ADLINK ACL-8111 User Manual

16-bit High Resolution
Data Acquisition Card
User’s Guide
©Copyright 1995~2001 ADLINK Technology Inc;
All Rights Reserved.
Manual Rev. 2.60: April 28, 2003
Part No: 50-11010-102
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................... 1
1.1 Features ................................................................................. 2
1.2 Applications............................................................................ 3
1.3 Specifications ......................................................................... 4
1.4 Software Supporting ..............................................................7
1.4.1 ACLS-DLL2 .........................................................................7
1.4.2 ACLS-LVIEW.......................................................................7
Chapter 2 Installation ....................................................... 8
2.1 Unpacking ..............................................................................9
2.2 What You Have...................................................................... 9
2.3 PCB Layout.......................................................................... 10
2.4 Base Address Setting ..........................................................11
2.5 D/A Reference Voltage Setting ............................................ 13
2.6 Connectors Pin Assignments...............................................14
2.7 Daughter Board Connection ................................................16
2.7.1 Connect with ACLD-9137 ..................................................16
2.7.2 Connect with ACLD-9182 ..................................................16
2.7.3 Connect with ACLD-9185 ..................................................16
2.7.4 Connect with ACLD-9188 ..................................................17
Chapter 3 Registers Format .......................................... 18
3.1 Registers Address Map........................................................ 18
3.2 A/D Data Registers ..............................................................19
3.3 A/D Channel Multiplexer Register........................................ 20
3.4 A/D Input Range Control Register .......................................21
3.5 Mode and Interrupt Control Register ...................................22
3.6 Interrupt Status Register ......................................................23
3.7 Software Trigger Register ....................................................23
3.8 Digital I/O register ................................................................24
3.9 D/A Output Register.............................................................24
Table of Contents • i
Chapter 4 Operation Theorem ....................................... 26
4.1 A/D Conversion.................................................................... 26
4.1.1 A/D Conversion Procedure................................................27
4.1.2 A/D Clock Sources (Trigger Modes)..................................27
4.1.3 A/D Data Transfer Modes..................................................29
4.2 D/A Conversion.................................................................... 30
4.3 Digital Input and Output .......................................................32
Chapter 5 C/C++ Library for DOS.................................. 33
5.1 DOS Software Library Installation........................................ 34
5.1.1 Installation .........................................................................34
5.1.2 Running Utility ...................................................................34
5.1.3 Example Programs............................................................34
5.2 _8111_Initial......................................................................... 35
5.3 _8111_Switch_Card_No ...................................................... 36
5.4 _8111_DI..............................................................................37
5.5 _8111_DI _Channel .............................................................38
5.6 _8111_DO............................................................................ 39
5.7 _8111_DA ............................................................................40
5.8 _8111_AD_Set_Channel .....................................................41
5.9 _8111_AD_Set_Gain ........................................................... 42
5.10 _8111_AD_Set_Mode..........................................................43
5.11 _8111_AD_Soft_Trig ...........................................................44
5.12 _8111_AD_Aquire................................................................45
5.13 _8111_CLR_IRQ .................................................................46
5.14 _8111_AD_INT_Start...........................................................47
5.15 _8111_AD_INT_Status ........................................................ 48
5.16 _8111_AD_INT_Stop...........................................................48
5.17 _8111_AD_Timer.................................................................49
Chappter 6 Calibration ................................................... 50
6.1 What do you need................................................................50
6.2 VR Assignments...................................................................51
6.3 D/A Calibration..................................................................... 51
6.4 A/D Calibration..................................................................... 52
Appendix A. Demo. Programs....................................... 53
Warranty Policy .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
ii • Table of Contents
The ACL-8111 is a multi-function, high performance, and general-purpose data acquisition card for the IBM Personal Computer and compatible computers. The registers map is fully compatible with PCL-711B.
The ACL-8111 is designed to combine all the data acquisition functions, such A/D, D/A, D/O, and D/I in a single board, The high-end specifications of the card makes it ideal for wide range of applications in industrial and laboratory automation.
