Command Options Description
Command Options Description
Storage Manage
Syntax conventions:
• italics = replace with a variable
• [ ] = optional component
Policy Class Management
Command Options Description
fsaddclass Creates and defines a new
class The policy class (maximum of
[ -h hardlimit ] Maximum number of media
[ -n notifyID ] E-mail address of the user to
[ -t mediatype ] Defines the media type to use
[ -l securitycode ] Security code for the policy
[ -o acctnum ] Account number for the policy
[ -x maxcopies ] Maximum number of copies
[ -d defaultcopies ] Total number of stored copies
[ -k maxversions ] Maximum number of inactive
Page 1
policy class.
WARNING: The file system
must be mounted and active
before running this command
or it will fail.
16 alphanumeric characters).
allowed in the policy class.
notify when the policy class’s
softlimit and hardlimit are
for the policy class.
class (up to 4 characters in
class (up to 5 characters in
(including the primary) allowed
for each file in the policy class.
(including the primary) for
each file in the policy class.
This value cannot exceed the
maxcopies setting.
versions to keep for a file. The
minimum is 1 and the
maximum is 25.
Default: 10
[ -m minstoretime ] Minimum time (in minutes) that
[ -c mintrunctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
[ -a affinity ] Lists disk affinities that the files
[ -i minreloctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
[ -v drivepool ] Media Manager drive pool
[ -f i | p ] File retention policy (-f) for the
[ -r c | s ] Media classification cleanup
fsaddrelation Adds a directory-to-policy
directory Path name of the directory to
-c class Policy class to associate with
fsclassinfo Reports policy class
a file must reside unmodified
on disk before being
considered a candidate for
storage on media.
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for truncation.
in the policy class will traverse
in their lifecycle.
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for relocation.
used to store or retrieve data
for the policy class.
policy class. Files can be:
• i - Truncated immediately
• p - Truncated at policy
application time
action. When all files are
deleted from a medium, the
medium can revert (-r) back to:
• c - Policy class blank pool
• s - System blank pool
class association.
associate with the policy class.
WARNING: The command
fails if the directory has an
affinity associated with it. Use
the cvaffinity command to
remove its affinity.
the directory.
NOTE: After the command
completes running
successfully, if the class has
any affinities, the directory has
its affinity set to the first affinity
in the class affinity list,
processing parameters,
directory paths, and affinity
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[ class ] One or more policy classes to
[ -l ] Long report - processing
fsmodclass Modifies the parameters of the
class The policy class.
[ -d defaultcopies ] Total number of copies to store
[ -f i | p ] File retention policy (-f) for the
[ -h hardlimit ] Maximum number of media
[ -l securitycode ] Security code for the policy
[ -m minstoretime ] Minimum time (in minutes) that
[ -c mintrunctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
[ -i minreloctime ] Minimum time (in days) that a
[ -n notifyID ] E-mail address of the user to
[ -o acctnum ] Account number for the policy
[ -r c | s ] Media classification cleanup
be listed.
parameters, directory paths,
and the disk affinity list for the
policy class.
policy class.
(including the primary) for
each file in the policy class.
policy class. Files can be:
• i - Truncated immediately
• p - Truncated at policy
application time
allowed in the policy class.
class (up to 4 characters in
a file must reside unmodified
on disk before being
considered a candidate for
storage on media.
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for truncation.
file must reside unaccessed on
disk before being considered a
candidate for relocation.
notify when the policy class’s
softlimit and hardlimit are
class (up to 5 characters in
action. When all files are
deleted from a medium, the
medium can revert (-r) back to:
• c - Policy class blank pool
• s - System blank pool
Command Options Description
Command Options Description
Command Options Description
[ -s softlimit ] Warning limit for the number of
[ -t mediatype ] Defines the media type to use.
[ -a affinity ] Lists disk affinities that the files
[ -v drivepool ] Media Manager drive pool
[ -x maxcopies ] Maximum number of copies
media allocated in the policy
in the policy class will traverse
in their lifecycle.
used to store / retrieve data.
(including the primary) allowed
for each file in the policy class.
Device Management
Command Options Description
fschstate Modifies the state of storage
[ componentalias ] Alias used for storage
[ -s state ] Desired state of drive
subsystems and drive
subsystems and drive
components or subsystems.
Valid values:
Drive status. Valid values:
File Management
Command Options Description
fschfiat Modifies the class attributes
filename File having changed
[ -c copies ] Number of file copies to
of the file.
store, including the primary.
This value cannot exceed
the maxcopies setting.
[ -t e | p | i ] Indicates how truncation
[ -s e | p ] Indicates how storage
[ -r e | p ] Indicates how relocation
[ -a class ] Specifies an alternate
fspolicy Manages disk data / space
[ -c class ] Policy class associated with
[ -e ] Invokes a high priority for
[ -s ] Invokes the storage policy.
[ -m minreloctime ]
[ -m minstoretime ]
[ -m mintrunctime ]
policies (-t) operate on the
• e - Excludes the file from
truncation when a
store or cleanup policy
application occurs.
