Table 5-30 Link Budget Considerations for Narrowband Systems (continued)
Consideration Description
Thermal Noise This is the noise level in the signal bandwidth (BW).
Thermal noise power = –174 dBm/Hz + 10Log(BW).
Signal Bandwidth
Thermal Noise
TDMA 30 kHz –129 dBm GSM 200 kHz –121 dBm iDEN 25 kHz –130 dBm
Required C/I ratio For each wireless standard a certain C/I (carrier to i nterference) ratio is needed to obtain acceptable
demodulation performance. For narrowband systems, (TDMA, GSM, EDGE, iDEN, AMPS) this level varies from about 9 dB to 20 dB.
Mobile Transmit
The maximum power the mobile can transmit (power transmitted at highest power level setting).
This margin allows for a certain level of fading due to multipath interference. Inside buildings there is often one or more fairly strong signals and many weaker signals arriving from reflections and dif­fraction. Signals arriving from multiple paths add constructively or destructively. This margin accounts for the possibility of destructive multipath interference. In RF site surveys this margin will not appear because it will be averaged out over power level samples taken over many locations.
Log-normal Fade Margin
This margin adds an allowance for RF shadowing due to objects obstructing the direct path between the mobile equipment and the RAU. In RF site surveys, this shadowing will not appear because it
will be averaged out over power level samples taken over many locations. Body Loss This accounts for RF attenuatio n caused by the user’s head and body. Minimum Received
Signal Level
This is also referred to as the “design goal”. The link budget says that you can achieve adequate cov-
erage if the signal level is , on average, above this level over 95 % of the area covered, for example.
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5.4.2 Narrowband Link Budget Analysis for a Microcell Application

Narrowband Link Budget Analysis: Downlink
Line Downlink
a. BTS transmit power per carrier (dBm) 33 b. A ttenuation betwee n B TS an d U nis o n (dB ) –23 c. Power into Unison (dBm) 10 d. Unison gain (dB) 0 e. Antenna gain (dBi) 3 f. Radiated power per carrier (dBm) 13
g. Multipath fade margin (dB) 6 h. Log-normal fade margin with 8 dB std. deviation, edge reliability 90%
i. Body loss (dB) 3 j. Airlink losses (not including facility path loss) 20
k. Thermal noise (dBm/30 kHz) –129 l. Mobile noise figure (dB) 7 m. Required C/I ratio (dB) 17 n. Minimum received signal (dBm) –105
p. Maximum path loss (dB) –98
• c = a + b
• f = c + d + e
• j = g + h + i
• n = k + l + m
• k: in this example, k represents the thermal noise for a TDMA signal, which has a bandwidth of 30 kHz
•p = f – j – n
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Narrowband Link Budget Analysis: Uplink
Line Uplink
a. BTS noise figure (dB) 4 b. Attenuation between BTS and Unison (dB) –10 c. Unison gain (dB) 0 d. Unison noise figure (dB) 1-4 -32 22 e. System noise figure (dB) 22.6 f. Thermal noise (dBm/30 kHz) –129 g. Required C/I ratio (dB) 12 h. Antenna gain (dBi) 3 i. Receive sensitivity (dBm) –97.4
j. Multipath fade margin (dB) 6 k. Lo g-n or ma l f a de ma rgin with 8 dB std . de v ia tio n, e d ge re lia bility 90%
l. Body loss (dB) 3 m. Airlink losses (not including facility path loss) 19
Tra nsmitter
n. Mobil e transmit po wer (dBm) 28
p. Maximum path loss (dB) 106.4
• e: enter the noise figure and gain of each system componen t (a, b, c, and d) into the standard cascaded noise figure formula
– 1
= F1 + + + ....
F = 10 G = 10
(See Rappaport, Theodore S. Wireless Communications, Principles, and Practice. Prentice Hall PTR, 1996.)
(Noise Figure/10) (Gain/10)
F3 – 1
• i = f + e + g – h
• m = j + k + l
• p = n – m – i
Therefore, the system is downlink limited but the downlink and uplink are almost balanced, which is a desirable condition.
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5.4.3 Elements of a Link Budget for CDMA Standards

