Adept Technology 709.1 User Manual

Single Port 709.1 /852 LON/IP Router
User Guide
Copyright © 2007 by Adept Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Printed in USA.
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GRouter, GRouter4, GR4, GRouter3, GR3, GNode, GNode3, GN3, GRN3, GadgetNode, GadgetNIC, and GadgetTek are trademarks of Adept Systems, Inc.
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Adept Systems Incorporated 2966 Fort Hill Road Eagle Mountain, Utah 84005-4108 USA Voice: 801.766.3527 Fax: 801.766.3528 Web: Email:
Table of Contents
1. Overview ...................................................................................................7
1.1. Introduction ...........................................................................................7
1.2. Conguration Parameters .....................................................................9
1.3. Modes of Operation ............................................................................10
1.3.1. Manual Mode..................................................................................10
1.3.2. Normal Mode .................................................................................10
1.4. Applications of the GRouter Device....................................................10
1.4.1. Multi-site building automation networks.....................................10
1.4.2. IP backbones for LON trac aggregation....................................11
1.4.3. Roaming Connections ...................................................................12
1.5. IP Addressing Modes ...........................................................................12
1.6. 852 to 852 Bridging Router Mode .......................................................14
1.7. Redundant Twin Mode ........................................................................15
1.7.1. Denitions......................................................................................17
1.7.2. Status SNVT ...................................................................................17
1.7.3. Alarm SNVT...................................................................................18
1.7.4. Status Report UNVT......................................................................18
1.8. System Requirements...........................................................................20
1.8.1. System Requirements.....................................................................20
1.8.2. Button, Indicators, and Connectors for GRouter ........................21
1.8.3. Wiring.............................................................................................21
1.8.4. FTT-10 XCVR LonTalk Network Termination.............................22
2. Web Conguration..................................................................................24
2.1. Default IP Conguration.....................................................................24
2.1.1. Ethernet ..........................................................................................24
2.1.2. WiFi (802.11b)................................................................................25
2.1.3. Establishing Connection................................................................27
2.1.4. Restoring Factory Defaults ............................................................28 Basic Procedure........................................................................28 IP and WiFi settings.................................................................28 Web user name, password, and http port ...............................28 All parameters ..........................................................................28
2.1.5. WiFi Setup in Windows XP...........................................................29
2.2. Status Page ............................................................................................30
2.3. Router Setup .........................................................................................32
2.3.1. Normal Mode Router Setup...........................................................32
2.3.2. Manual Mode Router Setup...........................................................36
2.3.3. Bridging Router Setup ...................................................................37
2.4. IP Setup Page........................................................................................40
2.5. WiFi Setup Page....................................................................................42
2.6. 709 Setup Page......................................................................................44
2.6.1. Node Parameters............................................................................44
2.6.2. Forwarding Tables..........................................................................45
2.7. Channel List Page.................................................................................47
2.7.1. Normal Mode Channel List Page ..................................................47
2.7.2. Manual Mode Channel List Page ..................................................48
2.8. Device Detail Page................................................................................50
2.9. Diagnostics Page...................................................................................52
2.10. DDNS Setup Page.................................................................................54
2.11. Twin Setup Page ...................................................................................55
2.12. Twin Mode Status Page ........................................................................58
2.13. Contacts Page .......................................................................................60
3. Network Integration and Management...................................................61
3.1. Manual Mode Example ........................................................................61
3.2. Normal Mode With i.LON Conguration Server Example...............61
3.3. Communicating With Lonmaker With IP Interface..........................62
3.4. Commissioning GRouter Device With LonMaker.............................63
3.5. NAT Router Example ...........................................................................65
3.6. DDNS Router Example ........................................................................66
3.7. Redundant Twin Mode Example.........................................................67
3.8. Conguring with the Coactive Router-LL..........................................71
3.8.1. Manual Mode..................................................................................71
