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The information contained herein is the property of Adept Technology, Inc., and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of Adept Technology, Inc. The information herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by
Adept Technology, Inc. This manual is periodically reviewed and revised.
Adept Technology, Inc., assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document.
Critical evaluation of this manual by the user is welcomed. Your comments assist us in preparation
of future documentation. Please email your comments to: techpubs@adept.com.
2002 by Adept Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Adept logo, CHAD, the CHAD logo, and Soft Machines
are registered trademarks of Adept Technology, Inc.
The AdeptSix 300CR is a compact, high-performance cleanroom robot that provides the
application flexibility of six axis articulation running on the Adept platform. The arm
design provides superior reach capability with a very small footprint to maximize system
flexibility and minimize cell layout size. The AdeptSix 300CR is available with either the
Adept MV controller or the Adept SmartController.
Adept software and controllers simplify integration of the robot by combining all of the
functions found in a typical robot work cell, which is common across the extensive Adept
Product Line. Available options for the AdeptSix 300CR include integral AVI vision,
adaptive Force Sensing, and real-time Conveyor Tracking.
The overall reach of the AdeptSix 300CR is 677 mm with a footprint of 300 mm. Maximum
payload is 3 kg. The AdeptSix 300CR comes standard with the ability to be mounted
either in a tabletop, side or overhead position providing maximum application flexibility.
Applications include assembly, packaging, machine load/unload, quality inspection,
sorting and other high performance tasks.
1.2Overview of Typical System Installation
This section provides an overview of the installation process for a typical AdeptSix 300CR
Read Safety Information
1. Read Chapter 2 to understand general safety information about the AdeptSix
300CR robot system.
Installing the Robot
1. Prepare for installation, including installing safeguards, by following Section 3.1
to Section 3.3.
2. Mount the robot according to procedures described in Section 3.4. to Section 3.6
3. Install grounding cable on the robot. See Section 3.8.
1. Refer to the AdeptSix Controller Installation Guide to install the Adept MV
controller and the PA-4 power chassis.
2. Install the AdeptWindows PC user interface according to instructions in the
controller manual.
Adept SmartController
1. Refer to the AdeptSix Controller Installation Guide to install the SmartController
and the PA-4 power chassis.
2. Install the AdeptWindows PC user interface according to instructions in the
controller manual.
Installing System Cables
1. Connect the system cables between the robot, controller, and PA-4 power chassis.
See Chapter 4.
2. See Figure 4-1 on page 43 for the system cable diagram for an Adept MV
3. See Figure 4-2 on page 44 for the system cable diagram for an SmartController.
Adding End of Arm Tooling
Refer to Chapter 5 for complete information on adding end of arm tooling to the robot.
Turning On the System
Refer to Chapter 6 for an Adept MV controller or Chapter 7 for an SmartController. These
chapters contain checklists to verify the installation is correct and to test all safety circuits
before using the robot.
1.3Checking Package Contents
When the package arrives, check the contents for the following standard items (check any
other options ordered, as well):
• AdeptSix 300CR Robot
• Adept MV controller or SmartController
• Adept PA-4 power chassis
• Manual Control Pendant (MCP) (optional)
• Controller Interface Panel (CIP2) or Adept Front Panel
• Interconnect cables between controller and robot
14AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
WARNI NG: Confirm that the robot and the controller have
the same serial number. Special care must be taken when
more than one robot is to be installed. If the numbers do
not match, robots may not perform as expected and cause
injury or damage.
1.4Locating the Serial Number
The ID serial number of the AdeptSix 300CR robot corresponds to the ID number of the
controller. You can check the controller ID using the V+ ID command. The robot’s ID serial
number is located on a label on the robot base. See Figure 1-1.
Refer to the How to Get Help Resource Guide (Adept P/N 00961-00700) for details on
getting assistance with your Adept software and hardware.
Additionally, you can access the following information sources on Adept’s corporate web
• For Contact information: http://www.adept.com/main/contact/index.html
• For Product Support information: http://www.adept.com/main/services/index.asp
• For general information about Adept Technology, Inc.: http://www.adept.com
1.6Related Manuals
This manual covers the installation and maintenance of an AdeptSix 300CR system. There
are additional manuals that cover programming the system, reconfiguring installed
components, and adding other optional components. The following manuals (available on
the Knowledge Express CD-ROM provided with each system) provide information on
advanced configurations and system specifications.
