ADIC Table Top Game FileServ User Manual

Administrative Tasks
FileServ Version 4.3
February, 2001
600716 Rev A
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AMASS, DataMgr, EMASS, FileServ, and VolServ are either trademarks or registered trademarks of ADIC, Advanced Digital Information Corporation. DAS is a trademark of Grau, an ADIC subsidiary. All other product names and identifications are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
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Copyright © 1996-2001 by ADIC. All rights reserved. This document is the property of ADIC. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the express written permission of:
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PurposeofThisBook................................................ P-3
WhoShouldReadThisBook ......................................... P-3
HowThisBookisOrganized ......................................... P-3
Conventions ....................................................... P-4
Books ............................................................. P-5
OnlineBooks.................................................... P-5
RelatedPublications ............................................. P-6
ContactPublicationsDepartment .................................. P-6
SecuredWebSite ................................................ P-6

System Tasks 1

InitializeFileServ ....................................................1-3
AccesstheHostServer ............................................1-3
InterfacetoVolServ ...............................................1-4
DrivePools ...................................................1-4
RegistertheConfiguration .........................................1-6
DefineDataClassGroups ..........................................1-6
AssociateDirectories ..............................................1-7
CreateMigrationPolicies ..........................................1-9
600716 Rev A Contents 5
Administrative Tasks
StoreandTruncateFiles ..........................................1-10
DatabaseMaintenance ...........................................1-10 .................................................1-11
keyBuildAll ..................................................1-14
CommandLineMode .........................................1-16
InteractiveMode .............................................1-17
TrashcanCleanup ...............................................1-20
StartupandShutdown ..............................................1-22
RecoveryProcessing .............................................1-23
ContingencyStartup .............................................1-23
NormalShutdown ...............................................1-25
GeneralParameters ...........................................1-28
SystemAdministrationParameters .............................1-28
DefaultParameters ...........................................1-36
InstallationParameters ........................................1-41
SoftwareMaintenanceParameters ..............................1-43
Edit System Parameters .......................................1-46
ReconfigureSystemDevices ......................................1-47
6Contents 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
Edit Devices with fsconfig Command ...........................1-48
AddaLibrary ................................................1-49
Edit Device ..................................................1-50
GenerateReport ..............................................1-51
ChangeComponentState .........................................1-53
AddandDeleteDrives ...........................................1-55
ReallocateDrives ................................................1-57
ModifyTapeUsage ..............................................1-58
Redirect Policy Applications ......................................1-59

Operating Tasks 2

DataClassManagement ..............................................2-3
DataClassGroups ................................................2-4
AddRelationswithfsaddrelationCommand .....................2-10
FileManagement ...................................................2-22
Spanning .......................................................2-23
Clustering ......................................................2-24
GenerateReport .................................................2-28
DataMigration .....................................................2-30
FileCleanup ....................................................2-30
MinimumTimeParameters .......................................2-31
600716 Rev A Contents 7
Administrative Tasks
StoragePolicy ................................................2-32
CleanupPolicy ...............................................2-34
OverflowPolicy ..............................................2-35
StoreFiles ......................................................2-40
CleanUpDatafromDisk .........................................2-42
CleanupbyDataClass .........................................2-43
CopySecondaryFiles ............................................2-43
GeneralStorageProcessing .......................................2-44
RetrieveFilesfromTrashcan ...................................2-48
CleanupTrashcan ............................................2-50
RetrievePartialFiles ..........................................2-51
MediaServices ..................................................2-54
MediaClassGroupDefinitions .................................2-55
LoadandUnloadMedia ..........................................2-56
RemoveMedia ...............................................2-57
FormatMedia ...................................................2-61
Media Duplication ...............................................2-61
CopyFiles ...................................................2-63
8Contents 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
MediaStates ....................................................2-63
GenerateMediaReports ..........................................2-66
MediaList ...................................................2-68

