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DAS is a registere d trade mark of ADIC /G RAU Storage System s Gmb H
DAS is a trade mark of ADIC/GRAU Storage Systems GmbH
Other trade marks are the property of the relevant owner.
Document number: DOC D00 025-A
Published on: March 31, 1999
This Guide contains information and instructions for the safe operation
of the AML/J syste m.
1.2Target group
This Guide is written for users who work with the AML/J.
1.3Layout of the Guide
The Guide is broken down into the following chapters:
Chapt er 1Introduction - Notes on the use of the Guide
Chapt er 2Overview - Contains general information on the
AML/J components.
Chapt er 3Safety - Describes the danger symbols, mes-
sages, safety functions and consider ations for
the safe opera tion of the AML/J.
Chapt er 4Operation - Describ es the functions for switch-
ing the AML/J on and off.
Chapt er 5Menus a nd com m ands - Describes the menus
and the commands executed by the AML/J.
Chapt er 6Processing media - Describes t he I/O unit an d its
The use of the AML/J by untrained personnel can lead to dangerous
situations. The consequence can be severe to lethal injuries due to
moving or current-conducting parts. For this reason an introductory
course at ADIC/GRAU is recommended for all persons who handle the
The operator is responsib le that the followi ng functi ons are perfo rmed on
the system only by qualified personnel:
• Preparation for operation
• Setting up
• Starti ng th e system
• Application
• Shutting the system down
• Maintenance
• Restart
Yo u may perfor m certai n work and adaptations y ourself only if you are
qualified for this by corresponding education and training.
It is extremely important that the user is familiar with all safety rules
before working with the system and follows them.
If you cannot solve a problem with the aid of this document or if you are interested in a recommendation regarding training, please contact your contract partner or the ADIC/GRAU Technical Assistance Center (ATAC).
ADIC/GRAU Storage Syst ems GmbHADIC
Eschenstrasse 310949 East Peakview
89558 BoehmenkirchEnglewood, CO 80112
We would be p leased to help you further.
Telefax:+49 (0) 6196-59 08 69
Email:techsup @ ad
Telephone:1 800 827 3822North America
+49 6142 992364Germany
00800 9999 3822(the rest of the world)
March 31 , 1999
1.7Product observation
We are legally obliged to obser ve our product s even after delivery.
Therefore please notify us about everything which is of interest to us:
• Changed setting data
• Experience with the product
• Repetitive faults
• Difficultie s with this Guide
ADIC-GRAU Stor age S ystem s GmbH ADIC
Eschenstrasse 310949 East Peakview
89558 Boehmenkirchavenue
GermanyEnglewood, CO 80112
Telefax:+49 (0) 6196-59 08 69
Email:techsup @ ad
DOC D00 025-A
Telephone:1 800 827 3822North America
+49 6142 992364Germany
00800 9999 3822(the rest of the world)
March 31 , 1999
DOC D00 025-A
2Description of the system
2.1Overview of the system components
Storage media such as magneti c tape cartr id g e s, optical disks and CDROMs are broug h t a u tomati c a l l y i n to th e a ss ociat e d d ri v e s an d fetche d
from there again with the AML/J. The storage media are brought to the
drives with the aid of software in the host and in th e AML/J contro l unit
and discharged from these drives again.
The AML/J is a modul ar system and consists of
• a basic module
− Handling unit
− Storage racks
− Control cabinet
− I/O unit (E/I/F)
• up to 9 extension modules (optional)
− Storage racks
− I/O unit (E/I/F)
March 31 , 1999
Figure 2-1: AML/J basic module
2.2Host connection
AML/J is connected through the AMU (AML Management Unit) to one
or several hosts. The possi b ilitie s of the conn ect ion are describe d in the
AMU Reference Guide.
2.3Description of function
The AML/J syste m can be instal led on the unfin ished floo r or on a false
floor .
The handling unit moves the cartridges between the storage cells, drives
and the I/O unit. The handling unit has a gripper. A barcode scanner on
the gripper identifies the cartridges at the compartments in the archive.
Further details are de scribed under Handling unit on page 2-6. The cartridges can be brought into the AML/J system or moved out from the
system with the aid of the I/O unit without inte rrupti ng the work.
