ADLINK cPCI-7252 User Manual

PCI-7250/7251, cPCI-7252
Relay Actuator & Isolated D/I Cards
User’s Manual
Manual Rev. 2.00
Revision Date: January 10, 2005
Part No: 50-11105-103
Advance Technologies; Automate the World.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents..................................................................... i
List of Tables.......................................................................... iv
List of Figures ......................................................................... v
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Features............................................................................... 2
1.2 Applications ......................................................................... 2
1.3 Specifications....................................................................... 3
Digital input ..................................................................... 3
Relay Output ................................................................... 3
General Specifications .................................................... 4
Power Consumption ....................................................... 4
1.4 Software Support ................................................................. 5
Programming Library ...................................................... 5
PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver .................................... 6
PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE Driver ............................................. 6
DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls .................................... 6
PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM ...................... 6
PCIS-ISG: ISaGRAFTM driver ....................................... 6
PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver ........................................ 7
PCIS-OPC: OPC Server ................................................. 7
2 Installation .......................................................................... 9
2.1 Unpacking Checklist ............................................................ 9
2.2 PCB Layout........................................................................ 10
PCI-7250 PCB Layout .................................................. 10
cPCI-7252 PCB Layout ................................................. 11
2.3 Input Signal Jumper Setting............................................... 12
2.4 Hardware Installation Outline............................................. 13
PCI Configuration ......................................................... 13
PCI Slot Selection ......................................................... 13
Installation Procedures ................................................. 13
2.5 Device Installation for Windows Systems .......................... 14
2.6 Connector Pin Assignments .............................................. 14
PCI-7250/51 Pin Assignment ........................................ 14
cPCI-7252 Pin Assignment ........................................... 16
Table of Contents i
2.7 PCI-7250 and PCI-7251 Connection ................................. 17
3 Registers............................................................................ 19
3.1 PCI PnP Registers ............................................................. 19
3.2 I/O Address Map ................................................................ 20
3.3 Relay Output and Readback Registers.............................. 20
3.4 Isolation Input Registers .................................................... 21
4 Operation Theory .............................................................. 23
4.1 Using Relay Output............................................................ 23
4.2 Using Isolated Input ........................................................... 25
5 C/C++ Libraries ................................................................. 27
5.1 Libraries Installation ........................................................... 27
5.2 Programming Guide........................................................... 27
Naming Convention ...................................................... 27
Data Types ................................................................... 28
5.3 Running Testing Utility (7250UTIL.EXE)............................ 28
5.4 725X Initialization............................................................... 30
@ Description ............................................................... 30
@ Syntax ...................................................................... 30
@ Arguments ................................................................ 30
@ Return Code ............................................................. 31
5.5 _7250_DI, _7252_DI.......................................................... 32
@ Description ............................................................... 32
@ Syntax ...................................................................... 32
@ Arguments ................................................................ 32
@ Return Code ............................................................. 33
5.6 _7250_DO, _7252_DO ...................................................... 34
@ Description ............................................................... 34
@ Syntax ...................................................................... 34
@ Arguments ................................................................ 34
@ Return Code ............................................................. 35
5.7 _7250_DO_Read_Back, _7252_DO_ReadRelay.............. 35
@ Description ............................................................... 35
@ Syntax ...................................................................... 35
@ Arguments ................................................................ 35
@ Return Code ............................................................. 36
5.8 _7251_Check_Exist ........................................................... 37
@ Description ............................................................... 37
ii Table of Contents
@ Syntax ...................................................................... 37
@ Argument ................................................................. 37
@ Return Code ............................................................. 37
Appendix................................................................................ 39
Relay Contact Protection Circuits ...................................... 39
RC Circuit ..................................................................... 39
Diode Circuit ................................................................. 40
Diode & Zener diode Circuit .......................................... 41
Varistor Circuit .............................................................. 41
Warranty Policy..................................................................... 43
Table of Contents iii

