ADC UTU-701C, ETU-751C User Manual

UTU-701C List 1 Universal Termination Unit Part Number: 150-1422-01C
ETU-751C List 1 ETSI Termination Unit
Part Number: 150-1432-01C
Revision History of This Manual
To order copies of this manual, use document number 700-701-100-02.
Issue Release Date Revisions Made
1 January 14, 2000 Initial release 2 August 9, 2002 ADC rebrand
August 22, 2002 © 2002 ADC DSL Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Trademark Information
ADC is a registered trademark and WorldDSL is a trademark of ADC Telecommunications, Inc. No right, license, or interest to such trademarks is granted hereunder, and you agree that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted by you with respect to such trademark.
Other product names mentioned in this document are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Disclaimer of Liability
Information contained in this document is company private to ADC DSL Systems, Inc., and shall not be modified, used, copied, reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without the written consent of ADC.
Contents herein are current as of the date of publication. ADC reserves the right to change the contents without prior notice. In no event shall ADC be liable for any damages resulting from loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits, and ADC further disclaims any and all liability for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other similar damages. This disclaimer of liability applies to all products, publications and services during and after the warranty period.
ii August 9, 2002 ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1
700-701-100-02 Using This Manual


The following conventions are used in this manual:
Monospace type indicates screen text.
Keys you press are indicated by small icons such as or . Key combinations to be pressed
simultaneously are indicated with a plus sign as follows: + .
Items you select are in bold.
Three types of messages, identified by icons, appear in text.
Notes contain information about special circumstances.
Cautions indicate the possibility of personal injury or equipment damage.
The Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) symbol indicate s that a device or as sembly is susc eptible to damage from electrostatic discharge.
For a list of abbreviations used in this document, refer to “Abbreviations” on page 70.


Upon receipt of the equipment:
Unpack each container and inspect the contents for signs of damage. If the equipment has been damaged in
transit, immediately report the extent of damage to the transportation company and to ADC DSL Systems, Inc. Order replacement equipment, if necessary.
Check the packing list to ensure complete and accurate shipment of each listed item. If the shipment is short
or irregular, contact ADC DSL Systems, Inc. as described in “Product Support” on page 69. If you must store the equipment for a prolonged period, store the equipment in its original container.
ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1 August 9, 2002 iii
Inspecting Shipment 700-701-100-02
iv August 9, 2002 ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1
700-701-100-02 Table of Contents


Overview ____________________________________________________________________________ 1
Rate Selectable HDSL Unit Firmware...............................................................................................1
EMU Firmware Compatibility...........................................................................................................2
Application Interface..........................................................................................................................2
HDSL Technology .............................................................................................................................3
Transmission Ranges .........................................................................................................................3
Front and Rear Panel Components.....................................................................................................4
WorldDSL Product Compatibility .....................................................................................................8
Specifications_________________________________________________________________________ 9 Functional Description________________________________________________________________ 11
Major Components...........................................................................................................................11
G.703 Interface..................................................................................................................12
HDSL Interface..................................................................................................................12
System Timing Circuits.....................................................................................................12
Power Sources ...................................................................................................................13
Rate Selectable Application Modes and Options.............................................................................14
Single Mode.......................................................................................................................14
Structured Mode ................................................................................................................14
Unstructured Mode............................................................................................................16
G.704 Framing and Rate Selectable HDSL.......................................................................17
Hot Swapping...................................................................................................................................17
Performance Monitoring and History..............................................................................................18
BER Testing.....................................................................................................................................21
Inspection, Safety, and Equipment Repair _______________________________________________ 22
Safety ...............................................................................................................................................22
Equipment Repair ............................................................................................................................22
Installation and Startup_______________________________________________________________ 23
UTU-701C Line Unit Installation....................................................................................................23
ETU-751C Desktop Unit Installation ..............................................................................................24
HDSL Startup and Synchronization.................................................................................................24
ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1 August 9, 2002 v
Table of Contents 700-701-100-02
System Configuration_________________________________________________________________ 25
Maintenance Terminal Connection .................................................................................................25
Modem Connection ......................................................................................................................... 26
Logging On...................................................................................................................................... 27
Console Screen Structure ................................................................................................................ 28
Reading and Navigating Menus ...................................................................................................... 30
Config Menu Options...................................................................................................................... 32
Configure Terminal Settings............................................................................................. 33
Configure Date and Time.................................................................................................. 34
Change Password.............................................................................................................. 35
Configure Circuit ID......................................................................................................... 36
Configure System Settings................................................................................................ 37
Configure LTU and NTU Interfaces................................................................................. 39
Configure Alarms.............................................................................................................. 41
Set to Factory Defaults.................................................................................................................... 44
Logging Off..................................................................................................................................... 45
Viewing Status_______________________________________________________________________ 46
Main Console Screen....................................................................................................................... 46
Monitor Menu.................................................................................................................................. 48
Monitor LTU Interface Screen.......................................................................................... 49
Monitor NTU Interface Screen ......................................................................................... 50
Monitor HDSL Span 1 Screen .......................................................................................... 51
History Menu................................................................................................................................... 52
LTU and NTU Interface Performance History Screens.................................................... 53
HDSL Span Performance History Screens ....................................................................... 55
Clear History Screens........................................................................................................ 58
Inventory Screen.............................................................................................................................. 58
Testing _____________________________________________________________________________ 60 Firmware Download Utility ____________________________________________________________ 62 Reference Information ________________________________________________________________ 64
ETU-751C Connector Pinouts......................................................................................................... 64
ECA-800 Connector Adapter (DB25M to M34F for V.35)............................................................ 65
ECA-801 Connector Adapter (DB25M to DB15F for X.21).......................................................... 66
ECA-802 Connector Adapter (DB9M to RJ-45)............................................................................. 66
ECA-804 Connector Adapter (DB9M to Four-Position Terminal Block)...................................... 68
Product Support _____________________________________________________________________ 69 Abbreviations _______________________________________________________________________ 70 Certification and Warranty ______________________________________________ Inside Back Cover
vi August 9, 2002 ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1