Additional details are described under I/O unit on page 2-7.
Manual access to the compartments in the archive, the handling unit and
the dri ve s is through an access door after switching off the power supply.
The cartridges in the AML/J are moved by host requests. Primary
requests are for mounting and discharging cartridges in the drives and
for inserting/ejecting cartridges into/out from the AML/J.
Each cartridge can have an external machine and user readable label to
identify the cartridge in the AML/J at stocktaking and when adding a
cartridge to the AML /J. The AMU stores the p hysical s torage location of
the cartridge in a database which is based on the Volser (Volume Serial
Apart from the commands for moving the tape cartridges, the host can
also reque st stat us, con figurat ion an d cartrid ge storage i nfor mation fr om
the AML/J control unit.
2.4Functional units
The A M L/J syst e m consists of the f ollowi n g functi o n a l u ni t s:
• Drives
• Control cabinet with:
• AML/J control unit
• AMU (AML Managemen t Unit)
• Stora g e c el ls ( l in e a r ra c k s)
• Handling unit
• I/O units
DOC D00 025-A
The AML/J system supports a large number of drives for different storage media.
2.4.2Contr ol cabinet
The control unit of the system is housed in a control cabinet. This control
cabin e t co ntains :
• Control unit
− Power supply
− Motor cont rol
− Interfa ce conve rt er
− Safe ty system
• Drive(s) (optional)
Control un it
Figure 2-2: Control cabinet
2.4.3AML Management Unit (AMU)
The AMU is the control processor for the AML system. In the normal
mode the host com puter sen ds th e c omman ds to th e AMU f or c on tro lli ng
the system. The AMU is located next to further power supply components in the control cabinet Figure 2-2: on page 2-3.
It is possible to connect a second AMU PC in parallel to back up against
failures due to failures of the PC hardware. This redundant version is
called Dual-AMU, and a few cables have to be reconnected for the
AMU monitor
March 31 , 1999
Hardware components
The AMU hardware consists of:
• A computer (AML controller) with screen, keyboard and trackball or
• Programmable Multi-Axis Controller (PMAC board)
• Network board (Token Ring, Ethernet or FDDI)
Software components
The AMU software components are:
• Operating system OS/2
• Communication Manager/2 , TCP/IP
• Database Manage r/2
• AML Management Software (AMS)
Tasks of the AMU:
• Host communication
− interprets the commands coming from the host computer
− checks these commands for executab ility
• Archive catalogue administration
− stores the logical coordinates of the compartments
− assigns the cartridges to the compartments
− knows the status of compartments and drives
− stores information on scratchpool administra tion
• Conversion of the logical coordinates into physical coordinates
• Commu n ication with the con t rol unit
• User interface
− for start-up
− for service
− for the opera to r
• Configuration (describes the individual structure of the archive)
The AMU does not register the data contents of the cartrid ge s.
DOC D00 025-A
2.4.4Storage cells
The AML/J system contains compartments (storage cells) in linear racks
(stationary storage segments (☞ Figure 2-3: ). Table 2-1: Coordinates of
the storage cells on page 2-5 contains the coordinates of the storage cells.
March 31 , 1999
Figure 2- 3: Example of storage cells
Table 2-1:Coordinate s of the storage cells
L3 - LD01 - 990101 - 9901 - 99
The module number corresponds to the number of the segment whereby
the assig nmen t o f the mod ule number s to t he se gmen t can be det erm ined
by the user at start-up and the segment is always 01. The rows are
coun te d from bel ow to abo ve and the co m p a r t me nts from the left to th e
right. Optical disks occupy two comp artments in the database.
2.4.5Handling unit
The handling unit identifies and moves cartridges between the storage
cells, d rives and th e I/ O unit.
Figure 2-4: AML/J handling unit
Access to the archive compartments and the drives is facilitated with the
handling unit. The handling unit executes the commands of the AML
Managemen t Sof tware (AMS) a nd re turns status messages as response.
The handling unit is equipped with a (laser) barcode scanner. Typical
tasks of the han dling unit are insert ing and ejecti ng cartridges, placing
and gripping cartridges in the archive, mounting the connected drives
with the cartridges and reading a barcode label attached to the cartridges.
