ADLINK CM1-86DX2 User Manual

PC/104 Single Board Computer
Technical Manual
P/N 50-1Z149-1020
Rev 3.00
Advance Technologies. Automate the World.
Technical Manual CM1-86DX2
Copyright ©2014, 2015 ADLINK Technology, All rights reserved
MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows XP are trade­marks of Microsoft Corporation. PS/2 is a trademark of International Business Machines, Inc. Intel and Solid State Drive are trademarks of Intel Corporation. PC/104 is a registered trade­mark of the PC/104 Consortium. All other trademarks appearing in this document are the properties of their respective owners.
Information in this document is provided in connection with ADLINK products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in ADLINK´s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such prod­ucts, ADLINK assumes no liability whatsoever, and ADLINK disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of ADLINK products including liability or warranties relat­ing to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copy­right or other intellectual property right. If you intend to use ADLINK products in or as medical devices, you are solely responsible for all required regulatory compliance, including, without limitation, Title 21 of the CFR (US), Directive 2007/47/EC (EU), and ISO 13485 & 14971, if any. ADLINK may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
This manual provides reference only for computer design engineers, including but not limited to hardware and software designers and applications engineers. ADLINK Technology, Inc. assumes you are qualified to design and implement prototype computer equipment.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Features................................................................................................................................. 2
SoC ...................................................................................................................................2
Main Memory ....................................................................................................................2
Extension slots ..................................................................................................................2
Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Block Diagram........................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Ordering Information .............................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Specifications......................................................................................................................... 5
Electrical Specifications ....................................................................................................5
Environmental Specifications ............................................................................................5
Mechanical Specifications ................................................................................................6
2 Getting Started................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Header and Jumper Locations............................................................................................... 9
Top ..................................................................................................................................10
Bottom ............................................................................................................................11
2.2 LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Hardware Setup ................................................................................................................... 13
3 Module Description ....................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Processor and Chipset (SoC: System on a Chip)................................................................ 15
3.2 Processor functional blocks ................................................................................................ 16
3.3 Graphics Controller .............................................................................................................. 16
VGA Features ................................................................................................................. 16
2D Features ....................................................................................................................17
DMA Features .................................................................................................................17
Video Display Features ...................................................................................................17
Power Management Features ........................................................................................ 18
Video Post-Processor Features ...................................................................................... 18
Capture Features ............................................................................................................18
Command Queue Features ............................................................................................18
VGA Header (X8) ............................................................................................................19
LVDS Configuration ........................................................................................................ 19
LVDS Color Mapping ...................................................................................................... 20
LVDS Header (X12) .......................................................... .............................................21
Backlight Header (X13) ................................................................................................... 22
Display Voltage Jumpers (X22) ......................................................................................23
3.4 Ethernet Controllers ............................................................................................................ 23
Features of the 10/100 Mbit Controller ........................................................................... 23
Features of the 10/100/1000 Mbit controller ................................................................... 24
100 Mbit Ethernet Connector (X7) ................................................................................. 24
Gbit Ethernet Connector (X6) ......................................................................................... 25
3.5 On-Board Power Supply ..................................................................................................... 25
Power Connector (X25) .................................................................................................. 26
Real Time Clock Backup (BAT1) ................................................................................... 26
3.6 IDE / SD / SATA Controller ................................................................................................. 27
IDE-Controller Features ................................................................................................. 27
SATA Connector (X11) .................................................................................................. 28
MicroSD Connector (X18) .............................................................................................. 28
Utility Header (X1) .......................................................................................................... 29
External Battery .............................................................................................................. 29
Power Button .................................................................................................................. 30
Reset Switch .................................................................................................................. 30
Speaker .......................................................................................................................... 30
