ADLINK cPCIS-1000, cPCIS-2000 User Manual

cPCIS-1000/2000 Series: 3U CompactPCI
Sub-systems and Components
User’s Guide
This user’s manual includes the information for the following products range:
Sub-systems: (Single System with LCD)
cPCIS-2150: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Off-the-Shelf ATX PSU
cPCIS-2151: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Universal AC PSU
cPCIS-2152: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Dual Redundant AC PSU
cPCIS-1151: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Universal AC PSU
Sub-systems: (Single System without LCD)
cPCIS-2100: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Off-the-Shelf ATX PSU
cPCIS-2102: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Dual Redundant AC
cPCIS-1100: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Off-the-Shelf ATX PSU
Sub-systems: (Dual System)
cPCIS-1250: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Dual System
Components for 3U System
u Power supply options:
cPS-150R: 3U 175W 31-pin redundant power supply unit
cPS-175/AC: 3U 175W 47-pin Universal AC input redundant PSU
cPS-175/48: 3U 175W 47-pin Universal AC input redundant PSU
cPS-175/25: 3U 175W 47-pin Universal AC input redundant PSU
cPCI-PSF: Power supply frame for holding PS2-size power supply
APS-925A: 280W ATX power supply
u Backplane options:
cBP-3400 Series: 3U 64-bit CompactPCI backplane
cBP-3100 Series: 3U 32-bit CompactPCI backplane
cBP-3200 Series: 3U 32-bit CompactPCI backplane with rear I/O
cBP-3052/3051: Backplane for single/dual 31-pin 3U redundant
power supply
cBP-3062: Backplane for dual 47-pin 3U redundant power supply
u LCD Kit:
cPCI-LCD: High brightness 6.4” LCD Kit
u Mechanical parts:
cPCI-PSF: Power supply frame for holding PS2-size power supply
cPCI-DBF: Drive bay frame for the drive bay
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Table of Contents
How to Use This Manual..................................................iv
Chapter 1 Introduction .....................................................1
Chapter 2 Chassis.............................................................3
2.1 cPCIS-2000 Chassis...........................................................3
2.1.1 Features................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Mechanical Drawing.............................................................4
2.1.3 Specifications........................................................................4
2.2 cPCIS-1000 Chassis...........................................................6
2.2.1 Specifications........................................................................6
2.2.2 Mechanical Drawing.............................................................6
2.3 3U Power Supply Frame cPCI-PSF.....................................7
2.3.1 Introductions.......................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Features................................................................................. 7
2.3.3 Mechanical Drawing.............................................................7
2.4 3U Drive Bay Frame cPCI-DBF...........................................8
2.4.1 Introductions..........................................................................8
2.4.2 Features................................................................................. 8
2.4.3 Mechanical Drawing.............................................................8
2.5 3U 4HP slot-panel with EMC gasket cPCI-SP3E .................8
Chapter 3 Power Supply Unit...........................................9
3.1 cPS-150R.........................................................................10
3.1.1 Introduction..........................................................................10
3.1.2 The Outline of Power Supply............................................10
3.1.3 Installation...........................................................................11
3.1.4 Specifications......................................................................11
3.1.5 Connector Pin Assignments..............................................14
3.2 cPS-175 Series Power Supply Unit ...................................17
3.2.1 Introduction..........................................................................17
3.2.2 The Outline of Power Supply............................................17
3.2.3 Installation...........................................................................17
3.2.4 Specifications......................................................................18
3.2.3 Connector Pin Assignments..............................................21
3.3 APS-925AX: 280 ATX Power Supply.................................25
3.3.1 Introductions........................................................................25
3.3.2 Specifications......................................................................25
Table of Contents i
Chapter 4 3U Backplane.................................................28
4.1 cBP-3400 Series...............................................................29
4.1.1 Features...............................................................................29
4.1.2 Products List........................................................................29
4.1.3 PCB Drawing.......................................................................30
4.1.4 Specifications......................................................................30
4.1.5 Connectors pin assignments ............................................30
4.2 cBP-3100 Series...............................................................33
4.3 cBP-3200 Series...............................................................34
