ADLINK cPCI-6208V User Manual

6208/6216 Series
Multi-channel Analog Output Cards
User’s Guide
©Copyright 2002 ADLINK Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Manual Rev. 3.22: September 13, 2002
Part No.: 50-12201-005
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Table of Contents
Tables and Figures ......................................................iii
How to Use This Guide................................................iv
1.1 Features............................................................................. 2
1.2 Applications........................................................................ 2
1.3 Specifications..................................................................... 2
1.4 Supporting Software ..........................................................5
1.4.1 Programming Library........................................................ 5
1.4.2 PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver .......................................6
1.4.3 PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE Driver...............................................6
1.4.4 DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls........................................ 6
1.4.5 DASYLabTM PRO.............................................................. 6
1.4.6 PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM..........................6
1.4.7 PCIS-ISG: ISaGRAFTM driver ...........................................7
1.4.8 PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver............................................7
1.4.9 PCIS-OPC: OPC Server...................................................7
Getting Started..............................................................8
2.1 What You Have.................................................................. 8
2.2 Unpacking.......................................................................... 9
2.3 PCB Layout...................................................................... 10
2.4 Connector Pin Assignment ..............................................15
2.5 Hardware Installation Outline........................................... 16
2.6 Device Installation for Windows Systems........................ 17
2.7 Termination Board Connection........................................ 17
3.1 PCI PnP Registers........................................................... 18
3.2 I/O Address Map.............................................................. 19
3.3 Analog Output Status Register ........................................20
3.4 Digital Output Register..................................................... 20
3.5 Digital Input Register........................................................ 20
Table of Contents i
Operation Theory........................................................21
4.1 Voltage Output................................................................. 21
4.2 Current Output .................................................................22
C\C++ Library...............................................................23
5.1 Libraries Installation......................................................... 23
5.2 Programming Guide......................................................... 24
5.2.1 Naming Convention........................................................ 24
5.2.2 Data Types......................................................................24
5.3 _6208_Initial..................................................................... 25
5.4 _6208_Software_Reset ...................................................26
5.5 _6208_DA........................................................................ 27
5.6 _6208_Get_DA_Status.................................................... 28
5.7 _6208_DI.......................................................................... 29
5.8 _6208_DO........................................................................ 30
5.9 _6208_I2V_Control.......................................................... 31
Utility / Calibration ......................................................32
6.1 Running the 6208util.exe................................................. 32
6.1.1 Functional Testing...........................................................33
6.1.2 Calibration....................................................................... 34
6.2 Calibration of Analog Output Channel ............................. 35
6.2.1 What You Need...............................................................35
6.2.2 VR Assignment of cPCI/PCI-6208 and PCI-6216...........36
6.2.3 Voltage Output Calibration.............................................. 37
6.2.4 Current Output Calibration.............................................. 37
Warranty Policy...........................................................38
ii Table of Contents
Tables and Figures
Table 1. I/O Address Map .......................................................19
Table 2. Digital Value Vs Analog output voltage..................... 21
Table 3. Current Output and Range Control........................... 22
Table 4. Data types and it range............................................. 24
Table 5. VR Assignment.......................................................... 36
Figure 1: PCI-6208 REV: A3 Layout......................................... 10
Figure 2: PCI-6208 REV: B1 Layout......................................... 11
Figure 3: cPCI-6208 Layout...................................................... 12
Figure 4: cPCI-6208V/R Layout................................................ 13
Figure 5: cPCI-R6216DB Rear I/O Adapter for cPCI-6208V/R,
cPCI-6208A/R and cPCI-6216V/R............................ 14
Figure 6: cPCI-6208V(A)/R and cPCI-6216V/R Front Panel
(Left to Right)............................................................. 14
Figure 7: Pin Assignment of CN1 connector ............................ 15
Figure 8: Current Output Circuits.............................................. 22
Figure 9: Main selection Menu .................................................32
Figure 10: Function Testing Menu Window................................ 33
Figure 11: 6208V Testing Window ............................................. 33
Figure 12: 6208 Calibration Window .......................................... 34
Figure 13: Channel Selection Menu........................................... 35
Figure 14: Calibration Procedures Window................................ 35
Tables and Figures iii
How to Use This Guide
This manual is designed to help you use the 6208 series products. It describes how to modify and control various functions of the products to achieve your requirements. It is divided into six chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introduction”, gives an overview of the product
features, applications, and specifications.
Chapter 2, “Getting Started”, describes how to install the 6208
series products. The layout of 6208 series products is shown, as well as the connectors’ specifications.