List of Tables

Table 1-1: Digital Input Specifications ........................................ 3
Table 1-2: Relay Output Specifications ...................................... 3
Table 1-3: General Specifications .............................................. 4
Table 1-4: Power Consumption Specifications .......................... 4
Table 2-1: Jumpers and DI Channels ...................................... 12
Table 2-2: Input Signal Selection Jumper Settings .................. 12
Table 2-3: CN1 - PCI-7250/51 Pin Assignment ....................... 15
Table 2-4: CN1 - cPCI-7252 Pin Assignment .......................... 16
Table 3-1: PCI-7250 Address Map with PCI-7251 Installed .... 20
Table 3-2: cPCI-7252 Address Map ......................................... 20
Table 3-3: Data Format of Relay Output and Readback Status Reg-
isters ....................................................................... 21
Table 3-4: Relay Output ........................................................... 21
Table 5-1: Data Types ............................................................. 28
iv List of Tables

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: PCI-7250 Layout...................................................... 10
Figure 2-2: cPCI-7252 Layout .................................................... 11
Figure 2-3: CN1 - D Type Connector ......................................... 14
Figure 2-4: Connection between PCI-7250 and PCI-7251 ........ 17
Figure 4-1: Form C Relay .......................................................... 23
Figure 4-2: Form A Relay........................................................... 24
Figure 4-3: PCI-7250 Differential Input Circuit ........................... 25
Figure 4-4: cPCI-7252 Isolated Input Circuit .............................. 25
List of Figures v

1 Introduction

The PCI-7250/7251 and cPCI-7252 Relay Actuator and Isolated D/I cards are basic Digital I/O cards for PCI bus compliant comput­ers used in industrial applications.
This PCI-7250 and PCI-7251 provides 8 relay actuators and 8 opto-isolated digital inputs. Of the eight relays, four are Form C (R0~R3) and four are Form A (R4~R7). The cPCI-7252 provides 8 relay actuators and 16 opto-isolated digital inputs; all relays are Form C. They are very suited for constant ON/OFF control devices. For convenience the above models will be referred to as PCI-725X in this manual.
All channels are isolated and suitable for collecting digital input signals in a noisy environment. For identical non-polarized opto­isolated digital input channels, switching can be carried out using AC-filtered or non-AC-filtered channels.
A LED reflects the status of each relay output. When a relay is energized, its corresponding LED will turn ON, otherwise it is OFF.
The relay outputs and digital inputs are controlled by two bytes of I/O addresses. When a bit is read or written, its output status will be controlled, or its input status will be monitored. The I/O signals are routed through to a 37-pin D-type connector that protrudes through the computer case at the rear.
Introduction 1

1.1 Features

The PCI-725X Relay Actuator and D/I card provides the following advanced features:
X 32-bit PCI-Bus, Plug and Play (PCI-7250)
X 32-bit CompactPCI® Bus, Plug and Play (cPCI-7252)
X 8 relay actuator outputs
X 8 opto-isolated digital inputs (PCI-7250)
X 16 opto-isolated digital inputs (cPCI-7252)
X LED indicators to show energized relays
X Jumper selectable AC-filter/non-AC-filter input signals
X On-board relay driving circuits
X On-board digital input signal conditioning circuits
Note: The PCI-7251 attaches to a PCI-7250 card. Each PCI-7251
card provides an additional 8 relay output and 8 photo isolat­ed input signals. Up to three PCI-7251 cards can be attached to one PCI-7250 card to provide 32 relay output signals and 32 photo isolated inputs signals.

1.2 Applications

X Industrial ON/OFF control
X External high power relay driving signal switching
X Laboratory automation
X Industrial automation
X Switch contact status sensing, limit switch monitoring,
X Useful with A/D and D/A cards to implement a data acquisi-
tion & control system

1.3 Specifications

Digital input

Input channels
Photo-coupler PC-814
Input current
Input Voltage
Threshold Voltage 2.4VDC
Input impedance
Input mode Isolation AC-filter/ Non-AC-filter
Isolated voltage 5,000 Vrms channel-to-system
Table 1-1: Digital Input Specifications
8 for PCI-7250 and PCI-7251
16 for cPCI-7252
10mA rated
60mA max for isolated input
Up-to 24VDC or 24V AC 50-1,000Hz
Logic Low: 0-2.4V
Logic High 3-24V

