The Adcon logo, the A730 series, A720 series and addIT™, A440 and addWAVE, addVANTAGE® and AgroExpert™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adcon Telemetry AG. All other registered names used throughout
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This publication contains confidential information, property of Adcon Telemetry AG. Disclosure to third parties of the information contained herein is prohibited. Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in this
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Adcon Packet Radio Protocol _________________________________________________57
Digital Squelch _______________________________________________________________________ 58
Modulation Technique Used (low speed modem) _________________________________________ 59
Generic Format of a Radio Frame _______________________________________________________ 59
Data Frames _________________________________________________________________________ 61
1. Introduction
1.1.About the A440
The A440 Wireless Modem is a portable low-power, medium-range serial interface
telemetry modem. The unit is based on a powerful 8-bit Flash RISC microcontroller,
which can also be programmed in the field (for software upgrades).
The units incorporates an A431 radio module operating in the 430 to 470 MHz
range, making it adaptable to most radio communication regulations in the world.
The output power is 0.5 W, while the modulation is narrow band FM (12.5, 20 or 25
kHz channel spacing).
Due to its construction, as well as to the software controlling it, the power consumption is extremely low (average 1 mA). The unit operates from an extrenal 5.6 to 10
volt power supply. The power is fed via the common data/power connector/cable.
The A440 is a ruggedized unit, complying with the IP65 environmental protection
class (NEMA 4). It can be easily installed and is compatible with both the standard
Adcon low speed protocol and the upcoming high speed protocol.
This manual describes the technical details of the A440, both hardware and software. It is organized in several parts, as follows:
• Hardware: includes the schematics as well as a description of the main board
of the A440 (the processor, modems and interfaces)
• The A431 radio module: includes the schematics and description of the radio
• Software: a short description of the software with the most important commands that can be used to control the unit over the serial interface
This manual is intended for the radio approval authorities and laboratories.
2. Hardware
Most of the electronics (including the A431 radio module) are situated on the main
board (for the A431 description, see “The A431 Radio Module” on page 27). The
main board (Figure 1) contains the radio unit, a low-speed and a high speed modem
interface, a microcontroller, RS-485 and RS-232 interfaces and a power conditioning
subsystem. The power and the serial lines are provided over a corresponding connector (4-pin Binder for RS-485 or D-sub 9 pin for RS-232), while the antenna is fed
through a 50 Ω TNC connector.
A431 Radio
Low Speed
High Speed
System Supply
Figure 1.
A440 Block Diagram.
For further details, consult the schematic diagram in Figure 2.
2.1.1.The Modem Interfaces
The low speed modem operates with two tones: 1 kHz (representing the “1” bits)
and 2 kHz (representing the “0” bits). A bit cell is represented by a complete time
period ( 1/f ), thus the raw throughput varies between 1 and 2 kbps (average 1.5
kbps). The modem functions are essentially implemented in software by a separate
microprocessor. However, a signal pre-conditioning is performed on both receive
and transmit paths by means of two low-pass filters (U6 on receive and U19 on transmit).
On receive, the buffered analog data signal from the radio unit is applied to a 3 kHz
low pass filter (U6). The filter output is further fed to the A/D input of a slave microcontroller U5) performing the decoding operation for the low speed modulation
(see also “Modulation Technique Used (low speed modem)” on page 59). The slave
microcontroller (U5) communicates with the main microcontroller (U9) via a 4-wire interface. In addition, the audio output from the radio unit is also applied to the GMSK
modem (U7) for decoding high speed data.
On transmit, the low speed data is generated again by the slave microcontroller (U5)
added by the R/2R network implementing a D/A converter. The slave microcontroller generates in effect the sinus waveforms required to encode the binary data. The
output signal is applied to the audio mixer U11, which adds the signal generated by
the high speed modem (U7). Obviously, only one modem will be activated at a time
by the master microcontroller (U9). The output signal of the mixer is applied to the
variable gain amplifier (U15) and then to the final low pass-filter (U19) that has a cutoff frequency of around 7 kHz.
The high speed modem (U7) has two clocking options: either it can be clocked from
the main microcontroller’s clock via a buffer (U20), or it can be driven by its own
quartz crystal (X3). The low speed modem (U5) is always driven by the main microcontroller’s clock.
