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InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
Limited Warranty
Seller warrants articles of its manufacture against defective materials or workmanship for a
period of one year from the date of shipment to Purchaser, except as provided in any warranty
applicable to Purchaser on or in the package containing the Goods (which warranty takes
precedence over the following warranty). The liability of Seller under the foregoing warranty
is limited, at Seller’s option, solely to repair or replacement with equivalent Goods, or an
appropriate adjustment not to exceed the sales price to Purchaser, provided that (a) Seller is
notified in writing by Purchaser, within the one year warranty period, promptly upon
discovery of defects, with a detailed description o f such defects, (b) Purchaser has obtained a
Return Materials Authorization (RMA) from Seller, which RMA Seller agrees to provide
Purchaser promptly upon request, (c) the defective Goods are returned to Seller,
transportation and other applicable charges prepaid by the Purchaser, and (d)Seller’s
examination of such Goods discloses to its reasonable satisfaction that defects were not
caused by negligence, misuse, improper installation, improper maintenance, accident or
unauthorized repair or alteration or any other cause outside the scope of Purchaser’s warranty
made hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have the option to repair any
defective Goods at Purchaser’s facility. The original warranty period for any Goods that have
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PN 8700-10InterReach Unison Installation, O peration, and Reference Manual
620003-0 Rev. B
InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
Figure 6-1 Determining Path Loss between the Antenna and the Wireless Device 6-16
Figure 6-2 Connecting Main Hubs to a Simplex Base Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-42
Figure 6-3 Main Hub to Duplex Base Station or Repeater Connections. . . . . . . . 6-43
Figure 7-1 Simplex Base Station to a Main Hub. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-33
Figure 7-2 Duplex Base Station to a Main Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-34
Figure 7-3 Connecting a Main Hub to Multiple Base Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-35
Figure 7-4 Connecting Two Main Hubs to a Simplex Repeater or Base Station . 7-38
Figure 7-5 Connecting Two Main Hubs to a Duplex Repeater or Base Station . . 7-40
Table 6-18Average Signal Loss of Common Building Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . .6-17
Table 6-19Estimated Path Loss Slope for Different In-Building Environments . 6-18
Table 6-20Frequency Bands and the Value of the first Term in Equation (3) . . . 6-19
T abl e 6-21Approximate Radiated Distance from Antenna
Table 9-10Troubleshooting Main Hub Port LEDs During Normal Operation . . 9-16
Table 9-11Troubleshooting Main Hub Status LEDs During Normal Operation. 9-17
Table 9-12Troubleshooting Expansion Hub Port LEDs During Normal
PN 8700-10InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual1-1
620003-0 Rev. B
1.1Purpose and Scope
This document describes the InterReach
Unison system components.
• Section 2 InterReach™ Unison System Description
An overview of the Unison hardware and OA&M capabilities is provided in this
section. This section also contains system s pecifications an d R F end- to-end per formance tables.
• Section 3 Unis on Main Hub
The Main Hub is illustrated and described in this section. Connector and LED
descriptions, communication cable (serial and null modem) pin outs, and un it specifications are included.
• Section 4 Unison Expansio n Hub
The Expansion Hub is illustrated and described in this section. Connector and LED
descriptions, and unit specifications are included.
• Section 5 Unison Remote Access Unit
The Remote Access Unit is illustrated and described in this section. Connector and
LED descriptions, and unit specifications are included.
• Section 6 Designing a Unis on So lution
This section provides tools to aid you in designing your Unison system, including
tables of the maximum output power per carrier at the RAU and formulas and
tables for calculating path loss, coverage distance, and link budget.
• Section 7 Installing Un ison
Installation procedures, requirements, safety precautions, and checklists are pro-
vided in this section. The installation procedures include guidelines for troubleshooting using the LEDs as you install the units.
• Section 8 Replacing Un iso n Compo nents in an Operatio nal S ystem
This section provides installation procedures and considerations when you are
replacing a Unison component in an operating system.
• Section 9 Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Technical Assistance
Contact information and troubleshooting tables are provided in this section.
• Appendix A Cables and Connectors
Connector and cable descriptions and requirements are provided in this section.
Additionally, cable pin outs and diagrams are given.
1-2InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
• Appendix B InterReach Unison Property Sheet
This section contains a form that you can use during installation to record serial
numbers, gain settings, system band, RAU attenuation, and unit installation location. This information is required for the final As-Built documentation.
• Appendix C Compliance
Safety and Radio/EMC approvals are listed in this section.
• Appendix D Release Notes
A hardware/firmware/software compatibility table is provided in this section.
• Appendix E Glossary
The Glossary provides definitions of commonly-used RF and wireless networking
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620003-0 Rev. B
1.2Conventions in this Manual
The following table lists the type style conventions used in this manual.
boldUsed for emphasis
MALL CAPSAdminManage r window buttons
Measurements are listed first in metric units, followed by U.S. Customary System of
units in parentheses. For example:
0° to 45°C (32° to 113°F)
The following symbols are used to highlight certain information as described.