3.7 USB 2.0 Ports .................................................................................................................... 31
USB 2.0 Ports 0-1 Header (X14) ................................................................................... 31
USB 2.0 Port 2 Header (X7) .......................................................................................... 32
3.8 HD-Audio............................................................................................................................. 32
Audio Header (X23) ....................................................................................................... 33
3.9 Serial Ports.......................................................................................................................... 34
Utility COM Ports ............................................................................................................ 34
COM Headers: Ports 1, 2, 3, 4 (X2, X3, X4, X5) ............................................................ 34
RS485/422 Termination ................................................................................................. 35
3.10 LPT Interface (X19)............................................................................................................. 36
LPT Header (X19) .......................................................................................................... 36
3.11 MiniPCI-Express Interface (X10)......................................................................................... 37
MiniPCIe-Card-Mode Jumper Header (X20) .................................................................. 38
3.12 PC/104 Bus Interface .......................................................................................................... 38
PC/104 Bus Connector (X14) ......................................................................................... 39
3.13 BMC Service Connector (X24) ................................................ ........................................... 40
3.14 JTAG (X16) ......................................................................................................................... 40
3.15 User GPIO (X17) and Analog-In (X21)................................................................................ 40
Features of the integrated ADC ..................................................................................... 40
3.16 I2C Bus (X21)...................................................................................................................... 42
4 Using the Module .......................................................................................................... 43
4.1 BIOS.................................................................................................................................... 43
Configuring the BIOS ..................................................................................................... 43
4.2 SEMA functions................................................................................................................... 54
Board Specific SEMA functions ..................................................................................... 55
4.3 Watchdog Timer .................................................................................................................. 56
4.4 Temperature Sensors ......................................................................................................... 56
4.5 Programming Examples.......................................................... ............................................ 57
GPIOs on GPIO Port 1 (X17) ..........................................................................................57
RS-232 / RS-485 switching ............................................... .............................................57
Watchdog0 Example .......................................................................................................58
Watchdog1 Example .......................................................................................................59
Analog Input Example .....................................................................................................60
4.6 Memory Address Map.......................................................................................................... 64
4.7 I/O Address Map .................................................................................................................. 64
PCI Configuration Registers ...........................................................................................64
DMA Control Registers ................................................................................................... 64
Instruction Counter Registers .........................................................................................65
Timer/Counter Registers .................................................................................................65
Interrupt Control Registers ..............................................................................................65
Keyboard/Mouse Control Registers ................................................................................65
NMI Status and Control Register ....................................................................................65
Watchdog0 Control Registers ......................................................................................... 66
Watchdog1 Control Registers ......................................................................................... 66
Indirect Access Registers ............................................................................................... 66
CMOS Memory & RTC Registers ...................................................................................66
System Control Register .................................................................................................67
DOS 4Gpage Access Registers .....................................................................................67
Spare Registers .............................................................................................................. 67
4.8 Interrupts.............................................................................................................................. 68
4.9 DMA Channels..................................................................................................................... 68
4.10 Contact Information.............................................................................................................. 69
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The CM1-86DX2 is a PC/104 Single Board Computer (SBC) based on DMP’s Vortex86-DX2 single chip solution, featuring exceptionally high integration and a very good perfor­mance-to-power ratio. The board supports all peripherals needed for an embedded PC on a small 3.775" by 4.050" printed circuit board.
The Vortex86-DX2 chip integrates a powerful yet efficient CPU with graphics controller, audio controller, and Gigabit Ethernet controller to form a complete PC, with all the standard periph­eral connections onboard.
The board provides two Ethernet ports (1x Gigabit and 1x 100Megabit), four RS232/RS422/RS485 serial ports, one USB 2.0 host controller, one USB 1.1 host controller to handle the communication with external devices, and PS/2 connectors for keyboard and mouse. A first generation SATA interface allows the connection of hard disk or CD drives. Appli­cations that require non-moving storage can use the MicroSD-Card slot or the bootable flash.
System expansion is possible easily over the PC/104, Mini-PCI-Express and I²C bus connec­tors.
The CM1-86DX2 is powered by a 5V-only supply and runs DOS, Windows XP/7 and Linux operating systems. The Vortex86-DX2 SoC has a simulated ACPI to support Windows 7 (though S3 or S4 modes are not supported.)
Introduction 1
1.2 Features
DMP Vortex86-DX2 @ max.