3.8.2. Normal Mode With Router-LL Conguration Server .................72
4. Firmware Upgrade Instructions..............................................................73
List Of Figures
Figure 1.1: Network Layers...................................................................................................8
Figure 1.2: Network Connector Types and Associated Layers ...........................................8
Figure 1.3: CN to IP Router/Gateway Architecture............................................................9
Figure 1.4: GRouter 3 Architecture......................................................................................9
Figure 1.5: Multi-site building automation network with internet connectivity ............11
Figure 1.6: Example Hybrid Network................................................................................11
Figure 1.7: Example WiFi Ad Hoc Network......................................................................12
Figure 1.8: Unicast ..............................................................................................................13
Figure 1.9: Mulitcast ...........................................................................................................13
Figure 1.10: 852 Bridging Router Architecture.................................................................14
Figure 1.11: Two redundant routers between the same channels ....................................15
Figure 1.12: Redundant Twin Mode Application..............................................................16
Figure 1.13: Front terminal block detail with standard connector..................................22
Figure 1.14: Front terminal block detail with optional pluggable connectors................22
Figure 1.15: Optional internal terminator disabled..........................................................23
Figure 1.16: Optional internal terminator set to Free Topology mode ...........................23
Figure 1.17: Optional internal terminator set to Bus mode.............................................23
Figure 2.1: Ethernet setup with hub or switch ..................................................................24
Figure 2.2: Ethernet with direct connect crossover cable.................................................25
Figure 2.3: WiFi setup with access point and Ethernet connection to host computer ...25
Figure 2.4: WiFi setup with ad hoc bridge and Ethernet connection to host computer.26
Figure 2.5: WiFi setup with ad hoc WiFi card on PC .......................................................26
Figure 2.6: WiFi setup with access point and WiFi card on PC .......................................26
Figure 2.7: User Name and Password Authentication ......................................................27
Figure 2.8: Status Page ........................................................................................................30
Figure 2.9: Router Setup Page ............................................................................................32
Figure 2.10: Reboot Page....................................................................................................36
Figure 2.11: Bridging Router Mode Setup Page................................................................38
Figure 2.12: IP Setup Page..................................................................................................40
Figure 2.13: 709 Setup Page Main Section.........................................................................44
Figure 2.14: Subnet Forwarding Table...............................................................................46
Figure 2.15: Group Forwarding Table ...............................................................................46
Figure 2.16: Channel List Page...........................................................................................47
Figure 2.17: Channel List Page in Manual Mode ..............................................................49
Figure 2.18: Device Detail Page .........................................................................................51
Figure 2.19: Diagnostics Page ............................................................................................52
Figure 2.20: Dynamic DNS Conguration Page...............................................................54
Figure 2.21: Twin Mode Setup Page...................................................................................55
Figure 2.22: Twin Mode Status Page..................................................................................58
Figure 2.23: Contacts Page .................................................................................................60
Figure 3.1: Conguration Server Screen ...........................................................................62
Figure 3.2: Initial LonMaker Drawing...............................................................................64
Figure 3.3: Router Channel Setup......................................................................................64
Figure 3.4: Service Pin Dialog ............................................................................................65
Figure 3.5: Fully Commissioned Router............................................................................65
Figure 3.6: NAT LAN to WAN Architecture .....................................................................66
Figure 3.7: LonMaker New Device Dialog ........................................................................68
Figure 3.8: LonMaker New Device Channel Dialog .........................................................69
Figure 3.9: LonMaker Drawing With Commissioned Monitoring Device .....................69
Figure 3.10: New Virtual Functional Device Dialog.........................................................70
Figure 3.11: Functional Blocks NV Shapes Dialog ...........................................................70
Figure 3.12: Functional Block On Drawing ......................................................................71
1. Overview
1.1. Introduction
e GRouter (GR4) router supports two open standard protocols, namely ANSI/EIA 709.1 and ANSI/EIA 852. Both the ANSI/EIA 709.1 and ANSI/EIA 852 are dened by the Consumer Electronics Association Technology & Standards R7.1 HCS1 Subcommittee. For more details see For the sake of brevity the remainder of the document will refer to the
standards as 709.1 and 852. 709.1 is also known by its trademarked name, LonTalk®. A 709.1 network is also commonly referred to as a Local Operating Network or LON. is document will use 709.1 network and LON interchangeably.