2.1.2.The Microcontroller and the Power Conditioning Sections
The operation of the whole unit is under the control of U9, an Atmel ATMega 103
microcontroller. It is a powerful chip exhibiting a very low power consumption. Its
main functions are:
• Controls the radio unit
• Control the modems functionality
• Assembles the radio frames and waits for requests from a remote
• Implements Adcon radio and RS-485 protocol stack
• Manages the real-time clock
The Microcontroller and the Power Conditioning Sections
• Implements a serial Command Line Interface (CLI)
The chip operates at its maximum speed, in this case 4 MHz (the “L” version), and
uses a crystal (X2) for the on-board clock generator. The real time clock is implemented by means of a 32.768 kHz crystal (X1) connected on the internal Timer/
The radio unit is controlled via the SPI bus (to set the PLL chip parameters) and via
several ports of the microcontroller for such operations as transmit and receive. In
addition, the high current 5 volt LDO voltage source (U4) is switched on before the
radio module’s PA is activated. The power output is adjusted by means of an electronic potentiometer (U2).
The A/D subsystem is used to sample the RSSI and Pout inputs. A stable 2.5 Volt
reference supplied by U3 is applied to the A
pin. The reference is powered by the
microcontroller only when sampling the A/D input.
The serial interface is implemented by means of the built-in UART. Both the RS-232
and RS-485 interfaces are implemented using Maxim chips (U12 and U17 respectively). The serial interface mode is selected by means of a pair of jumpers (J1).
An additional amount of 32Kbytes RAM is provided to the main microcontroller; the
RAM chip (U8) is attached to the multiplexed bus of the microcontroller with the aid
of a latch (U10).
A brown-out supervisor chip (U14) is used to assure a smooth start-up of the microcontroller and avoid possible erratic behavior when the supply level descends below
the minimum operating value (2.7 volts).
A LDO voltage regulator (U16) is used to provide 3.3 Volt power to the main components on the board.
The Power Supply and Serial Interface
2.1.3.The Power Supply and Serial Interface
The interface connector allows for:
• External supply (any DC source from 5.6 to 10
• Communication over serial lines, at 19200 baud
For testing purposes, Adcon supplies a 220VAC power
adapter that provides also an RS-485 to RS-232 conversion. Thus, the unit can be
connected to a serial port of a PC and can be switched in various operating modes.
A list of commands is given in the sub chapter “Controlling the Unit” on page 50.
2.1.4.External Power Supply
In order to test the unit over the specified supply range, a special power cable is supplied by Adcon Telemetry. This cable must be connected to the interface connector
of the unit before the serial cable (see Figure 3). The two wires with banana plugs
may then be connected to an external variable power supply: the red plug to plus
and the black plug to minus.
WARNING! Do not apply more than 10 Volts to the unit: permanent damage of the
device may result.
Figure 3.
Connection of an external power supply.
The A440 fulfills the specifications of the EN 300 220-1, Class 12, and ETS 300 113,
as well as the FCC Part 90.214 (Subpart J) of the CFR 47.
To Interface Unit
5.6 to 10 Volt
Note: The parameters below were measured with the A440 + A431 combination.
Operating Temperature-30+70°C
Relative Humidity99%
Class ProtectionIP65
RF Data Rate (Using the low-speed Modem)10001500
RF Data Rate (Using the high-speed Modem)8000bps
Operating Frequency (-44 version)
Operating Frequency (-46 version)
Frequency Stability (-20 to +50°C)±1.5kHz
Frequency Stability (-30 to +60°C)±2.5kHz
Receive mode
Sensitivity (12 db S/S+N)-118dBm
Image Frequency Attenuation (1st IF = 45 MHz)-70dB
Local Oscillator Leakage2nW
Adjacent Channel Attenuation (12.5 kHz mode)-57dB
RSSI dynamic90dB
Operating Current (incl. On-board Microcontroller)32mA
Transmit mode (all measurements made on a 50 Ω resistive load)
Output Power27dBm
Spurious Radiation200nW
Adjacent Channel Power (12.5 kHz mode)-34dBm
Occupied Bandwidth (12.5 kHz mode)7.0kHz
Operating Current (incl. On-board Microcontroller)600mA
a. Data rate is content dependent.
b. This parameter represents the alignment range; the switching range can
be limited in software to a narrower space (even to the extent of a single