1 GHz
X86 Processor Core
Floating point unit support
Embedded I/D L1 Cache
(16K each)
Embedded L2 Cache (256K
DDR2 Interface
GPU Control Unit (VGA, 2D
Graphic, UMA Architecture)
Embedded 2MB Flash (BIOS
1x Ethernet 1GBit
1x Ethernet 100MBit
1x SATA (First Generation)
1x MicroSD(HC)
PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse
4 x USB 2.0 ports (Nr. 4 only with
MiniPCIe extension card)
4 x RS232/RS485
1x LPT
5.1 channel audio (analog &
1x VGA
Main Memory
1GB DDR2 Memory Down
Extension slots
1x MiniPCIe slot with mSATA
and USB capability (3.3 V I/O)
1x 16-bit PC/104 with full DMA
1x 18/24 Bit LVDS for displays
(alternatively to VGA)
MISC signals: external power
button, I²C bus (3.3 V), speaker (5 V), external reset button, external battery connector
8 x Analog input with 10 bit res-
olution and 100 kS/s sampling rate
1x 8bit GPIO-Port, usable as
1x JTAG on SIL8, 2.00 mm
1x Power supply
Other configurations are possible. Please contact your local ADLINK Technology representative to discuss requirements.
2 Introduction
1.3 Block Diagram
Audio Codec
LM 73
Power Supply
mPCIe or mSATA
HD Audio
Option: SATA or mSATA
Inverter (Backlight)
2x COM
Option: 4 x COM
512MB DDR2-400
Memory Down
8x A/D Input
3x USB 2.0
MicroSD Socket
1x USB 2.0
1GB DDR2-400
Figure 1-1: Module functional block diagram
1.4 Ordering Information
Order number Description
CM1-86DX2 PC/104 CPU board with DMP Vortex86-DX2, including heat sink, and 1GByte of memory.
Operating temp. range: -0°C … +60°C
CPU clock: 1 GHz
Memory clock: 333 MHz
Table 1-1: CM1-86DX2 Models
Introduction 3
Table 1-1: CM1-86DX2 Models (Continued)
CM1-86DX2 PC/104 CPU board with DMP Vortex86-DX2, including heat sink, and 1GByte of memory.
Operating temp. range: -20°C … +70°C
CPU clock: 1 GHz
Memory clock: 333 MHz CM1-86DX2 PC/104 CPU board with DMP Vortex86-DX2, including
heat sink, and 1GByte of memory.
Operating temp. range: -40°C … +85°C
CPU clock: 800 MHz
Memory clock: 300 MHz CM1-DX2 PC/104 CPU board with DMP Vortex86-DX2 incl. heat
sink, 512 MByte Memory
Operating temp. range: -0 °C … +60°C CPU clock: 1 GHz Memory clock: 333 MHz
CM1-DX2 PC/104 CPU board with DMP Vortex86-DX2 incl. heat sink, 512 MByte Memory
Operating temp. range: -20 °C … +70°C CPU clock: 1 GHz Memory clock: 333 MHz
CM1-DX2 PC/104 CPU board with DMP Vortex86-DX2 incl. heat sink, 512 MByte Memory
Operating temp. range: -40 °C … +85°C CPU clock: 800 MHz Memory clock: 333 MHz
Table 1-2: Cable Sets and Accessories
Order number Description
Adapter Cable Set:
Power, GBit-Ethernet, Ethernet + USB, VGA-CRT, 2x USB, COM1…4, 1x SATA, HD-Audio, PS/2
4 Introduction
1.5 Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Supply voltage:
Rise time:
Table 1-3: Electrical Specifications
+5 V DC
+5 V standby (only needed for suspend mode)
+12 V (only needed for LVDS display and expansion slots)
< 10 ms
Supply voltage tolerance:
Inrush current:
Supply current:
Environmental Specifications
Temperature range
Temperature change
Humidity (relative)
Table 1-5: Non-Operating/Storage/Transport
Temperature range
Temperature change
± 5%
1.6 A
max. 1.7 A (Windows XP, PIcalc [lots of decimals of PI]) ; typical 1.5A
Table 1-4: Operating
0°C … 60°C (standard version)
-20°C … 60°C (industrial version)
-40°C … 85°C (extended version) max. 10 Kelvin per 30 minutes
10 % … 90 % (non-condensing)
450 hPa … 1100 hPa
-40°C … 85°C
max. 10 Kelvin per 30 minutes
Humidity (relative)
Cold Temperature Step Stress
5 % … 95 % (non-condensing)
450 hPa … 1100 hPa
Table 1-6: HALT Parameters
The board remained operational during test down to
-100°C, starting at +20°C and decreasing in 10°C increments with 15 minute dwells
Hot Temperature Step Stress
The board remained operational during test up to +90°C, starting at +30°C and increasing in 10°C incre­ments with 15 minute dwells
