Adcon Telemetry D900SS 20 A Users Manual

Radio Modem Card
Spread Spectrum
(FCC Approved
Part 15.247)
Technical Manual
Technical Manual
Technical ManualTechnical Manual
UPDATED: August 7, 2001
EDITION: 0.7777
Adcon Telemetry, Inc.
1001 Yamato Road
Suite 305
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Tel: 561-989-5309
Fax: 561-989-5310
Internet Site
The information within this document may be mo dified without notice. No part of this manual can be duplicated or transferred, electronically or mechanically in any way, without ADCON AG.'s strict and written consent.
Chapter 1. Objective................................
Chapter 2. Module introduction ................................
2.1. Description................................
2.2. Specifications................................
2.2.1. General.............................................................................................................................................7
2.2.2. Specifications of the B900ss-20 ......................................................................................................7
2.2.3. Schematic.........................................................................................................................................9
2.3. Available Configuration................................
2.3.1. Software Configuration.................................................................................................................10
2.3.2. Hardware Configuration................................................................................................................10
Chapter 3. Basic Operation................................
3.1. General................................
3.2. "Hayes" Mode................................
3.3. "Point-to-Point" Mode................................
3.4. "Network" Mode................................
3.5. DemoKit Utilization ................................
3.5.1. Installation and Connection..........................................................................................................14
3.5.2. WinB900 Software Utilization in Point-to-Point Mode ................................................................15
3.5.3. Use of the WinB900 Software in Network Mode.........................................................................18
3.5.4. Use of the "Terminal" or "HyperTerminal" Software .................................................................20
........................... 6666
................................ 6666
............................ 7777
........................ 11
.............. 5555
........... 12
.................... 13
................ 14
......... 10
.... 11
1111 11
1111 12
1212 13
1313 14
Chapter 4. Advanced Operation................................
4.1. General................................
4.2. "Hayes" Protocol Commands................................
4.2.1. General...........................................................................................................................................22
4.2.2. Description of the standard commands.......................................................................................23
4.2.3. Registers Description ....................................................................................................................24
4.3. Utilization Example................................
4.3.1. Acquisition of two Point-to-Point Modems..................................................................................25
4.4. Radio Test Commands................................
......................... 21
............................... 22
................. 25
........... 28
.... 21
2121 22
4.5. Utilization of WinB900................................
4.5.1. Hayes commands........................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.2. Test Commands.............................................................................................................................31
Appendix 1: Schematic Block Diagram
Appendix 1: Schematic Block Diagram ................................
Appendix 1: Schematic Block DiagramAppendix 1: Schematic Block Diagram Appendix 2: Mechanical Drawings
Appendix 2: Mechanical Drawings................................
Appendix 2: Mechanical DrawingsAppendix 2: Mechanical Drawings
Drawing of the B900ss-20 Card ................................
Interface Signals................................
Connector Drawing ................................
Connecting Cable Drawing................................
Appendix 3: Antenna Connection
Appendix 3: Antenna Connection ................................
Appendix 3: Antenna ConnectionAppendix 3: Antenna Connection
Appendix 4: D900SS
Appendix 4: D900SS----20 DemoKit
Appendix 4: D900SSAppendix 4: D900SS
Appendix 5: Timing Diagrams
Appendix 5: Timing Diagrams................................
Appendix 5: Timing DiagramsAppendix 5: Timing Diagrams Appendix 6: Description of the registers
Appendix 6: Description of the registers ................................
Appendix 6: Description of the registersAppendix 6: Description of the registers
Registers used by the ‘AT’ protocol................................
20 DemoKit
20 DemoKit20 DemoKit
............................. 37
............ 29
................. 37
3333 34
.......... 34
... 35
3535 37
3737 37
......... 39
......... 40
4141 43
... 43
Appendix 7: Revisions History
Appendix 7: Revisions History ................................
Appendix 7: Revisions HistoryAppendix 7: Revisions History