Relay Output

Output channels 8
Relay type
Contact rating
Breakdown voltage 1000V AC/DC min..
Release time 8msec typical
Operate time 8msec typical
Contact resistance Bifurcated
Insulation resistance
Life expectancy > 10 million operations at full load
LED indicators Monitor ON/OFF status of each relay
Coil Voltage +5V, 33mA for each relay, total 0.264A
Power supply of Relay +5V from the PCI-Bus
Table 1-2: Relay Output Specifications
4 SPDT (Form C) 4 SPST (Form A)
120VAC/DC, 0.5A
24VDC, 1A
100M min.
Introduction 3

General Specifications

X 162mm x 107mm for PCI-7250
Bus 32-bit PCI bus
Operating temperature 0 - 60ºC (Operating)
Storage temperature -20ºC - 80ºC (Operating)
Humidity 5 to 90% non-condensing
Table 1-3: General Specifications
X 141mm x 102mm for PCI-7251
X 160mm x 100mm for cPCI-7252

Power Consumption

Power Consumption Note: No relay is energized
PCI-7250 +5V @ 140mA
PCI-7251 +5V @ 125mA
cPCI-7252 +5V @ 120mA
Table 1-4: Power Consumption Specifications

1.4 Software Support

ADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages to address different approaches to building a system. We not only provide programming libraries such as DLLs for many Windows systems, but also provide drivers for many software packages such as LabVIEW®, HP VEETM, DASYLabTM, InTouchTM, InControlTM, ISaGRAFTM, etc.
All software options are included in the ADLINK CD. Non-free soft­ware drivers are protected with licensing codes. Without the soft­ware code, you can install and run the demo version for two hours for trial/demonstration purposes. Please contact ADLINK dealers to purchase a formal license.

Programming Library

For customers who are writing their own programs, we provide function libraries for many different operating systems, including:
X DOS Library: For Borland C/C++, and Microsoft C++, the
functions descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
X Windows 95 DLL: For VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, the functions
descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
X PCIS-DASK: Included device drivers and DLL for Windows
98, Windows NT and Windows 2000. A DLL is a binary compatible across Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows
2000. That means all applications developed with PCIS­DASK are compatible across Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. The developing environment can be VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, or any Windows programming lan­guage that allows calls to a DLL. The user’s guide and func­tion reference manual of PCIS-DASK are in the CD. Please refer the PDF manual files under \\Manual_PDF\Soft­ware\PCIS-DASK
The above software drivers are shipped with the board. Please refer to the “Software Installation Guide” for installation proce­dures.
Introduction 5


PCIS-LVIEW contains VIs that are used to interface with the Lab­VIEW® software package. PCIS-LVIEW supports Windows 95/98/ NT/2000. The LabVIEW® drivers are shipped free with the board. You can install and use them without a license. For more informa­tion about PCIS-LVIEW, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD (\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-LVIEW).


PCIS-VEE includes user objects, which are used to interface with the HP VEE software package. PCIS-VEE supports Windows 95/ 98/NT. The HP-VEE drivers are shipped free with the board. For more information about PCIS-VEE, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD (\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-VEE).

DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls

Customers familiar with ActiveX controls and VB/VC++ program­ming can use the DAQBenchTM ActiveX Control component library for developing applications. DAQBenchTM is designed for Windows NT/98. For more information about DAQBench, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD (\\Manual_PDF\Soft­ware\DAQBench\DAQBench Manual.PDF).

PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM

DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange. PCIS-DDE includes the PCI cards’ DDE server. The PCIS-DDE server is included in the ADLINK CD and requires a license. The DDE server can be used in conjunction with any DDE client under Windows NT.


ISaGRAF WorkBench is an IEC1131-3 SoftPLC control program development environment. PCIS-ISG includes ADLINK product drivers for ISaGRAF under the Windows NT environment. PCIS­ISG is included in the ADLINK CD and license is required to use the drivers.

PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver

PCIS-ICL is the InControl driver which supports Windows NT. PCIS-ICL is included in the ADLINK CD and license is required to use the drivers.


PCIS-OPC is an OPC Server that can link with OPC clients. There are several software packages on the market which can provide OPC clients. PCIS-OPC supports Windows NT and requires a license to operate.
Introduction 7
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