Utilities 3

Utilities ............................................................3-3
fspic ............................................................3-3
autostartscripts ..................................................3-3
FileServandAmassAutostart ...................................3-4
dbcheck .........................................................3-4
Trouble­shooting Tools 4
DataRetrievalFails ..................................................4-3
DisasterRecovery ................................................4-4
Messages ...........................................................4-5
StatusMessages ..................................................4-5
ExtractSyslogMessages ........................................4-6
LogFileMaintenance ..........................................4-6
SetUpFileServLogging ........................................4-7
600716 Rev A Contents 9
Administrative Tasks
DumpData ......................................................4-9
RestoreData ....................................................4-11
DatabaseMaintenance ........................................4-18
RunningfsauditCommand ....................................4-18
TroubleshootSystemPerformance ....................................4-20
DataClassReport ................................................4-21
MediaMovementReport .........................................4-23
ResourceQueueReport ..........................................4-24
HistoryReport ..................................................4-25
ComponentStatisticsReport ......................................4-26
HardwareConfigurationReport ...................................4-27
ContactTechnicalSupport ...........................................4-29


10 Contents 600716 Rev A
HowThisBookisOrganized ................P-3


Administrative Tasks
P-2 Preface 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks

Purpose of This Book

Who Should Read This Book

How This Book is Organized

This book describes the management tasks, utilities, and troubleshooting tools used in operating FileServ.
This book is written for the system administrator who is operating and troubleshooting FileServ.
It assumes the administrator has a strong familiarity with:
UNIX operating systems.
Applications running in their site environment.
This book contains the following chapters: Chapter 1: Initial Tasks — Initialize FileServ, configure
interface with VolServ, perform start up and shut down, configure system parameters, and tune system for better performance.
Chapter 2: Operating Tasks — Manage: DataClass Groups, files, migration, data, and media.
Chapter 3: Utilities — Using the FileServ utilities. Chapter 4: Troubleshooting Tools — Troubleshoot operating
600716 Rev A Preface P-3
Administrative Tasks


The conventions used throughout the FileServ technical books are listed below:
Convention Example
Screen text, file names, program names, and commands are in Courier font.
The root prompt is shown as a percent sign. % su root What you should type in is shown in
Courier bold font. Site-specific variables are in a Times italics
font. A backward slash ( \ ) denotes the input is
continued onto the next line; the printed page is just not wide enough to accommodate the line.
Pressing <Return> after each command is
FS0000 03 204773 fsmedinfo completed: Command Successful.
fsaudit newfilesystem
% remsh nodename -n dd if=/dev \ /tapedevicename/bs=20b | tar xvfb \
(You should type the entire command without the backward slash.)
A menu name with an arrow refers to a sequence of menus.
P-4 Preface 600716 Rev A
Edit Policy -> Add Library
Administrative Tasks


The books described below are part of the technical documentation set, and are shipped on CD:
FileServ Overview
An overview of FileServ. Contains a glossary.
Installing FileServ
Describes: server requirements, installation procedures, configuration parameters, and tools to troubleshoot install problems.
Error Messages
Summarizes error messages.

Online Books

The documentation CD contains FileServ book files and Adobe® Acrobat® Reader. The Reader allows you to view and navigate the online documentation files yet preserves the page design and graphics from the printed books.
Administrative Tasks
System tasks, operating tasks, FileServ utilities, and troubleshooting problems.
Command Reference
An alphabetical list of FileServ commands.
quick reference card
Summarizes commands.
600716 Rev A Preface P-5
Administrative Tasks

Related Publications

Related Publications Description
“Release Notes” For each version of FileServ, the “Release Notes” contain:
“Product Alerts” Informs customers of technical problems and solutions. “Product Bulletins” Conveys technical information — not problems — to
The publications described in the table below are created and distributed on an as-needed basis.
• Summary of enhancements.
• Describes:
- Known problems.
- Installation and configuration issues.
• Lists:
- Operating system patches.
- System requirements.