• p - Truncates the file by
cleanup policy.
• i - Truncates the file
policies (-s) operate on the
• e - Excludes the file from
storage when a store
policy occurs.
• p - Stores the file by
storage policy.
policies (-r) operate on the
• e - Excludes the file from
relocation when a
relocation policy
• p - Relocates the file by
relocation policy.
policy class that can be
associated with the file.
via file system or class.
data to be stored or
immediate action on file
storage in a file system.
Minimum time (in minutes)
a file must reside
unaccessed on disk before
being considered a
candidate for relocation.
Minimum time (in minutes)
a file must reside on disk
before being considered a
candidate for storage.
Minimum time (in days) that
a file must reside
unaccessed on disk before
being considered a
candidate for truncation.
[ -o goal ] Percentage of used disk
[ -t ] Invokes the cleanup
[ -v drivepool ] Specifies the drivepool from
[ -b ] Scans file system for
[ -y filesystem ] File system to which the
[ -r ] Invokes the relocation
[ -z minsize ] Minimum file size (in bytes)
fsretrieve Retrieves or recovers files
filename Full path and name of the
[ -c ] Retrieves a secondary copy
[ -n newfilename ] New path and name into
-R directory Directory from which to
[ -b startbyte endbyte ] Specifies a byte range to
[ -a ] Updates the access time of
fsrmcopy Removes a copy/copies of
filename File or files to remove from
[ -c copynum | a ] Deletes either a specific
[ -m mediaID ] Deletes all files on medi a
space at which a truncation
policy ceases to be applied.
(truncation) policy.
which to allocate drives
when storing files.
candidate files to store,
relocate or truncate and
rebuilds the candidate lists.
policy will be applied.
to relocate or truncate.
from media and places the
files on disk.
file to retrieve.
of the file (if a second copy
which to retrieve the file.
start recursive retrieval.
retrieve. The value of
startbyte must be less than
the endbyte value. Both
values must be within the
file’s byte range.
the requested files.
a file from disk or media.
disk or media.
number (copynum) of file
copies or all file copies (a)
from the media.
which reside on disk.
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Command Options Description
fsrmdiskcopy Removes a file copy from
filename Full path and name of the
fsstore Expedites storage of data
filename Name of file on disk to store
[ -c copies ] Number of file copies to
[ -f i | p ] File retention policy (-f) for
[ -t mediatype ] Defines the media type to
[ -v drivepool ] Spe cifies the Media
[ -z minsize ] Specifies the minimum file
fsversion Specifies the file’s current
name File for which the version
[ -h ] Displays usage.
[ -a ] Lists all available versions
[ -v ] Verbose listing of the file’s
[ -c ver ] Modifies the file’s current
[ -f ] Forces the version change.
disk after the file is stored to
file copy to remove from
to media, instead of
allowing data migration by
SNMS software.
to media.
store, including the primary.
the file. Files can be:
• i - Truncated immediately
• p - Truncated at policy
application time
use for storage.
Manager drive pool group
used to store the file.
size (in bytes) to store.
number will be checked.
of the file (current and
current version (version
number and modification
version to the specified
inactive version.
File System Recovery
Command Options Description
fsrecover Reports or recovers files
filename Name of the file to report
dirname Directory containing one or
[ RM_time::
dirpathname Full path of the directory
-u Indicates that recovery
-d Indicates that directory
[ -p ] Specifies that the user
[ -r ] Indicates recursive
[ -t starttime [ endtime ] ] Indicates a time range to
[ -a ] Specifies active files rather
[ -v ] Specifies the verbose
that were removed from
on. The name can be a file
name, a partial path name,
or a complete path name.
more files to recover. The
name can be a directory
name, partial path, or full
Full path of the file to
recover. Optionally, you
can have a timestamp of
the form
containing file(s) to
processing is requested.
recovery processing is
report display entries for
which the user has
permissions. If this option
is not specified, the report
to the user displays only
user-owned entries.
processing is requested.
restrict the length of the
user report. The format of
the starttime and endtime
parameters is:
than recoverable files when
either reporting or
recovering a directory.
mode during a recover
sequence. The system
reports on the recovered
Command Options Description
snrestore Restores elements of a
[ -p ] Specifies a temporary
[ -h ] Displays usage.
[ -e ] Extracts files to the
[ -r ]
[ -c | cl component ] Specifies the software files
[ -d | dj ] Specifies the database
[ -m | -mj [
filesystem_name ] ]
StorNext Storage Manager
file system.
storage directory for
restored files.
temporary storage
Uses files from this
directory to restore. No
files are restored from
restored. You can specify:
• -c - Restore all software
• -cl component - Restore
the specified software
component. Use the -h
option to find a list of
available components.
restore values. You can
• -d - Restore database
and journal files.
• -dj- Restore only the
journal files and apply
them to the existing
database on the
Specifies the file system
metadata restore values.
You can specify:
• -m - Restore file system
metadata information
for all file systems or
for the selected
optional file system.
• -mj- Restore file system
journal information for
all file systems or for
the selected optional
file system.
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