700-701-100-02 List of Figures

1. Leased Line Data Application on a Single-pair G.703 Network....................................................................3
2. UTU-701C Line Unit Front Panel ..................................................................................................................4
3. ETU-751C Desktop Unit Front Panel.............................................................................................................4
4. ETU-751C Desktop Unit Rear Panel..............................................................................................................7
5. Line and Desktop Unit Functional Block Diagram ......................................................................................11
6. Typical Structured Mode Application...........................................................................................................14
7. Unstructured Mode Application....................................................................................................................16
8. Loopback Operations....................................................................................................................................19
9. Installing the UTU-701C Line Unit..............................................................................................................23
10. UTU/ETU Console Port and Maintenance Terminal Connector Pinouts.....................................................25
11. Connecting a Maintenance Terminal to a Line Unit.....................................................................................26
12. Logon Password Screen................................................................................................................................27
13. Console Screen Menu Bar.............................................................................................................................27
14. Console Screen Menu Structure....................................................................................................................28
15. Items in Console Screen Status Bar..............................................................................................................30
16. Console Screen Config Menu.......................................................................................................................32
17. Config Terminal Settings Menu....................................................................................................................33
18. Config Date and Time Menu ........................................................................................................................34
19. Config Change Password Menu....................................................................................................................35
20. Config Circuit ID Menu................................................................................................................................36
21. Config System Settings Menu.......................................................................................................................37
22. Config LTU Interface Menu with Unstructured Mode Data Rate................................................................39
23. Config NTU Interface Menu with Structured Mode Data Rate....................................................................39
24. Config Alarms Menu ....................................................................................................................................41
25. Config Alarms LTU Interface Menu ............................................................................................................42
26. Config Alarms NTU Interface Menu............................................................................................................42
27. Config Alarms HDSL Span 1 Menu.............................................................................................................43
28. Set to Factory Defaults Screen......................................................................................................................44
29. Main Console Screen ....................................................................................................................................46
30. Monitor Menu ...............................................................................................................................................48
31. Monitor LTU Interface Screen......................................................................................................................49
32. Monitor NTU Interface Screen .....................................................................................................................50
33. Monitor HDSL Span 1 Screen ......................................................................................................................51
34. History Menu ................................................................................................................................................52
35. History LTU Interface Menu ........................................................................................................................53
36. History NTU Interface Menu........................................................................................................................53
ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1 August 9, 2002 vii
List of Figures 700-701-100-02
37. LTU Interface Alarm History Screen........................................................................................................... 54
38. History HDSL Span 1 Menu ........................................................................................................................ 55
39. 24 Hour History Screen for HDSL Span 1................................................................................................... 55
40. 7 Day History Status Screen for HDSL Span 1............................................................................................ 56
41. Alarm History Status Screen for HDSL Span 1........................................................................................... 57
42. Inventory Screen........................................................................................................................................... 58
43. Test Menu Screen......................................................................................................................................... 60
44. ETSI Firmware Download Utility Menu...................................................................................................... 62
45. ECA-800 DB25M to M34F (V.35) Connector Adapter, Part Number 150-1470-01 .................................. 65
46. ECA-801 D25M to DB15F (X.21) Connector Adapter, Part Number 150-1470-01................................... 66
47. ECA-802 DB9M to RJ-45 Connector Adapter, Part Number 150-1472-01 ................................................ 67
48. ECA-804 DB9M to Four-Position Terminal Block Connector Adapter, Part Number 150-1474-01 ......... 68
viii August 9, 2002 ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1
700-701-100-02 List of Tables


