When the input is removed,
an Open/Close Channel will report the subscriber
identification (3 last digits) followed by an alarm code 9. For example,
for subscriber No. 1890 the No. 678 will report:
890 9
“Ki ss-off “------hang up
If a channel is selected as both an Open/Close Channel and a Delay Channel,
the delay applies to the input being applied and the in- being removed.
Since Code?9 can also mean test, use caution.Tso since the channel is
not identified upon removal of input,
restrict’this method to one channel.
3. Restore,ChanneIs: Channels so designated will not only report when the input
voltage goes high (alarm) but will report again when the input voltage goes
low (restore). When the input goes high (alarm) the affected channel .wi II
report subscriber identification and channel number, to be followed by
when the input goes low, the channel, (if it is selected as a Restore
Channel) will report the subscriber identification followed by the channel
number; then, after “kiss-off”,
the 678 will report the subscriber identification
followed by code 9. For example, should channel 4 restore, the message
sequence wi I I be:
“kiss-off”------hang up
If, in addition to being selected as a Restore Channel, a channel is
selected as a Long (I6 set) Delay Channel, the.delay applies only to
the input going high (alarm). If the input goes low (restores), 150 msec
de lay app I ies. This feature permits the 678 to report a restore on the
same call. as it reports an alarm, thus reducing the frequency .with which . .
.‘a, i,:
emergency services will be notified in the event of false alarms.
4. Secondary Number Only Channels: Any channel or channels may be’selected
to call and report only to the secondary number. This feature can be
used to force openings and closings to call the secondary number, leaving
the primary number open for emergency cal Is, such as fire, holdup,
burglary, etc. This channel option takes precedence over the system
optlons of “Alternate by Pal&’ and “Dual Report”.
5. Inverted Channels: Any number of chanhels may be programmed for inverted
operation. This means that the mi croprocessor wi I I interpret the presence
of a voltage on that channel’s input terminal as normal (restored). The
absence of a voltage will then be treated ,as abnormal (alarm).
All alarm reporting and timing features described in channel options I to
3 (above) still apply, but with the reversed definition of normal and alarm.
Inverted operation can be used to obtain triggering upon dry contact opening
by hooking up the channel input as for dry closure, but substituting a
NC switch for the NO switch.
The ability to invert a channel also provides features not otherwise easily
available. For example, suppose it is desired to send opening and closing
information, but code 9 (see Channel Option 2) is found unacceptable. Suppose