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System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Purpose of
This Book
Who Should
Read This
This book describes how to install and configure DataMgr on
both the server and on clients’ machines.
This book is written for the system administrators who has been
assigned the task of installing DataMgr.
The table below lists DataMgr books that a system
administrator should read:
Books for System
Administrators to Read
DataMgr Overview
System Administrator’sGuide
to Installing DataMgr
System Administrator’sGuide
to Using DataMgr
Understand how DataMgr
works and know what features
are available.
Install & configure DataMgr on
server and clients’ machines.
Use DataMgr to define
migration criteria with either
commands or GUI. Description
of commands and utilities.
Describe backup and restore
issues.Provide troubleshooting
quick reference cardSummary of commands and
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
How This
Book is
This book contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Prerequisites — Defines system requirements for
Chapter 2: Install DataMgr — Instructions for installing
DataMgr as well as special startup & shutdown procedures.
Chapter 3: Setup Tasks — Instructions for the following
•Establish access for clients.
•Change color and fonts on GUIs.
Chapter 4: Post Installation Tasks — Instructions for the
following tasks:
•Deinstall and reinstall DataMgr.
•Remove installation directory.
cron jobs.
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
The conventions used throughout the DataMgr technical books
are listed below:
The word “library” is a generic way to
reference a storage device.
Screen text, file names, program names, and
commands are in Courier font.
The root prompt is shown as a number
What you should type in is shown in Courierbold font.
Site-specific variables are in a Times italics
A backward slash ( \ ) denotes the input is
continued onto the next line; the printed page
is just not wide enough to accommodate the
If using HP SunSpot libraries, install patch
Files/Dirs created for MFS
# su root
# cd /etc/dmfs/usr/utils
# dmfscntl -p /mfspath
# rsh nodename -n dd if=/dev\
/tapedevicename/bs=20b | tar\
xvfb - 20
Type the entire command without the
backward slashes.
Pressing <Return> after each command is
A menu name with an arrow refers to a
sequence of menus or options.
Main Menu -—> Edit —>Add-—> Select
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
The books described below are part of the technical
documentation set and are shipped on CD along with the
DataMgr software:
System Administrator’s Guide to
Installing DataMgr
Install and configure DataMgr on a UNIX
server and on clients’ workstations.
System Administrator’s Guide to
Using DataMgr
Define managed file system criteria with
either commands or GUI. Describes
DataMgr commands and utilities. Describe
backup and restore issues. Provides
troubleshooting tools.
The software CD contains DataMgr book files and Adobe®
Acrobat® Reader. The Reader allows you to view and navigate
the online documentation files yet preserves the page design
and graphics from the printed books.
DataMgr Overview
An introduction to DataMgr, an
hierarchicalstorage management (HSM)
application. Contains a glossary.
Client’s Guide to Using DataMgr
View migration criteria; start
user-initiated migration and reload; and
manage file quota system.
quick reference card
Summarizes commands and utilities.
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Related PublicationsDescription
“Release Notes”For each version of DataMgr, the “Release Notes” contain:
“Product Alerts”Informs customers of technical problems and solutions.
“Product Bulletins”Conveys technical information — not problems — to
The publications described in the table below are created and
distributed on an as-needed basis:
• Summary of enhancements.
• Describes:
- Fixed problems.
- Known problems.
- Installation and configuration issues.
• Lists:
- Operating system patches.
- System requirements.
Secured Web
To make corrections or to comment on DataMgr publications,
please contact Software Technical Publications at our email
To receive access to the secured site on our home page
containing technical product information (Release Notes,
Product Alerts, Product Bulletins, FAQs), send e-mail to and include the items below. In return, we
will send you instructions and a password.
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
•Telephone number and fax number.
•DataMgr serial number (or enter “reseller” if you are not a
•Your e-mail address.
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Install AMASS before installing DataMgr.
Verify that you have the necessary system
Install DataMgr.2
Setup tasks:
• Establish access for clients.
• Edit cron jobs.
• Change GUI colors and fonts.
Post installation tasks:
• Deinstall and reinstall DataMgr.
• Remove installation directory.
Refer To
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
ADIC issues a DataMgr license based on the amount of disk
space each client machine mounts for management.
Capacity-based license levels are described below:
•Level 1 = Less than or equal to 5GB.
•Level 2 = Over 5GB but less than or equal to 25GB.
•Level 3 = Greater than 25GB.
The license is entered when installing the BFS component. The
BFS provides the licenses needed by the individual DMFS
clients. (For a description of DataMgr components, refer to
“Components” on page 1-4 in DataMgr Overview.)
A separate authorization string is needed for the optional
features below. For a description of these features, refer to the
Storage Policies chapter in DataMgr Overview.
•File Replication.
•Multi-tier Migration.
•File Import.
During installation you are asked to enter either:
•A permanent authorization string.
•Or, a temporary 30-day product key.
Authorization strings have the following format:
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx. You can enter the authorization
string in one of the following ways:
•Upper or lower case.
•With dashes ( - ).