Rapid Thermal Transitions
The board was subject to five rapid temperature cycles from -90°C to +85°C @ set transition rate of 60°C per minute
Introduction 5
Vibration Step Stress
Combined Environment
MTBF at 25°C
Table 1-6: HALT Parameters (Continued)
The board was subject to vibration step stress with set points from 5 grams to 45 grams @ 20°C and vibration increasing by 5 grams with 15 minute dwells at each level of 2Hz to 5000Hz bandwidth
The board was subject to thermal cycles from -90°C to +85°C at an average rate of 60°C per minute combined with vibration at set points of 8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 grams from the first to the fifth thermal cycle and 10-minute dwells at each extreme temperature
Table 1-7: Mean Time Between Failures
MTBF at 40°C
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions (L x W)
ADLINK strongly recommends plastic spacers instead of metal spacers for mounting the board. Metal spacers create the possibilities of short circuits with the components located around the mounting holes. This can damage the board.
Table 1-8: Mechanical
90.6mm x 95.2mm
Max. 31mm on top side above PCB (including heat­sink)
98 grams (without MiniPCIe extension card)
4 mounting holes
6 Introduction
Figure 1-2: Mechanical dimensions (top side)
Introduction 7
Figure 1-3: Mechanical dimensions (bottom side)
8 Introduction
2 Getting Started
2.1 Header and Jumper Locations
Table 2-1 on page 9 provides descriptions of the headers and connectors on the module. The header and connector locations are shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2. See Chapter 3 for the signal definitions of the headers and connectors presented in this table.
Table 2-1: Connector Name and Description
Connector Top/Bottom Description
X1 Top 10-pin, 2.54mm utility header
(AMTEK, PH1M25-205GBCOR600-U)
X2, X3, X4, X5 Top 10-pin, 2.54mm COM headers
(AMTEK, PH1M25-205GBCOR600-U)
X6 Top 10-pin, 2.54mm Gigabit Ethernet header
(AMTEK, PH1M25-205GBCOR600-U)
X7 Top 10-pin, 2.54mm Fast Ethernet header
(AMTEK, PH1M25-205GBCOR600-U)
X8 Top 10-pin, 2.54mm VGA header
(AMTEK, PH1M25-205GBCOR600-U)
X9 Top 104-pin, standard PC/104 connector; for signal definitions
see (EPT, 962-60322-12)
X10 Bottom 52-pin standard, PCIe MiniCard connector
(Attend Technology, 119A-92A00-R02)
X11 Bottom 7-pin standard, right-angle SATA connector
(MOLEX, 47080-4001)
X12 Bottom 30-pin, 1.25mm right-angle, single-row LVDS header
(HIROSE, DF14-30P-1.25H)
X13 Bottom 8-pin, 1.25mm right-angle, single-row backlight header
(HIROSE, DF13-8P-1.25H)
X14 Bottom 8-pin, 1.25mm right-angle, single-row USB header [ports 0-1]
(HIROSE, DF13-8P-1.25H)
X15 Bottom 10-pin, 1.25mm right-angle, single-row miscellaneous header
(HIROSE, DF13-10P-1.25H)
X17 Bottom 10-pin, 1.25mm right-angle, single-row GPIO header
(HIROSE, DF13-10P-1.25H)
X18 Bottom 8-pin standard, right-angle SD Card connector
X19 Top 26-pin, 2.54mm LPT parallel port header
(AMTEK, PH1M25-205GBCOR600-U)
X20 Bottom 6-pin, 2mm mode select jumper header
(W+P Products, 7351-06-20-20-60-00)
X21 Bottom 12-pin, 1.25mm right-angle, single-row GPIO and Analog-In
header (HIROSE, DF13-12P-1.25H)
X22 Bottom 6-pin, 2mm mode select jumper header
(W+P Products, 7351-06-20-20-60-00)
X23 Top 16-pin, Audio header
X24 Bottom 10-pin, 1.25mm right-angle, single-row test header (not
intended for users)
X25 Top 15-pin, 2.5mm single-row, PC/104 ATX power connector
Getting Started 9
Key: X1 - Utility X2, X3, X4, X5 - COM X6 - Gigabit Ethernet X7 - Fast Ethernet X8 - VGA
C0 D0
X9 - PC/104 X16 - JTAG X19 - Parallel X23 - Audio X25 - ATX Power
Figure 2-1: Header locations (top side)
The yellow arrows next to the connectors in this illustration denote pin 1.
