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This manual is written to help you use the ACL-6126. The manual
describes how to modify various settings on the ACL-6126 card to meet
your requirements. It is divided into three chapters:
Chapter 1
features, applications and specifications.
Chapter 2
including the jumper setting for base address, interrupt IRQ
level and D/A output ranges. The layout of ACL-6126 is also
shown, Besides, all connectors' pins assignment are also
Chapter 3
6126 for analog outputs and digital I/Os.
, "Introduction," gives an overview of the product
, "Installation," describes how to install the ACL-6126,
, "Programming," describes how to program the ACL-
ii • How to Use This Guide
The ACL-6126 provides 6-channel analog outputs, 16-channel digital
inputs and 16-channel digital outputs add-on card for the IBM Personal
Computer and compatible computers. It is designed for industrial
control applications requiring analog outputs ( voltage and current )with
12-bit resolution in rugged environment.
The ACL-6126 transmits six analog outputs with various user
configurable ranges of : 0 ~ +10V, 0 ~ +5V ±10V, ±5V, and 4 to 20 mA
current loop.
Each D/A has a double-buffered output for single-step update and
occupies its own I/O location. Also, a rugged and reliable 37-pin D-sub
style connector is provided for analog outputs.
In addition to the 6 analog outputs, the ACL-6126 has 16 digital inputs
and 16 digital outputs, all of the digital channels are TTL compatible.
The ACLD-9182 ( 16-bit Isolation digital input board) and ACLD-9185
( 16-bit relay output board) are designed for connection with the digital
input and output.
We apply the state-of-the-art technology and components when
designing ACL-6126. Its compact size PCB board let this card easily fit
into any kind of chassis. Also, all the components on the card are SMT
type,so it improves the reliability and quality of this card.
Introduction • 1
1.1 Features
¾The ACL-6126 6-channel D/A Output Card provides the