Chapter 3, “Registers”, describes the details of registers of the
6208 series product, the information is useful for the programmers who want to control the hardware with low-level programming.
Chapter 4, “Operation Theorem”, describes more detail concept
about 6208’s functions, including analog output and range control systems.
Chapter 5, “Software Library”, describes the software libraries
for programming the 6208 series cards. The software libraries for DOS and Windows 95 are provided. It assist users program and control the 6208 series cards with high-level programming languages.
Chapter 6, “Utility/Calibration”, describes how to run the utility
program included in the software CD. And how to calibrate the 6208 series cards for accurate measurements and operations.
iv How to Use This Guide
The 6208 series products are multi-channel analog output cards. They include the following three products:
cPCI/PCI-6208V: 8-CH voltage output card for cPCI/PCI interface
cPCI/PCI-6208A: 8-CH voltage and current output card for
cPCI/PCI interface
PCI-6216V: 16-CH voltage output card for PCI interface
cPCI-6208V, PCI-6208V:
cPCI/PCI-6208V is a high-density analog output card with 8 identical voltage output channels. Each channel is equipped with B.B PCM56U, which is a state-of-the-art fully monotonic, digital to analog converter. This device employs ultra-stable nichrome (NiCr) thin-film resistors to provide monotonicity, low distortion, and low differential linearity error over long period of time.
cPCI-6216V, PCI-6216V:
cPCI/PCI-6216V is a high-density analog voltage output card, it is a combination of the cPCI/PCI-6208V series card and an EXP-8V daughter board. The EXP-8V is an extension board, which includes 8 extra voltage output channels.
cPCI-6208A, PCI-6208A:
cPCI/PCI-6208A is a high-density current source output card, it is a combination of the cPCI/PCI-6208V and an EXP-8A daughter board. The EXP-8A includes 8 precision voltage-to-current converters, which convert voltage outputs from the cPCI/PCI-6028V to current sources.
Introduction 1
1.1 Features
32-bit cPCI/PCI-Bus, Plug and Play
16-bit high resolution voltage outputs
Output Range: ±10V (14 -bit resolution guarantee) for cPCI/PCI-
6208V and PCI-6216V only
Output Range: 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 5-25mA (14-bit resolution guaranteed) for cPCI/PCI-6208A only
Differential Linearity Error: 0.001% of FSR typical
Fast 2 µs voltage settling time (-10V~+10V)
On board DC-to-DC converter to provide stable power and
current source for analog outputs
1.2 Applications
Industrial Process Control
Pressure/Temperature Transmitter
Current Source for Testing Equipment
Function Generator
1.3 Specifications
Voltage Output
Numbers of channel:
P 8 channels for cPCI/PCI-6208V and cPCI/PCI- 6208A P 16 channels for PCI-6216V
Converter: B.B PCM56U or equivalent
Conversion type: Monolithic multiplying
Resolution: 16-bit (14-bit guarantee)
Voltage output ranges: ±10V
Voltage output driving capability: ± 5mA max.
Settling time: 2µ second (-10V to +10V)
Gain error: ± 0.2 % (max, without trimming)
2 Introduction
Differential Linearity Error: ± 0.001 % Full Scale Range
Output initial status: 0V (after RESET or POWER-ON)
Data Transfer: Programmed I/O
Current Output
Numbers of channel: 8 channel for cPCI/PCI-6208A
Current output range: (programmable) 0~20mA, 4~20mA,
Voltage to current converter: B.B XTR110 or equivalent
Settling time: 17 µ second (from 0 to 20mA)
Slew rate: 1.3 mA / µs
Non-linearity: ± 0.01 % of Span
Span error: 0.3% of initial Span
Output resistance: 10x109 Ohms Typical
Output initial status: 0mA (after RESET or POWER-ON)
Digital I/O
Channel: 4 TTL compatible inputs and outputs
Input Voltage:
P Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.8V P High: Min. +2.0V; Max. 5.5V
Input Load:
P Low: +0.8V @ -0.2mA max. P High: +2.7V @ +20mA max.