1. Rate Selectable G.703 Unit Characteristics....................................................................................................2
2. Transmission Ranges with 0 db ETSI Noise ..................................................................................................3
3. Line and Desktop Unit Front Panel Components ...........................................................................................5
4. Line and Desktop Unit Front Panel LED Indications.....................................................................................6
5. ETU-751C Desktop Unit Rear-Panel Components ........................................................................................7
6. WorldDSL Product Compatibility ..................................................................................................................8
7. Typical Structured Mode System Settings....................................................................................................15
8. Typical Unstructured Mode System Settings................................................................................................16
9. Examples of Selected and Actual HDSL Payload Rates ..............................................................................17
10. Monitored HDSL Transmission and Interface Performance Parameters......................................................18
11. HDSL Transmission and Application Interface Alarms...............................................................................19
12. Loopbacks Selected at Front Panel Pushbuttons and Console Screens ........................................................20
13. Loopback Equivalents...................................................................................................................................21
14. Console Screen Menus..................................................................................................................................29
15. Console Screen Status Bar Displays.............................................................................................................30
16. Console Screen Navigation Keys..................................................................................................................31
17. Config Menu Options and Recommended Order of System Configuration.................................................32
18. Fields and Options Displayed in Config System Settings Menu..................................................................38
19. Fields and Options in Displayed Config LTU and Config NTU Interface Menus.......................................40
20. Fields Displayed in Config Alarms LTU and Config Alarms NTU Interface Menus..................................43
21. Fields Displayed in Config Alarms HDSL Span 1 Menu.............................................................................44
22. Factory Default System Settings...................................................................................................................45
23. Reading the Main Console Screen................................................................................................................46
24. Fields Displayed in Main Console Screen....................................................................................................47
25. Fields Displayed in Monitor LTU and Monitor NTU Interface Screens......................................................49
26. Fields in Monitor HDSL Span 1 Screen .......................................................................................................51
27. LTU Interface and NTU Interface Alarm History Data................................................................................54
28. HDSL Span Alarm History Data ..................................................................................................................57
29. Inventory Screen Data...................................................................................................................................59
30. Test Menu Options........................................................................................................................................61
31. BER Section of Test Menu ...........................................................................................................................61
32. ETSI Firmware User Selectable Download Menu Options..........................................................................63
33. Navigating the ETSI Firmware Download Menu.........................................................................................63
34. D9F HDSL Line Connector Pinouts.............................................................................................................64
35. D25F Data Port Connector Pinouts...............................................................................................................64
36. ECA-800 DB25M to M34F (V.35) Connector Adapter Pinouts ..................................................................65
ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1 August 9, 2002 ix
List of Tables 700-701-100-02
37. ECA-801 DB25M to DB15F (X.21) Connector Adapter Pinouts................................................................ 66
38. ECA-802 DB9M to RJ-45 Connector Adapter Pinouts ............................................................................... 67
39. ECA-804 DB9M to Four-Position Terminal Block Connector Adapter Pinouts......................................... 68
x August 9, 2002 ETU-701C and ETU-751C List 1
700-701-100-02 Overview


ADC® WorldDSL™ offers High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) Line Termination Units (LTUs), Network Termination Units (NTUs), Universal Termination Units (UTUs), and ETSI Termination Units (ETUs). The units are shelf and enclosure mounted, providing full-duplex transmission of up to 2.048 Mbps data over one or two twisted pairs of copper wire. Public carriers and private network providers can use these units to offer low-cost service with fiber-optic quality using the local copper loop without installing repeaters or conditioning the outside plant. The units are used in systems that comply with European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) specification TS 101 135.
This practice describes the WorldDSL RS UTU-701C List 1 and ETU-751C List 1 Rate Selectable HDSL line and desktop units. The terms for these units are defined as follows:
LTU and NTU are defined by ETSI to distinguish between the two units in an HDSL system. An LTU is
generally located at the Exchange Office end of the circuit and acts as the master unit. The NTU is located at the customer site and acts as the slave unit.
UTU is defined by ADC. These are programmable HDSL line units that can be configured as an
LTU (master) or an NTU (slave). The UTU default configuration is NTU (slave). The UTUs do not provide line power to other HDSL units. All other aspects of UTU functionality are identical to LTUs or NTUs. The UTU-701C has a G.703 interface and must be locally powered from a -36 Vdc to -72 Vdc power supply.
ETU is defined by ADC. These are programmable HDSL line units housed in plastic enclosures with interface
and power connectors for convenient use as integrated desktop units. The ETUs can be configured as an LTU or an NTU. The ETU default configuration is NTU. The ETU-751C does not provide or receive line power; it must be locally powered. All other aspects of ETU functionality are identical to LTUs or NTUs. The ETU-751C has a G.703 interface and contains a power supply that accepts 100 to 240 volt, 50 or 60 Hz, AC power.
WorldDSL RS (rate selectable) is defined by ADC. WorldDSL RS is a single pair High-bit-rate Digital
Subscriber Line (HDSL) solution that offers extended reach capabilities through the use of industry-leading multi-rate DSL technology. The UTU-701C and ETU-751C deploy HDSL in networks using a single pair of copper wire running at speeds between 256 kbps and 2048 kbps. The HDSL payload rates are menu selected in time slot increments of 64 kbps, ranging from 256 kbps to 2048 kbps. Transmission ranges vary according to the rate selected. Depending on noise environment, ranges of up to 7.1 km (4.4 miles) are possible at the lowest-selectable HDSL payload rate (256 kbps) using 0.51 mm wire. Longer ranges are possible with larger wire.
These HDSL units are configured as Data Communications Equipment (DCE) and respond to data, clock, and
control signals from Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).
Use of this product in a manner other than defined in this technical practice may cause equipment damage or injury to personnel.
Gebrauch dieses Produkts in einer Weise anders als defin iert kann in dieser techn ischen Praxis Geräte Schaden oder Verletzung zu Personal verursachen.