10 Getting Started
Figure 2-2: Header locations (bottom side)
The yellow arrows next to the connectors in this illustration denote pin 1.
Getting Started 11
2.2 LED Indicators
The onboard LED indicators provide board status including error codes and Watchdog and Ethernet statuses.
The MiniPCIe LEDs are located on bottom of the board, near the MiniPCIe connector. All other LEDs are located near the PC/104 connector on the top.
Table 2-2: LED Name and Description
LED Description
STATUS (LED5, TOP) Green LED shows error codes in terms of failure.
WD (LED10, TOP) Red LED lights up when Watchdog was triggered. Can only be
reset by a power off sequence.
ETH0_LINK_ACT (LED3, TOP) Yellow LED shows link and traffic on Ethernet0 (100 MBit/s)
ETH1_LED_100 (LED9, TOP) Green LED shows 100MBit link on Ethernet1 (1 GBit/s)
ETH1_LED_1000 (LED1, TOP) Yellow LED shows 1GBit link on Ethernet1 (1 GBit/s)
ETH1_LED_ACT (LED2, TOP) Yellow LED shows traffic on Ethernet1 (1 GBit/s)
LED_WWAN (LED6, BOT) Green LED shows WAN status of MiniPCIe card
LED_WLAN (LED7, BOT) Green LED shows LAN status of MiniPCIe card
LED_WPAN (LED8, BOT) Green LED shows PAN status of MiniPCIe card
12 Getting Started
2.3 Hardware Setup
Be sure to observe the EMC security measures. Make sure you are always at the same potential as the module.
Never connect or disconnect peripherals like HDDs, PCI, and ISA boards while the board's power supply is connected and switched on.
Use the cable set provided by ADLINK Technology to connect the CM1-86DX2 to a VGA moni­tor. Connect either PS/2 or USB keyboard or mouse, respectively. Use the SATA cable to con­nect the hard disk. Make sure that the pins match their counterparts correctly and are not twisted. If you plan to use additional peripherals, connect them to the appropriate headers.
Connect a 5 volt, 5 amps power supply to the power connector and switch on the power.
The 5 amps value is the minimum you should have for the standard peripherals mentioned. For additional peripherals, make sure enough power is available. The system will not work if there is not enough supply current for all your devices.
The display shows the BIOS messages. If you want to change the standard BIOS settings, press the <DEL> key to enter the BIOS menu. See “Using the Module” on page 43 for setup details.
If you need to load the BIOS default values, they can be automatically loaded at boot time.
The CM1-86DX2 boots from CD drives, USB floppy, USB stick, hard disk or µSD-Card. Provided that any of these is connected and contains a valid operating system image, the display then shows the boot screen of your operating system.
The CM1-86DX2 needs adequate cooling measures depending on the desired operating tem­perature range. Using the board without cooling could damage the board permanently.
Getting Started 13
14 Getting Started
3 Module Description
3.1 Processor and Chipset (SoC: System on a Chip)
The Vortex86DX2 is a high performance and fully static 32-bit x86 processor with the compatibil­ity of running Windows, Linux, and most popular 32-bit Real-Time Operating Systems. It also integrates 32KB write through 4-way L1 cache, 256KB write-through/write-back 4-way L2 cache, PCIE bus in at 2.5Gb/s, DDR2, ROM controller, ISA, I2C, SPI, IPC (Internal Peripheral Controllers with DMA and interrupt timer/counter included), Fast Ethernet, FIFO UART, USB2.0 Host, IDE/SATA controller and two Watchdog Timers within a single 720-pin BGA package to form a system-on-a-chip (SoC). The SoC provides an ideal solution for embedded system and communications products such as thin clients, NAT routers, home gateways, access points, and tablet PCs.