4.3.1 Features...............................................................................34
4.3.2 Products List........................................................................34
4.3.3 PCB Drawing.......................................................................35
4.3.4 Connectors pin assignments ............................................36
4.4 cBP-3052E Backplane ......................................................39
4.4.1 Specifications......................................................................39
4.4.2 PCB Drawing.......................................................................39
4.4.4 Connectors pin assignments ............................................39
4.5 cBP-3051..........................................................................41
4.5.1 Specifications......................................................................41
4.5.2 PCB Drawing.......................................................................41
4.5.3 Connectors pin assignments ............................................41
4.6 cBP-3062 Backplane.........................................................43
4.6.1 Specifications......................................................................43
4.6.2 PCB Drawing.......................................................................43
4.6.3 Connectors pin assignments ............................................43
Chapter 5 LCD Kit ...........................................................45
5.1 Features ...........................................................................45
5.2 Mechanical Drawing..........................................................45
5.3 Specifications....................................................................46
5.4 Connectors Pin Assignment ..............................................47
Chapter 6 cPCIS-2000 Sub-systems..............................49
6.1 cPCIS-2150 Series............................................................50
6.1.1 Features...............................................................................50
6.1.2 Configurations.....................................................................50
6.1.3 Ordering Options................................................................51
6.2 cPCIS-2151 Series............................................................52
6.2.1 Features...............................................................................52
6.2.2 Configurations.....................................................................52
6.2.3 Ordering Options................................................................52
6.3 cPCIS-2100 Series............................................................54
6.3.1 Features...............................................................................54
ii Table of Contents
6.3.2 Configurations.....................................................................54
6.3.3 Ordering Options................................................................55
6.4 cPCIS-2102 Series............................................................56
6.4.1 Features...............................................................................56
6.4.2 Configurations.....................................................................56
6.4.3 Ordering Options................................................................56
6.5 cPCIS-2152 Series............................................................58
6.5.1 Features...............................................................................58
6.5.2 Configuration.......................................................................58
6.5.3 Ordering Options................................................................58
Chapter 7 cPCIS-1000 Sub-systems..............................60
7.1 cPCIS-1151 ......................................................................61
7.1.1 Features...............................................................................61
7.1.2 Configurations.....................................................................61
7.1.3 Ordering Options................................................................61
7.2 cPCIS-1100 Series............................................................62
7.2.1 Features...............................................................................62
7.2.2 Configurations.....................................................................62
7.2.3 Ordering Options................................................................62
7.3 cPCIS-1250 ......................................................................64
7.3.1 Features...............................................................................64
7.3.2 Configurations.....................................................................64
7.3.3 Ordering Options................................................................64
Product Warranty/Service..............................................65
Table of Contents iii
How to Use This Manual
This manual is designed to help you use the cPCI-2000/1000 Series 3U CompactPCI Sub-system. It is divided into five chapters:
u Chapter 1, "Introduction," gives an overview of the product features. u Chapter 2, "Chassis," describes the specifications and installation of
the chassis.
u Chapter 3, "Power Supply," describes the using of power supply. u Chapter 4, "Backplane", describes the backplane specifications. u Chapter 5, "LCD Kit", describes the specifications of 6.4” LCD kit. u Chapter 6, "Sub-system", describes the specifications of sub-systems.
iv How to Use This Manual
This users manual gives you the following information about the cPCI -2000 series 3U CompactPCI sub-systems, including the brief introduction of the components and the detail specifications of the sub-systems.