Table 1-1. Related Manuals
Manual TitleDescription
AdeptSix Controller
Installation Guide
Adept MV Controller User’s
Adept SmartController
User’s Guide
AdeptWindows Installation
AdeptWindows User’s
Instructions for Adept
Utility Programs
V+ Operating System User’s
V+ Language User’s GuideDescribes the V
Describes the installation process for the Adept MV controller
and the Adept SmartController.
Describes the configuration and interface options for all
Adept-supplied processor boards and components that can be
installed in an Adept control system.
Contains complete information on the operation of the Adept
SmartController and the optional sDIO product.
Describes the basic installation process for the AdeptWindows
PC user interface.
Describes complex network installations, installation and use
of NFS server software, the Adept Windows Offline Editor, and
the AdeptWindows DDE software.
Describes the utility programs used for advanced system
configurations, system upgrades, file copying, and other
system configuration procedures
Describes the V
operations, monitor commands, and monitor command
control system.
operating system, including disk file
language and programming of an Adept
16AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
1.7Knowledge Express
In addition to the Knowledge Express CD-ROM containing Adept manuals, you can find
Adept product documentation on the Adept web site in the Knowledge Express area. The
Knowledge Express search engine allows you to locate information on a specific topic.
Additionally, the Library menu provides a list of available product documentation.
To access Adept’s Knowledge Express, type the following URL into your browser:
commissioning, or operation of an Adept robot without
adequate safeguards. These must be compliant with applicable
local and national standards. Installations in EU and EEA
countries must comply with EN 775/ISO 10218, especially
sections 5,6; EN 292-2; and EN 60204-1, especially section 13.
Definition of a Manipulating Industrial Robot
The definition of a manipulating robot according to (ISO 10218:1992(E)) is as follows:
“A manipulating robot is an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose,
manipulative machine with several degrees of freedom, which may be either fixed in
place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications.”
Safety Barriers
Safety barriers must be provided that prevent personnel from entering the workcell
whenever power is applied to the equipment. Adept systems are computer-controlled and
may activate remote devices under program control at times or along paths not
anticipated by personnel. It is critical that safeguards be in place to prevent personnel
from entering the workcell whenever power to the equipment is present.
The robot system integrator (user or operator) must ensure that adequate safeguards,
safety barriers, light curtains, safety gates, safety floor mats, etc., are installed. The robot
workcell must comply with applicable local and national standards (see Section 2.8 on
page 28).
The height and the distance of the safety fence from the robot must ensure that personnel
cannot reach the danger zone of the robot.
The Adept control system has features that aid the user in constructing system safeguards,
including customer emergency stop circuitry and digital input and output lines. The
emergency power-off circuitry is capable of switching external power systems and can be
interfaced to the appropriate user-supplied safeguards. See the AdeptSix Controller
Installation Guide for additional information.
Impact and Trapping Points
Adept robots are capable of moving at high speeds. If a person is struck by a robot
(impacted) or trapped (pinched) serious injury could occur. Robot configuration, joint
speed, joint orientation, and attached payload all contribute to the total amount of energy
available to cause injury.
20AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
Precautions and Required Safeguards
Hazards From Expelling a Part or Attached Tooling
The maximum joint tip speeds that can be achieved by the AdeptSix 300CR robot are
listed in Table 10-1 on page 95. Any tooling, fixtures, end effectors, etc., mounted to the
user flange, or one of the other axes of the robot must be attached by sufficient means to
resist being expelled from the robot. Additionally, any payload must be held by the end
effector in a manner that prevents the payload from being expelled accidentally.
The safety fence or barrier constructed around the robot must be designed to withstand
the impact of any item expelled accidentally from the robot. Projectile energy can be
calculated using the formula E = mv
NOTE: In the Projectile energy formula above:
•E = Energy
•m = Mass
•v = Velocity
Additional Safety Information
The standards and regulations listed in this handbook contain additional guidelines for
robot system installation, safeguarding, maintenance, testing, startup, and operator
training. Table 2-1 on page 22 lists some sources for the various standards.