Output Voltage:
P Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.4V P High: Min. +2.4V; Max. 5.5V
Driving Capacity:
P Low: Max. +0.5V at 8.0mA (Sink) P High: Min. 2.7V at 0.4mA (Source)
Introduction 3
General Specifications
Operating temperature: 0° ~ 50°C
Storage temperature: -20° ~ 80°C
Humidity: 5~95% non-condensing
Connector: 37-pin D-sub connector (female)
Bus interface: 32-bit slave PCI bus
Power consumption:
P +5VDC @ 580mA typical P +12VDC @ 70mA typical
P +5VDC @ 670mA typical P +12VDC @ 90mA typical or +12VDC @ 380mA (when all
current output channel is 20mA)
P +5VDC @ 1.20 typical P +12VDC @ 110mA typical
P +5VDC @ 560mA typical P +12VDC @ 70mA typical
P +5VDC @ 650mA typical P +12VDC @ 90mA typical or +12VDC @ 370mA (when all
current output channel is 25mA)
PCB Dimension:
PCI series: 175 mm x 105 mm
cPCI series: 160 mm x 100 mm
4 Introduction
1.4 Supporting Software
ADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages for users’ different approach to building a system. ADLINK not only provides programming libraries such as DLL for most Windows based systems, but also provide drivers for many software package such as LabVIEW®, HP VEETM, DASYLabTM, InTouchTM, InControlTM, ISaGRAFTM, and so on.
All software options are included in the ADLINK CD. Non-free software drivers are protected with licensing codes. Without the software code, you can install and run the demo version for two hours for trial/demonstration purposes. Please contact ADLINK dealers to purchase the formal license.
1.4.1 Programming Library
For customers who are writing their own programs, we provide function libraries for many different operating systems, including:
DOS Library: Borland C/C++ and Microsoft C++. Functional descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
Windows 95 DLL: For VB, VC++, Delphi, and BC5. Functional descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
PCIS-DASK: Include device drivers and DLL for Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000. DLL is binary compatible across Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000. That means all applications developed with PCIS-DASK are compatible across Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows
2000. The developing environment can be VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, or any Windows programming language that allows calls to a DLL. The user’s guide and function reference manual of PCIS­DASK are in the CD. Please refer the PDF manual files under \\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK
PCIS-DASK/X: Includes device drivers and shared libraries for Linux. The developing environment can be Gnu C/C++ or any programming language that allows linking to a shared library. The user's guide and functional reference manual for the PCIS­DASK/X are in the CD. (\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASK-X.)
The above software drivers are shipped with the board. Please refer to the “Software Installation Guide” for installation procedures.
Introduction 5
1.4.2 PCIS-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver
PCIS-LVIEW contains the VIs, which are used to interface with NI’s PCIS­LVIEW contains the VIs, which is used to interface with NI’s LabVIEW® software package. The PCIS-LVIEW supports Windows 95/98/NT/2000. The LabVIEW® drivers is shipped free with the board. You can install and use them without a license. For more information about PCIS-LVIEW, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD. (\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS­LVIEW).
1.4.3 PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE Driver
The PCIS-VEE includes user objects, which are used to interface with the HP-VEE software package. PCIS-VEE supports Windows 95/98/NT. The HP-VEE drivers are shipped free with the board. You can install and use them without a license. For more information about PCIS-VEE, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD. (\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-VEE).
1.4.4 DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls
We suggest users who are familiar with ActiveX controls and VB/VC++ programming use the DAQBenchTM ActiveX Control components library for developing applications. The DAQBenchTM is designed under Windows NT/98. For more information about DAQBench, please refer to the user’s guide in the CD. (\\Manual_PDF\Software\DAQBench\DAQBench Manual.PDF)
DASYLab is an easy-to-use software package, which provides easy setup instrument functions such as FFT analysis. Please contact ADLINK to purchase a copy of DASYLab PRO, which include DASYLab and ADLINK hardware drivers.
1.4.6 PCIS-DDE: DDE Server and InTouchTM
DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange. The PCIS-DDE includes the PCI cards’ DDE server. The PCIS-DDE server is free and is included in the ADLINK CD. The DDE server can be used in conjunction with any DDE client under Windows 98/NT/2000.
6 Introduction
1.4.7 PCIS-ISG: ISaGRAFTM driver
The ISaGRAF Workbench is an IEC1131-3 SoftPLC control development environment. The PCIS-ISG includes ADLINK product drivers for ISaGRAF under Windows NT environment. The PCIS-ISG is included in the ADLINK CD. It is not free. Please contact ADLINK dealers or ADLINK to purchase the license.
1.4.8 PCIS-ICL: InControlTM Driver
PCIS-ICL is the InControl drivers that support Windows NT. The PCIS­ICL is included in the ADLINK CD. It needs license.
1.4.9 PCIS-OPC: OPC Server
PCIS-OPC is an OPC server, which can be used to link with other OPC clients. There are many software packages on the market that can provide the OPC clients. The PCIS-OPC supports Windows 98, NT, and 2000. It is not free. Please contact ADLINK dealers or ADLINK to purchase the license.
Introduction 7
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