A CDMA link budget is slightly more complicated because the spread spectrum nature of CDMA must be considered. Unlike narrowband standards such as TDMA and GSM, CDMA signals are spread over a relatively wide frequency band. Upon reception, the CDMA signal is de-spread. In the de-spreading process the power in the received signal becomes concentrated into a narrow band, whereas the n oise level remains unchanged. Hence, the signal-to-noise ratio of the de-spread signal is higher than that of the CDMA signal before de-spreading. This increase is called processing gain. For IS-95 and J-STD-008, the processing gain is 21 dB or 19 dB depending on the user data rate (9.6 Kbps for rate set 1 and 14.4 Kbps for rate set 2, respectively). Because of the processing gain, a CDMA s ignal (comp rising o ne Walsh co de chann el within the composite CDMA signal) can be received at a lower level than that required for narrowband signals. A reasonable level is –95 dBm, which results in about –85 dBm composite as shown below.
An important issue to keep in mind is that the downlink CDMA signal is composed of many orthogonal channels: pilot, paging, sync, and traffic. The composite power level is the sum of the powers from the individual channels. An example is given in the following table.
Table 5-31 Distribution of Power within a CDMA Signal
Channel Walsh Code Number Relative Power Level
Pilot 0 20% –7.0 dB Sync 32 5% –13.3 dB Primary Paging 1 19% –7.3 dB Traffic 8–31, 33–63 9% (per traffic channel) –10.3 dB
This table assumes that there are 15 active traffic channels operating with 50% voice activity (so that the total power adds up to 100%). Notice that the pilot and sync chan­nels together contribute about 25% of the power. When measuring the power in a CDMA signal you must be aware that if only the pilot and sync channels are active, the power level will be about 6 to 7 dB lower than the maximum power level you can expect when all voice channels are active. The implication is that if only the pilot and sync channels are active, and the maximum power per carrier table says that you should not exceed 10 dBm for a CDMA signal, for example, then you should set the attenuation between the base station and the Main Hub so that the Main Hub receives 3 dBm (assuming 0 dB system gain).
An additional consideration for CDMA systems is that the uplink and down link paths should be gain and noise balanced. This is req ui red fo r prop er oper a tio n of soft -h and­off to the outdoor network as well as preventing excess interference that is caused by mobiles on the indoor system transmitting at power levels that are not coordinated with the outdoor mobiles. This balance is achieved if the power level transmitted by the mobiles under close-loop power control is similar to the power level transmitted under open-loop power control. The open-loop power control equation is
+ PRX = –73 dBm (for Cellular, IS-95)
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PTX + PRX = –76 dBm (for PCS, J-STD-008)
where P
is the mobile’s transmitted power and PRX is the power received by the
mobile. The power level transmitted under closed-loop power control is adjusted by the base
station to achieve a certain E ence between these power levels, ated from the RAU, P
= P
= P
+ P + P
It’s a good idea to keep –12 dB <
(explained in Table 5-32 on page 5-35). The differ-
, can be estimated by comparing the power radi-
, to the minimum received signal, P
, at the RAU:
+ 73 dBm (for Cellular) + 76 dBm (for PCS)
< 12 dB.
Table 5-32 provides link budget considerations for CDMA systems.
Table 5-32 Additional Link Budget Considerat ions for CDMA
Consideration Description
Power per car­rier, dow nli nk
Information Rate This is simply
Process Gain The process of de-spreading the desired signal boosts that signal relative to the noise and interference.
This depends on how many channels are active. For example, the si gnal will be about 7 dB lower if only the pilot, sync, and paging channels are active compared to a fully-loaded CDMA signal. Furthermore, in the CDMA forward link, voice channels are turned off when the user is not speaking. On average this is assumed to be about 50% of th e time. So, in the spreadsheet, both the po wer pe r Wa lsh c ode cha nnel (r ep­resenting how much signal a mob i le will receive on the Walsh code that it is de-spreading) and the total power are used.
The channel power is needed to determine the maximum path loss, and the total power is needed to deter­mine how hard the Unison system is being driven.
The total power for a fully-loaded CDMA signal is given by (appr oximately):
total power =
voice channel power + 13 dB + 10log
= voice channel power + 10 dB
(9.6 Kbps) = 40 dB for rate set 1
10log10(14.4 Kbps) = 42 dB for rate set 2
This gain needs to be included in the link budget. In the following formulas, P
= 10log10(1.25 MHz / 9.6 Kbps) = 21 dB rate set 1
= 10log10(1.25 MHz / 14.4 Kbps) = 19 dB rate set 2
Note that the process gain can also be expressed as 10log
(CDMA bandwidth) minus the information
= process gain:
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Table 5-32 Additional Link Budget Considerations for CDMA (continued)
Consideration Description
Eb/No This is the energy-per-bit divided by the received noise and interference. It’s the CDMA equivalent of sig-
nal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This figure d epends o n the mo bile’s receiver and the multipath enviro nment. Fo r example, the multipath delays inside a building are usually too small for a rake receiver in the mobile (or base station) to resolve and coherently combin e multipath componen ts. However, if artificial delay can be introduced by, for instance, using different lengths of cable, then the required E
will be lower and the
multipath fade margin in the link budge t can be red uce d in some cases. If the receiver noise figure is NF (dB), then the receive sensitivity (dBm) is given by:
= NF + Eb/No + thermal noise in a 1.25 MHz band – P
= NF + E
– 113 (dBm/1.25 MHz) – P
Noise Rise On the uplink, the noise floor is determined not only by the Unison system, but also by the number of
mobiles that are transmitting. This is because when the base station attempts to de -sprea d a particu la r mobile’s signal, all other mobile signals appear to be noise. Because the noise floor rises as more mobiles try to communicate with a ba se sta tio n, the mo re mobi les t her e a re, th e more po wer the y ha v e to tra nsmit. Hence, the noise floor rises rapidly:
noise rise = 10log
(1 / (1 – loading))
where loading is the number of users as a percentage of the theore tical maximum number of users. Typically, a base station is set to limit the loading to 75%. This noise ratio must be included in the link
budget as a worst-case condition for uplink sensitivity. If there are less users than 75% of the maximum, then the uplink coverage will be better than predicted.
Hand-off Gain CDMA supports soft ha nd - o ff, a process by which the mo bile communicates sim u lta ne o us ly with mor e
than one base station or more tha n one sector of a base station. Soft hand-off provides improved receive sensitivity because there are two or more receivers or transmitters involved. A line for hand-off gain is included in the CDMA link budgets worksheet although the gain is set to 0 dB because the in-building system will probably be designed to limit soft-handoff.
Other CDMA Issues
• Never combine multiple sectors (more than one CDMA signal at the same fre­quency) into a Unison system. The combined CDMA signals will interfere with each other.
• Try to minimize overlap between in-building coverage areas that utilize different sectors, as well as in-building coverage and outdoor coverage areas. This is impor­tant because any area in which more than one dominant pilot signal (at the same frequency) is measured by the mobile will result in soft-handoff. Soft-handoff decreases the overall network capacity by allocating multiple channel resources to a single mobile phone.
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5.4.4 Spread Spectrum Link Budget Analysis for a Microcell Application