The cPCI-2000 series sub-systems are assembling by the following major components:
u Chassis options:
cPCIS-1000: 3U CompactPCI card cage
cPCIS-2000A: 3U CompactPCI chassis with 2 Fans
cPCIS-2000B: 3U CompactPCI chassis with 4 Fans
cPCI-PSF: Power supply frame for holding PS2-size power supply
cPCI-DBF: Drive bay frame for the drive bay
u Power supply options:
cPS-150R: 3U 175W 31-pin redundant power supply unit
cPS-175/AC: 3U 175W 47-pin Universal AC input redundant PSU
cPS-175/48: 3U 175W 47-pin Universal AC input redundant PSU
cPS-175/25: 3U 175W 47-pin Universal AC input redundant PSU
APS-925A: 280W ATX power supply
u Backplane options:
cBP-3400 Series: 3U 64-bit CompactPCI backplane
cBP-3100 Series: 3U 32-bit CompactPCI backplane
Introduction 1
cBP-3200 Series: 3U 32-bit CompactPCI backplane with rear I/O
cBP-3052/3051: Backplane for single/dual 31-pin 3U redundant
power supply
cBP-3062: Backplane for dual 47-pin 3U redundant power supply
u LCD Kit:
cPCI-LCD: High brightness 6.4” LCD kit
We also provide sub-systems based on the above optional components. Whenever the sub-systems cannot fully meet users’ requirement, please contact with us for discussing the possibility for more options. To form a complete starting kit, users need to order other CPU modules, which are not specified here.
Sub-systems: (Single System with LCD)
cPCIS-2150: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Off-the-Shelf ATX PSU
cPCIS-2151: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Universal AC PSU
cPCIS-2152: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Dual Redundant AC PSU
cPCIS-1151: 3U CompactPCI Platform with LCD and Universal AC PSU
Sub-systems: (Single System without LCD)
cPCIS-2100: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Off-the-Shelf ATX PSU
cPCIS-2102: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Dual Redundant AC
cPCIS-1100: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Off-the-Shelf ATX PSU
Sub-systems: (Dual System)
cPCIS-1250: 3U CompactPCI Platform with Dual System
The following chapters will describe the specifications of the above components or sub-systems.
2 Introduction
In this chapter, we will describe the detail features and specifications of the cPCIS-1000 and cPCIS-2000 chassis. Other mechanical parts which may be used to assembly the system also be described.
2.1 cPCIS-2000 Chassis
2.1.1 Features
u Standard 19” 3U CompactPCI form factor, 4U in height u Boards Space:
Board space for I/O, CPU and power supply is standard 3U height, 21-slot width
Both front access or rear access are possible
With versatile backplane options, can assembly to many sub-
systems with different configurations
u Two (or four) built-in pushing fans are used for self-cooling system. All
fans and air-filter are removable on the bottom side
u Suitable for both rack-mount and desktop applications
Side handle are designed for portable instrument
Two adjustable foot stands are designed for desktop applications
u Comprehensive EMC shielding: EMC gaskets are installed on the front
rails (up and down), rear rails and the side panels
Chassis 3
This drawing is for showing the
mechanical dimension only, the
components inside the chassis is
dependent on every different model
2.1.2 Mechanical Drawing
2.1.3 Specifications
u Dimension: 444.2(W) mm x 177(H) mm x 257.9(D) mm
Note : 1. Width is 482.6 mm (19”) with rack-mounting kit.
2. 177.0 mm is to fit 4U height. Total height is 189.1 mm with foot stands.