e 852 protocol acts as the transport service to convey 709.1 messages over Internet Protocol (IP) networks. is technique of using another protocol (i.e. 852) to transport a message over an alternate media is oen referred to as tunneling. In 852 parlance the tunneled protocol is a Component Network (CN) protocol. e 852 protocol is a generic tunneling protocol and is not limited to 709.1. However, a particular implementation of the 852 protocol may only support the tunneling of a single CN protocol. e tunneled CN messages have no information or awareness of the tunneling process. Although some of the gures in this document use CN or CN/IP to represent a component network or component network to internet protocol connection, the only CN currently supported by the GRouter device is 709.1
A component network protocol is oen called a eldbus due to its use for machine to machine networking and control in the eld. is document, however, will only use the term component network or CN.
852 not only provides the vehicle to transport ANSI 709.1 messages across IP, but it also provides management of these connections or routes. A logical grouping of 852 devices that exchange packets is called an 852 channel. One may think of an 852 channel as a kind of virtual LAN on an IP network.
A GRouter device forwards 709.1 packets to or from an IP channel (using an Ethernet or WiFi transceiver) and a CN channel (using twisted pair FT-10 or RS-485 transceivers). e GRouter device has a presence on, or physical connection to, both channels. e router takes 709.1 messages from the component network, wraps them in an 852 packet and sends them over the IP network. e GRouter device also receives 852 packets on its IP interface, unwraps them and puts the 709.1 messages on the CN channel. e virtual 852 channel looks like a CN channel to CN nodes. e IP element is transparent. is enables a at network and is more easily managed and scaled than using CN to IP interfaces that do not hide the IP element from the CN nodes. e important thing is not what the CN to IP device is called but how transparent it makes the IP network appear to the CN nodes.
Network connection devices can operate at dierent layers of particular networks protocol stack.
709.1 is an OSI 7 Layer type protocol. Whereas the Internet Protocol has only 4 layers. (See Figure Figure 2.1 for a diagram of the dierent layers of the two protocols.)
Fig.1.1: Network Layers
A network connector is a device that joins dierent parts of a network. Connectors have a specic name that is dependent on the layer at which the connector operates. For example a router operates at the network layer and a gateway at the application layer. Because higher layers of the protocol do not have access to some of the information stripped away by lower layers, network connectors operating at dierent layers have dierent capabilities. ere is also some abuse of terminology so that the descriptions of network connectors from dierent manufacturers may be confusing. For example, a repeating router may be called a repeater for short. Although a repeating router acts similarly to a physical layer repeater, it operates at the network layer and is not equivalent. It is usually best to nd out at which layer a network connector operates.
Fig.1.2: Network Connector Types and Associated Layers
e GRouter device is a more complex connector because is connects two dierent protocols and also connects the protocols at dierent layers. On the IP side the GRouter device operates at the application layer and so is appropriately called an IP Gateway. On the 709.1 side the GRouter device operates at the network layer and is appropriately called a 709.1 router. So depending on the user’s perspective the GRouter could be called a gateway or router or a router/gateway. (See Figure 2.3)
Fig.1.3: CN to IP Router/Gateway Architecture
e GRouter device also employs a web server for conguration purposes. (See Figure 2.4)
Fig.1.4: GRouter 3 Architecture
1.2. Conguration Parameters
e information required for successful ANSI/EIA 709.1 transport can be broken up into the following two categories: device parameters and channel parameters.
Device parameters include information such as: IP address, IP port, Name, and Address of conguration server.
A channel is a logical grouping of LON to IP routers. e minimum requirement for tunneling ANSI/EIA 709.1 data is the use of two routers. Router A sends data to Router B and vise versa. However, routers can also send data to more than one router. In such a case, Router A sends data to Routers B, C, and D, which in turn send data back.
A channel, then, is dened as a group of routers that all send information to each other. e lines of communication are open in both directions and to all members—a complete mesh of connections.
Typically, channels are managed through the use of a conguration server (called Normal mode see below). e conguration server informs all members in the channel about the channel information, which includes the adding and removing of channel members. Conguration servers are capable of managing multiple channels, while routers belong to only one channel at a time.