Spread Spectrum Link Budget Analysis: Downlink
Line Downlink
a. BTS transmit power per traffic channel (dBm) 30.0 b. Voice activity factor 50% c. Composite power (dBm) 40.0 d. Attenuation between BTS and Unison (dB) –24 e. Power per channel into Unison (dBm) 9.0 f. Composite power into Unison (dBm) 16.0 g. Unison gain (dB) 0.0 h. A n te nn a ga in (dBi) 3.0 i. Radiated power per channel (dBm) 12.0 j. Composite radiated power (dBm) 19.0
k. Handoff gain (dB) 0.0 l. Multipath fade margin (dB) 6.0 m. Log-normal fade margin with 8 dB std. deviation, edge reliability
90% (dB) n. Additional loss (dB) 0.0 o. Body loss (dB) 3.0 p. Airlink losses (not including facility path loss) 19.0
q. Mobile noise figure (dB) 7.0 r. The rm al noise (dB m/Hz) –174.0 s. Receiver int erference density (dBm/Hz) –167.0 t. Information ratio (dB/Hz) 41.6 u. Required Eb/(N
v. Receive Sensitivity (dBm) –118.4 w. Minimum received signal (dBm) –99.4
x. Maximum path loss (dB) –99.4
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• b and c: see notes in Table 5-32 regarding power per carrier, downlink
• e = a + d
• f = c + d
• i = e + g + h
• j = f + g + h
• p = –k + l + m + n + o
• s = q + r
• v = s + t + u
• w = p + v
•x = j – w
• y = j (downlink) + m (uplink) + P where
P = Ptx + Prx = –73 dB for Cellular
–76 dB for PCS
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Spread Spectrum Link Budget Analysis: Uplink
Line Uplink
a. BTS noise figure (dB) 3.0 b. Attenuation between BTS and Unison (dB) –30.0 c. Unison gain (dB) 0.0 d. Unison noise figure (dB) 22.0 e. System noise figure (dB) 33.3 f. Thermal noise (dBm/Hz) –174.0 g. Noise rise 75% loading (dB) 6.0 h. Receiver interference density (dBm/Hz) –134.6 i. Information rate (dB/Hz) 41.6 j. Required Eb/(N
k. Handoff gain (dB) 0.0 l. Antenna gain (dBi) 3.0 m. Minimum received signal (dBm) –91.1
n. Multipath fade margin (dB) 6.0 o. Log-normal fade margin with 8 dB std. deviation, edge reliability
90% (dB) p. Additio na l loss (dB) 0.0 q. Body loss (dB) 3.0 r. Airlink losses (not including facility path loss) 19.0
Tra nsmitter
s. Mobile transmit power (dBm) 28.0
t. Maximum path l oss (dB) 100.1
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• e: enter the noise figure and gain of each s ystem com ponent (a, b, c, an d d) into the standard cascaded noise figure formula
– 1
= F1 + + + ....
F = 10 G = 10
(See Rappaport, Theodore S. Wireless Communications, Principles, and Practice. Prentice Hall PTR, 1996.)
(Noise Figure/10) (Gain/10)
F3 – 1
• h = e + f + g
• m = h + i + j –k – l
• r = n + o + p + q
• t = s – r – m
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5.4.5 Considerations for Re-Radiation (over -the-air) Systems