Introduction • 1
1.1 Features
The ACL-8111 Enhanced Multi-function Data Acquisition Card provides the following advanced features:
8 single-ended 12-bit analog input channels
On-chip sample & hold
Variable input range: ± 5V, ±2.5V, ±1.25V, ±0.625V, and ±0.3125V
One 12-bit monolithic multiplying analog output channel
16 digital output channels
16 digital input channels
Three A/D trigger modes: Software trigger, Programmable pacer and
external trigger
Programmable IRQ level for A/D data transfer
Rugged 37-pin D-sub connector
Compact size PCB
2 • Introduction
1.2 Applications
Industrial and laboratory ON/OFF control
Energy management
16 TTL/DTL compatible digital input channels
Security controller
Product test
Period and pulse width measurement
Event and frequency counting
Waveform and pulse generation
Introduction • 3
1.3 Specifications
Analog Input (A/D)
Number of channels:
Programmable Gain:
ADS-774 or equivalent one, successive approximation
8 single-ended
1, 2, 4, 8, 16 (programmable)
Input Range:
Bipolar: ±5V, ± 2.5V, ±1.25V, ±0.625V, and ±0.3125V
Conversion Time:
Maximum Sampling Rate: 50
Over-voltage protection:
Input Impedance:
AD Clock Sources (trigger modes):
pacer, and external pulse trigger
Data Transfer Modes:
Analog Output (D/A)
Number of channel:
Output Range:
Internal reference: (unipolar) 0~5V or 0~10V
External reference: (unipolar) max. +10V or -10V
Settling Time:
8 µ sec
0.015% of reading ± 1 Bit LSB
10 MΩ
DAC7548 or equivalent, monolithic multiplying
1 double-buffered analog outputs
30 µ sec
Continuous ± 35V maximum
Software trigger, internal timer
Polling and Interrupt
Output driving capability:
4 • Introduction
±1/2 bit LSB
5mA max.
Digital I/O (DIO)
Number of channel:
Input Voltage:
Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.8V
High: Min. +2.0V
Input Load:
Low: +0.5V @ -0.2mA max.
High: +2.7V @+20 uA max.
Output Voltage:
Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.4V
High: Min. +2.4V
Output Driving Capacity:
Low: Max. +0.5V at 8.0mA (Sink)
High: Min. 2.7V at 0.4mA(Source)
Programmable Counter
A/D pacer Source:
together) with a 2MHz time base
16 DI & 16 DO (TTL compatible)
32-bit timer (two 16-bit counter cascaded
Pacer Output:
General Specifications
I/O Base Address
Interrupt IRQ
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Power Consumption
: 37-pin D-type connector
: 5 ~ 95%, non-condensing
0.00046 Hz ~ 100K Hz
: 16 consecutive address location
: IRQ 2,3,4,5,6,7 (programmable)
: 0°C ~ 55°C
: -20°C ~ 80°C
Introduction • 5
+5 V @ 440 mA typical
+12V @ 60 mA typical
158mm X 108mm
6 • Introduction
1.4 Software Supporting
The ACL-8111 is programmed using simple 8-bit I/O port commands. Users can use high level language, such as BASIC, C, or PASCAL, or low- level language, such as assembly to program the board. For the programming under Windows or LabView, please contact your dealer to purchase ACLS­DLL2 or ACLD-LVIEW.
1.4.1 ACLS-DLL2
For easily program the board under Windows environment, we also provide
DLL2, you can use compilers such as VB, VC/C++, or Delphi. ACLS-DLL2 is included in ADLINK CD. It need license.
For easily link the ACL-8111 with LabView of National Instrument, the ACLS­LVIEW includes the Vis of the ACL-8111 under for Windows 3.1/95/98 and NT. ACLS-LVIEW is included in ADLINK CD. It need license.
, which include the DLL for Windows 95/98/NT. With ACLS-
Introduction • 7
This chapter describes how to install the ACL-8111. The following list shows the installation procedures:
1. Unpacking and check what you have.
2. Check the PCB and the location of jumper and switch.
3. Setup the jumpers according to the system and applications setting.
4. Installation the external termination boards.
5. Wiring with signals according to the connector pin assignments.
8 • Installation
2.1 Unpacking
The ACL-8111 card contains sensitive electronic components that can be easily damaged by static electricity.