Version 4.01 is the current release for the rate selectable HDSL unit firmware. This firmware must be installed at each end of the circuit (that is, in both the LTU and NTU).
WorldDSL RS units are not backward compatible with standard HDSL or management unit firmware. The installed firmware must be that designed for RS units.
RS G.703 LTUs can communicate with RS Nx64k NTUs, but only if HDSL unit firmware Version 4.01 or later is installed at each end of the circuit.
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 1
Overview 700-701-100-02


The EMU-830 Management Unit firmware must be Version 3.22.08 or later to support rate selectable HDSL units.


The UTU-701C and ETU-751C provide G.703 interface ports with a rate selectable HDSL payload. The only application mode is Single, indicating single pair.
The G.703 E1 application interface conforms with the ITU-T G.703 physical specification and can be configured for an impedance of 75 Ω unbalanced or 120 Ω balanced. User data can be unstructured or structured according to the G.704 framing standard, and optionally CRC-4 multiframed according to the G.706 standard. Structured mode is automatically invoked when 1 to 29 time slots are selected. Unstructured mode is invoked when 30, 31, or 32 time slots are selected.
The exchange office data terminal equipment (DTE) allocates the 2048 kbps E1 payload to the G.703 port in time-slot increments of 64 kbps each. The number of G.703 time slots allocated by the DTE is determined by the selected HDSL payload rate (the DTE and HDSL payloads must be set to the same rate). Time slots not allocated to the G.703 port are replaced by idle codes at the G.703 output.
The UTU-701C and ETU-751C have HDSL payload rates ranging from 256 kbps to 2048 kbps. The desired HDSL payload rate is selected in time slot increments of 64 kbps from the system settings menu of the LTU-configured unit. The selected payload rate applies to both the receive and transmit directions. The LTU-configured unit automatically configures the NTU-configured unit for the same payload rate. Table 1 lists the characteristics of the rate selectable G.703 line and desktop units covered in this practice.
Table 1. Rate Selectable G.703 Unit Characteristics
User Selected
Model Interface
UTU-701C G.703 64 to 2048 256 to 2048 Yes ETU-751C G.703 64 to 2048 256 to 2048 Yes
HDSL Payload
Rates (kbps)
HDSL Payload
Rates (kbps)
The G.703 units always transmit time slots 0 and 16, which results in 128 kbps being added to the user-selected HDSL payload rate (when 1 to 30 time slots are selected). For example, the lowest-selectable HDSL rates, 64 and 128 kbps, are transmitted at 256 kbps. This 128 kbps increase in payload rate, however, does not affect the rate of the G.703 data received at the customer or network DTE.
Figure 1 shows a single-pair, leased-line data application using 4 time slots for a 256 kbps HDSL payload rate.
Customer data is input to the remote G.703 port at the 256 kbps rate, transported over the HDSL loop at an increased 384 kbps rate, and received by the exchange office DTE at the original 256 kbps rate. For more information, see “Rate Selectable Application Modes and Options” on page 14 and “G.704 Framing and Rate
Selectable HDSL” on page 17.
2 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
700-701-100-02 Overview
Customer Side
4 Time Slots
(256 kbps)
Network Side
4 Time Slots
(256 kbps)
Single Pair HDSL loop
Time Slots 1 through 4
+Time Slots 0 and 16
(384 kbps)
Figure 1. Leased Line Data Application on a Single-pair G.703 Network


HDSL is the core technology for ADC’s WorldDSL line of LTUs, UTUs, and ETUs. Rate selectable HDSL enables these units to transmit and receive digital data at various rates over various distances on one twisted pair of copper wire. Both outbound and inbound signals are delivered on the same pair of wires by using echo cancellation techniques. The transmitted signal is canceled at the receiver by precisely predicting the amount of signal echo, then subtracting it from the overall input signal. ADC’s market leading HDSL-based products tolerate crosstalk, and operate not only on continuous unobstructed pairs of wires, but also on cables with mixed wire gauges and bridged taps.