Unison can be used to extend the coverage of the outdoor network by connecting to a roof-top donor antenna that is pointed toward an outdoor base station. Additional considerations for such an application of Unison are:
• Sizing the gain and output power requirements for a bi-directional amplifier (repeater).
• Ensuring that noise radiated on the uplink from the in-building system does not cause the outdoor base station to become desensitized to wireless handsets in the outdoor network.
• Filtering out signals that lie in adjacent frequency bands. For instance, if you are providing coverage for Cellular B-band operation it may be necessary to filter out the A, A’ and A” bands which may contain strong signals from other outdoor base stations.
Further information on these issues can be found in LGC Wireless’ application notes for re-radiation applications.
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5.5 Connecting a Main Hub to a Base Station

The first consideration when connecting Unison Main Hubs to a base station is to ensure there is an equal amount of loss through cables, combiners, etc. from the base station to the Main Hubs. For this example, assume that the base station will have simplex connections, one uplink and one downlink. Each of these connections will need to be divided to equilibrate power for each Main Hub. For example, two Main Hubs will require a 2×1 combiner/divider; four Main Hubs will require a 4×1 com­biner/divider; and so on.
Figure 5-2 Connecting Main Hubs to a Simplex Base Station
2 × 1 combiner/divider
Base Station
When connecting a Unison Main Hub to a base station, also consider the following:
1. The downlink power from the base station must be attenuated enough so that the
power radiated by the RAU does not exceed the maximum power per carrier listed in Section 5.1, “Maximum Output Power per Carrier at RAU,” on page 5-3.
2. The uplink attenuation should be small enough that the sensitivity of the overall
system is limited by Unison, not by the attenuator. However, some base stations will trigger alarms if the noise or signal levels are too high. In this case the attenu­ation will have to be large enough to prevent this from happening.
Main Hub 1
Main Hub 2
If, in an area covered by Unison, a mobile phone indicates good signal strength but consistently has difficulty completing calls, it is possible that the attenuation between Unison and the base station needs to be adjusted. In other words, it is possible that if the uplink is over-at tenuated, t he downlink po wer will prov ide good cov erage, but th e uplink coverage distance will be small.
When there is an excessive amount of loss between the Main Hub uplink and the ba se station, the uplink system gain can be increased to as much as 15 dB to prevent a reduction in the overall system sensitivity.
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5.5.1 Attenuation

Figure 5-3 shows a typical setup wherein a duplex base station is connected to a Main Hub. For a simplex base station, eliminate the circulator and connect the simplex ports of the base station to the simplex ports of the Main Hub. Add attenuators to reg­ulate the power appropriately.
Figure 5-3 Main Hub to Duplex Ba se Station or Repeater Connections
Base Station
• A typical circulator has an IP3 of +70dBm. If you drive the circulator too hard it will produce
intermods that are bigger than the intermods produced by Unison. The IP3 at the Forward port input of the Main Hub is approximately +38 dBm. The IP3 of the circulator at that same point (i.e., following attenuator A1) is +70dBm – A1. Thus, to keep the system IP3 from being adversely affected by the circulator, attenuator A1 should be no more than approxi­mately +30 dB.
• A filter diplexer can be used in place of the circulator. The IP3 of the diplexer can be
assumed to be greater than +100 dBm. If a diplexer is used, A3 can be omitted.
• A1+A3 should be chosen so that the output power per carrier at the RAU’s output is correct
for the number of carriers being transmitted. Suppose the base station transmits 36 dBm per carrier and it is desired that the RAU output be 6 dBm per carrier and the forward port gain is 0 dB. Then A1+A3=30 dB.
• A2+A3 should, ideally, be at least 10 dB less than the noise figure plus the gain of the Uni-
son system. For example, if the reverse port has a 0 dB gain and if there are 32 RAUs, the noise figure is approximately 22 dB. So A2+A3 should be about 10 dB. If A2+A3 is too large, the uplink coverage can be severely reduced.
• Given these three equations:
A1 < 30 dB A1+A3 = 30 dB (in this example) A2+A3 < 10 dB (in this example)
we could choose A1=20 dB, A2=0 dB, A3=10 dB
Main Hub
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5.5.2 Uplink Attenuation

