ADLINK cPCI-7249R User Manual

24/48/96-CH Digital I/O Card
Users’ Guide
Recycled Paper
©Copyright 1997~2002 ADLINK Technology Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Manual Rev. 2.60: April 25, 2003
Part No. 50-11104-201
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Table of Contents
Features .................................................................................2
1.1.1 Digital I/O Ports ................................................................................2
1.1.2 Timer/Counter and Interrupt System.................................................2
1.1.3 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................2
Applications ............................................................................2
Specifications .........................................................................3
Software Supporting...............................................................4
1.4.1 Programming Library ........................................................................4
1.4.2 PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver .......................................................5
1.4.3 PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE Driver ...............................................................5
1.4.4 DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls........................................................5
1.4.5 DASYLabTM PRO..............................................................................5
1.4.6 PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM..........................................5
1.4.7 PCIS-ISG: ISaGRAFTM driver ...........................................................6
1.4.8 PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver ............................................................6
1.4.9 PCIS-OPC: OPC Server ...................................................................6
What You Have ......................................................................7
PCB Layout ............................................................................9
2.3.1 PCI-7248/7224 PCB Layout .............................................................9
2.3.2 PCI-7296 PCB Layout ......................................................................9
2.3.3 cPCI-7248 PCB Layout...................................................................10
2.3.4 cPCI-7249R PCB Layout ................................................................10
Hardware Installation............................................................11
Device Installation for Windows Systems ............................12
Connector Pin Assignment................................................... 13
2.6.1 Pin Assignment of PCI-7224/7248/7296.........................................13
2.6.2 Pin Assignment of cPCI-7248.........................................................14
2.6.3 Pin Assignment of cPCI-7249R ......................................................15
2.6.4 R7249 OPTO-22 Connectors .........................................................16
Jumpers Description.............................................................17
2.7.1 Power on Status of Ports ................................................................17
2.7.2 12V Power Supply Configuration ....................................................18
Termination Boards Connection........................................... 18
Table of Contents • i
Registers Format ..................................................................... 20
PCI PnP Registers ...............................................................20
I/O Address Map ..................................................................21
Operation Theorem.................................................................. 22
Digital I/O Ports ....................................................................22
4.1.1 Introduction.....................................................................................22
4.1.2 8255 Mode 0...................................................................................22
4.1.3 Special Function of the DIO Signals ...............................................22
4.1.4 Digital I/O Port Programming..........................................................23
4.1.5 Control Word ..................................................................................23
4.1.6 Power on Configuration ..................................................................24
4.1.7 Note for Output Data.......................................................................24
4.1.8 Note for cPCI-7249R ......................................................................24
Timer/Counter Operation......................................................25
4.2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................25
4.2.2 General Purpose Timer/Counter.....................................................25
4.2.2 Cascaded 32 Bits Timer .................................................................26
4.2.3 Event Counter and Edge Control ....................................................26
Interrupt Multiplexing ............................................................26
4.3.1 Architecture ....................................................................................26
4.3.2 IRQ Level Setting............................................................................27
4.3.3 Note for Dual Interrupts ..................................................................27
4.3.4 Interrupt Source Control .................................................................28
12V and 5V Power Supply ...................................................29
C/C++ Libraries ........................................................................ 30
5.10 Timer Read........................................................................... 41
5.11 Timer Stop ............................................................................ 42
5.12 Cascaded Timer ...................................................................43
5.13 Get IRQ Status .....................................................................44
Libraries Installation ............................................................30
Programming Guide .............................................................31
5.2.1 Naming Convention ........................................................................31
5.2.2 Data Types .....................................................................................31
_7248/96_Initial ....................................................................32
Digital Input...........................................................................33
Digital Output........................................................................ 35
Configuration Port ................................................................36
Configuration Channel..........................................................37
Set Interrupt Control .............................................................39
Timer Start............................................................................40
ii • Table of Contents
5.14 Clear IRQ..............................................................................45
5.15 Software Reset..................................................................... 45
5.16 Interrupt Start under Windows .............................................46
5.17 Interrupt Stop under Windows.............................................. 47
Warranty Policy........................................................................ 48
Table of Contents • iii
How to Use This Guide
This manual is designed to help you use the 7248/96 series products. It describes how to modify and control various functions on the cards to meet your requirements. It is divided into five chapters:
Chapter 1, Introduction
applications, and specifications.
Chapter 2, Installation
products. The layout of are shown, the jumper settings, the connectors specifications, and the notes for installation are described.
Chapter 3, Registers Format
and format of the PCI-7224/7248/7296.
Chapter 4, Operation Theorem
versatile functions, including DIO, timer / counter, and interrupt systems.
Chapter 5, C/C++ Library
under DOS environment that makes you can operate the functions on this card easily.
, gives an overview of the product features.