Lon to IP routers can also be managed manually by conguring each device uniquely (called Manual mode, see below). In such a manual conguration, for proper operation, devices must have mutual membership in each other’s channel lists. at is if Device A is in Device B’s channel list then Device B must be in Device A’s channel list. However if Device C is in Device B’s channel list, Device C does not have to be in Device A’s channel list.
1.3. Modes of Operation
e GRouter device can operate in one of two modes: (1) Manual, (2) Normal.
1.3.1. Manual Mode
In Manual mode the user has control over the GRouter device's conguration only. e user can change the GRouter device's operating information and determine to whom the router will send information. In Manual mode the GRouter device will honor read requests from other devices or conguration servers, but it will block requests to write or change internal parameters. is is a more secure mode and may be preferred on open networks. is mode is also preferable with non-standard congurations such as Flood Mode or DDNS.
1.3.2. Normal Mode
Normal mode allows the user to view conguration data and channel data set by a remote conguration server such as an i.LON® conguration server. e conguration server sets some of the operating parameters of the GRouter device. Conguration servers mostly manage the device's channel. e channel is made up of other devices to which the GRouter device will tunnel or send ANSI/EIA 709.1 data. In Normal mode the adding and deleting of devices is managed exclusively by the assigned conguration server. e conguration server provides a single interface to add and delete devices. Finally, Normal mode permits read access to information by other devices and write access to information for the assigned conguration server.
Note: Echelon’s LNS based VNI interface (LonMaker) only works in Normal mode. In order for a GRouter device to communicate directly over an IP channel to a VNI interface requires that the GRouter device be in Normal mode.
1.4. Applications of the GRouter Device
1.4.1. Multi-site building automation networks
e interfaces described here provide the management necessary for the ANSI/EIA 852 to tunnel ANSI/EIA 709.1 packets successfully over IP. is ability provides wide area network (WAN)
support to ANSI/EIA 709.1 networks. is allows multi-building or multi-site connection of automation networks.
Fig.1.5: Multi-site building automation network with internet connectivity
1.4.2. IP backbones for LON trac aggregation
Furthermore, since the IP networks can support much higher trac capacity, GRouter devices can also be used to aggregate 709.1 trac from several LON channels over one IP channel. e ability to aggregate larger trac volumes allows several GRouter devices and other 709.1 to IP routers to be used as network backbones for 709.1 networks.
Node Node
Node Node
Node Node
Node Node
78 kbps LON 78 kbps LON
64 Nodes
64 Nodes 64 Nodes 64 Nodes
10/100 Mbps Ethernet ! 1000 - 100,000 pps
Network Management
ANSI 852 Interface
852 /709.1/IP
Ethernet Routers
852 /709.1/IP WiFi Routers
Remote Monitoring ANSI 852 Interface
802.11b Router
802.11b WiFi
Fig.1.6: Example Hybrid Network
Node Node
Node Node
78 kbps LON 78 kbps LON
WiFi to
Ad Hoc 802.11b WiFi Channel
Node Node
78 kbps LON
Fig.1.7: Example WiFi Ad Hoc Network
1.4.3. Roaming Connections
Finally, LON to IP gateways may be connected to specialized IP applications instead of to other gateways. Connecting an IP application to a GRouter device provides these specialized applications with roaming capabilities which would be dicult if these applications were required to be directly connected to the 709.1 network (e.g., GadgetAnalyzer, LonMaker-3, etc.). An example of how several GRouter devices can be interconnected to support an IP backbone for several LON networks is show in Figure 2.5.
1.5. IP Addressing Modes
e GRouter device uses one of two forms of IP addressing: unicast and multicast. Multicast currently only works when in manual mode.
e advantage of multicast is that for networks with multiple Gateways (especially in ood mode), multicast may be more ecient. e disadvantage of multicast is that some internet routers do not support it. Multicast mode can reduce the IP trac relative to unicast when there are a large number of 852 devices in the channel. Up to 255 devices per IP domain are supported with multicast. Some older IP routers do not support multicast and therefore you will not be able to route 852 packets across a unicast only router with multicast addressing. IP router support for
Multicast is not a concern when all the 852 devices share the same subnet. e following gures illustrate the dierences between multicast and unicast.