Transmission ranges assume the presence of noise according to the ETSI model described in TS 101 135. The expected Bit Error Rate (BER) using this model is 1x10 at the various HDSL line rates over one twisted-pair of 0.4 mm and 0.51 mm copper wire are listed in Table 2. The no noise transmission ranges are listed in “Specifications” on page 9.
Table 2. Transmission Ranges with 0 db ETSI Noise
RS G.703 HDSL Payload Rate Wire Size and Transmission Range (with 0 dB ETSI Noise)
User Selected
HDSL Payload
Rate (kbps)
64/128 256 4.1 km (13,451 ft.) 5.1 km (16,730 ft.)
256 384 3.6 km (11,811 ft.) 4.7 km (15,420 ft.)
384 512 3.4 km (11,155 ft.) 4.5 km (14,760 ft.)
640 768 3.0 km (9,842 ft.) 4.2 km (13,779 ft.)
1024 1152 2.6 km (8,530 ft.) 3.4 km (11,155 ft.) 1408 1536 2.2 km (7,218 ft.) 2.9 km (9,515 ft.)
1920/1984/2048 2048
(a) See “G.704 Framing and Rate Selectable HDSL” on page 17. (b) System operates in unstructured mode when 32 time slots are selected. (b) The maximum no-noise transmission range is approximately 7.1 km (4.4 miles). See “Specifications” on page 9.
HDSL Payload
Rate (kbps)
0.4mm (26 AWG)
Single Twisted-Pair
2.0 km (6,562 ft.) 2.4 km (7,874 ft.)
. The transmission ranges in such a noise environment
0.51mm (24 AWG) Single
Copper Wire
Twisted-Pair Copper Wire
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 3
Overview 700-701-100-02


The line and desktop unit front panels are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. The components on these panels are described in Table 3 on page 5 and in Table 4 on page 6.
The ETU-751C desktop unit rear panel is shown in Figure 4 on page 7. The components on this panel are described in Table 5 on page 7. The pinouts for the desktop unit rear panel connectors are listed in Table 34 and
Table 35 on page 64.
Bar code label
(located on circuit
side of line card)
Loopback LEDs and push buttons
Figure 2. UTU-701C Line Unit Front Panel
Loopback LEDs and push buttons
V.24 (RS-232) console port
Warranty control number label
V.24 (RS-232) console port
Unit ID and bar code labels (located on bottom of unit)
Figure 3. ETU-751C Desktop Unit Front Panel
4 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
700-701-100-02 Overview
Table 3. Line and Desktop Unit Front Panel Components
Name Function
HDSL SYNC LED Displays synchronization state for the HDSL loop. HDSL ALM LED Displays alarm state for the HDSL loop. I/F ALM LED Displays alarm state for the G.703 data port. LOC LPBK LED Displays local (LOC) loopback state. LOC LPBK Button Activates the local HDSL analog loopback. REM LPBK LED Displays remote (REM) loopback state. REM LPBK Button Activates the remote interface loopback. V.24 (RS-232) console
Bar code label (all units) Contains the serial number and part number of the unit, as indicated in both bar code and text format.
Warranty control number label (UTU-701C)
Unit ID label (ETU-751C) Identifies the model number, manufacturer, part number, and input voltage range of the ETU. Includes
Provides bi-directional communication between the unit and an external maintenance terminal through a V.24 (RS-232C) interface to allow configuration and performance monitoring through the console screen menus as described in “System Configuration” on page 25. This connector can also be used to download new firmware to the line unit’s flash memory as described in “Firmware Download Utility” on
page 62. This port is configured as DCE (see “Maintenance Terminal Connection” on page 25 for
Also contains the configuration number of the unit, as indicated by "CFG: Rnn," where nn is the configuration number. For example, CFG: R07 would indicate configuration number 07.
Indicates the beginning year and month of the line card warranty. Also indicates the line card revision number. For example, a warranty control number of "803R07" would indicate a warranty beginning in the year 1998 (8), during the month of March (03), and line card revision number R07.
the CE mark, certifying that the unit is in compliance with directive EN300 386-2. See “Certification and
Warranty” on the inside of the back cover.
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 5
Overview 700-701-100-02
Table 4 defines the system states indicated by the front panel LEDs. When power is applied to the unit, one of the
LEDs listed in Table 4 will always be on.
Table 4. Line and Desktop Unit Front Panel LED Indications
LED Mode Description
HDSL SYNC LED Steady green
Slow blinking Off
HDSL ALM LED Steady red
HDSL loop is ready to transmit and receive data across all spans. HDSL loop acquisition is in progress for local span. HDSL loop is not configured.
Loss of sync word (LOSW); or the margin is below the set margin alarm threshold; or Errored Seconds (ES) count is above
threshold on any span. Pulsing red Off
Pulses for every ES on any span.
Normal transmit or receive data is in progress.
I/F ALM LED Steady red Loss of Signal (LOS) alarm due to loss of G.703 signal or Loss of
Clock (LOC) alarm due t
o loss of external clock (when using EXT
Steady yellow Off Local HDSL analog loopback is active. Off Off No loopbacks are active. Blinking yellow Off Local interface loopback is active. Off Steady yellow Remote loopback is active. Blinking yellow Blinking yellow A loopback away from the local equipment is active.
(a) The LOC and REM LPBK LEDs are read in unison.
6 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
700-701-100-02 Overview
Figure 4. ETU-751C Desktop Unit Rear Panel
Table 5. ETU-751C Desktop Unit Rear-Panel Components
Item Description
D15F 120Ω G.703
Connects E1 balanced 120 Ω circuits to the enclosure.
connector BNC 75Ω In/Out G.703
Connects E1 unbalanced 75 circuits to the enclosure.
connectors D9F HDSL line connector Connects the HDSL pair to the enclosure. On/Off switch Rocker switch that allows you to turn the externally applied AC power on or off. Power cord receptacle Accepts female end of three-prong power cord supplying 100-240 Vac at 50-60 Hz.
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 7
Overview 700-701-100-02
The line and desktop units are compatible with the WorldDSL products listed in Table 6.