The card should be done on a grounded anti-static mat. The operator should be wearing an anti-static wristband, grounded at the same point as the anti­static mat.
Inspect the card module carton for obvious damage. Shipping and handling may cause damage to your module. Be sure there are no shipping and handing damages on the module before processing.
After opening the card module carton, extract the system module and place it only on a grounded anti-static surface component side up.
Again inspect the module for damage. Press down on all the socketed IC's to make sure that they are properly seated. Do this only with the module place on a firm flat surface.
You are now ready to install your ACL-8111.
2.2 What You Have
In addition to this User's Manual, the package includes the following items:
ACL-8111 multi-function data acquisition card
ADLINK Software CD
If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and carton in case you want to ship or store the product in the future.
Installation • 9
2.3 PCB Layout
In ACL-8111, there are three connectors (CN1~CN3), one switch (SW1), one jumper (JP1) and 5 variable resistors (VR1~VR5). Please refer Figure 2.3 to identify the location these components.
The card's jumpers and switches are preset at the factory. Please setup the switch and jumper according to the system setting and the application requirements.
A jumper is closed (sometimes referred to as "shorted") with the plastic cap inserted over two pins of the jumper. A jumper is open with the plastic cap inserted over one or no pin(s) of the jumper.
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10 • Installation
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Figure 2.3 ACL-8111‘s PCB layout
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2.4 Base Address Setting
The ACL-8111 requires 16 consecutive address locations in I/O address space. The base address of the ACL-8111 is restricted by the following conditions.
The base address must be within the range Hex 200 to Hex 3FF.
The base address should not conflict with any PC reserved I/O address. See Appendix A.
The base address must not conflict with any add-on card on your own PC. Please check your PC before installing the ACL-8111.
The ACL-8111's base address is selected by a 6 position DIP switch SW1.The default setting of base address is set to be HEX 220. All possible base address combinations are listed as Table 2.2. You may modify the base address if the address HEX 220 has been occupied by another add-on card.
SW1 : Base Address = Hex 220
( 9 8 7 6 5 4 )
Figure 2.4 Default Base Address Setting
Installation • 11
I/O port address(Hex)
220-22F (default) :
1 A9
ON (0) ON (0)
OFF (1) OFF (1) OFF (1)
OFF (1) OFF (1)
2 A8 3 A7
ON (0) OFF (1)
ON (0) ON (0) ON (0)
OFF (1) OFF (1)
ON (0) ON (0)
ON (0) ON (0) ON (0)
ON (0) OFF (1)
4 A6
ON (0) ON (0)
ON (0) ON (0) ON (0)
ON (0) OFF (1)
ON: 0 OFF: 1.
A4 ... A9 are correspond to PC address lines.
How to Define a Base Address for the ACL-8111?
The DIP1 to DIP6 in the switch SW1are one to one corresponding to the PC bus address line A9 to A4. A0, A1, A2, and A3 are always 0. If you want to change the base address, you can only change the values of A9 to A4 (shadow area of below table). The following table is an example, which shows you how to define the base address as
Hex 220
Base Address:
Hex 220
2 2 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
5 A5
ON (0) ON (0)
ON (0) ON (0) OFF (1)
ON (0) OFF (01
6 A4
ON (0) ON (0)
ON (0) OFF (0) ON (0)
ON (0) OFF (1)
12 • Installation
2.5 D/A Reference Voltage Setting
The analog output range of ACL-8111 depends on the reference voltage, which is selected by JP1. There are two range of reference voltages can be assigned as either -5V or -10V, that will generate output range 0V ~ +5V or 0V ~ +10V, respectively.
The setting of D/A reference voltage is specified as following:
When you select -10V for the D/A reference voltage, you should be very careful the analog output. Because the -10 V voltage source is supplied from your PC system, and it may be up to 11.5V only. Therefore, it will cause you analog output is less than +10V.
Reference Voltage
is -5V
Reference Voltage
is -10V
-10V -5V
-10V -5V
h h h
h h h
Installation • 13
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