Node Node
Node Node
Node Node
IP Network
ANSI 852 709.1/IP
ANSI 852 709.1/IP
Fig.1.8: Unicast
Node Node
Node Node
Node Node
IP Network
ANSI 852 709.1/IP
ANSI 852 709.1/IP
Multiple Destinations
Multiple Destinations
Fig.1.9: Mulitcast
1.6. 852 to 852 Bridging Router Mode
In order to better support large installations with dozens of IP to LON routers a GRouter device can be congured in 852 to 852 bridging router mode. In this mode one GRouter device can bridge two logical 852 channels. When acting as an 852 bridge the router is a member of two logical 852 channels sharing one ethernet interface. e router bridges trac between the two channels. On the LON side the bridge looks like a LON router. is overcomes limitations of some network managers on the number of 852 devices per channel and provides for enhanced scalability by partitioning the 852 trac seen by any given router. Some network management tools with an 852 interface have an articially low limitation on the number of 852 devices that the tool can communicate with on its 852 channel. For low bandwidth 852 channels, Bridging Router mode allows partitioning of the 852 devices so that the low bandwidth devices can be on a dierent 852 channel from the high bandwidth devices.
e architecture of the GRouter in bridging router mode is shown below.
Fig.1.10: 852 Bridging Router Architecture
1.7. Redundant Twin Mode
e Twin Redundant Mode enables two GRouter devices to operate as a redundant pair for high availability applications without generating duplicate trac. is enhanced capability increases reliability and eliminates some single mode failure sources. A simple diagram showing a redundant connection between two channels is shown below.
709 with
709 with
709 with
709 with
IP Ethernet Channel
709.1 FTT-10 Channel
Fig.1.11: Two redundant routers between the same channels
Although it is possible for a pair of conventional 709.1 routers to be identically congured and connected between the same two channels, this conguration induces a doubling of the trac between those two channels. e built-in duplicate detection mechanism in 709.1 discards the duplicate packets at each receiving node. However, the doubled trac load could tax network bandwidth and create other problems.
In Redundant Twin Mode (or for the sake of brevity, Twin Mode), both routers are identically congured and connected between the same two channels as per the case described above but unlike the case above only one of the two routers is forwarding packets. is feature achieves the increased system reliability of having a redundant backup router without the drawbacks of doubled trac. e Twin Mode routers monitor each others health and operational status and dynamically activate forwarding as needed should one of the other fail. Failures are detected, diagnosed, and reported so that repairs can be made to maintain continuous availability. Should there be a fault in either interface then both routers will go active and forward trac until the fault has been healed. In addition, the router conguration is periodically automatically synchronized between the two routers to reduce fail-over time and increase the delity between the backup and primary router operation. Also supported is manual synchronization which makes it more convenient to replace one of the redundant pair and replicate its conguration. A high availability building network can be constructed using pairs of redundant twin mode routers and a redundant switched ethernet network. An example network showing the application of Twin Mode is shown below.
Redundant Twin
852 709
Network Management Tool &
852 Configuration Server
852 Interface
Ethernet Switch
Ethernet 852 Channel A
Fully Switched
Ethernet 852 Channel B
Fully Switched
Ethernet Switch
A-1 B-1
FTT-10 Channel Ring
Redundant Twin
852 709
FTT-10 Channel Ring
Fig.1.12: Redundant Twin Mode Application
1.7.1. Denitions
For the purpose of clarifying the descriptions the following denitions are used:
Failure: A failure is detected whenever a heart beat times out without receiving a monitoring packet from both interfaces. Only the active node sends monitoring packets. e inactive node passively listens for the monitoring packets. e inactive twin always forwards monitoring packets. In order for an active node to receive a monitoring packet it has to complete a round trip, such as, out IP side to twin, in IP side of twin, out 709.x side of twin, in 709.x side, or going the other way, out 709.x side to twin, in 709.x side of twin, out IP side of twin, in IP side. A failure may be detected on one or both interfaces.
Fault: Once a failure is detected, both twins perform a diagnostic by actively interrogating each other on both interfaces. If the interrogation on a particular interface fails then a fault has occurred on that interface. An alarm is generated when a fault has been determined. A fault on a particular interface is cleared whenever a monitoring packet is received or if a diagnostic interrogation succeeds. A cleared fault generates an alarm cleared.