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
•All strung together.
If your Software Certificate does not contain this string, call
ADIC at (303) 792-9700 or FAX (303) 792-2465 or email and they will issue you an authorization
string after you provide them with the required information.
How to find this required information is described below:
Serial Number
Look at the DataMgr CD and write down the serial number.
Enter your Serial Number here__________________________
Host ID
Determine the host ID with the appropriate command in the
table below. Enter your Host ID here__________________
Operating SystemCommand
AIXuname -m
HP-UXuname -i
IRIXsysinfo -s
License Information
Write down the licenses for each BFS your company purchased.
Level 1 Licenses_________________
Level 2 Licenses_________________
Level 3 Licenses_________________
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Temporary Product
Authorization String
The generic 30-day temporary product key is: U3QEYUCJ.
The temporary product key does not enable File Replication,
Multi-tier, or File Import.
At the end of 30 days, if a permanent Authorization String has
not been entered, DataMgr expires, but migrated data will not
be lost. If you enter a permanent license after the expiration
date, file migration and reload is again enabled through the
Change the authorization string if any of the following
conditions apply:
•You proceed from an evaluation to a purchase.
•You add clients or upgrade clients (therefore add to the disk
space) that DataMgr manages.
•You want to enable file replication, multi-tier migration, or
file import.
Step 1.Contact ADIC to receive an authorization string.
Step 2.The
/etc/bfs/usr/utils/bfsmaint utility
initializes the license file. Therefore, when you
update the temporary Product Key to a permanent
Authorization String, use this utility as shown
# cd /etc/bfs/usr/utils
# ./bfsmaint -i
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Step 3.DataMgr replies with the message illustrated below,
License information for host zanzibar:
Temporary license expires in 1 month
Okay to overwrite license file? [n] y
Enter your Authorization string for a permanent
Use the bfsmaint -i utility option only when
DataMgr is running.
which confirms that you want to overwrite the
license file.
When prompted, enter a new authorization string.
Your responses are shown in bold.
License file written
License information for host zanzibar:
Number of level 1: 10
Number of level 2: 1
Number of level 3: 0
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
BFS Issues
License to
File Monitors
The BFS issues each DMFS client the appropriate license level
after receiving information on the amount of disk storage it
manages on the client machine. If a license for the appropriate
level is not available, the BFS issues the client a license for the
next higher level. If all licenses are in use, the request is denied.
(For a description of DataMgr components, refer to
“Components” on page 1-4 in DataMgr Overview.)
For example, if a client has 3GB of space for management, it
needs a Level 1 license. If a Level 1 licenses is not available,the
BFS will try to issue a Level 2 license, and if there are none
available, it will try to issue a Level 3 license.
If a client attempts to use either file replication or multi-tier
migration, but the BFS does not have the appropriate feature
license, the operation will fail.
On the BFS, DataMgr maintains a registration file located in
/etc/bfs/registered. This file (an example is shown
below) monitors all levels of licenses that are authorized and in
use at any given time.
Serial number: DM-00539
License installed on Tue Jan 5 17:46:38 1999
Allowed license levels:
Number of level 1: 25
Number of level 2:3
Number of level 3:1
Current license levels in use:
Level 1 checked out: 8
Level 2 checked out: 1
Level 3 checked out: 1
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
How to Refresh
Registration File
If a client goes down while files are being migrated or reloaded,
/etc/bfs/registered file can become out-of-sync
with the current client configurations.
To refresh the
registered file, refer to “Refresh Registration
File” on page 6-39 in System Administrator’s Guide to Using
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
File Pathname
Make sure you read the DataMgr “Release Notes” to obtain the
following information:
•A list of current patches and packages required by your
•GUI requirements.
•Known problems.
•The latest AMASS compatibility matrix. Install a
compatible version of AMASS on a server on your network
to provide storage server resources.
Install and start AMASS before installing DataMgr.
DataMgr supports a file pathname limit of 1023 characters for
the DataMgr root directory in AMASS. For example, if client
files are going under /
AMASS, then the length of this string (26 characters) must be
subtracted from 1023 (1023-26=997). Consequently,
succeeding file pathnames can be a total of 997 characters in
archive/FMSclients/eureka on
File System
Size & Name
File system size is important. ADIC recommends that your file
system not exceed 1 million files. As the number of files
approaches 1 million, the system slows considerably. The
smaller the file system, the faster most utilities and commands
will complete.
The size of a file system name can be a maximum of 24
characters in length.
System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Large Files
If a DMFS client requires DataMgr to manage files larger than
2GB, the BFS must support large files. Large file support is
provided on the following operating system:
•AIX 4.2.1 and 4.3.
•HP-UX 10.20 HP-UX 11.0.
•IRIX 6.2, 6.4, and 6.5
•Solaris 2.6 and 7.0.
The tables below list required shared libraries for successful
operation of both the Client GUI and the Administrative GUI.
If, for example, your system does not have a
but it does have a l or, create a,
symbolic link to the actual library (highest number) with the
required library. An example follows: