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This book describes the management tasks used to operate
This book is written for the system administrator who is
operating and troubleshooting VolServ.
It assumes the administrator has a strong familiarity with:
•UNIX operating systems
•Applications running in their site environment
This book contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Getting Started — Introduces the document and it’s
conventions. Also contains general software installation information.
Chapter 2: Start-up and Shutdown — A discussion of VolServ
system operation pertaining to equipment and software start-up and
Chapter 3: Initial configuration —
system operations pertaining to initial software and site-dependant
parameter definition.
Chapter 4: Normal Operations — A discussion of normal
VolServ system operations including environment management,
archive management, drive management, media management,
system queries, and database maintenance.
Chapter 5: Archive Operations — A discussion of the VolServ
Archive Operator and applicable capabilities.
601354 Rev APrefaceP-3
A discussion of VolServ
Administrative Tasks
Chapter 6: Troubleshoot — Troubleshooting tips for VolServ
software problems.
The conventions used throughout the VolServ technical books
are listed below:
Screen text, file names, program names, and
commands are in Courier font.
The root prompt is shown as a number
What you should type in is shown in Courier bold font.
Site-specific variables are in a Times italics
A backward slash ( \ ) denotes the input is
continued onto the next line; the printed page
is just not wide enough to accommodate the
Pressing <Return> after each command is
Request to add a new volume:
Volume group will be “20”
Volume position will be “A123”.
# su root
tar -xvf tapedevicename
remsh nodename -n dd if=/dev \
/tapedevicename/bs=20b | tar xvfb \
- 20
(You should type the entire command without
the backward slash.)
A menu name with an arrow refers to a
sequence of menus.
P-4Preface601354 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
The books described below are part of the technical
documentation set, and are shipped on CD along with the
VolServ software:
Provides an ov erview of VolServ . Co ntains a
Installing VolServ
Describes server requirements, installation
instructions, troubleshooting procedures,
and configuration parameters.
Using the VolServ GUI
Describes how to perform system
administrative tasks using th e graphical user
API Guide
Provides a list of API functions.
Administrative Tasks
Describes how to perform system
administrative tasks using VolServ
Command Reference
Contains a list of VolServ commands
Error Messages
Provides corrective action f or system log
Quick Reference Card
Summarizes commands.
Online Books
The documentation CD contains VolServ book files and
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader. The Reader allows you to view and
navigate the online documentation files yet preserves the page
design and graphics from the printed books.
601354 Rev APrefaceP-5
Administrative Tasks
Related PublicationsDescription
“Release Notes”For each version of VolServ, the “Release Notes” contain:
“Product Alerts”Informs customers of technical problems and solutions.
“Product Bulletins”Conveys technical information—not problems—to
The publications described in the table below are created and
distributed on an as-needed basis.
• Summary of enhancements
• Describes:
- Fixed problems
- Known problems
- Installation and configuration issues
- Operating system patches
- System requirements
Secured Web
To make corrections or to comment on VolServ publications,
please contact Software Technical Publications at our e-mail
To receive access to the secured site on our home page
containing technical product information (Release Notes,
Product Alerts, Product Bulletins, FAQs), visit and follow the password request
procedure. In return, ADIC will send you instructions and a
General software access information1
Hardware and software start-up2
Site-specific configuration of archives and drives3
Daily operations4
Archive operation and configuration5
Troubleshooting tips and solutions6
Refer To
1-2Getting Started601354 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
Access Control
After VolServ is installed, the VolServ System Administrator
(SA) configures the VolServ environment to control Command
Line Interface (CLI), Application Program Interface (API), and
Graphical User Interface (GUI) access to the VolServ system.
The following sections provide a recommended plan for
controlling access to specific VolServ software commands.
The commands available to any application via CLI or API are
controlled by the command.config file, which is located in
the directory $VS_DIR/config. There are entries in the
command.config file for each command available over the
CLI or API. The SA can control access to individual commands
by editing the command.config file and commenting out the
command not authorized. Individual commands can also be
disallowed by using the GUI Client Commands windo w. Refer
to the Using the VolServ GUI or the appropriate VolServ
software manual.
A client application is a hardware/software package performing
data management service for the user or as an intermediary to
other client programs. Although the CLI may be used, client
applications primarily interact with VolServ through the API.
Each client application generates volume server requests
through the API for selected VolServ software commands.
Getting Started
601354 Rev AGetting Started1-3
Administrative Tasks
The commands available to a client application are sho wn in the
following table.
Media Operations
Import MediaInserts media into the system and update the VolServ
database with the new media identifiers.
Export MediaRemoves media from the system and any knowledge of the
media identifier from the VolServ database.
Check-in MediaLogically checks media into the VolServ system that were
checked out.
Check-out MediaChecks media out of an archive.
Clear EjectRemoves the specified media from the archive’s Eject list.
Mount MediaMounts a medium into a drive.
Multimount MediaAllows multiple mount requests for multiple drives.
Dismount MediaDismounts a medium from a drive.
Modify MediaAllows the addition of media statistics, manufacturer, and
batch information to be associated with a medium or media.
Move MediaMoves media from one archive to another.
Reclassify MediaChanges the media class group name of a medium or medi a.
AuditPerforms an archive inventory verification.
ConnectAllows request status to be routed to a different location
using the enterprise identifier for location.
DisconnectRemoves the location established by the connect command.
Vary ArchiveChanges the state of the archive from On-Line, Off-Line, or
1-4Getting Started601354 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
Vary DriveChanges the state of the archive from On-Line, Off-Line,
Diagnostic, or On-Line/Clear.
Cancel RequestCancels requests based on request identifier.
Reprioritize RequestChanges the priority level of a request.
Lock DriveObtains exclusive use of one or more drives.
Unlock DriveReleases exclusive use of one or more drives.
Create Drive PoolAssociates a group of drive types having the same
characteristics with a logical group name.
Modify Drive PoolChanges the parameters associated with a drive pool.
Delete Drive PoolRemoves a drive pool from the system.
Create Media Class Creates a Media Class in the VolServ system.
Getting Started
Modify Media ClassModifies a Media Class’ parameters.
Delete Media ClassRemoves a Media Class from the VolServ system.
Create Archive Media ClassAssociates a Media Class with an archive.
Modify Archive Media ClassModifies the parameters associated with an archive Media
Delete Archive Media ClassRemoves an archive Media Class from the VolServ system.
Query ArchiveRepor t showing information about an archive.
Query DriveReport showing information about a drive or drives.
Query Driv e PoolReport showing inf ormation about a specified drive p ool or all
drive pools known to the VolServ system.
Query Mount Report showing information about drives that could be used
in a subsequent mount of a specified medium.
601354 Rev AGetting Started1-5
Administrative Tasks
Query MediaReport showing the attributes of one or more specified
Query Intransit MediaReport showing information about media that are in the
Intransit state.
Query Media ClassReport showing the attributes of a specified Media Class or
all Media Class known to the VolServ system.
Query Media TypeReport showing the attributes of one or more media types.
Query Request Report showing information about a specified request.
Query ConnectReport showing enterprise connection information.
The client application permissions can be changed at any time.
To make the changes effective, VolServ must be cycled.
GUI Access
The commands available via the GUI are controlled by the
operator.config file, which is located in the
$VS_DIR/config directory. There are entries in the
operator.config file for each command available through
the GUI. The SA can control access to individual GUI
commands by editing the operator.config file and
commenting out the command not authorized. Individual
commands can also be disallowed by using the GUI Operator Commands window. Refer to Using the VolServ GUI or the
appropriate VolServ software manual.
Although the CLI can be used, the System Operator (SO)
primarily uses the GUI to access VolServ software commands.
The SO may have the same privileges as the SA or a subset of
the privileges as determined by the SA.
1-6Getting Started601354 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
Separate access for the SA and SO is maintained through the
use of group permissions. If the SO’s user ID is defined in the
vsadmin group, the SO will have GUI access to the commands
defined by the SA in the operator.config file and the SO
will have CLI access to the commands def ined b y the SA in the
command.config file.
The following table shows the commands available to the SA
and the recommended commands for a SO.
Media Operations
Getting Started
Import MediaInserts media into the system
and updates the VolServ
database with the new media
Export MediaRemoves media from the
system and any knowledge of
the media identifier from the
VolServ database.
Check-in MediaLogically checks media into the
VolServ system that were
checked out.
Check-out MediaChecks media out of the
VolServ system.
Manual EjectUpdates the VolServ database
for problem or jammed media
physically removed from the
VolServ system.
Clear EjectRemoves the specified media
from the archive’s Eject list.
Mount MediaMounts a medium or media into
a drive.
601354 Rev AGetting Started1-7
Administrative Tasks
Dismount MediaDismounts a medium from a
Modify MediaAllows the addition of media
statistics, manufacturer, and
batch information to be
associated with a medium or
Move MediaMoves media from one archive
to another.
Reclassify MediaChanges the Media Class
name of a medium or media.
Change Archive
Performs an archive inventory
Vary ArchiveChanges the state of the
archive from On-Line, Off-Line,
or Diagnostic.
Vary Archive
Changes the state of an archiv e
component from On-Line,
Off-Line, or Diagnostic.
Vary DriveChanges the state of the
archive from On-Line, Off-Line,
Diagnostic, or On-Line/Clear.
Cancel RequestCancels requests based on
request identifier.
Unlock DriveReleases exclusive use of one
Changes the priority level of a
or more drives.
Reprint Media
1-8Getting Started601354 Rev A
Reprints media label for a
specific medium or media.