The attenuation between the Main Hub’s uplink port and the base station does two things:
1. It attenuates the noise co m ing out of Unison.
2. It attenuates the desired si gnals coming out of Unison.
Setting the attenuation on the uplink is a trade-off between keeping the noise and maximum signal levels transmitted from Unison to the base station receiver low while not reducing the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of the path from the RAU inputs to the base station inputs. This SNR can not be better than the SNR of Unison by itself, although it can be significantly worse.
For example, suppose we have a GSM Unison system consisting of one Hub and 8 RAUs (1-8) with uplink NF=22 dB. (See Table 5-32 on page 5-35.) If we use 30 dB of attenuation between the Main Hub’s uplink por t and the base stat ion (which has its own noise figure of about 4 dB), the overall noise figure will be 34.3 dB (refer to the formula on page 5-33) which is 12.3 dB worse than Unison by itself. That causes a
12.3 dB reduction in the uplink coverage distance. Now, if the attenuation instead is
10 dB, the cascaded noise figure is NF=22.6 dB, which implies that the uplink sensi­tivity is limited by Unison, a desirable condition.
Rule of Thumb
A good rule of thumb is to set the uplink attenuation, A2+A3 in Figure 5-3 on page 5-43, as follows:
Unison uplink NF + uplink gain ( 0 dB for rev erse port) – BTS NF – 10dB
and round A2 down to the nearest convenient attenuation value.
5-44 InterReach Unison Accel Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual PN 9000-10
620021-0 Rev. A Uplink Attenuation Exception: CDMA
In CDMA systems, the power transmitted by the mobile is determined by the charac­teristics of both the uplink and downlink paths. The power transmitted by the mobile should be similar in open-loop control (as determined by the downlink path) as dur­ing closed-loop control (as determined by the uplink and downlink paths). In addi­tion, the mobile’s transmit power when it communicates with a base station through Unison should be similar to the power transmitted when it communicates with a base station in the outdoor network (during soft hand-off). Because of these consider­ations, you should not allow the downlink and uplink gains to vary widely.
Open-loop power control:
= –76 dBm (for PCS) – P
where PTX is the power transmitted and PRX is the power received by the mobile. If PL is the path loss (in dB) between the RAU and the mobile, and P power radiated by the RAU, then
= –76 dBm (for PCS) – PDN + PL
Closed-loop power control:
= noise floor + uplink NF – process gain + Eb/No + PL
= –113 dBm/1.25 Mhz + NF – 19 dB + 7 dB + PL
where Eb/No = 7 dB is a rough estimate, and NF is the cascaded noise figure of the Unison uplink, the uplink atte nuation, and the base station no ise figure. Eq uating P
for the open-loop and closed-loop we see that
is the downlink
NF = 49 – P
where PDN is determined by the downlink attenuation. Since PDN for Unison is about 10 dBm, we see that the cascaded noise figure is about 39 dB, which is considerably
higher than that of Unison itself. This implies that we should use a fairly large attenu­ation on the uplink. This case suggests using as much attenuation on the downlink as on the uplink. The drawback of doing this is that the uplink coverage sensitivity is reduced. A link budget analysis will clarify these issues. Typically, the uplink attenu­ation between the Main Hub and the base station will be the same as, or maybe 10 dB less than, the downlink attenuation.
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5.6 Designing for a Neutral Host System