Both nodes independently report failures and faults. It is possible to have a failure but not a fault. e converse is not true. It is possible for only one twin to report a failure. For example if either interface has failed the active node will not receive any round trip monitoring packets so it will report a failure on both interfaces. However it will only report a fault on one. In the same event the inactive twin will report a failure on only one interface not both. e inactive will report a fault on one interface.
Alternatively if one interface fails and then some time later the other interface fails, the initially active twin will not diagnose the second fault. e initially inactive twin, however, will diagnose the second fault. erefore in order to fully characterize the failure and fault state of a redundant pair the state of both devices must be examined. Moreover, the monitoring application is on the LON side. In the event of an IP failure the alarm SNVT sent by the active node may not be received by a monitor HMI on the IP side. Although the alarm is sent out both sides, the IP side has failed so the alarm can’t propagate on the IP side and the inactive twin may not have switched to forwarding mode in time to forward the alarm packet. Nevertheless, the inactive device will also detect the fault and its alarm will propagate.
1.7.2. Status SNVT
e twin monitoring application has a status SNVT type 93. If bound, the status SNVT is propagated either on a timer, or when it is updated by the monitoring application, or both, or neither. If propagate on update is oand the update time is zero then the status SNVT will never be scheduled for propagation. In this case the only way to read the status SNVT is to poll it. If propagate on update is oand update time is non zero then the status SNVT will propagate at an interval specied by the update time. If propagate on update is on and update time is non zero then the status SNVT will propagate both on the update time interval and anytime the status is changed. If the update time is zero and propagate on update is on then the status SNVT will only propagate when changed or updated by the monitoring application. Typically the status is updated when the twin mode state changes.
e elds used in the status SNVT are as follows:
comm_failure is set to 1 when there is either a monitoring failure or a diagnostic detects a fault. comm_failure is not set to 0 until all failures and faults have cleared.
reserved2 is set based on the system state. See the following table.
Bit values for reserve2 status byte (big endian)
Bit Value
7 1 Active State, 0 Inactive State
6 1 Forwarding, 0 Dropping
5 1 Repair State, 0 Not Repair State
4 1 Diagnostic State, 0 Not Diagnostic State
3 1 IP side failure, 0 No IP side failure
2 1 LON side failure, 0 No LON side failure
1 1 IP side fault, 0 No IP side fault
0 1 LON side fault, 0 No LON side fault
1.7.3. Alarm SNVT
e monitoring application also has an Alarm2 SNVT type 164. is alarm is propagated whenever a fault is detected or cleared. e elds used in the Alarm2 SNVT are as follows:
alarm_type is set to 1 whenever a diagnostic detects a fault. alarm_type is set to 0 when all faults
have cleared.
description is set to an ASCII text description of the associated fault state whether IP or LON
or both are cleared.
1.7.4. Status Report UNVT
e monitoring application has a status report UNVT that includes some extra information that would not t in the Status SNVT. e status report UNVT is scheduled for propagation whenever one of its elds is updated. It will only be propagated if bound or polled. e c structure for the UNVT is as follows:
typedef struct {
unsigned char Status; char reserved[3]; uint32 totalArbs; uint32 totalFailuresIP; uint32 totalFailuresLON; uint32 totalFaultsIP; uint32 totalFaultsLON; uint32 secsSinceClear; // seconds uint16 forwardRate; // packets per second char reserved[2];
} UNVTStatusType;
e elds are as follows:
Status is an 8 bit number. e bit denitions are given in Table 1. It is the same information
reported in the Status SNVT reserved eld.
totalArbs is the total number of active state arbitrations since the last time the statistics were
totalFailuresIP is the total number monitoring packet failures detected by this device of the IP
interface since the statistics were cleared.
totalFailuresLON is the total number of monitoring packet failures detected by this device of
the LON interface since the statistics were cleared.
totalFaultsIP is the total number of diagnostic faults detected by this device of the IP interface
since the statistics were cleared.
totalFaultsLON is the total number of diagnostic faults detected by this device of the LON
interface since the statistics were cleared.
secsSinceClear is the count of seconds since the statistics were last cleared.
forwardRate is computed as the total number of packets forwarded divided by the number of
seconds since the forward rate was last calculated. e forward rate is updated whenever the UNVT is updated and at least one second has expired since the last update.