Contact Publications Department

Secured Web Site

To make corrections or to comment on FileServ publications, please contact Software Technical Publications at our email address:
To receive access to the secured site on our home page containing technical product information, send email to and include your: name, company, address, telephone number, fax number, FileServ serial number (or enter “reseller” if you are not a customer), and your email address. In return, we will send you instructions and a password.
P-6 Preface 600716 Rev A
Edit System Parameters ..............1-46
Edit Devices with fsconfig Command . . 1-48
AddaLibrary ......................1-49
Edit Device.........................1-50
GenerateReport ....................1-51
ChangeComponentState ...............1-53

System Tasks

System Tasks
Redirect Policy Applications .............1-59
Administrative Tasks
Initialize FileServ, configure interface with VolServ, perform start up and shut down, modify system configuration, and tune system for better performance.
Manage: DataClass Groups, files, migration, data, and media.
Using the FileServ utilities. 3 Troubleshoot operating problems. 4
Refer To
For complete information on the FileServ commands used in these tasks, refer to the Command Reference book. Status for the commands used in these tasks is returned to the command line.
For complete information on the menus used in these tasks, refer to the Using the FileServ GUI book.
1-2 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks

Initialize FileServ

Access the Host Server

Running FileServ for the first time involves the following tasks listed in the table below:
T ask Page
Access the Host Server 1-3 Interface to VolServ 1-4 Register the Configuration 1-6 Define DataClass Groups 1-6 Associate Directories 1-7 Media Under FileServ Management 1-8 Create Migration Policies 1-9
To access the host where FileServ has been installed to transfer files to or from the migration directories, use one of the following methods:
UNIX Remote Copy Protocol (rcp)
System Tasks
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) session with put/get
UNIX copy (cp) with an NFS mounted file system A remote login (
rlogin)oraremoteshell(rsh) must be used
to issue FileServ commands when not logged into the FileServ host.
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-3
Administrative Tasks

Interface to VolServ

After both FileServ and VolServ have been installed and initially configured, drive pool and association of a MediaClass group with a library must be established within VolServ for FileServ communications.
Drive Pools A drive pool is composed of a single drive or group of drives
that have the same capability. Drive pool names used within FileServ must exist in VolServ before any data transfer operations can be performed.
A drive pool is assigned a unique name to identify the drives or system using the drives.
The system administrator can either specify a drive pool name when adding DataClass group in FileServ, or can use the default drive pool name found in the system parameter
VS_DEFAULT_DRIVEPOOL. The system administrator can also
limit a set of drives to a set of clients by creating different drive pools and specifying the names of each drive pool for each DataClass group associated with those users.
During FileServ installation, a drive pool name is created containing all drives. The drive pool name is then added to VolServ. The generated drive pool name is under FileServ’s
VS_DEFAULT_DRIVEPOOL parameter. If this name is not
configured in VolServ, all requests for data operations fail. Several FileServ commands allow the user to specify a drive
pool using the
-v option. If a drive pool name is specified, it
must either reside or be created within VolServ before any FileServ commands can be executed.
1-4 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
Associate MediaClass with Library
On SGI systems, there are fifty four MediaClass names. Each MediaClass has the following form:
There are ten possible values for FileServ ID: F0 through F9. The following mediaclasstype exist:
•REMOVE An example of a valid MediaClass name is
F0_D2S_ADDBLANK. The FileServ installation script creates each of the MediaClass
names as a VolServ MediaClass group. After the FileServ installation, the VolServ system administrator must associate the appropriate FileServ default MediaClass names with the appropriate library.
System Tasks
An example of valid MediaClass names that must be associated withalibraryareasfollows:
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-5
Administrative Tasks

Register the Configuration

Define DataClass Groups

Before FileServ can operate properly, the physical configuration of the system must be defined within FileServ. This procedure is accomplished during or after FileServ installation.
After installation, the system administrator is responsible for associating all the drive devices configured in VolServ to FileServ.
fsconfig command provides hardware component
The configuration.
For more information on the fsconfig command, refer to the Command Reference book.
To use FileServ to either migrate or archive data, directories in various file systems must be associated with sets of parameters that govern data migration characteristics. The migration parameter set is known as a DataClass group.
A DataClass group is created and defined through the
fsaddclass command or Define Classes screen.
The DataClass parameters control the following:
Allocation of media.
Number of copies of file data that are stored.
Application of the data storage.
1-6 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
Truncation policies for files and media types associated with the DataClass group.
For more information on the fsaddclass command, refer to the Command Reference book.
System Tasks

Associate Directories

After a DataClass group is defined, it can be associated with directories in a file system so that files written to that directory structure have their file data migrated according to the parameters defined for the DataClass group.
Never associate the directories that contain the FileServ executables with a class!
DataClass group association is implemented through the
fsaddrelation command or Define Class/Directory Relations
screen. Only files written to directories that are associated with a DataClass group are subject to the migration policy application of FileServ.
These files are stored using the
Associated directories and files are unavailable when FileServ is inactive. ADIC recommends that directories that contain applications or login files not be associated.
fsstore command.
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-7
Administrative Tasks

Media Under FileServ Management

Before data can be copied from disk to tape, the tape media must be in place. The media should be properly labeled and entered into a storage subsystem by a VolServ operator before entering media into the FileServ database.
The fsmedin -b command is used to add blank media into the FileServ storage subsystem.
The total quantity can be any number; a default value of 99 is used if quantity is not specified. The total quantity should be restricted to a number equal to or less than that entered into an archive following VolServ installation.
The mediatype name should match the type of assets associated with the library located at your site. Formatting each tape requires about 1 minute for DLT and 3590 media, 6 minutes for D-2S, 15 minutes for D-2M, and 35 minutes for D-2L. Use the command below to format a tape.
% fsmedin -b -q quantity -t mediatype
If D-2 tape formatting is preferred, time is saved by changing
$FS_HOME/sysparms/fs_sysparm_override file.
FS_MAX_ACTIVE_FORMATS parameter has a default
The value of 1, which means only one tape drive can be used at one
time for formatting. This value can be changed using an editor to a number equal to the number of tape drives available for formatting.
1-8 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks

Create Migration Policies

Migration policies initiate movement of file data from disk to tape.
ADIC recommends that migration policies be applied on a routine basis. Periodic application of migration policies is best accomplished through the use of a crontab, to invoke many routinely executed UNIX commands.
The following types of policy can be run:
Store data to tape (based on DataClass parameters).
Remove data from disk (based on disk space) The
fspolicy -s command is used to invoke the policy to
store data to tape. Eligibility for storage is based on the DataClass parameters of class.
% fspolicy -s -c class
The fspolicy -t command is used to invoke the policy to truncatedatafromdiskafterithasbeenstoredtotape. Eligibility for truncation is per file system filesystem and based on the file attributes, such as last access date.
System Tasks
% fspolicy -t -y filesystem
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-9
Administrative Tasks

Routine Processing

Store and Truncate Files

Part of the FileServ system routine processing includes:
Routine Tasks Page
Store and Truncate Files 1-10 Database Maintenance 1-10 Trashcan Cleanup 1-20
Policies for storage and for data truncation are run as part of routine system processing. The standard method of running routine operations is to have the operating system execute the operations. A registered with the ongoing
root generated crontab is read and
cron process. The application of
cron process
migration and truncation policies is handled as part of this process. The
cron file contains many routinely executed by
UNIX commands.

