LED: 1 x 8W 4-in-1 Quad LED
Working Position: Any safe working position
Power Input Voltage: 100~240V AC 50/60Hz
Power Consumption: 11.4W
Beam Angle: 15 Degrees
Weight: 1lbs./ .5Kgs.
Dimensions: 7.25”(L) x 4”(W) x 2.5”(H)
184 x 99 x 61mm
Warranty: 3 Year (1095 days)
©2013 ADJ Products, LLC all rights reserved. Information, specications, diagrams, images, and instructions
herein are subject to change without notice. ADJ Products, LLC logo and identifying product names and numbers herein are trademarks of ADJ Products, LLC. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted.
Product names used in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. All non-ADJ Products, LLC brands and product names are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
ADJ Products, LLC and all aliated companies hereby disclaim any and all liabilities for property, equipment,
building, and electrical damages, injuries to any persons, and direct or indirect economic loss associated with
the use or reliance of any information contained within this document, and/or as a result of the improper, unsafe,
unsucient and negligent assembly, installation, rigging, and operation of this product.
Unpacking: Thank you for purchasing the Pinspot LED Quad by ADJ Products, LLC. Every Pinspot LED Quad
has been thoroughly tested and has been shipped in perfect operating condition. Carefully check the shipping
carton for damage that may have occurred during shipping. If the carton appears to be damaged, carefully
inspect your xture for any damage and be sure all accessories necessary to operate the unit has arrived intact.
In the case damage has been found or parts are missing, please contact our toll free customer support number
for further instructions. Do not return this unit to your dealer without rst contacting customer support.
Introduction: The Pinspot LED Quad is part of ADJ Products, LLC’s continuing pursuit for creating high qual-
ity affordable fixtures. The Pinspot LED Quad is a simple, small LED Pin Spot. This pin spot is light weight and
compact which makes it a great piece for mobile DJ’s, archtectural lighting, or ligting effect.
Remote Control: The Pinspot LED Quad comes with an IR Remote Control that offers you 4 different opeational modes; 9 Show modes, Fade mode, Static Color mode, and Sound Active mode.
• Stand By - This button will blackout the unit.
• Show Modes - Press the Show button to activate show mode. Use buttons 1-9 to select your desired show.
• Fade Mode - Press the Fade button to activate fade mode. Buttons 1-9 will let you set your desired fade
speed; 1 being the slowest and 9 the fastest.
• Sound Active Mode - Press the Sound On button to activate sound active mode. Press Sound Off to
deactivate sound active mode.
• Static Color Mode - Press the Color button to activate static color mode. Use buttons 1-9 to select your
desired color.

No user serviceable parts inside do not attempt repairs. In the event your Pinspot
LED Quad should fail, contact ADJ Products, LLC.
Customer Support: ADJ Products, LLC provides a toll free customer support line, to provide set up help
and to answer any question should you encounter problems during your set up or initial operation. You
may also visit us on the web at www.adj.com for any comments or suggestions. Service Hours are Monday
through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacic Standard Time.
Voice: (800) 322-6337 Fax: (323) 582-2941 E-mail: support@americandj.com
The Pinspot LED Quad carries a 3 year (1095 day) limited warranty. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must
be freight pre-paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. If the remote is under warranty you must provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. Please contact ADJ Products, LLC
customer support for a R.A. number.
A. ADJ Products, LLC hereby warrants, to the original purchaser, ADJ Products, LLC products to be free of manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for a
prescribed period from the date of purchase (see specific warranty period on reverse). This warranty shall be valid only if the product is purchased within the United States
of America, including possessions and territories. It is the owner’s responsibility to establish the date and place of purchase by acceptableevidence, at the time service is
B. For warranty service you must obtain a Return Authorization number (RA#) before sending back the product–please contact ADJ Products, LLC Service
Department at 800-322-6337. Send the product only to the ADJ Products, LLC factory. All shipping charges must be pre-paid. If the requested repairs or service (including
parts replacement) are within the terms of this warranty, ADJ Products, LLC will pay return shipping charges only to a designated point within the United States. If the
entire instrument is sent, it must be shipped in it’s original package. No accessories should be shipped with the product. If any accessories are shipped with the product,
ADJ Products, LLC shall have no liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to any such accessories, nor for the safe return thereof.
C. This warranty is void if the serial number has been altered or removed; if the product is modified in any manner which ADJ Products, LLC concludes, after inspection,
affects the reliability of the product; if the product has been repaired or serviced by anyone other than the ADJ Products, LLC factory unless prior written authorization
was issued to purchaser by ADJ Products, LLC; if the product is damaged because not properly maintained as set forth in the instruction manual.
D. This is not a service contract, and this warranty does not include maintenance, cleaning or periodic check up. During the period specified above, ADJ Products, LLC will
replace defective parts at its expense with new or refurbished parts, and will absorb all expenses for warranty service and repair labor by reason of defects in material or
workmanship. The sole responsibility of ADJ Products, LLC under this warranty shall be limited to the repair of the product, or replacement thereof, including parts, at the
sole discretion of ADJ Products, LLC. All products covered by this warranty were manufactured after August 15, 2012, and bear indentifying marks to that effect.
E. ADJ Products, LLC reserves the right to make changes in design and/or improvements upon it’s products without any obligation to include these changes in any products
theretofore manufactured.
No warranty, whether expressed or implied, is given or made with respect to any accessory supplied with products described above. Except to the extent prohibited by
applicable law, all implied warranties made by ADJ Products, LLC in connection with this product, including warranties of merchantability or fitness, are limited in duration
to the warranty period set forth above. And no warranties, whether expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness, shall apply to this product after
said period has expired. The consumer’s and/or Dealer’s sole remedy shall be such repair or replacement as is expressly provided above; and under no circumstances shall
ADJ Products, LLC be liable for any loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this product.
This warranty is the only written warranty applicable to ADJ Products, LLC Products and supersedes all prior warranties and written descriptions of warranty terms and
conditions heretofore published. This warranty was revised after December 1, 2012.
•LightingProducts=1-year(365days)LimitedWarranty(Such as: Special Effect Lighting, Intelligent Lighting, UV lighting, Strobes, Fog Machines, Bubble Machines,
Mirror Balls, Par Cans, Trussing, Lighting Stands etc. excluding LED and lamps)
•L.E.D.Products=3-year(1095days)LimitedWarranty(excluding motors, PCB boards, and power
supplies, which have a 1-year (365 day Limited Warranty) and batteries which have a 180 day
limited warranty). Only the L.E.D.s carry a 3-year warranty
ADJ Products, LLC
6122 S. Eastern Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040 USA
Tel: 323-582-2650 / Fax: 323-725-6100
Web: www.adj.com / E-mail: info@americandj.com
A.D.J. Supply Europe B.V.
Junostraat 2
6468 EW Kerkrade
service@adjgroup.eu / www.adj.eu
Tel: +31 45 546 85 00 / Fax: +31 45 546 85 99