, describes how to install the 7248/96 series
, describes the low-level register structure
, describes more details about the
specifies the software library of C language
The 7248/7296 series products are general purpose digital I/O cards. This series includes four cards:
z PCI-7224: 24-CH DIO card z PCI-7248: 48-CH DIO card z PCI-7296: 96-CH DIO card z cPCI-7248: 3U CompactPCI 48-CH DIO card z cPCI-7249R: 3U CompactPCI 48-CH DIO card with Rear I/O
The 7248 series products are multi-function digital I/O boards used for industrial PC with PCI bus or CompactPCI bus. The cards are plug-and-play therefore it is not necessary to set any jumper for configuration of I/O address or interrupt resources.
PCI-7248 and PCI-7296 are 48-channel and 96-channel DIO cards respectively. PCI-7224 is a reduced version of PCI-7248, all the functions are exactly the same as PCI-7248 except there are 24 channels only. The cPCI­7248 is the 3U CompactPCI version of the PCI-7248. The software is fully compatible with the PCI-7248. In this manual, the PCI-7224 and cPCI-7248’s specifications are the same as the PCI-7248 if not specified.
The PCI-7248 emulates two industry standard 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) chips operated under mode zero configuration. The PCI-7296 emulates four PPI chips. These two cards are compatible not only on hardware connectors but also on software programming.
The cPCI-7248 is the CompactPCI version of PCI-7248. All the functions are exactly the same as PCI-7248. The cPCI-7249 is cPCI-7248’s extended version, which include one more latch register and with rear I/O capability.
Every PPI connector offers has 3 ports: PA, PB, and PC. The PC can also be subdivided into 2 nibble-wide ( 4-bit) ports - PC Upper and PC Low. Each connector is corresponding to one PPI chip with 24 DIO points. PCI­7224/7248/7296 are equipped with 1,2, and 4 50-pin male ribbon connectors respectively. The cPCI-7248 is equipped with one 100-pin SCSI-type connector.
Introduction • 1
1.1 Features
The 7248/96 series products provide the following advanced features:
1.1.1 Digital I/O Ports
z 24/ 48/96 TTL/DTL compatible digital I/O lines z Emulates industry standard mode 0 of 8255 PPI z Buffered circuits for higher driving z Direct interface with OPTO-22 compatible I/O module z Output status read-back
1.1.2 Timer/Counter and Interrupt System
z A 32 bits timer to generate watchdog timer interrupt z A 16 bits event counter to generate event interrupt z Programmable interrupt source z Dual interrupt system
1.1.3 Miscellaneous
z Provide 12V and 5V power supply on OPTO-22 connectors z On board resettable fuses to protect power supply for external devices
1.2 Applications
z Programmable mixed digital input & output z Industrial monitoring and control z Digital I/O control z Contact closure, switch/keyboard monitoring z Connects with OPTO-22 compatible modules z Useful with A/D and D/A to implement a data acquisition & control
2 • Introduction
1.3 Specifications
I/O channels
24-bit for PCI-7224 48-bit for PCI-7248 96-bit for PCI-7296 48-bit for cPCI-7248 and cPCI-7249R
Digital Input Signal
Logic High Voltage:2.0 V to 5.25V Logic Low Voltage: 0.0 V to 0.80V Logic High Current: 20.0 uA Logic Low Current: -0.2 mA
Digital Output Signal
Logic High Voltage: Minimum 2.4 V Logic Low Voltage: Maximum 0.5V Logic High Current: -15.0 mA Logic Low Current: 24.0 mA
Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity I/O Connectors
0 °C ~ 60°C
-20°C ~ 80°C 5% ~ 95% non-condensing 50-pin male ribbon cable connectors for PCI­7224/7248/7296 or 100-pin SCSI-type connectors for cPCI-7248
PCI bus for PCI-7224/7248/7296 3U 32-bit CompactPCI Bus for cPCI-7248
Power Consumption (without external devices)
330mA @5VDC (Typical) 350mA @5V
500mA @5V 540mA @5V
860mA @5V 940mA @5V
470mA @5V 560mA @5V
700mA @5VDC ( Typical)
Transfer Rate
500 K bytes/sec (Maximum)
PCB Dimension PCI-7224:
PCI-7248: PCI-7296: cPCI-7248: cPCI-7249R:
with Rear I/O option
148mm x 102mm 148mm x 102mm 166mm x 102mm
3U CompactPCI form factor
3U CompactPCI form factor, J2
Introduction • 3
1.4 Software Supporting
ADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages for users’ different approach to built-up a system. We not only provide programming library such as DLL for many Windows systems, but also provide drivers for many
software package such as LabVIEW InControl
, ISaGRAFTM, and so on.
All the software options are included in the ADLINK CD. The non-free software drivers are protected with serial licensed code. Without the software serial number, you can still install them and run the demo version for two hours for demonstration purpose. Please contact with your dealer to purchase the formal license serial code.