Figure 3-3: CPU functional block diagram
The two-row headers on the this board all use a pin sequence in which one row is odd numbered and the adjacent row is even numbered.
Module Description 15
3.2 Processor functional blocks
The processor part in the Vortex86DX2 consists of the following components:
CPU Core
Graphics Controller for VGA or LVDS
Ethernet Controller
IDE / SD / SATA Controller
2x USB2.0 / USB1.1 Controller
BIOS flash
For further information, please refer to the datasheet of the DMP Vortex86DX2 SoC.
3.3 Graphics Controller
This section lists the features of the Vortex86DX2 SoC integrated graphics engine.
VGA Features
Fully IBM VGA compliant
Resolutions up to 1920x1440
One dedicated PLL for video clock generation
2D graphics support
Supports 64 x 64 hardware overlay cursor with mono and color formats
RGB analog output
Up scaling
Scaling down, display resolution 1024x768 support
Supports 8-Bit DAC
UMA architecture32MB graphics ram (from the main memory, to configure via the BIOS)
Supports VESA DDC
Supports LVDS mode with one 18-bit TTL, one 12-bit DDR Mode or one 24-bit SDR Mode
16 Module Description
2D Features
Directly access data through M-Bus
High performance pipe-lined, one-cycle 64-bit 2D graphics engine
2D engine commands:
BitBlt Rectangle Fill
BitBlt Pattern Fill
BitBlt Rectangle Copy from Source to Destination
Support 256 Raster Operations
Integrate 8x8 Pattern Registers
Integrate 8x8 Mask Registers
Support Rectangle Clip
Support Color Expansion
Support Enhanced Color Expansion
Support Line Drawing with Style Pattern
Support Line Setup
Transparent BitBlt
Alpha Blending
Stretch and Shrink BitBLt
Gradient fill
Anti-Aliased Test
Pattern offset
Mono Source form system memory
2D rotation, display resolution 1024x1024 support
Programmable 256K/512K/1M/2M off-screen command buffer
Integrated 32 stages of hardware command queue for 2D command pre-fetch from off-
screen memory space of frame buffer
Integrated 32x64 source buffer and destination buffer to improve 2D engine performance
Integrated 32x98 post-write buffer to improve 2D engine performance
DMA Features
Supports system memory to video memory and vice versa
Maximum transfer byte count per one command is 4 Mbyte
One interrupt signal
One 16x64 data FIFO for system memory to frame buffer
One 16x64 data FIFO for frame buffer to system memory
Byte alignment
Chaining mode only
Video Display Features
Supports Up-Scaling
Supports Color Key and Chroma Key
Supports Hardware Icon
Module Description 17
Power Management Features
Supports VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) compliant VGA monitor
for power management
Supports direct I/O command to force graphics accelerator into standby/suspend-off state
Video Post-Processor Features
De-Interlace (Bob and Weave mode)
3:2 Sequence Pull-Down Detection
Color Space Enhance and Conversion
Image Cropping (Source Rectangle)
Sub-Picture (AI44 or AYUV) Blending with main video
Video rotation
Capture Features
Supports 8 bit BT.656 to frame base xRGB888
Supports Input YUV format : YUYV or UYVY
YUV2RGB function can be disabled
Software clear capture interrupt
BT.656 use header information to setting VBI or ANC capture range
3 active video frame buffer
2 VBI or ANC frame buffer
Programmable color space conversion coefficient
Supports coring function
Supports minify
Command Queue Features
Programmable max. 8M off-screen command queue buffer
8-bytes aligned command queue data
Supports multi-command types
Null Command
Single Command for 2D, DMA, VPOST, VDISP
Burst Command for 2D only
Source In Queue(SIQ) Command for 2D only
Command queue is ring structure
Programmable writer-pointer for updating command queue data
Readable read-pointer for 2D, DMA, VPOST, VDSIP Graphics Engine has read command
queue data
18 Module Description
+ 54 hidden pages