Technical data of the handling unit
• Cartesian robot with 4 axes:
− 3 linear axes
− 1 rotary axis
• Drive with direct current servomotors
• Position measuring system (optical digital encoder) and home posi-
tion sensors
• Tran smission of the torque s with toothed dr ive belts
• Driving axis guided
− with rollers on 2 guide rods below
− by one guide rod with loose bearing (play compensation) above
DOC D00 025-A
2.4.6I/O unit
The I/O unit facilitates inserti ng and ejecting cartridges with ou t interrupting normal processing (☞ Figure 2-5:).
Figure 2-5: I/O unit/E
2.5Cartridge s
Each cartridge in the AML/J system can have an external user and
machine readable label for identifying the Volsers (Volume Serial
Number). The external label contains between one and 16 characters for
the Volser. The Volser is composed of the uppercase letters A-Z and the
numbers 0-9. The AML/J system supports different types of label (e.g.
“Code 39” and “STK”).
March 31 , 1999
2.6Technical Data
Table 2-2:Size of the AML/J components
Width x depthHeight
Basic module1.00 m x 1.50 m
(3.28 ft x 4.92 ft)
Control cabinet
0.75 m x 0.82 m
(2.46 ft x 2.69 ft)
2.05 m
(6.73 ft)
Weight without/with cartridges (3480/3490)
Table 2-3:Weight of the AML/J components
Weight in lbsWeigh t in kg
Basic module721509326230 kg
Control cabinet-331-150 kg
Extension module688454311205 kg
Maximum floor loading
Table 2-4:Floor loading of the AML/J components
Basic module
Extension module
390 kg/m
DOC D00 025-A
2.6.1Electrical system
Table 2-5:Electrical data of the AML/J
Tota l sy s tem conn e c tion230 V ± 10% 1, N, PE110 V ± 10% 1, N,
EuropeNorth America
(by customer)
Power section voltage48 V =
Frequency50 Hz60 Hz
Control voltage24 V =
Degree of protectionIP 50
Heat dissipation
Maximum 1.2 kW
Table 2-6:Noise caused by the AML/J
Total syste m80 dB (A)
2.6.3Climatic conditio ns
Table 2-7:Climatic conditions for operating the AML/J
Temperature10 .. 32 °C
16 A fuse
10 A fus e
March 31 , 1999
Humi di ty15 .. 80%
DOC D00 025-A
Apart from the safety provisions in this chapter, the local and specific
technical safety regulations apply.
Avoi d h a z ar d s du ri ng main t e n a nce and in ope ratio n of th e system by
• safety-conscious behaviour
• careful actions
Knowledge of and observance of these instructions are indispensable
for the safe handling of the ADIC/GRAU Storage Systems AML/J systems.
March 31 , 1999
3.1Use as intended
The quotati on and the order confirmation as well as the scope de f ined in
this document are part of the AML/J documentation. Any use other than
that specified in this is consider e d to be not as intende d.
This system is intended for processing:
• Magnetic tape cartridges
• Optical disks
• CD-ROMs in the CADDY housing
Any use extending beyond this is not as intended.
ADIC/GRAU Storage Systems is not liab le for damages which ari se
because of use not agreed with it - the user bears the risk alone.
The following are also included in use as intended
• Compliance with the instructions in the instructions delivered with
the system ( this Guide, Op e rator and AMU Guides)
• Complia nce with the insp e ction and maintenance regulations
DOC D00 025-A
3.2Warning indications
ADIC/GRAU classifies hazards into different categories. Ta ble 3-1 : shows the
relation betwe en symbols, signal words , a ctual hazards and possible consequences.
Table 3-1:Warning ind ications
Symbo l
Signal wordDefinitionConsequences
CAUTION!Less dangerous
CAUTION!Less dangerous
electrical danger
possibly causing damage
Death or very severe
injuries (maiming)
Possibly death or
very severe inj u rie s
Possibly light or
slight injuries
Death or severe
Possibly light or
medium injury
Possibly damage of
the product and its
March 31 , 1999
InformationApplication tips
Potential risk of
damage to the
and other
important/useful information
and hints
Possibly damage to
the product
No dangerous or
damagi ng consequences for persons
or things
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