BSI Group (British Standards)
389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL
United Kingdom
Phone +44 (0)20 8996 9000
Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7400
DIN, Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
German Institute for Standardization
Burggrafenstrasse 6
10787 Berlin
Phone.: +49 30 2601-0
Fax: +49 30 2601-1231
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Phone 212-642-4900
Fax 212-398-0023
Document Center, Inc.
1504 Industrial Way, Unit 9
Belmont, CA 94002
Phone 415-591-7600
Fax 415-591-7617
Global Engineering Documents
15 Inverness Way East
Englewood, CO 80112
Phone 800-854-7179
Fax 303-397-2740
http://www2.beuth.de/ (publishing)
IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission
Rue de Varembe 3
PO Box 131
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Phone 41 22 919-0211
Fax 41 22 919-0300
Robotic Industries Association (RIA)
900 Victors Way
PO Box 3724
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Phone 313-994-6088
Fax 313-994-3338
22AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
Risk Assessment
2.3Risk Assessment
Without special safeguards in its control system, the AdeptSix 300 robot could inflict
serious injury on an operator working within its work envelope. Safety standards in
several countries require appropriate safety equipment to be installed as part of the
system. Table 2-2 lists some of the safety standards that affect industrial robots. It is not a
complete list. Safeguards must comply with all applicable local and national standards for
the location where the robot is installed.
Table 2-2. Partial List of Robot and Machinery Safety Standards
InternationalUSACanadaEuropeTitle of Standard
ISO 10218EN 775Manipulating Industrial Robots -
Adept has performed a Risk Assessment for this product, based on the intended
applications of the robot. The conclusions are summarized below.
Industrial Robots and Robot
Systems - Safety Requirements
EN 292-2Safety of Machinery - Basic
Concepts, General Principles for
EN 954-1Safety Related Parts of Control
Systems - General Principles for
EN 1050Safety of Machinery - Risk
When arm power is on, all personnel must be kept out of the robot work envelope by
interlocked perimeter barriers. The only permitted exception is for teaching the robot in
Manual Mode by a skilled programmer (see “Qualification of Personnel” on page 29),
who must wear safety equipment (see “Safety Equipment for Operators” on page 29)
and carry the Manual Control Pendant (MCP). Therefore, exposure of personnel to
hazards related to the robot is limited (seldom and/or short exposure time).
Severity of Injury
Provided that skilled personnel who enter the AdeptSix 300CR robot work envelope are
wearing protective headgear, eyeglasses, and safety shoes, it is likely that any injuries
caused by the robot would be slight (normally reversible).
Due to its light payload capacity, it is likely that such personnel could avoid being hit by
the robot even in a high-acceleration, runaway, failure condition. However, the
programmer must always carry the MCP when inside the work envelope, as the MCP
provides both E-Stop and Enabling switch functions.
For normal operation (AUTO mode), user-supplied interlocked guarding must be installed
to prevent any person entering the workcell while Arm Power is on.
DANGER: The Adept-supplied system components
provide a Category 1 control system as defined by EN 954.
The robot system must be installed with user-supplied
interlock barriers. The interlocked barrier should interrupt
the DC and AC supplies to the control system in the event
of personnel attempting to enter the workcell when Arm
Power is enabled, except for teaching in Manual Mode.
Failure to install suitable guarding could result in injury or
The Risk Assessment for teaching this product depends on the application. In many
applications, the programmer will need to enter the robot workcell while Arm Power is
enabled to teach the robot. Other applications can be designed so that the programmer
does not have to enter the work envelope while Arm Power is on. Examples of alternative
methods of programming include:
1. Programming from outside the safety barrier.
2. Programming with Arm Power off.
3. Copying program from another (master) robot.
4. Off-line or CAD programming.
Control System Behavior Category
The following paragraphs relate to the requirements of European (EU/EEA) directives for
Machinery, Electric Safety, and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
In situations with low exposure consideration factors, European Standard EN 1050
specifies use of a Category 1 Control System per EN 954. EN 954 defines a Category 1
Control System as one that employs Category B components designed to withstand
environmental influences, such as voltage, current, temperature, EMI, and well-tried
safety principles. The standard AdeptSix 300 robot control system described in this
handbook employs hardware components in its safety system that meet or exceed the
requirements of the EU Machinery Directive and Low Voltage Directive.