Designing for a neutral host system uses the same design rules previously discussed. Since a neutral host system typically uses multiple systems in parallel with common equipment locations, we find it best to design according to the minimum among the systems’ RAU coverage distances so that there will not be holes in the coverage area, and so that the economies of a single installation can be achieved. For example, as indicated in Section 7.1, the 1900 MHz RF signals do not propagate throughout a building as well as the 800 MHz signals. Therefore, we design using the 1900 MHz radiated distance, calculated with the path loss slope formula.
The example neutral host system described below consists of one iDEN, one 800 MHz, and two 1900 MHz systems and can support up to seven separate service pro­viders in the following manner:
•1 on iDEN
• 2 on 800 MHz, A band and B band
• 2 in each of the two 1900 MHz frequency sub-bands
Example Unison Neutral Host System
The following example configuration was designed to provide:
• Similar coverage per band in an office environment that is 80% cubicles and 20% offices.
• Similar capacity.
• Support for up to 7 Operators, where equipment has been shared to minimize the number of parallel systems.
Example Configuration:
• 800 MHz iDEN: 16 channels (3 dBm)
• 800 MHz Cellular (3 dBm) TDMA Band: 14 channels (shared) CDMA Band: 3 channels (shared)
• 1900 MHz PCS (6 dBm) TDMA Band: 14 channels CDMA Band: 3 channels (shared) GSM Band: 6 channels (shared)
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Similar coverage is achieved by setting the transmit power per carrier of the 80 0 MHz systems to 3 dBm per carrier and those of the 1900 MHz systems to 6 dBm per car­rier.
The numbers of RF carriers were selected in order to match subscriber capacity approximately. Because each protocol in the example supports a different number of voice channels, the RF carrier numbers also differ. As the following table indicates, the 800 MHz Cellular and shared 1900 MHz systems can su pport ad ditional R F carri­ers without decreasing the power per carrier figures.
For logistical reasons, Operators involved in a neutral host system sometimes prefer not to share equipment with other Operators. From technical and economic perspec­tives, too, this can be a prudent practice in medium to high-capacity installations. Though deploying parallel systems appears to increase the amount of equipment needed as well as the system cost, the trade-off between capacity and coverage must be considered because, in short, as capacity increases, coverage area per RAU decreases. Therefore, more RAUs (and perhaps Hubs) are needed to cover a given floor space.
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The following table shows the capacities of both 800 and 1900 MHz Unison systems used for single and multiple protocol applications. The power per carrier for each sys­tem is based on providing equal coverage areas for both systems when they are used in an office building that is 80% cubicles and 20% offices.
Table 1
Unison Capacity: Equal Coverage Areas
Operator #1 Operator #2
RF Chs Voice Chs Subscribers Protocol
RF Chs Voice Chs Subscribers
800 MHz Cellular A/B (Unison); 3 dBm power per carrier
TDMA only 35 104 1837 N/A —— CDMA only 12 180–240 3327–4517 N/A —— TDMA
(combining with CDMA: Operator #2)
15 44 694 CDMA 20 59 974 7 105–140 1856–2540
(combining with TDMA: Operator #1)
10 150–200 2736–3723
25 74 1259 4 60–80 993–1374 28 83 1431 2 30–40 439–620
800 MHz iDEN (Unison); 3 dBm power per carrier
iDEN only 16 47 749 N/A ——
1900 MHz PCS (Unison); 6 dBm power per carrier
TDMA only 14 41 638 N/A —— CDMA only 10 150–200 2736–3723 N/A —— GSM only 14 111 1973 N/A —— TDMA
(combining with CDMA: Operator #2)
(combining with GSM: Operator #2)
(combining with GSM: Operator #2)
Note 1
The RF channel capa ci ty lim i ts are based on the Unison data shee ts ’ “typical” specificatio ns for Cat-5 length and RF performance.
Note 2
The subscriber capacity lim it s are base d on the Erlang B traffic model with a 2% GOS. Ea ch user has a 50mErlangs, which is hi gher tha n the standard 35mErlangs.
617 213 CDMA 8 23 315 3 45–60 712–993
(combining with TDMA: Operator #1)
4 60–80 993–1374
10 29 421 2 30–40 439–620 11 32 474 1 15–20 180–264 617 213 GSM 8 23 315 5 39 602
(combining with TDMA: Operator #1)
755 899
10 29 421 3 23 315 11 32 474 2 15 180 2 30–40 439–620 GSM 4 60–80 993–1374 7 55 899
(combining with CDMA: Operator #1)
10 79 1355
6 90–120 1566–2148 4 31 457 8 120–200 2148–2933 1 7 59
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SECTION 6 Installing Unison Accel

6.1 Installation Requirements

6.1.1 Component Location Requirements

Unison Accel components are intended to be installed in indoor locations only.

6.1.2 Cable and Connector Requirements

The Accel equipment operates over Category 5 or 6 (Cat-5/6) screened twisted pair (ScTP) cable with shielded RJ-45 connectors. These cables are widely used industry standards for Local Area Networks (LANs). The regulations and guidelines for Uni­son cable installation are identical to those specified by the TIA/EIA 568-A standard and the TIA/EIA/IS-729 supplement for LANs.
LGC Wireless recommends plenum-rated Cat-5/6 ScTP cable and connectors for conformity t o building codes and standa rds. Mohawk/ CDT 55986 or Belden 1624P DataTwist® Five ScTP cable, or equivalent is required.
NOTE: In order to meet FCC and CE Mark emissions requirements, the Cat-5/6 cable must be screened (ScTP) and it must be grounded using shielded RJ-45 con­nectors at both ends.
PN 9000-10 InterReach Unison Accel Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual 6-1
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6.1.3 Multiple Operator System Recommendations

As in any Unison Accel system, a multiple operator (neutral host) system requires one Cat-5/6 cable between each Accel Hub and each RAU. In situations where Hubs and/or RAUs will be installed in the future to support the addition of frequency bands and/or wireless Operators, it is advantageous to install the necessary cabling initially. Such deployment typically leads to substantial cost savings over installing parallel cabling at separate times.