1.8. System Requirements and Connections
1.8.1. System Requirements
To congure the GRouter device, you will need a web browser such as FireFox, Mozilla, Safari, or Internet Explorer.
e GRouter device will communicate with any of the following:
Adept Systems Inc. GRouter4, GRouter3, or GadgetGatewayIa (GG1a) 852 router
Echelon i.LONTM router or LNS VNI based tool such as LonMaker
Coactive Router-LL router
Any 852B or later compliant node
To operate in normal mode an 852B conguration server is required such as the free Echelon i.LON conguration server. Manual mode does not require a conguration server.
Note: e GRouter and Router-LL routers can interoperate in either Manual mode or with the Router-LL conguration server.
e Adept Systems GRouter device also needs the following hardware:
Cat 5 Ethernet Cable (for Ethernet versions).
Regulated 5V DC power supply.
Twisted pair cable for 709.1 (LON) port.
Up to date documentation and rmware is available on Adept's web site at
1.8.2. Button, Indicators, and Connectors for GRouter
Index Description
1 Ethernet 10/100 Base-T Port. RJ-45 Cat-5.
2 Power LED lights when unit powered. 3 Service LED ashes when a service message sent. 4 TX LED ashes to indicate send trac on the LON Port. 5 RX LED ashes to indicate receive trac on the LON Port. 6 LON (709.1) Port. May be either FTT-10 or RS-485 transceiver. Check particular conguration of router. 2
Pin, 5mm spacing screw terminal block.
7 5 V power input and ground. Ground pin is also ground for RS-485 transceiver when applicable. Requires
regulated 5V. Reverse polarity protected. Reversing polarity for extended time may damage router. 2 Pin,
5mm spacing screw terminal block. 8 Ethernet Link LED lights when link obtained. 9 Ethernet Trac LED ashes when trac on Ethernet port.
10 Reset Button. Resets and restarts router. 11 Service Pin Router. Sends out a service message on both LON and IP sides for the router. If 852 bridging
router mode is enabled sends out a service message for both 852 channels. Also used for startup mode
12 Service Pin Application. Sends out a service message on both LON and IP sides only if optional twin mode
application is activated. Also used for startup mode selection.
13 WiFi Link LED lights when link obtained. 14 WiFi Port for optional 802.11b WiFi version. Male RP-SMA screw connector. Mates with Female RP-SMA
antenna or cable.
15 WiFi Trac LED ashes when trac on WiFi port.
1.8.3. Wiring
e standard conguration for the GRouter4 has a 4 pin 5.0 mm spaced screw terminal block.
e pins from top to bottom are labeled A, B, (logic ground), and 5VDC. To use the terminal
block unscrew the terminal screws on the block and insert the ends of the appropriate wires into each opening. Tighten the terminal screws. Pins A and B are the 709.1 LON channel port pins. For FTT-10 transceivers, use the A and B pins. e pins are polarity insensitive. For RS-485 transceivers use the A and B pins appropriately and insert the RS-485 ground lead into the
terminal block pin with the (ground) symbol next to the pin labeled A. ere are two power
input pins labeled (logic ground) and 5VDC. e GRouter4A requires regulated 5 Volt DC
positive on the 5VDC pin. Attach the ground pin from the power supply to the pin labeled . e power input is polarity sensitive but does have reverse polarity protection. If aer powering up the 5V input, the power LED does not light up, disconnect power and check the polarity of the input power wires before recycling power. Applying a reverse voltage for an extended time period may damage the GRouter4.
Fig.1.13: Front terminal block detail with standard connector
Fig.1.14: Front terminal block detail with optional pluggable connectors
1.8.4. FTT-10 XCVR LonTalk Network Termination
When using an FTT-10 XCVR, the network wiring should be terminated or performance may suer. is is especially true for long wire runs or noisy environments. Typically an external terminator is used. e GRouter4, however, does have an optional internal terminator for those applications where it is desirable or convenient to terminate at the router. When the optional
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