Database Maintenance

The database used by FileServ is an intricate part of the software. Access to the database is controlled through a process called the Lock Manager. The Lock Manager is started by the FileServ system administrator. The startup script is called
lm_start and is located in the $FS_HOME/util directory . If
the Lock Manager is not running, FileServ will not start. To prevent data loss and improve FileServ performance,
periodic database maintenance must be performed.
1-10 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
FileServ database maintenance is part of routine system processing. FileServ uses a RAIMA database to store and track information about the files under FileServ. The RAIMA database is embedded within FileServ and automatically starts when FileServ starts.
Periodic database maintenance is required to prevent data loss, improve FileServ software performance, and simplify recovery procedures if needed.
The following three utilities should be run on a periodic basis:
$FS_HOME/util/keyBuildAll The
script checkpoints the RAIMA database (database recovery is faster and more reliable when regular checkpoints are taken).
Checkpointing of the database is not automatically established during FileServ installation. Therefore, checkpointing must be placedinthecrontab file by the system administrator and executed according to parameters of
Also, checkpointing cannot be accomplished without having Perl installed. Checkpointing should be done during low usage times.
System Tasks
Since checkpointing is a snapshot of the RAIMA database, taking regular checkpoints makes recovery of the database faster and more reliable.
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-11
Administrative Tasks
When the checkpoint script runs, it tars the entire contents of the FileServ database to a separate file system. After this process is completed, it zeros out the journal file. If the journaling file system becomes full, processing stops. Therefore, it is important to checkpoint the database regularly through a
cron process.
Checkpointing can be written to the host computer disk or table, but these files must not be placed under FileServ’s control.
checkDBALL The
database consistency by validating the position of each record occurrence and checking the integrity of deleted chains. The consistency check verifies that the member and owner record types are valid, the membership count is current, and the doubley linked lists are properly formed.
The script also validates the existence of the key values associated with each record and the key field in the data files. For each key in the key file, the script reads the associated record and checks to ensure that the key’s data field contents match that stored in the key file. Finally, t he checkDBALL script performs a timestamp consistency check on the database.
The host platform crash because FileServ may have been performing a database transaction when the crash occurred.
$FS_HOME/util/checkDBALL script checks the
checkDBALL database script should always be run after a
1-12 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
The table below shows the suggested database maintenance intervals for each database utility.
Although the terms “Normal Usage” and “Heavy Usage” in the table header are somewhat subjective and may have different definitions at different sites, in general, the script and keyBuildAll script should be run every 100,000 storage, retrieval, modification, creation, and/or deletion of files within the FileServ controlled DMAPI file systems.
System Tasks
Database Maintenance Script
$FS_HOME/internal/chk_point/ $FS_HOME/util/checkDBALL $FS_HOME/util/keyBuildAll
Although FileServ must be terminated, the Lock Manager process must be active, to run the script may be run by either user
ADIC recommends that the output of the checkDBALL script be redirected to a temporary file so that an analysis can be performed after the script completes it’s execution. This is accomplished as shown below:
# $FS_HOME/util/checkDBAll > temp_file_name
After the script completes it’sexecution, the file should be analyzed for any er rors.
Heavy Usage
Daily Daily Monthly Bi-weekly Monthly Bi-weekly
checkDBALL script. The
fsadm or user root.
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-13
Administrative Tasks
keyBuildAll The $FS_HOME/util/keyBuildAll script rebuilds all the
key files for the RAIMA database. Rebuilding the file keys is a two step process that also rebalances the B-tree structure of the database.
To rebuild the file keys, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Reinitialize the file. Step 2. Sequentially reads each record is from each data file
record and recreates each key file is from the record contents.
Database Utilities
Run the
keyBuildAll script if one of the following occurs:
If any errors were detected by the checkDBALL script.
Periodically, based on system usage. (check the system usage in the previous table)
For instructions on file recovery or UNIX to FileServ comparison, see “Audit Database” on page 4-17.
There are 19 database utilities that allow you to add, modify, delete and query a specific FileServ table.
The table utilities are:
classdef, classdir, devdb, dirdb, exitinfo, externmed, fileattr, filecmnt, filecomp, filexpir, keytest, medbpos, mediadir, transdb, trashcomp
, and trashname.
activefl, blockpos, cfgdir,
1-14 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
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