Chapter 1. Objective
The objective of this document is to present the features and the application of the
B900ss-20 radio module.
The operation of this module is divided into two chapters:
• The ‘Basic Operation’ chapter describes the Module operating modes and allows
the user to learn the WinB900 Software in walking through it.
• The ‘Advanced Operation’ is especially for users that want to program the module
directly. It presents all the available commands.
FCC Compliance and Warning
FCC Compliance and Warning
FCC Compliance and WarningFCC Compliance and Warning
Thank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ss
Thank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ss----20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF
Thank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ssThank you for choosing Adcon Telemetry's B900ss
Module, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digita
Module, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
Module, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaModule, which has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digita
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the
In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the
In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the In accordance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 15, this is to advise you that if the
FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside your
FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside your
FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside your FCC ID number of the Smart Spread Spectrum is not visible when installed inside you r
device, then the outside of your
device, then the outside of your device into which the module is installed must also
device, then the outside of your device, then the outside of your
display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wor ding
display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wor ding
display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wor ding display a label ref erring to the enclosed module. This ext erior label can use wording
such as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900ss
such as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900ss----20." Any simila r w ording that
such as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900sssuch as the following: "Contains FCC ID: MQXB900ss
expresses the same meaning may be use
expresses the same meaning may be used.
expresses the same meaning may be useexpresses the same meaning may be use
In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in
In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in
In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in In addition the following statement shoul d also be included on an exterior label (or in
your documentation, if the unit is too small to accommodate the label) "
your documentation, if the u nit is too small to accommodate the labe l) "This device
your documentation, if the unit is too small to accommodate the label) "your documentation, if the unit is too small to accommodate the label) "
complies with Part 15 of th e FC C Rules . O peration is subject to the following t
complies with Part 15 of the FC C R ules . O pera tion is s ubject to the following t w o
complies with Part 15 of th e FC C Rules . O peration is subject to the following tcomplies with Part 15 of th e FC C Rules . O peration is subject to the following t
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
accept any interference that may cause undesired operation. "
accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
Adcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum Modules
Adcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum Modules are designed as component devices, which
Adcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum ModulesAdcon’s Smart Spread Spectrum Modules
require external compo
require external components to function. The B900ss
require external comporequire external compo
for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands
for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands
for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands for full Part 15 compliance and are a pp roved by the FCC. The purchaser understands
that further approvals may be required prior to the sale or operation of the device, an d
that further approvals may be required prior to the sale or operation of the device, an d
that further approvals may be required prior to the sale or operation of the device, an d that further approvals may be required prior to the sale or operation of the device, an d
agrees to utilize the
agrees to utilize the com pon ent in keeping with all laws governing its operation in the
agrees to utilize theagrees to utilize the
country of operation."
country of operation."
country of operation."country of operation."
In order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ss
In order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ss----20 RF Module may
In order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ssIn order to comply with the FCC rules and regulations, the B900ss
only be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At this
only be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At this
only be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At thisonly be used with approved antennas that have be en tested with this radio. At this
writing the only approved antenna is the quarter
writing the only approved antenna is the quarter----wave rubber duck ant enna by MAT. If
writing the only approved antenna is the quarterwriting the only approved antenna is the quarter
the OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ss
the OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ss----20 into their fin al pr oduct, where the product
the OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ssthe OEM integrates the MQXB90 0ss
utilizes a non
utilizes a non----approved a ntenna, the OEM is responsible for obtaining a separate
utilizes a nonutilizes a non
authorization on the final p roduct.
approved antenna, the OEM is responsible for obta ining a separate
approved antenna, the OEM is responsible for obta ining a separate approved antenna, the OEM is responsible for obta ining a separate
tion on the final product.
tion on the final product.tion on the final product.
nents to function. The B900ss----20 modules are intended to allow
nents to function. The B900ssnents to function. The B900ss
component in keeping with all laws governing its operation in the
component in keeping with all laws governing its operation in the component in keeping with all laws governing its operation in the
20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF
20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF 20 Smart Spread Spectrum RF
device into which the module is installed must also
device into which the module is installed must also device into which the module is installed must also
20." Any similar wording that
20." Any similar wording that 20." Any similar wording that
d. d.
This device
This device This device
wo wo
" "
are designed as component devices, which
are designed as component devices, which are designed as component devices, which
20 modules are intended to allow
20 modules are intended to allow 20 modules are intended to allow
20 RF Module may
20 RF Module may 20 RF Module may
wave rubber duck antenna by MAT. If
wave rubber duck antenna by MAT. If wave rubber duck antenna by MAT. If
20 into their final product, where the product
20 into their final product, where the product 20 into their final product, where the product
l l