Table 6. WorldDSL Product Compatibility

Model Description Part Number
Rate-Selectable HDSL Units
UTU-702C Rate-selectable HDSL Line Unit, Nx64k Serial Data Interface,
128 to 2048 kbps HDSL Line Rate
UTU-712C Rate-selectable HDSL Line Unit, Nx64k Serial Data Interface,
128 to 768 kbps HDSL Line Rate
UTU-722C Rate-selectable HDSL Line Unit, Nx64k Serial Data Interface,
128 to 256 kbps HDSL Line Rate
ETU-752C Rate-selectable HDSL Desktop Unit, Nx64k Serial Data Interface,
128 to 2048 kbps HDSL Line Rate
ETU-762C Rate-selectable HDSL Desktop Unit, Nx64k Serial Data Interface,
128 to 768 kbps HDSL Line Rate
ETU-772C Rate-selectable HDSL Desktop Unit, Nx64k Serial Data Interface,
128 to 256 kbps HDSL Line Rate
Shelves and Enclosures for UTU-701C
EMS-830 List 1 EMS-830 List 2 ERE-811
Exchange office management shelf, rear connector access 150-1400-01
Exchange office management shelf, rear connector access 150-1400-11
Single-slot remote enclosure with internal AC power supply 150-1411-1x
Connector Adapters for ETU-751C
ECA-800 D25M to M34F connector adapter (V.35) 150-1470-01 ECA-801 D25M to D15F connector adapter (X.21) 150-1471-01 ECA-802 DB9M to RJ-45 connector adapter (HDSL) 150-1472-01 ECA-804 DB9M to 4-position terminal block connector (HDSL) 150-1474-01 ECA-807 DB25M to DB37F connector adapter (RS-449) 150-1477-01
(a) The EMS-830 List 1 supports protection switching, the EMS-830 List 2 does not. (b) The EMS-830 List 2 is CE marked. The EMS-830 List 1 is not, and is intended for use in applications
where the CE Mark is not required. (c) The UTU-701C is CE Marked in the ERE-811 List 5 remote enclosure only. (d) The ECA-80x series of connector adapters and their pinouts are listed in Table 36 through Table 39,
beginning on page 65.
8 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
700-701-100-02 Specifications