u Usable width: 21 slots (84HP) u Internal pushing FAN on the bottom:
Fan type: DC brushless motor
Numbers of FAN:
n 2 Fans for cPCIS-2000A n 4 Fans for cPCIS-2000B
Rated voltage: 12V @ 0.43A (use –12V of system power)
Input Power: 5.16W (rated); 7.7W (maximum)
Maximum Air flow: 60 CFM (when zero static pressure)
Operating Temperature: -10 ~ 70 degree C
u Internal FAN controller:
Designed to utilize the system –12V for FAN power
4 Chassis
Current control of the FAN to provide stable fan operation
Fan failure detection ready to use
Power input connector (CN101)
Pin # Signal Cable color
1 -12V Yellow 2 GND Black 3 +5V Red
Connector to Fans (CN102)
Pin # Signal
1 GND 2 Fan #1 power 3 GND 4 Fan #2 power 5 GND 6 Fan #3 power 7 GND 8 Fan #4 power
Fan failure output (CN103)
Pin # Signal
1 +5V 2 Fan #1 failure output 3 Fan #2 failure output 4 Fan #3 failure output 5 Fan #4 failure output
Power requirement:
n +5V: 40 mA maximum n -12V: 200 mA plus fans’ power consumption, which is
dependent on numbers of fans
Chassis 5
is drawing is for showing the
mechanical dimension only, the
components inside the chassis is
dependent on every different model
2.2 cPCIS-1000 Chassis
2.2.1 Specifications
u 19” rack-mount 3U in height, 21-slot CompactPCI card cage u Need external fan for cooling u Dimension: 482.56 (W) mm x 133.35 (H) mm x 250.0 (D) mm
2.2.2 Mechanical Drawing
6 Chassis
2.3 3U Power Supply Frame cPCI-PSF
2.3.1 Introductions
The cPCI-PSF is a power supply frame, which is designed for holding the PS2 size power supply in a 3U CompactPCI card cage. Four standard card guides are necessary for guiding the position of this frame. Any PS2 sized power supply unit can be used together with cPCI-PSF.
2.3.2 Features
u To fit standard 3U CompactPCI form factor with 9-slot (36HP) width.
Dimension: 182.6 mm x 128.7 mm x 94.5 mm
u Any standard PS2 sized power supply unit can be fit u Rugged mechanical design, the frame is held on the standard card
guide position
2.3.3 Mechanical Drawing
Chassis 7
2.4 3U Drive Bay Frame cPCI-DBF
2.4.1 Introductions
The cPCI-DBF is a drive bay frame, which is designed for holding the FDD, HDD or CD-ROM drives in a 3U CompactPCI card cage. The drive bay can support two 5 1/4” drives and one 3 1/2” drive.
2.4.2 Features
u To fit standard 3U CompactPCI form factor with 10-slot (40HP) width.
Dimension: 202.9 (W) mm x 128.7 (H) mm x 172.5. (D) mm
u Support two 5 1/4” drives and one 3 1/2” drive u Rugged mechanical design
2.4.3 Mechanical Drawing
2.5 3U 4HP slot-panel with EMC gasket cPCI-SP3E
The 3U CompactPCI chassis are shipped with the slot-panel, which is without EMC spring. Users can order the cPCI-SP3E, which is a U­shaped 4HP width slot-panel with the EMI spring. To use cPCI-SP3E on the blank slots is necessary for EMI shielding.
8 Chassis
Power Supply Unit
The power supply unit in the 3U CompactPCI system is with modular design. The users can chose the most suitable solution for the specified applications. There are many kinds of power supply unit can be installed in 3U CompactPCI card cage. In this chapter, the features and specifications of the following power supply unit or modules are shown.
u Redundant Power Supply
cPS-150R: 3U 175W universal AC input redundant power supply (31-pin)
cPS-175/AC: 3U 175W universal AC input redundant power supply (47-pin)
cPS-175/48: 3U 175W –48V DC input redundant power supply (47-pin)
cPS-175/24: 3U 175W –24V DC input redundant power supply (47-pin)
u PS2-size Power Supply
APS-925A: 280W Auto-switched AC input ATX Power Supply
Power Supply Unit 9
3.1 cPS-150R
3.1.1 Introduction
cPS-150R is a redundant power supply which designed for CompactPCI standard industrial computer. It provides hot-swappable function, and can make the output current shared in parallel. It provides good quality power and instant maintenance to a system.
3.1.2 The Outline of Power Supply
Figure 3.1.2 The Outline of cPS-150R Power Supply
Functions of LED
POWER: The Power LED is lit Green if the AC input power has been turned on.
FAIL: If LED is with light, it indicates that the power unit is defective. It means short circuit, over voltage (+5V or +3.3V), over temperature, or at least the loading of one channel is out of specification. It also means that input voltage is under or over specification.