NOTE: This format is used to emphasize text with special significance or
importance, and to provide supplemental information.
CAUTION: This format is used when a given action or omitted
action can cause or contribute to a hazardous condition. Damage to
the equipment can occur.
Labels on equipment
WARNING: T his fo rma t i s u sed wh en a given action or omit ted act ion
can result in catastrophic damage to the equipment or cause injury to
the user.
This form at is used to highlight a procedure.
1-4InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
1.3Acronyms in this Manual
AGCautomatic gain control
ALCautomatic level control
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone Service
BTSbase transceiv er station
Cat-5/6Category 5 or Category 6 (twisted pair cable)
CDMAcode division multiple access
CDPDcellular digital packet data
DASdistributed antenna system
dBmdecibels relative to 1 milliwatt
DCdirect current
DCSDigital Communications System
EDGEEnhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution
EGSMExtended Global Standard for Mobile Communications
EHExpansion Hub
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GSMGroupe Speciale Mobile (now translated in English as Global Standard
for Mobile Communications)
IFintermediate frequency
iDENIntegrated Digit a l Enhanced Network (Motorola variant of TDMA
LANlocal area network
LOlocal oscillator
MBSmicrocellular base station
MHMain Hub
MMFmulti-mode fiber
MTBFmean time between failures
NFnoise figure
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620003-0 Rev. B
OA&Moperation, administration, and main te na n ce
PCSPersonal Communication Services
PLLphase-locked loop
PLSpath loss slope
RAURemote Access Unit
RFradio frequency
RSSIreceived signal strength indicator
SC/APCfiber optic connector complying wi th NTT SC standard, angle-polished
SMAsub-miniature A connector (coaxial cable connector type)
SMFsingle-mode fiber
STstraight tip (fiber optic cable connector type)
ScTPscreened twisted pair
TDMAtime division multiple access
ULuplink; Underwriters Laboratories
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
UPSuninterruptable power supply
WCDMAwideband code division multiple access
1-6InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
1.4Standards Conformance
• Utilizes the TIA/EIA 568-A Ethernet cabling standards for ease of installation.
• See Appendix C for compliance information.
1.5Related Publications
• AdminManager User Manual, LGC Wireless part number 8810-10
• OpsConsole User Manual; LGC Wireless part number 8800-10
• MetroReach Focus Configuration, Installation, and Reference Manual; LGC
Wireless part number 8500-10
• LGCell Version 4.0 Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual; LGC Wireless
part number 8100-50
• LGC Wireless Accessories Catalog; LGC Wireless part number 8600-10
• Neutral Host System Planning Guide; LGC Wireless part number 9000-10
PN 8700-10Help Hot Line (U.S. only): 1-800-530-99601-7
620003-0 Rev. B
1-8InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
SECTION 2InterReach™ Unison System
InterReach™ Unison is an intelligent fiber optic/Cat-5/6 wireless networking system
that is designed to handle both wireless voice and data communications and provide
high-quality, ubiquitous, seamless access to the wireless network in any public or private facility, including:
• Campus environments
• Office buildings
• Shopping malls
• Hospitals
• Subways
• Public facilities (convention centers, sports venues, etc.)
Unlike other wireless distribution alternatives, Unison is an intelligent active system,
using microprocessors to enable key capabilities such as software-selectable band settings, automatic gain control, ability to incrementally adjust downlink/uplink gain,
end-to-end alarming of all components and the associated cable infrastructure, and a
host of additional capabilities.
The Unison system supports major wireless standards and air interface protocols in
use around the world, including:
PN 8700-10InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual2-1
620003-0 Rev. B
Key System Features
• Superior RF performance, particularly in the areas of IP3 and noise figure.
• High downlink composite power and low uplink noise figure enables support of
a large number of channels and larger coverage footprint per antenna.
• Software configurable Main and Expansion Hubs. Thus, the frequency band can
be configured in the field.
• Either single-mode or multi-mode fiber can be used, supporting flexible cabling
alternatives (in addition to standard Cat-5 or Cat-6 [Cat-5/6] screened twisted pair
[ScTP]). Cabling type can be selected to meet the res ident cabling infrastructur e of
the facility and unique building topologies.
• Extended system “reach.” Using single-mode fiber, fiber runs can be as long as
6 k ilometers (creating a total system “wingspan” of 12 kilometers). Alternately,
with multi-mode fiber, fiber runs can be as long as 1.5 kilometers. The Cat-5/6
ScTP cable run can be up to 100 meters recom mended max imum ( 150 meters with
RF performance degradation).