HDSL Interface
Line Code 2B1Q Line Rate (selectable in increments of 64 kbps) Up to 2048 kbps Protection K.20, K.21 Compliance TS 101 135 Transmission Ranges (± 200 m):
Transmission Ranges with 0 dB ETSI Noise Transmission Ranges with No Noise
HDSL Line Rate (kbps)
256 4.1 km (13,451 ft.) 5.1 km (16,730 ft.) 5.3 km (17,388 ft.) 7.1 km (23,294 ft.) 384 3.6 km (11,811 ft.) 4.7 km (15,420 ft.) 4.7 km (15,420 ft.) 6.7 km (21,982 ft.) 512 3.4 km (11,155 ft.) 4.5 km (14,760 ft.) 4.6 km (15,092 ft.) 6.3 km (20,669 ft.)
768 3.0 km (9,842 ft.) 4.2 km (13,779 ft.) 4.3 km (14,108 ft.) 5.9 km (19,357 ft.) 1152 2.6 km (8,530 ft.) 3.4 km (11,155 ft.) 3.7 km (12,139 ft.) 5.3 km (17,388 ft.) 1536 2.2 km (7,218 ft.) 2.9 km (9,515 ft.) 3.3 km (10,827 ft.) 4.7 km (15,420 ft.) 2048 2.0 km (6,562 ft.) 2.4 km (7,874 ft.) 3.0 km (9,842 ft.) 3.2 km (10,499 ft.)
0.4 mm (26 AWG)
Single Twisted-Pair
Copper Wire
0.51 mm (24 AWG) Single Twisted-Pair
Copper Wire
0.4 mm (26 AWG)
Single Twisted-Pair
Copper Wire
0.51 mm (24 AWG) Single Twisted-Pair
Copper Wire
G.703 Interface
Unstructured Leased Line 2.048 Mbps per ETS 300 247 (D2048U) Structured Leased Line 2.048 Mbps per ETS 300 419 (D2048S) Fractional E1 User-selectable DS0 blocking, with user-programmable idle code Line Code HDB3 Line Rate 2.048 Mbps Impedance (jumper selectable) 120 Ω balanced (twisted-pair)
75 Ω unbalanced (coax)
CRC-4 mode User-selectable CRC-4 detection and generation Compliance ITU-T G.703, G.704, G.706, G.821, G.823, CTR 12
Clock Source G.703 input
External 2.048 MHz clock (per G.703 par. 10)
Internal Oscillator 2.048 MHz ± 50 ppm
Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics
HDSL Noise margin, pulse attenuation, ES, UAS G.703 Interface ES, SES, UAS per G.821. CRC-4 errored seconds, BPV seconds Major Alarm Relay Form-C relay contacts (NO, NC, C). Fail-safe operation Loopbacks Local interface loopback, local HDSL loopback (V.54 loop 3),
remote loopback (V.54 loop 2)
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 9
Specifications 700-701-100-02
Can be individually set to Disabled, Minor, or Major (major alarms actuate the LTU or NTU alarm relay) E1 Interface Loss of Signal (LOS)
Loss of Framing (LFA) Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) External Clock Loss of Clock (LOC) HDSL Loop Margin, programmable threshold (MAR)
Errored Seconds, programmable threshold (ES)
Loss of Sync Word (LOSW)
E1 and HDSL Interface 24-Hour (15-minute intervals) and 7-Day (24-hour intervals) for
ES and UAS Alarm Time stamp of first and last occurrence, number of occurrences for
all enabled alarms
Power Requirements
Local input voltage -36 Vdc to -72 Vdc (see note at bottom of page) Consumption (typical) 4.5 W
Local input voltage 100 to 240 volt, 50 or 60 Hz, AC power Consumption (typical) 4.5 W
Operating Temperature Range 0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F) Humidity Up to 95% non-condensing Storage Temperature -40 °C to +70 ° C (-40 °F to 158 °F) Storage Humidity 5% to 95% non-condensing
Regulatory Approvals
CE Mark Certification EN300 386-2
10 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
700-701-100-02 Functional Description


This section provides a functional description of the line and desktop units, including major components, single-pair application mode, alarms, and testing (including monitoring and loopbacks).


The major components of the line and desktop units include:
G.703 interface (75 or 120 Ω)
rate selectable HDSL interface (including framing, transceiver, and line interface circuits)
system timing circuits
Figure 5 is a functional block diagram of the line and desktop units.
75 and 120
DTE Interface
Ext. clock
from management
unit (UTU-701 only)
Alarm relay
(UTU-701 only)
Management unit
backplane interface
(UTU-701 only)
console port
50/60 Hz
AC power
power supply
+5V, +3.3V
-36V to -72V DC power
HDSL framer
Timing circuits
Line interface
Control Status
Front panel control and
console interface
HDSL loop
Figure 5. Line and Desktop Unit Functional Block Diagram
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 11
Functional Description 700-701-100-02

G.703 Interface

The G.703 interface performs the following functions:
provides a jumper-selectable 75 or 120 Ω DTE interface (see “Installation and Startup” on page 23 for jumper
allocates full or fractional portion of the total 2048 kbps bandwidth to and from the G.703 interface
frames data according to G.704
inserts an idle code into unused time slots at the G.703 output
recovers timing from the received G.703 signal
monitors multiframe CRC-4 errors in the received G.703 signal
regenerates multiframe (CRC-4) code at the G.703 output
regenerates time slot 0 at the G.703 output
transports time slot 16 transparently between G.703 ports
The G.703 interface operates in the structured application mode when less than 32 time slots are selected and in the unstructured mode when 32 time slots are selected (see “System Configuration” on page 25). These modes are described in detail in the “Rate Selectable Application Modes and Options” on page 14.

HDSL Interface

The HDSL interface includes the HDSL framer, which performs HDSL multiplexing and demultiplexing; a firmware-controlled programmable clock, which sets the HDSL line rate at the interface output; and the transceiver and line-interface circuits for the single HDSL pair.
In the transmit direction, the HDSL framer accepts inputs from the G.703 data port as shown in Figure 5. The data is placed on the HDSL pair along with the HDSL overhead bits for presentation to the transceiver. A clock representing the selected HDSL line rate is introduced to the transceiver, which outputs data on the single-pair HDSL line. In the receive direction, overhead bits are stripped and processed, and time slots are output to the G.703 interface.
Reversals of Tip and Ring wires are automatically detected and accommodated. The Monitor HDSL Span screen indicates if the Tip and Ring wires are reversed.

