ADIC Landscape Lighting 5.1 User Manual

Release Notes
Product: VolServ® Version 5.1 Operating Systems: IRIX® 6.5.15-6.5.17
Solaris™ 7 and 8 SPARC
Date: December 30, 2002
NOTE: (1) The operating system must always be run in US_English. (2) If you have an
installation of VolServ that is earlier than 3.0 and you want to upgrade to VolServ 5.1, you must first upgrade to VolServ 3.0 to accommodate the change of the Ingres database to the Linter database.


Page Topic Page Topic
1 Purpose of This Release 5 Changes to the Installing VolServ Guide 1 New Features and Enhancements 5 Upgrade Instructions 2 Fixed Problems 13 Documentation 2 Known Problems 3 Supported Libraries
(32-bit and 64-bit)
4 Installation Instructions

Purpose of This Release

This release adds several new features and enhancements that extend the capabilities of the VolServ product. It also provides corrections to problems that were encountered in previous releases of VolServ.

New Features and Enhancements

The following features and enhancements are new with this release.
CAUTION: To ensure the integrity of your archive configurations, contact ADIC Technical
Assistance Center (ATAC) for instructions on using the archive conversion utilities.
• Archive conversion utilities for converting ADIC Scalar 1K libraries from AMU front-end to SCSI-attached.
• Archive conversion utilities for converting ADIC AML libraries from the AML command interface to the DAS interface.
• Media types 9940 and SDLT (220 drives only).
• Library support for Storage Tek (STK) L180 and L700 SCSI-attached libraries.
• Enhancement of library support for the ADIC Scalar 1K and 10K libraries.
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• SGI IRIX support for 6.5.15 - 6.5.17.
• Linter database upgrade to version

Fixed Problems

Between VolServ 5.0 and VolServ 5.1, ADIC changed the system it uses to track Change Requests (CRs). Therefore, if two numbers have been associated with a CR, the first number in the Change Requests column represents the new tracking system, and the number within parentheses represents the old tracking system.
The following table describes the problems that have been fixed in this release.
IRIX 4255
Solaris 4316
All 3875
(08627) 4322
(11575) 5723
(13760) 4250 The vsarchiveqry command hangs. 4251
(07875) 4256
(09564) 4307
The Eject and Enter lists fail to print from a console.
The World Wide Name (WWN) device format is not handled correctly.
After cycling the AMU software, the barcode is enabled, but the Vary Archive Component display still shows the status as offline.
From the Vary Archive Components screen, the EIF, Storage Unit, and Barcode Reader cannot vary on or off.
The vsmountstat command cores with SEGV if given a non-numeric argument.
On the Enter and Eject screens on the AML console, the media type of the EIF ports displays in numeric rather than in textual format.
AML libraries do not support LTO drives.
VolServ 5.0 does not support mixed media for ADIC libraries.
4322 (13275)
5715 Moving media fails whe n moving it fr om one archiv e into a sh elf or from a shelf into
5742 The ArcDisp cores when allocated memory is incorrectly released into it.
The program vswin e xits if in v alid data is entered into t he drive slot field when the drive is associated with an archive.
another archive .

Known Problems

Between VolServ 5.0 and VolServ 5.1, ADIC changed the system they use to track Change Requests (CRs). Therefore, if two numbers have been associated with a CR, the first number in the Change Requests column represents the new tracking system, and the number within parentheses represents the old tracking system.
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The following table describes known problems in this release.
IRIX 4365
All 3669
(07723) 4239
4242 (07724)
4323 (11773)
When the operator’s console display goes down, the change archive parameters cannot be used to redisplay the console.
Workaround: Select the specific library to be reconfigured, select <OK> to bring down the library, and then select <Done> so the operator’s console for tha t archive will reappear.
Library console does not emit a beep each time status is returned to it.
The vsamlconfig command cannot handle hex numbers for drive slots that are printed from the AMU.
Workaround: Configure the archive as a Scalar DLC archive. If changing the AML configuration after initial ly configuring the libr ary, the modified
AMU information is unable to be uploaded to VolServ without deleting and recreating the library.
Workaround: Configure the archive as a Scalar DLC archive. Mixed media imports do not work for SCSI libraries.
6378 (08529)
6379 (11035)
Unable to mount tapes after recovery of offline robot.
If VolServ is started when the Scalar 1000 or the Scalar 10k archives are offline, the AMTask will not start.
Workaround: Place the archives in an online state and cycle VolServ to get the AMTask running.