• System gain:
– Ability to manually set gain in 1 dB steps, from 0 to 15 dB, on both down-
link and uplink.
• RAU:
– RAU uplink and downlink gain can be independently attenuated 10 dB.
– Uplink level control protects the system from input overload and can be
optimized for either a single operator or multiple operators/protocols.
– VSWR check on RAU reports if there is a disconnected antenna (all RAUs
except UMTS).
• Firmware Updates are downloaded (either locally or remotely) to operating sys-
tems when any modifications are made to the product, including the addition of
new software capabilities/services.
• Extensive OA&M capabilities, including fault isolation to the field replaceable
unit, automatic reporting of all fault and warning conditions, and user-friendly
graphical-user interface OA&M software packages.
2-2InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
2.1System Hardware
The InterReach Unison system consists of three modular components:
• 19" rack-mountable Main Hub(connects to up to 4 Expansion Hubs)
• Converts RF signals to optical on the downlink; optical to RF on the uplink
• Microprocessor controlled (for alarms, monitoring, and control)
• Software configurable band
• Simplex interface to RF source
• System master – periodically polls all downstream units (Expansion
Hubs/RAUs) for system status, and automatically reports any fault or warning
• 19" rack-mountable Expansion Hub(connects to up to 8 Remote Access Units)
• Converts optical signals to electrical on the downlink; electrical to optical on
the uplink
• Microprocessor controlled (for alarms, monitoring, and control)
• Software configurable band (based on command from Main Hub)
• Supplies DC power to RAU
• Remote Access Unit (RAU)
• Converts electrical signals to RF on the downlink; RF to electrical on the
• Microprocessor controlled (for alarms, monitoring, and control)
• Protocol/band specific units
The minimum configuration of a Unison system is one Main Hub, one Expansion
Hub, and one RAU (1-1-1). The maximum configuration of a system is one Main
Hub, four Expansion Hubs, and 32 RAUs (1-4-32). Multiple systems can be combined to provide larger configurations.
Figure 2-1 Uni son System Hardware
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620003-0 Rev. B
2.2System OA&M Capabilities
The InterReach Unison is microprocessor controlled and contains firmware which
enables much of the OA&M functionality.
Complete alarming, down to the field replaceable unit (i.e., Main Hub, Expansion
Hub, Remote Access Unit) and the cabling infrastructure, is available. All events
occurring in a system, defined as a Main Hub and all of its associated Expansion
Hubs and Remote Access Units, are automatically reported to the Main Hub. The
Main Hub monitors system status and communicates that status using the following
• Normally closed (NC) alarm contact closures can be tied to standard NC alarm
monitoring systems or directly to a base station for alarm monitoring.
• The Main Hub’s front panel serial port connects directly to a PC (for local access)
or to a modem (for remote access).
Figure 2-2 OA&M Communications
Use AdminManager to configure
or monitor a local Unison system.
Remotely, AdminManager can only
check system status, it cannot
receive modem calls.
Use OpsConsole to monitor
and receive communications from
remote or local Unison systems.
or OpsConsole
Expansion Hub
Remote Access Unit
Main Hub
Main Hub
Main Hub
Main Hub
2-4InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
LGC Wireless offers two OA&M packages AdminManager and OpsConsole.
• The AdminManager software is provided with Unison. It runs on a PC/laptop and
communicates with one Main Hub, and its downstream units, at a time.
• Connected directly to the Main Hub’s front panel RS-232 connector, you can
access the Installation Wizard which lets you configure a newly installed system, or you can access the Configuration & Maintenance panel which lets you
query system status, configure a newly added or swapped unit, or change system parameters.
• Connected remotely using a modem, AdminManager initiates comm unications
with the Main Hub. You can access a read-only Configuration & Maintenance
panel which lets you query system status to help you determine if an on-site
visit is required.
Refer to the AdminManager User Manual (PN 8810-10) for information about
installing and using the AdminManager software.
• Alternately, OpsConsole OA&M software is available separately. OpsConsole lets
you manage, monitor, and maintain multiple sites and systems from a centralized
remote location. This software is described in the OpsConsole User Guide
(PN 8800-10).
The following table lists the functional differences between AdminManager and
Table 2-1 AdminManager and OpsConsole Functional Differences
Installation WizardYesNo
Local System ConfigurationYesYes
Remote System ConfigurationNoYes
Local Firmware UpdatingYesYes
Save unit infor mation in a databaseNoYes
Network view of installed systemsYesYes
Send dispatch messageNoYes
Monitor multiple unitsNoYes
Scheduled poll ingNoYes
Window s- b ase d GU I applic a tio nYesYes
Runs on Windows 98 SEYesNo
Runs on Windows 2000YesYes
Installation and configuration toolYesNo
Operation, Admini stration, and Management toolNoYes
PN 8700-10Help Hot Line (U.S. only): 1-800-530-99602-5
620003-0 Rev. B
Connectivity differences between AdminManager and OpsConsole are listed in the
following table.