System Timing Circuits

The UTU and ETU units can synchronize to any one of the following timing sources:
G.703: Timing recovered from G.703 input signal
EXT: External 2.048 MHz reference (available only for UTUs in a shelf with a management unit installed)


This device runs a program which in real-time:
monitors the HDSL framer performance
responds to user requests
maintains a history of system performance
12 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
700-701-100-02 Functional Description

Power Sour ces

The line and desktop units receive power from the following sources:
A shelf-mounted UTU-701C receives power from a local source of -36 Vdc to -72 Vdc.
An enclosure mounted UTU-701C receives power from a local source of -36 Vdc to -72 Vdc or from the
enclosure’s built-in AC-to-DC power supply (when provided).
The ETU-751C desktop unit receives power from a source of 100 to 240 volt, 50 or 60 Hz, AC power.
Input voltage for the UTU-701C line unit (nominal -48 Vdc, tolerance -36 to -72 Vdc) must be supplied by an isolated DC sour ce that complies with TNV or earthed SELV requirements of the latest version of IEC 950.
The single-pair rate selectable HDSL units (local and remote) must be locally powered.
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 13
Functional Description 700-701-100-02


Applications for single-pair rate-selectable HDSL are those that require transport of voice and data at various rates over various distances on a single pair of wires. Depending on line noise and the HDSL rate selected, spans of up to 7.1 km time slots selected. The UTU-701C and ETU-751C each have 32 time slots with a bandwidth of from 256 kbps to 2048 kbps (1 to 32 time slots selected). Each time slot represents a 64 kbps increment of the available bandwidth.
The available rate selectable application modes and options are:

Single Mode

Single is the only application mode displayed in the Config System Settings menu. It means the system uses a single pair of twisted copper wires to transport data.
(4.4 miles) can be deployed without the use of doublers. The HDSL line rate depends on the number of

Structured Mode

When less than 32 time slots are selected, the line and desktop units automatically operate in the structured mode (see “G.704 Framing and Rate Selectable HDSL” on page 17). There is no structured mode menu selection. In structured mode, data at the G.703 interface is framed according to G.704. This permits fractional allocation of the total 2048 kbps bandwidth to and from the G.703 interface, insertion of idle code into unused time slots at the G.703 output, and monitoring of the G.703 input for CRC-4 multiframe errors.
A typical structured mode application is illustrated in Figure 6. The settings for this application are listed in
Table 7. Time slots 1-15 and 17-25 are transported as telephony voice channels between the G.703 ports of the
two units. Time slots 26-31 are unused and are set to idle code FF. In structured mode, time slot 1 is the beginning time slot; time slot 0 is regenerated at the G.703 output. With the CRC-4 mode enabled, the input G.703 signal is monitored for CRC-4 multiframe errors and at the G.703 output, a new CRC-4 code is generated. Time slot 16 is transported transparently between G.703 ports and may be used for telephony signaling.
Figure 6. Typical Structured Mode Application
14 August 9, 2002 UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1
700-701-100-02 Functional Description
Table 7. Typical Structured Mode System Settings
Options Setting
Application Mode <32 TS (Structured)
LTU Interface
Primary Timing Source G.703 G.703 Port
CRC-4 Mode Enabled Idle Code FF Data Rate / # of TSs 1536 kbps / 24 Beginning TS 1
NTU Interface
Primary Timing Source G.703 G.703 Port
CRC-4 Mode Enabled Idle Code FF Data Rate / # of TSs 1536 kbps / 24 Beginning TS 1
For applications requiring fractional use of the G.703 port, embedded generation and detection of CRC-4 information, and A-bit insertion, select less than 32 time slots to invoke the structured mode. In the structured mode time slot 0 is regenerated according to G.704 at the output of the G.703 interface port. The following values apply:
The Sa bits are always set to 1.
The A bit is normally set to 0 at the G.703 output port. It is set to 1 during an active Loss of Signal (LOS),
Alarm Indicating Signal (AIS), or a Loss of Frame Alignment (LFA) condition, if the alarm associated with the respective condition is not disabled (see “Configure LTU and NTU Interfaces” on page 39).
When CRC-4 mode is disabled, the Si bit is transparently transmitted (that is, unmodified from the HDSL
input data stream).
When CRC-4 mode is enabled, the Si bit is set to a new CRC-4 multiframe signal and checksum (according
to G.706).
The E-bits are nominally set to 1 and set to 0 for each error in the incoming CRC-4 sub-multiframe.
Match the CRC-4 mode at each interface to the actual type of data present at that node in the system. Otherwise CRC-4 data will not Also, non-CRC-4 data generates an LFA alarm in CRC-4 enabled mode.
be transparently transmitted in CRC-4 disabled mode.
UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1 August 9, 2002 15
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