input (AI)
USB-1901/1902 USB-1903
Number of channels: (programmable)
A/D converter AD7610 or equivalent
Maximum sampling rate
Resolution 16 bit
Input coupling DC
Programmable input range
Current-to-voltage conversion resistor
Operational common mode voltage range
Overvoltage protection
FIFO buffer size 4k samples
Data transfers
Channel Gain Queue configuration size
Input impedance >1 GΩ N/A
Trigger source Software, External analog or digital
Trigger mode
Time-based source Internal 80 MHz
Voltage input
Current Input
Volta ge
Current N/A 0~20 mA
16 single-end (SE) or 8
pseudo-differential input
N/A 8 differential
250K samples/s (single channel)
250K/N-channel samples/s (scanning)
± 10 V,± 2 V, ± 1 V,
± 200 mV
N/A 249.5 Ω
± 0.1 V
Power on: continuous ± 15 V
Power off: continuous ± 2 V
Programmed I/O, continuous
(bulk transfer
Post trigger, delay trigger, post trigger with
re-trigger, delay trigger with re-trigger, gated
USB-1900 Series
Analog Input (AI)
USB-1901/1902 USB-1903
Offset error (gain=1) ±0.1 mV (typical) ±0.01 mA (typical)
Gain error (gain=1) ±0.05% of FSR (typical)
–3dB small signal bandwidth
System noise
Spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) 2
Signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SINAD)
Total harmonic distortion
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
Effective number of bits (ENOB)
600 kHz N/A
0.3 LSB
93 dB N/A
108 dB N/A
89 dB N/A
102 dB N/A
89 dB N/A
14.5 N/A
±0.05% of FSR
1. Small signal bandwidth input ranges as fol-
low in Table 1
2. Input ranges for System Noise, SFDR, SINAD, THD, and SNR as follow in Table 2
3. ENOB input ranges as follow in Table 3
4. CMRR input ranges as follow in Table 4
Introduction 5
1. -3dB small signal bandwidth: (Typical, 25°C, single-ended)
Input Range Bandwidth (-3dB)
± 10 V 600 kHz
± 2 V 630 kHz
± 1 V 660 kHz
± 200 mV 350 kHz
2. System Noise, SFDR, SINAD, THD, SNR (Typical, 25°C, sin­gle-ended)
± 10V 0.3 LSB
± 2V 0.1 LSB
± 1V 0.4 LSB
± 200mV 0.8 LSB
108 dB 89 dB 102 dB 89 dB
98 dB 85 dB 98 dB 85 dB
94 dB 77 dB 89 dB 77 dB
79 dB 67 dB 78 dB 67 dB
3. Effective number of bits (ENOB): (Typical, 25°C, single-ended)
Input Range ENOB
± 10V 14.5 bits
± 2V 13.9 bits
± 1V 12.5 bits
± 200mV 10.8 bits
4. CMRR (DC to 60Hz, Pseudo-differential)
Input Range CMRR
± 10V 90 dB
± 2V 110 dB
± 1V 105 dB
± 200mV 98 dB

1.4.3 Analog Output

Analog Output (AO)
Number of channels 2
D/A converter DAC8871 or equivalent
Maximum update rage 1M samples
Resolution 16 bits
FIFO size 10k samples, 2-CH sharing
Data transfers
Output range ± 10V
Output coupling DC
Output impedance 0.01 (maximum)
Stability Any passive load, up to 1500pF
Power-on state Around 0V, steady-state
Offset Error ±0.15 mV (typical)
Gain Error ±0.05% (typical)
Slew rate 20 V/µs
Rise time 0.5 µs
Fall time 0.5 µs
Settle time to 1% output error 2.5 µs
INL 1 LSB or less
Output driving: ±5 mA
Power-on glitch 3.4 V for 30 ms
Programmed I/O, Continuous
USB-1900 Series
(bulk trans.)
Introduction 7

1.5 Unpacking Checklist

Before unpacking, check the shipping carton for any damage. If the shipping carton and/or contents are damaged, inform your dealer immediately. Retain the shipping carton and packing materials for inspection. Obtain authorization from your dealer before returning any product to ADLINK. Ensure that the fol­lowing items are included in the package.
X USB-1900 Series module
X Stand
X Two removable screw terminals
X USB cable (2-meter length)
X Rail mount kits
X ADLINK All-in-One CD
X User’s manual

1.6 Software Support

ADLINK provides comprehensive software drivers and packages to suit various user approaches to system building. In addition to programming libraries, such as DLLs, for most Windows-based systems, ADLINK also provides drivers for other application envi­ronments such as LabVIEW® and MATLAB®. ADLINK also pro­vides ActiveX component ware for measurement and SCADA/HMI, and breakthrough proprietary software. All software options are included in the ADLINK All-in-One CD.
Be sure to install the driver & utility before using the USB-1900 Series module.

1.7 Driver Support for Windows

1.7.1 UD-DASK

UD-DASK is composed of advanced 32/64-bit kernel drivers for customized DAQ application development. USB-DASK enables you to perform detailed operations and achieve superior perfor­mance and reliability from your data acquisition system. DASK kernel drivers now support Windows 7/Vista® OS.
USB-1900 Series

1.7.2 DAQPilot

DAQPilot is a SDK with a graphics-driven interface for various application development environments. DAQPilot represents ADLINK's commitment to full support of its comprehensive line of data acquisition products and is designed for the novice to the most experienced programmer.
As a task-oriented DAQ driver, SDK and wizard for Windows sys­tems, DAQPilot helps you shorten development time while accel­erating the learning curve for data acquisition programming.
You can download and install DAQPilot at:
Please note that only DAQPilot versions and later can support the USB-1900 Series.

1.8 Utilities for Windows

1.8.1 U-Test

U-Test is a free and ready-to-use utility which can assist instant testing and operation of all ADLINK USB DAQ series functions with no programming. In addition to providing data collection and monitoring functions, U-Test also supports basic FFT analysis and provides direct control of analog output and digital I/O with a user-friendly interface.
You can download and install U-Test at: http://www.adlink­
Introduction 9
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10 Introduction
USB-1900 Series

2 Hardware Information

This chapter provides information regarding dimensions, connec­tion, accessories, and pin assignments for the USB-1900 Series.

2.1 Overview and Dimensions

X All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) X While model USB-1902 is illustrated as an

2.1.1 Module

example, all dimensions and external features shown (excepting pin connections) are common to all USB-1900 Series modules
Figure 2-1: USB-1902 Module Rear View
Hardware Information 11
Figure 2-2: USB-1902 Module Side View
12 Hardware Information
+ 58 hidden pages