10 Power Supply Unit
3.1.3 Installation
After inserting cPS-150R to a standard 3U CompactPCI system or the standard 6U CompactPCI system, you can turn on the switch on the chassis. Of course, you may turn on the power switch on the chassis first, and insert cPS-150R, which delivers full safety redundant, hot-swappable function, and provides the plug-able feature.
Be sure that the socket of the backplane on the chassis is ERNI part #914374; AMP#148370-1 or #97-7200 defined by PICMG before inserting cPS-150R to the chassis. If cPS- 150R is forcibly inserted, it and the connector of the chassis will be damaged.
3.1.4 Specifications
u AC Input
Item Specification Test Conditions
Operating Voltage 90 - 264 Vac, single phase Input current 3.1 A max Inrush current <40A @ 240 Vac Frequency range 45-440 Hz Power factor 0.99 typical Efficiency typical 73% Protection over current, over voltage, under
u DC Output
Item Specification Test Conditions
Output power 175W max. For working area
Output voltage Output current 20A @+5V (2A min.)
Voltage error
voltage, and surge protection.
+5V, +3.3V, +12V, −12V 12A @+3.3V
2A @+12V 1A @−12V < ±3% @+5V < ±5% @+3.3V < ±5% @+12V < ±5% @−12V
refer to figure
Power Supply Unit 11
th a capacitor of
Ripple voltage +5V............... 1.0 % p-p
Current sharing in parallel
Load regulation The output voltage of +5V changes
Line regulation The output voltage of +5V changes
Hold up time >6ms Rising time <200ms Temperature coefficient Protection All outputs protected against overload
+3.3V............ 1.5 % p-p
+12V............. 1.0 % p-p
-12V ............. 1.0 % p-p
Any number of power supplies can be operated in parallel and will share current to within 10%
within ±3% of allowed value.
within ±0.1% of allowed value.
0.05% / °C
and short circuit. Straightline current limiting, does not fold-back or latch-up during startup or load transients. Automatic recovery. Shutdown at internal heatsink temperature of 95°C. Automatic recovery. Shutdown at the output voltage exceeds the nominal voltage 20%. Recycle power to reset.
The testing probe must be in parallel wi 22µF and that of
0.1µF. only at +5V output
Input voltage is from 90Vac to 260Vac. Load is from 10% to 100%. Input voltage is from 90Vac to 260Vac. Load is from 10% to 100%.
u Others
Item Specification Test Conditions
Input/output connector
Indicator Normal (green LED) Switching frequency 100KHz
MTBF 50,000 hours MIL-HDBK-217E MTTR 5 minutes EMC meets FCC and Class A of VDE Safety specification UL 1950, CSA C22.2 NO.950,
CE EMI: EN61000-3-2(1995),
Male base is on the rear of power supply, and must meet IEC 603-2 (DIN 41612) or IEC 1076.
Fail (red LED)
EN60950/ TüV
EN61000-3-3 harmonics
12 Power Supply Unit
meets EN55022 Class A
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
forced air 15 cfm
EMS:EN 50082-2
EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-3 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-6 EN61000-4-8
ENV 50204 Impact & vibration test
Insulating strength Primary - secondary: 4242Vrms
Output insulation Relatively to chassis ground, all
Operation temperature
Storing temperature Relative humidity <95% @ 40°C, none condensation Operation height 6,400m Weight about 0.85Kg
Frequency Range: 5Hz – 35Hz 5 min 35Hz – 55Hz 5 min 55Hz – 5Hz 5 min Displacement: 0.38mm Dweep time: 30 minutes for each axis Duration: 2 cycles for three orthogonal axis. Axis: X, Y, Z
Primary - chassis ground: 3050Vrms secondary - chassis ground: 500Vrms
control signals and outputs are floating SELV circuits. 0°C~70°C(the temperature on the chassis) Full power from 0°C to 40°C with 15 cfm forced air flow
40°C to +85°C
Unpackaged, Non-operating
Ambient °C
Figure 3.1.4 Working Area
Power Supply Unit 13
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