1.4.1 Programming Library
For customers who are writing their own programs, we provide function libraries for many different operating systems, including:
z DOS Library: Borland C/C++ and Microsoft C++, the functions
descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
z Windows 95 DLL: For VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, the functions descriptions
are included in this user’s guide.
z PCIS-DASK: Include device drivers and DLL for
NT and Windows 2000
Windows NT and Windows 2000. That means all applications developed with PCIS-DASK are compatible across Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000. The developing environment can be VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, or any Windows programming language that allows calls to a DLL. The user’s guide and function reference manual of PCIS-DASK are in the CD. Please refer the PDF manual files under the following directory: \\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK
z PCIS-DASK/X: Include device drivers and shared library for
developing environment can be Gnu C/C++ or any programming language that allows linking to a shared library. The user's guide and function reference manual of PCIS-DASK/X are in the CD. (\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK-X.)
z The above software drivers are shipped with the board. Please refer to
the “Software Installation Guide” to install these drivers.
. DLL is binary compatible across Windows 98,
Windows 98, Windows
. The
4 • Introduction
1.4.2 PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver
PCIS-LVIEW contains the VIs, which are used to interface with NI’s LabVIEW 95/98/NT/2000. The LabVIEW® drivers are free shipped with the board. You can install and use them without license. For detail information about PCIS-
LVIEW, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
software package. The PCIS-LVIEW supports Windows
1.4.3 PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE Driver
The PCIS-VEE includes the user objects, which are used to interface with HP VEE software package. PCIS-VEE supports Windows 95/98/NT. The HP­VEE drivers are free shipped with the board. You can install and use them without license. For detail information about PCIS-VEE, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
1.4.4 DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls
We suggest the customers who are familiar with ActiveX controls and VB/VC++ programming use the DAQBench library for developing applications. The DAQBench Windows NT/98. For more detailed information about DAQBench, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
(\\Manual_PDF\Software\DAQBench\DAQBench Manual.PDF)
ActiveX Control components
is designed under
DASYLab is an easy-to-use software package, which provides easy-setup instrument functions such as FFT analysis. Please contact us to get DASYLab PRO, which include DASYLab and ADLink hardware drivers.
1.4.6 PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM
DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange specifications. The PCIS-DDE includes the PCI cards’ DDE server. The PCIS-DDE server is included in the ADLINK CD. It needs license. The DDE server can be used conjunction with any DDE client under Windows NT.
Introduction • 5
1.4.7 PCIS-ISG: ISaGRAFTM driver
The ISaGRAF WorkBench is an IEC1131-3 SoftPLC control program development environment. The PCIS-ISG includes ADLink products’ target drivers for ISaGRAF under Windows NT environment. The PCIS-ISG is included in the ADLINK CD. It needs license.
1.4.8 PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver
PCIS-ICL is the InControl driver which support the Windows NT. The PCIS­ICL is included in the ADLINK CD. It needs license.
1.4.9 PCIS-OPC: OPC Server
PCIS-OPC is an OPC Server, which can link with the OPC clients. There are many software packages on the market can provide the OPC clients now. The PCIS-OPC supports the Windows NT. It needs license.
6 • Introduction
This chapter describes how to install the 7248/96 series products. At first, the contents in the package and unpacking information that you should be careful of are described.
z Check what you have (section 2.1) z Unpacking (section 2.2) z Check the PCB (section 2.3) z Hardware installation (section 2.4) z Device Installation for Windows System (section 2.5) z Connector pin assignment (section 2.6) z Jumpers setup (section 2.7) z Termination boards connection (section 2.8)
2.1 What You Have
In addition to this User's Manual, the package includes the following items:
z The PCI or CompactPCI board z ADLINK CD z Software Installation Guide z In cPCI-7249R box, a rear I/O transition board DB-100RU is included
If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and carton in case you want to ship or store the product in the future.
Installation • 7
2.2 Unpacking
Your card contains sensitive electronic components that can be easily damaged by static electricity.
The card should be put on a grounded anti-static mat. The operator should wear an anti-static wristband, grounded at the same point as the anti-static mat.
Inspect the card module carton for obvious damage. Shipping and handling may cause damage to your module. Be sure there is no shipping and handling damage on the module before processing.
After opening the card module carton, extract the system module and place it only on a grounded anti-static surface with components side up.
Again inspect the module for damages. Press down on all the socketed IC's to make sure that they are properly seated. Do this only with the module place on a firm flat surface.
You are now ready to install your 7248/96 series product.
8 • Installation
2.3 PCB Layout
2.3.1 PCI-7248/7224 PCB Layout
Figure 2.3.1 PCI-7248/7224 PCB Layout
2.3.2 PCI-7296 PCB Layout
PCI Controller
Figure 2.3.2 PCI-7296 PCB Layout
Installation • 9
2.3.3 cPCI-7248 PCB Layout
Figure 2.3.3 cPCI-7248 PCB Layout
2.3.4 cPCI-7249R PCB Layout
PCI Controller Chip
10 • Installation
Figure 2.3.4 cPCI-7249R Layout
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