6.1.4 Distance Requirements

The following table shows the distances between Unison components and related equipment.
Table 6-1 Distance Requirements
Equipment Combination Cable Type Cable Length Additional Information
Repeater t o A ccel Hub
Base Station to Accel Hub
Accel Hub to RAU Cat-5/6 ScTP;
RAU to passive antenna
Coaxial; N male connectors
Coaxial; N male connectors
shielded RJ-45 male connectors
Coaxial; SMA male connectors
3–6 m (10–20 ft) typical Limited by loss and noise.
Refer to your link budget calculation.
10 m (33 ft) maximum Limited by CE Mark require-
3–6 m (10–20 ft) typical Limited by loss and noise.
Refer to your link budget calculation.
10 m (33 ft) maximum Limited by CE Mark require-
• Minimum: 10 meters (33 ft)
• Recommended Max.: 100 meters (328 ft)
• Absolute Max.: 150 meters (492 ft) See Section 6.4.4 if using a Cat-5 Extender
1–3.5 m (3–12 ft) typical Limited by loss and noise.
See “System Gain (Loss) Relative to ScTP Cable Length” on page 5-28.
Refer to your link budget calculation.
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620021-0 Rev. A

6.2 Safety Precautions

6.2.1 Installation Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when installing LGC Wireless equipment:
1. Provide sufficient airflow and cooling to the equipment to prevent heat build-up
from exceeding the maximum ambient air temperature specification. Do not com­promise the amount of airflow required for safe operation of the equipment.
2. If you are removing the system, turn it off and remove the power cord firs t. Th ere
are no user-serviceable parts inside the components.
3. The internal power supplies have internal fuses that are not user replaceab le. Co n-
sider the worst-case power consumption shown on the product labels when provi­sioning the equipment’s AC power source and distribution.

6.2.2 General Safety Precautions

The following precautions apply to LGC Wireless products:
• The units have no user-serviceable parts. Faulty or failed units are fully replaceable through LGC Wireless. Please contact us at:
1-800-530-9960 (U.S. only) +1-408-952-2400 (International) +44(0) 1223 597812 (Europe)
• Although modeled after an Ethernet/LAN architecture and connectivity, the units are not intended to connect to Ethernet data hubs, routers, cards, or other similar data equipment.
• When you connect a radiating antenna to an RAU, firmly hand-tighten the SMA female connector – DO NOT over-tighten the connector.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this equipment to rain or moisture. The components are intended for indoor use only. Do not install the RAU outdoors. Do not connect an RAU to an antenna that is located outside where it could
be subject to lightning strikes, power crosses, or wind .
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6.3 Preparing for System Installation

6.3.1 Pre-Installation Inspection

Follow this procedure before installing Unison Accel equipment:
1. Verify the number of packages received against the packing list.
2. Check all packages for external damage; report any external damage to the ship-
ping carrier. If there is damage, a shipping agent should be present before you unpack and inspect the contents because damage caused during transit is the responsibility of the shipping agent.
3. Open and check each package against the packing slip. If any items are missing,
contact LGC Wireless customer service.
4. If damage is discovered at the time of installation, contact the shipping agent.
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620021-0 Rev. A