Chapter 1. Objective

The objective of this document is to present the features and the application of the B900ss-20 radio module.
The operation of this module is divided into two chapters:
The ‘Basic Operation’ chapter describes the Module operating modes and allows the user to learn the WinB900 Software in walking through it.
The ‘Advanced Operation’ is especially for users that want to program the module directly. It presents all the available commands.
FCC Compliance and Warning
FCC Compliance and Warning
FCC Compliance and WarningFCC Compliance and Warning
Thank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ss
Thank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ss----20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF
Thank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ssThank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ss Module, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digita
Module, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digita l
Module, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaModule, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digita device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the
In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the
In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside your
FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside your
FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside your FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside you r device, then the outside of your
device, then the outside of your device into which the module is installed must also
device, then the outside of your device, then the outside of your display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wor din g
display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wor din g
display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wor din g display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wor din g such as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900ss
such as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900ss----20." Any simila r w ording that
such as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900sssuch as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900ss expresses the same meaning may be use
expresses the same meaning may be used.
expresses the same meaning may be useexpresses the same meaning may be use In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in
In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in
In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in your documentation, if the unit is too small to accommodate the label) "
your documentation, if the u nit is too small to accommodate the label) "This device
your documentation, if the unit is too small to accommodate the label) "your documentation, if the unit is too small to accommodate the label) " complies with Part 15 of th e FC C Rules . O peration is subject to the followin g t
complies with Part 15 of the FC C R ules . O pera tion is s ubject to the following t w o
complies with Part 15 of th e FC C Rules . O peration is subject to the followin g tcomplies with Part 15 of th e FC C Rules . O peration is subject to the followin g t conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
accept any interference that may cause undesired operation. "
accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.accept any interference that may cause undesired operation. Adcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum Modules
Adcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum Modules are designed as component devices, which
Adcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum ModulesAdcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum Modules require external compo
require external components to function. The B900ss
require external comporequire external compo for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands
for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands
for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands that further approvals may be required prior to the sale o r operation of the device, and
that further approvals may be required prior to the sale o r operation of the device, and
that further approvals may be required prior to the sale o r operation of the device, and that further approvals may be required prior to the sale o r operation of the device, and agrees to utilize the
agrees to utilize the com pon ent in keeping with all laws governing its operatio n in the
agrees to utilize theagre es to ut ilize the country of operation."
country of operation."
country of operation."country of operation." In order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ss
In order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ss----20 RF Module may
In order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ssIn order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ss only be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At this
only be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At this
only be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At thisonly be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At this writing the only approved antenna is the quarter
writing the only approved antenna is the quarter----wave rubber duck ant enna by MAT. If
writing the only approved antenna is the quarterwriting the only approved antenna is the quarter the OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ss
the OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ss----20 into their fin al pr oduct, where the product
the OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ssthe OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ss utilizes a non
utilizes a non----approved a ntenna, the OEM is responsible for obtaining a separate
utilizes a nonutilizes a non authoriza
authorization on the final p roduct.
approved antenna, the OEM is responsible for obtaining a separate
approved antenna, the OEM is responsible for obtaining a separate approved antenna, the OEM is responsible for obtaining a separate
tion on the final product.
tion on the final product.tion on the final product.
nents to function. The B900ss----20 modules are intended to allow
nents to function. The B900ssnents to function. The B900ss
component in keeping with all laws governing its operation in the
component in keeping with all laws governing its operation in the component in keeping with all laws governing its operation in the
20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF
20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF 20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF
device into which the module is installed must also
device into which the module is installed must also device into which the module is installed must also
20." Any similar wording that
20." Any similar wording that 20." Any similar wording that
d. d.
This device
This device This device
wo wo
" "
are designed as component devices, which
are designed as component devices, which are designed as component devices, which
20 modules are intended to allow
20 modules are intended to allow 20 modules are intended to allow
20 RF Module may
20 RF Module may 20 RF Module may
wave rubber duck antenna by MAT. If
wave rubber duck antenna by MAT. If wave rubber duck antenna by MAT. If
20 into their final product, where the product
20 into their final product, where the product 20 into their final product, where the product
l l
This wireless transmitter contains a low power tr ans mitter.
This wireless transmitter contains a low power transmitter. When in transmit it sen
This wireless transmitter contains a low power tr ans mitter.This wireless transmitter contains a low power tr ans mitter. out radio frequ
out radio frequency (RF) energy.
out radio frequout radio frequ Commi
CommiCommi with the
with the FCC
with the with the inches (5 centimeters)
inches (5 centimeters) away from the an tenna
inches (5 centimeters) inches (5 centimeters) D900ss
D900ssD900ss Modifications or attachments
Modifications or attachments could dama ge the transmitter, alter the RF exposure
Modifications or attachments Modifications or attachments may violate FCC
may violate FCC regulations.
may violate FCC may violate FCC
ssion (FCC) adopted RF
20 Demo Kit
ency (RF) energy. In August 1996 the Fe deral Communications
ency (RF) energy. ency (RF) energy.
(FCC) adopted RF exposure safety guidelines.
(FCC) adopted RF (FCC) adopted RF
FCC’’’’ssss RF safety exposure guideli
RF safety exposure guideline
RF safety exposure guideli RF safety exposure guideli
away from the antenna while the unit is transmitting.
away from the antenna away from the antenna
Demo Kit comes supplied with a permanently
Demo Kit Demo Kit
comes supplied with a permanently attached antenna.
comes supplied with a permanently comes supplied with a permanently
In August 1996 the Federal Communicat ions
In August 1996 the Federal Communicat ions In August 1996 the Federal Communicat ions
exposure safety guidelines. To maintain compliance
exposure safety guidelines. exposure safety guidelines.
nessss it is recommended t hat you remain 2
it is recommended that you remain 2
it is recommended that you remain 2 it is recommended that you remain 2
while the unit is transmitting. The
while the unit is transmitting. while the unit is transmitting.
could damage the transmi tter, alter the RF exposure, and
could damage the transmi tter, alter the RF exposurecould damage the transmi tter, alter the RF exposure
When in transmit it sends
When in transmit it sen When in transmit it sen
attached antenna.
attached antenna. attached antenna.

