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Appendix A, Further Resources A
Appendix B, Contact Information B
Appendix C, Getting Help C
Appendix D, Revision History D
TME-CEM-ECO2-Rev0V4.doc Rev 0.4 ii
1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
The CoreExpress CPU board CoreExpress-ECO2 is a powerful yet v er satile processor kernel for
custom specific ba s e boards. It provides the functions of a modern standar d PC, with the interfac es
brought out on the board’s plug-in c onnectors. This allow s easy scaling of the processing power to
the application’s p er formance requirem ents.
The board confor m s to the CoreExpress specification 2.1 (by SFF-SIG) for COM (Computer On
Module), which was created to support modern chipsets w ith PCI Express in te r fa c e s .
The CoreExpress-ECO2 features an Intel® Atom™ E6xx Series Processor and an integrated graphics
and display contr oller.
Troubleshootin g is e a sy with supervis ion LEDs for status code signalization on the module.
The CoreExpress-ECO2 can optionally be used in th e extended temperature range of -40°C ...
+85°C. Using the especially designed heat spreader and a suitable c ooling concept, the module can
even be passively cooled without the n eed for a cooling fa n.
• Intel® Atom™ Pr oc es s or E6xx Series with 0.6 / 1.0 / 1.3 / 1.6 GHz
Main Memory
• 512MB, 1GB, 2GB DDR2 RAM, 667 / 800 MHz
• Intel® Platform Controller Hu b (PCH) EG20T
Graphics & Display
• 6 x USB 2.0 host
• 1 x USB 2.0 client
• 1x RGMII (to be connected to E th er net PHY, e.g. Realtek RTL8211CL or Micrel KSZ9021RN)
• 2 x Serial ATA Gen2
• Intel High Def inition Audio via exter nal codec
• PCI Express bus specification Rev. 1.0a , three x1 lanes (option additional PCI e x1 lane