Administrative Tasks
Configure Archive Adds an archive to the VolServ
Create DriveAdds a drive to the VolServ
Associate DriveAssociates a drive with an
Disassociate DriveDisassociates a drive from an
Delete DriveRemoves drive from the
VolServ system.
Create Drive PoolAssociates a group of drives
types having the same
characteristics with a logical
group name.
Modify Drive PoolChanges the parameters
associated with a drive pool.
Delete Drive PoolRemoves a drive pool from the
Create Media
Creates a Media Class in the
VolServ system.
Getting Started
Modify Media ClassModifies a Media Class’
Delete Media ClassRemoves a Media Class from
the VolServ system.
Create Archive
Media Class
Modify Archive
Media Class
Associates a Media Class with
an archive.
Modifies the parameters
associated with an archive
Media Class.
601354 Rev AGetting Started1-9
Administrative Tasks
Delete Archive
Media Class
Removes an archive Media
Class from the VolServ system.
Define Media TypeDefines a media type to be
used within the VolServ system.
Define Label
Adds a label pattern to the
VolServ system.
Query ArchiveReport showing information
about an archive.
Query DriveReport showing information
about a drive or drives.
Query Drive PoolReport showing information
about a specified drive pool or
all drive pools known to the
VolServ system.
Query Mount Report showing information
about drives that could be used
in a subsequent mount of a
specified medium.
Query Media
Report showing where a
specific medium or media are
located in the VolServ system.
Query MediaReport sho wing the attributes of
one or more specified media.
Query Intransit
Report showing information
about media that are in the
Intransit state.
Query Media ClassReport showing the attributes of
a specified Media Class or all
Media Classes known to the
VolServ system.
1-10Getting Started601354 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
Query Media T ypeReport sho wing the attributes of
one or more media types.
Query Request Report showing information
about a specified request.
Query ConnectReport showing enterprise
connection information.
Getting Started
601354 Rev AGetting Started1-11
Administrative Tasks
VolServ uses global variables that help define the system
environment. These v ariables are located in the *.config f iles
located in the $VS_DIR/config directory. The VS_DIR
environment variable contains VolServ home directory and is
defined during installation. These files include:
The environment v a riables contained in the *.config files are
edited by the SA to customize the software for a particular site
using a text editor. Default values containing embedded spaces
must be enclosed within double quotes. For example,
This value has embedded spaces: “4 2 6”
This value does not: 421
VolServ must be cycled when
*.config files are modified.
Upon restart, a service utility is called by various
processes/routines to establish the environment variable values
within the VolServ environment.
1-12Getting Started601354 Rev A
Administrative Tasks
To cycle VolServ, use volserv -t; for information, see
“Gracefully Terminate VolServ” on page 2-9. Also use the
volserv command; for information, see “Start Up VolServ” on
page 2-3.
Control Access
These two files are used to control access to CLI, API, and GUI
commands. For information about these files, see “CLI and API
Access Control” on page 1-3 and see “GUI Access Control” on
page 1-6.
console.config FileMessages are generated by VolServ to notify the user or SA of
VolServ software’s actions. Messages are displayed in response
to a command or when certain events occur.
This file does not affect the envvar.config file variable
The console.config file, located in the $VS_DIR/config
directory, allows various system log messages to be saved to a
particular file. The log messages that are saved are based on
priority levels (i.e., trace, debug, error, etc.) set in the
console.config file. By default, all log files are located in
the $VS_DIR/logs directory. If the log file specified in the
console.config file does not exist, it is automatically
Getting Started
The priority levels and formats used for system log messages
are described in the VolServ Error Messages book.
config File
console_locations.config file located in the
$VS_DIR/config directory is a reference file for console
names; e.g., Workstation:0 used in the VolServ system.
601354 Rev AGetting Started1-13
Administrative Tasks
Workstation entries in this file are accessible when using the
Change Archive Parameters command. Refer to the
appropriate VolServ software manual. Clicking the right mouse
button when using the Change Archiv e P arameters command
displays the console names contained in this file, allowing one
to be selected and automatically entered as the location for the
archive Console.
Any console not in this file can still be accessed, b u t it does not
appear when the right mouse button is clicked.
envvar.config FileThe envvar.config file contains variables that control
general VolServ activities. Refer to text contained in the
envvar.config file for more detailed information. The
variables in this file are grouped into the following categories:
Software ProtectionEstablished at the time of system
System LoggingModified as required for site
logging levels.
Configuration EnvironmentModified as required for deleting
an archive.
Library DefaultsDefault for query processing.
Archive DispatcherModified as required for archive
GUI EnvironmentEstablished at the time of system
Process Server DefaultModified as required for software
VolServ DefaultsModified as required for sof tware
activation and termination.
1-14Getting Started601354 Rev A
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