Table 2-2 AdminManager and OpsConsole Connectivity Differences
Direct RS-232Yes (COM1 through
RS-232 Expansion BoardYes, if the expansion po rt
is in the range of COM1
through COM16
Modem (including RF modem)Yes (read only)Yes
Ethernet/232 serial hubYes, if the remote COM
port is in the range of
COM1 through C O M16
Line Sharing Switch after POTSYes (read only)Yes
2-6InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
2.2.1OA&M Software, Maintaining, and Monitoring Unison Locally
Each Main Hub, Expansion Hub, and RAU in the system constantly monitors itself
and its downstream units for internal fault and warning conditions. The results of this
monitoring are stored in memory and compared against new results.
The Expansion Hubs monitor their RAUs and store their status in memory . The Main
Hub monitors its Expansion Hubs and s tores their status and the status of the RAUs in
its memory. When a unit detects a change in status, a fault or warning is reported.
Faults are indicated locally by red status LEDs, and both faults and warnings are
reported to the Main Hub and displayed on a PC/laptop, via the Main Hub’s serial
port, that is running the AdminManager software. Passive antennas that are connected
to the RAUs are not monitored automatically. Perform the System Test in order to
retrieve status information about antennas.
Using AdminManager locally, you can install a new system or new components,
change system parameters, and query system status. The following figure illustrates
how the system reports its status to AdminManager.
Figure 2-3 Local System Monitoring and Reporting
The Main Hub checks its own status and queries each
Expansion Hub for its status, which includes RAU status.
The Expansion Hub queries its own status
and polls each RAU for its status.
Use the AdminManager to query
units for their status
or to get current
fault or warning
PN 8700-10Help Hot Line (U.S. only): 1-800-530-99602-7
620003-0 Rev. B
The Main Hub queries
status of each Expansion Hub
and each RAU and compares
it to previously stored status.
• If a fault is detected, LEDs
on the front panel turn red.
• If a fault or warning condition is detected in any unit,
the Main Hub initiates a call
to AdminManager.
The Expansion Hub queries status
of each RAU and compares it to
previously stored status.
• If a fault is detected, LEDs on
the front panel turn red.
• If a fault or warning condition is
detected in the Expansion Hub
or an RAU, the information is
stored in the Expansion Hub’s
memory until the Main Hub queries its status.
Each RAU passes its status to
the Expansion Hub.
• If a fault is detected, the
ALARM LED is red. If no fault
is detected, the LED is green.
• If a fault or warning condition
is detected, the information is
passed to the Expansion
Hub. and Maintaining Unison Remotely
• Using AdminManager Remotely
You can use AdminManager to query Unison status via a read-only Configuration
& Maintenance panel. You cannot change system parameters or configure system
components remotely with AdminManager. (Refer to Figure 2-2 on page 2-4.)
• Using OpsConsole Remotely
When monitoring the system remotely, any change of state within the system
causes the Main Hub to initiate an automatic call-out and report the system status
to the OpsConsole. The Main Hub calls out three times, each with a 45 second
interval. If the call is not acknowledged in these three tries, the Main Hub waits 15
minutes and continues the above sequence until the call is acknowledged.
Refer to the OpsConsole User Manua l (PN 8800-10) for more information about
using OpsConsole for remote system monitoring.
Figure 2-4 illustrates how the system reports its status to AdminManager and the
Figure 2-4 Remote System Monitoring and Reporting
The Main Hub checks its own status and queries each
Expansion Hub for its status, which includes RAU status.
Use OpsConsole to communicate with one or more
remotely or locally installed
If a fault or warning condition is reported, the
OpsConsole graphical user
interface indicates the
problem. OpsConsole can
also send an e-mail and/or
page notification to designated recipients.
The Main Hub queries
status of each Expansion
Hub and each RAU and
compares it to previously
stored status.
• If a fault is detected,
LEDs on the front panel
turn red.
• If a fault or warning condition is detected in any
unit, the Main Hub initiates a call to OpsCon-sole.
The Expansion Hub queries its own status
and polls each RAU for its status.
The Expansion Hub queries
status of each RAU and compares it to previously stored
• If a fault is detected, LEDs on
the front panel turn red.
• If a fault or warning condition
is detected in the Expansion
Hub or an RAU, the information is stored in the Expansion Hub’s memory until the
Main Hub queries its status.
Each RAU passes its status to
the Expansion Hub.
• If a fault is detected, the
ALARM LED lights red. If no
fault is detected, the LED is
• If a fault or warning condition
is detected, the information is
passed to the Expansion
2-8InterReach Unison Installation, Operation, and Reference ManualPN 8700-10
620003-0 Rev. B
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