Chapter 2. Module introduction

2.1. Description
The B900ss-20 is an FM radio transceiver with frequency hopping using an F.S.K modulation. The receiver is of a super beat oscillator type with heterodyning. It operates on the 902-928 MHz band and, therefore, is within U.S. FCC part 15.247 standard.
ds ds
To maintain compliance
To maintain compliance To maintain compliance
The The
, and
, and , and
Using the frequency synthesis, it has a maximum of 50 channels spaced by 150 kHz and can communicate with equipment via a serial interface with RS-232 standard and TTL levels. The serial link is completely programmable from 2400 up to 38400 Baud. The radio rate is established at 40 KBits/s.
The B900ss-20 uses the most recent technology of flash memory micro controller, which allows the user to update or to load new features through the serial link.
Many parameters are programmable through the se rial link and the default configuration is memorized in an EEPROM (ROM).
At each activation, the radio modem component is programmed with its configuration parameters (Channel, Speed, Protocol, etc.).
The default data are: RS-232 connection at 19,200 Baud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, Frequency Table 1, slave modem.
All these parameters are accessible and modifiable with HAYES or AT commands.
2.2. Specifications
2.2.1. General
The B900ss-20 is a radio card component that receives and transmits data according to a frequency table selected by the user.

2.2.2. Specifications of the B900ss-20

Weight: <2 ozs. (< 50 grams) Dimensions: 1.57" x 1.69" x .29" (without antenna). Connectors: 1 14FMS-1.0SP-TF 14 pin connector fro m JST.
Radio part
Frequency: 902 to 928 MHz (FCC part 15-247) . Number of channels: 50, channel 0 to 49. Channel selection: Frequency hopping, according to a random
table of 50 channels. 8 tables are stored in
EEPROM memory. Radio rate: 40KBits /s . Modulation/Demodulation: FSK (Frequency Shift Keying). Bit encoding: Quad Frequential encodi ng. RF sensitivity: -90 dBm (± 2 dB) at 50 Ohms. RF power: +13 dBm (20 mW) (± 2 dB) over 50 Ohms. Error rate: 10 Saturation: Two modules communicate at 0 dBm. Operating Temp.: Standard Operation: +32°F to +122°F.
(0º to +50º Centigrade) Storage Temp.: -40°F to +176° F (-40ºC to +80º C) Relative humidity: from 20% to 90% RH (without condensation).
to -88 dBm.
Digital Part
Processor: FLASH Atmel Micro controller Programming: Upload and download with a PC through the RS232
serial link and a specific interface (Demo Kit D900).
Program Mem.: 8 Ko of FLASH Data Memory: 512 bytes of RAM for stack and data EEPROM Memory: 512 bytes for the HAYES parameters (registers S) .
Serial Link: 2400 to 38400 Baud, NRZ format, 5 volts TTL level.
Power Supply
Supply voltage: 5V monitored (± 5%). Consumption: Receive Transmit Sleep
<40mA <80mA <5mA
HAYES Commands : The user can program all the parameters. A Windows programming s oftw are is supplied "on-line" with documentation support. (See AT commands).
Examples of Hayes commands:
Serial: Serial link rate, parity, bit count, stop bit count, Serial Time-
out, … Radio: Channels table selection, retry count, … Mode: Point to Point, Network, Stand-by, etc.
Performance range Length of com.: 164 to 328 Feet (50 to 100 meters) in difficult
environment (buildings, reinforced concrete)
984 to 1,312 Feet (300-400 meters) in open
environment (Ground level). 3,281 Feet (1 Km) in view and in height (example: between buildings)
Obstacles Impact: Walls, trees, obstacles can strongly reduce the
2.2.3. Schematic
See Appendix 1 for the principle schematics and the physical description of the card.
2.3. Available Configuration
2.3.1. Software Configuration
The B900ss-20 has 3 operating modes managed by the WinB900 Software (See Chapter
Network (future)
2.3.2. Hardware Configuration
All the B900SS product radio modules are delivered with the necessary software for operation. An evaluation Demo Kit (D900SS-20) is available at Adcon and allows the user to evaluate the radio module's performance. For more information, refer to Appendix 4.
With each radio module, the following is available:
Series of programming ASCII messages to integrate the r a dio modems w ith a s erial link.
A Windows configuration and test software programming the radio modules and testing the links (quality, distance, shadow area, etc.).
A set of reference material available in CD-ROM.