The standard control system is fully hardened to all EMI influences per the EU EMC
Directive and meets all functional requirements of ISO 10218 (EN 775) Manipulating Robots
Safety. In addition, a software-based reduced speed mode has been incorporated to limit
speed and impact forces on the Operator and production tooling when the robot is
operated in Manual Mode.
24AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
The standard AdeptSix 300 robot control system meets or exceeds the requirements
imposed by the EN 954 specified Category 1 level of safety.
2.4Intended Use of the Robots
The installation and use of Adept products must comply with all safety instructions and
warnings in this manual. Installation and use must also comply with all applicable local
and national requirements and safety standards (see Section 2.8 on page 28).
The AdeptSix 300CR Robot robots are intended for use in parts assembly and material
handling for payloads less than 3 kg. See Chapter 5 for complete information tooling and
CAUTION: For safety reasons, it is prohibited to make
certain modifications to Adept robots (see Section 2.5).
Intended Use of the Robots
The Adept controller is a component subassembly of a complete industrial automation
system. The controller subassembly must be installed inside a suitable enclosure. The
controller subassembly must not come into contact with liquids. Additionally, the robot
must not come into contact with liquids.
The Adept equipment is not intended for use in any of the following situations:
• In hazardous (explosive) atmospheres
• In mobile, portable, marine, or aircraft systems
• In life-support systems
• In residential installations
• In situations where the Adept equipment will be subject to extremes of heat or
CAUTION: The instructions for operation, installation, and
maintenance given in this Instruction Handbook must be
strictly observed.
Non-intended use of an AdeptSix 300 robot can:
• Cause injury to personnel
• Damage the robot or other equipment
• Reduce system reliability and performance
All persons that install, commission, operate, or maintain the robot must:
• Read and follow the instructions in this Instruction Handbook exactly
If there is any doubt concerning the application, ask Adept to determine if it is an
intended use or not.
2.5Robot Modifications
It is sometimes necessary to modify the robot in order to successfully integrate it into a
workcell. Unfortunately, many seemingly simple modifications can either cause a robot
failure or reduce the robot’s performance, reliability, or lifetime. The following
information is provided as a guideline to modifications.
Acceptable Modifications
In general, the following robot modifications do not cause problems, but may affect robot
• Attaching tooling, utility boxes, solenoid packs, vacuum pumps, cameras, lighting,
etc., to the robot tool mount flange.
• Attaching hoses, pneumatic lines, or cables to the robot. These should be designed
so they do not restrict joint motion or cause robot motion errors.
Unacceptable Modifications
The modifications listed below may damage the robot, reduce system safety and
reliability, or shorten the life of the robot. The warranty of the entire robot or certain parts
may be voided.
CAUTION: Making any of the modifications outlined
below voids the warranty of any components that Adept
determines were damaged due to the modification. You
must contact Adept Customer Service if you are
considering any of the following modifications:
• Modifying any of the robot harnesses or robot-to-controller cables.
• Modifying any robot access covers or drive system components.
• Modifying, including drilling or cutting, any robot surface.
• Modifying any robot electrical component or printed-circuit board.
• Routing additional hoses, air lines, or wires through the inside of the robot.
• Modifications that compromise EMC performance, including shielding.
26AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
AdeptSix 300CR Hazards and Warning Labels
2.6AdeptSix 300CR Hazards and Warning Labels
Risks from injury are clearly identified on the AdeptSix 300CR by warning labels. The
location of these labels is illustrated in Figure 2-1.
Always use adequate equipment to transport and lift Adept products. See Chapter 3 for
more information on transporting, lifting, and installing.
Additional equipment used with the AdeptSix 300 robot (grippers, conveyor belts, etc.)
must not reduce the workcell safeguards.
Emergency stop switches must be accessible at all times.