Supported Libraries

The following libraries are supported in this release.
NOTE: AIT is not currently suppor te d as a pr e- defin e d me d ia typ e. At this time, an AIT library
must be configured as an 8mm library.
In previous releases of VolServ, AML libraries with AIT-1 and/or AIT-2 drives may have used either one of the following DAS/AMU drive type designators:
• DC = AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
• DM = AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
In VolServ release 5.1, due to a change in the AMU software, AML libraries with AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
drives now use the following DAS/AMU drive type designators:
• DC = AIT-3
• DM = AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
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Therefore, if you use DC for your AIT-1 and/or AIT-2 drives and you are upgrading to VolServ 5.1, you will need to reconfigure the drive type designator to DM, otherwise VolServ will interpret DC as an AIT-3 drive.
VolServ 5.1 has been certified with DAS/AMU firmware revision 3.10e which supports AIT-1 and AIT-2 drives. Firmware revision 3.11 and above supports AIT-3, although ADIC has not yet certified this
Manufacturer Model Firmware Revision Level Requirements
ADIC (AMU-attached) Scalar 1000 with LTO drives: 4.00.0006
with DLT or AIT drives: 3.00.0018 or .0017
ADIC (SCSI-attached; Solaris 8 and IRIX
6.5.15-6.5.17 only)
ADIC (SDLC-attached; Version 2.x) •Scalar 10K Rev 140A.00002 STK (3480 mediatype only)
Network-attached using Automatic Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS) as a library interface.
STK L180 (SCSI-attached; Solaris 8 and IRIX 6.5.15-6.5.17 only)
STK L700 (SCSI-attached; Solaris 8 and IRIX 6.5.15-6.5.17 only)
•Scalar 100 Rev 2.60.0040
Scalar 1000 with LTO drives: 4.00.0006
with DLT or AIT drives: 3.00.0018 or .0017
•Scalar 10K
Silo ACS 4400
•Wolfcreek ACS 9360
Rev 140A.00002

Installation Instructions

To install VolServ 5.1, use the following instructions. Step 1. Log on as a root user:
# su - root
Step 2. Install VolServ 5.1 as described in the Installing VolServ book (version 5.0).
NOTE: If you have an installation of VolServ that is earlier than 3.0 and you want to
upgrade to VolServ 5.1, you must first upgrade to VolServ 3.0 to accommodate the change of the Ingres database to the Linter database.
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Changes to the Installing VolServ Guide

The following change should be noted when using the instructions in the Installing VolServ installation guide.
On page 2-7, Step 6, the information in the table for performing a remote installation is not correct. Instead, when performing a remote installation, use the information from the table on page 2-6, Step 5.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade to VolServ 5.1, your current operating system must support either IRIX 6.5.15-6.5.17 or Solaris 7 and 8 SPARC (32-bit and 64-bit). If your current operating system does not support these versions of IRIX or Solaris, then you must first upgrade your operating system before upgrading VolServ.
Depending on your system setup, use the instructions for either upgrading your operating system and VolServ or upgrading VolServ.
NOTE: When upgrading to VolServ 5.1, all the files for your previous version of VolServ are
overwritten. Therefore, in case you encounter any problems with the upgrade, you should first back up the files for your previous version of VolServ before performing the upgrade.

Upgrading Your Operating System and VolServ

If your operating system does not support the upgrade to VolServ 5.1, you must first complete the following steps before performing the software upgrade.
Step 1. Back up the Linter database and Linter journal. Step 2. Upgrade your operating system. Step 3. Follow the instructions for Upgrading VolServ.

Upgrading VolServ

If your operating system supports the upgrade to VolServ 5.1, use the following instructions to upgrade VolS erv.

Extracting Files From CD

Extract the upgrade files from the VolServ 5.1 CD.
NOTE: If you need more detailed instructions on performing this task, refer to pages 2-6 and
2-7 in your Installing VolServ guide.

Upgrade VolServ

Step 1. At the command prompt, type the following to begin the VolServ upgrade.
# /usr/tmp/volserv/vs_install
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