Chapter 3. Basic Operation

3.1. General
The B900ss-20 can operate with three data communication modes:
"Hayes" program the modem's parameters.
"Point-to-Point" the function of an RS-485 cable). This mode automaticall y handles the data security (encapsulation, iterations, etc.)
"Network": Client/Server structure. A Server will then be able to handle up to 16 clients simultaneously.
: inspired from the standard Hayes for voice modems, it is used to
: Two B900ss-20 replace a cable (the Hal f-duplex operation copies
Several B900ss-20 can work together, in accordance with a
3.2. "Hayes" Mode
The Hayes commands used by the radio module are in conformity with the Hayes protocol standard used for the voice modems. This p rotocol is based on the following principle: A data frame always starts with the two ASCII characters "AT" for "ATtention". The commands follow and are coded on one or several characters eventually with additional data.
Since the B900ss-20 does not operate exactly like a voice modem, it includes additional "AT" codes.
These commands are principally used to read and write the data in the confi guration registers stored in EEPROM.
3.3. "Point-to-Point" Mode
In this mode, two B900ss-20 Modems can co mmunicate together without getting any interference with other Modems.
For this purpose, their work is synchronized and constantly jumping frequency, avoiding interference with another transmitter: if one or more channels are busy, the data will be transmitted through another channel.
On the other hand, a "Personal Network" owns each set of modem. The data use d for a "Personal Network" cannot be intercepted by another "Personal Network". Each "Personal Network" owns a Master, which handles the communication (synchronization, priority, etc.) and a Slave that obeys its Master.
The first synchronization is named "Acquisition", and let s a Slave get acquainted with its Master (No. of Personal Network, Frequency Table used, etc.). Eventually, at each powered reset, the Slave will synchronize, then later be able to communicate with its Master. A "Lock" signal shows if a Slave has been synchronized with its Master or not.
Eventually, this synchronization is maintained all along the Master/Slave Dialogue.
A hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) is present on the Mo dems serial link in order to let the user know that the buffer (130 characters) starts to saturate. The alarm level is by default 130 characters and can be programmed through the S215 Regis ter.
Finally, an Ack_Tx signal, synchronized on the RTS signal, allows the transmitter user t o know if the receiver user has received a data frame or not.
For more specific information and to get the Time Series Charts, see the following chapter ("Advanced Part") and the Appendix 5.
3.4. "Network" Mode
In this mode, several B900ss-20 Modems are able to communicate with each other. Therefore, they constitute a Network handled by a Server Mode m that can hold up to 16 Client Modems (6 in the actual V0.2 version).
The acquisition procedures, the modems synchronization and the R TS/CTS and Ack_Tx signals handling are the same as for the "Point-to-Point" Mode.
On the other hand, when a frame is sent, it is necessary that a character indicating th e receiver modem number precedes the data frame. Also, in receiving the frame, a character preceding this frame indicates the transmitter modem.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
3.5. Demo Kit Utilization
3.5.1. Installation and Connection
A D900SS-20 Demo Kit includes a plate that holds the B900ss-20 radio module, the antenna and the RS232 interface card.
In order to use it, connect the plate to a PC's COM Port through the supplied serial cable and connect the power supply (see picture).
On the interface card, ALL the switches have to be set to 'Off' and, of course, the On/Off switch has to be on the 'On' position.
Serial Connection to a PC COM Port
Power Connecto r
(Battery or Power
A Windows Software, 'WinB900' parameterizes and tes ts the B900s s -20 radio module. In order to install it on your PC, launch 'Setup.exe' located on the CD-ROM supplied in the Demo Kit, in the WinB900ss directory.
+ 32 hidden pages