If the robot is to be used in an EU or EEA member country, all components in the robot
workcell must comply with the safety requirements in the European Machine Directive
89/392/EEC (and subsequent amendments) and related harmonized European,
international, and national standards. For robot systems, these include: EN 775/ISO
10218, sections 5,6; EN 292-2; and EN 60204. For safety fences, see EN 294.
In other countries, Adept strongly recommends, that a similar level of safety be obtained
as well as complying with the applicable local and national regulations, including
In the USA, applicable standards include ANSI/RIA R15.06 and ANSI/UL 1740.
In Canada, applicable standards include CAN/CSA Z434.
2.9Working Areas
Adept robots have a Manual and an Automatic (AUTO) operating mode. While in
Automatic Mode, personnel are not allowed in the workcell.
In Manual Mode, operators with additional safety equipment (see Section 2.11 on page
29) are allowed to work in the robot workcell. For safety reasons the operator should,
whenever possible, stay outside of the robot work envelope to prevent injury. The
maximum speed and power of the robot is reduced, but it could still cause injury to the
Before performing maintenance in the working envelope of the robot, High Power must
be switched off and the power supply of the robot must be disconnected. After these
precautions, a skilled person is allowed to perform maintenance on the robot. See
Section 2.10 for the specifications.
CAUTION: Never remove any safeguarding and never
make changes in the system that will decommission a
physical safeguard.
28AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
2.10 Qualification of Personnel
This manual assumes that all personnel have attended an Adept training course and have
a working knowledge of the system. The user must provide the necessary additional
training for all personnel who will be working with the system.
As noted in this handbook, certain procedures should be performed only by skilled or
instructed persons. For a description of the level of qualification, Adept uses the standard
• Skilled persons have technical knowledge or sufficient experience to enable them
to avoid the dangers, electrical and/or mechanical.
• Instructed persons are adequately advised or supervised by skilled persons to
enable them to avoid the dangers, electrical and/or mechanical.
All personnel must observe industry-prescribed safety practices during the installation,
operation, and testing of all electrically powered equipment. To avoid injury or damage to
equipment, always remove power by disconnecting the AC power from the source before
attempting any repair or upgrade activity. Use appropriate lockout procedures to reduce
the risk of power being restored by another person while you are working on the system.
Qualification of Personnel
WARNI NG: The user must get confirmation from every
entrusted person before they start working with the robot
that the person:
1. Has received the instruction handbook
2. Has read the instruction handbook
3. Understands the instruction handbook
4. Will work in the manner specified by the instruction handbook.
2.11 Safety Equipment for Operators
Operators must wear safety equipment in the workcell. For safety reasons, operators must
wear the following when they are in the robot workcell.
• Safety glasses
• Protective headgear (hard hats)
•Safety shoes
Warning signs should be posted around the workcell to ensure that anyone working
around the robot system knows they must wear safety equipment.
The system must be protected against unauthorized use. The user or operator must
restrict access to the keyboard and the Manual Control Pendant by locking them in a
cabinet or use another adequate method to prevent access to them.
2.13 Safety Aspects While Performing Maintenance
Only skilled persons with the necessary knowledge about the safety and operating the
equipment are allowed to maintain the robot, controller, and power chassis.
CAUTION: During maintenance and repair, the power of
the Adept controller must be turned off. Lockout measures
must be used to prevent unauthorized personnel from
turning on power.
2.14 Risks That Cannot Be Avoided
The AdeptSix 300 robot control system includes devices that disable High Power if a
system failure occurs. However, certain residual risks or improper situations could cause
hazards. The following situations may result in risks that cannot be avoided:
• Failure of software or electronics that may cause high-speed robot motion in
Manual Mode
• Failure of hardware associated with enabling device or E-Stop system
2.15 Risks Due to Incorrect Installation or Operation
Take precautions to ensure that the following situations do not occur:
• Purposely defeating any aspect of the safety E-Stop system
• Improper installation or programming of the robot system
• Unauthorized use of cables other than those supplied or use of modified
components in the system
• Defeating interlock so that operator can enter workcell with High Power ON
• Ejection of workpiece (see “Hazards From Expelling a Part or Attached Tooling”
on page 21).
30AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
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