6.3.2 Installation Checklist

Table 6-2 Installation Checklist
Installation Requirement Consideration
Floor Plans Installation location of equipment clearly marked System Design Used to verify frequency bands after installation Power available:
Accel Hub (AC)
To RAU (DC) Rack space available 133.5 mm (5.25 in.) high (3U) Clearance for air circulation:
Accel Hub
RAU Suitable operating environment:
Accel Hub
Donor Antenna-to-Uni son Configur ation
Donor Antenna Installed, inspected; N-male to N-male coaxial cable to lightning arrestor/surge
Lightning Arrestor or Surge Suppressor
Repeater Installed between lightning arrestor/surge suppressor and Hub; N-male to
Attenuator Installed betwee n the circulator and the Hub downlink port to prevent overload.
Circulator or Dup lexer Installed between the repeater and the Hub uplink and downlink ports
Base Station-to-Unison Configuration
Base Station Verify RF power (see tables in Section 5.1 on page 5-3); N-male to N-male
Attenuator Attenuation may be required to achieve the desired RF output at the RAU and
Circulator or Duplexer When usin g a duplex BTS: Installed between the BTS and the Hub uplink and
Power cord is 2 m (6.5 ft) long. 115/230V, 5.5/3A, 50–60 Hz 36V (from the Hub)
76 mm (3 in.) front and rear, 51 mm (2 in.) sides 76 mm (3 in.) all around
Indoor location only 0° to +45°C (+32° to +113°F) 5% to 95% non-condensing humidity
–25° to +45°C (–13° to +113°F) 5% to 95% non-condensing humidity
suppressor Installed between roof-top antenna and repeater; N-male to N-male coaxial cable
N-male coaxial cable
Optionally, it may be installed between the uplink port and the circulator
coaxial cable; installed , inspected
the desired uplink noise floor level
downlink ports. Not used with a simplex BTS
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Table 6-2 Installation Checklist (continued)
Installation Requirement Consideration
Connecting LGCell Main Hub(s) to a Unison Main Hub
5-port Alarm Daisy-Chain Cable (PN 4024-3)
For contact alarm mon itoring: conn ecting 2 to 21 LGCell Main Hubs to a Unison Accel Hub
If connecting LGCell to Unison Accel, the Alarm Sense Adapter Cable is required to connect the da isy-chain cable to Unison
Do not combine LGCell Main Hubs with Unison Accel Hubs in the same daisy chain
Alarm Sense Adapter Cable (PN 4024-3)
Use with 5-port Alar m Daisy-Chain Cable to connect up to 21 LGCell Main Hubs to a Unison Accel Hub
Also, use to connect a single LGCell Main Hub to a Unison Accel Hub
Connecting Multiple Unison Accel Hubs Together
5-port Alarm Daisy-Chain Cable (PN 4024-3)
For contact alarm monitoring of major and minor alarms. Use to feed the alarms from multiple Unison Accel Hubs into a BTS or MetroReach Focus
Do not combine Unison Accel Hubs with LGCell Main Hubs in the same chain.
Coaxial: repeater or base station to
Coax approved; N-type male connectors
Accel Hub Coaxial: RAU to passive antennas Use low-loss cable; SMA male connector; typical 1 m (3.3 ft) using RG14 2
coaxial cable
Cat-5/6 ScTP: TIA/EIA 568-A approved; shielded RJ-45 male connectors. ScTP cable must be
screened and it must be grounded at both connector ends Tie-off cables to avoid damaging the connectors because of cable strain
Accel Hub to RAUs • Minimum: 10 meters (33 ft)
• Recommended Maximum: 100 meters (328 ft)
• Absolute Maximum: 150meters (492 ft)
Accel Hub to Cat-5 Extender to RAU
Minimum Cat-5/6 Cable Length from Accel Hub to Extender
90 meters 295 feet
Minimum Cat-5/6 Cable Length from Extender to RAU
20 meters 65 feet
Maximum Total Cat-5/6 Cable Length from Accel Hub to RAU
110 to 170 meters 360 to 557 feet
Configuring System
PC/laptop running AdminManager
Refer to the AdminManager User Manual (PN 8810-10)
Null modem cable Female connectors; Accel Hub to a P C/laptop that is runnin g the Admin Manager
software; local connection
Straight-t hrough cable Female/ma le co n ne c t ors ; Acc e l Hub to a modem; remote connection
6-6 InterReach Unison Accel Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual PN 9000-10
620021-0 Rev. A
Table 6-2 Installation Checklist (continued)
Installation Requirement Consideration
Cat-5 Extende r Used if Cat-5/6 run(s) exceed 100 meters Dual-Band Diplexer
Used in dual band systems to
high-band RAU to a single
Accel Hub is within 3–6m (10–20 ft) of connecting repeater
Accel Hub is within 3–6m (10–20 ft) of connecting base station
If longer distance, determine t he loss of the cable used for this connectio n and adjust the RF signal into the Accel Hub accordingly. This can be done by read­justing the power from the base station, or by changing the attenuation value between the base station/repeater and the Hub

6.3.3 Tools and Materials Required

Table 6-3 Tools and Materials Required for Component Installation
Cable ties Philips screwdriver Mounting screws and spring nuts Compressed air Screws, anchors (for mounting RAUs) Drill Fusion splicing sleeves
combine the output of a low-band RAU and a
dual band antenna

6.3.4 Optional Accessories

Table 6-4 Optional Accessories for Component Installation
Wall-mount equipment rack(s) (PN 4712) Note that if using this rack with an Accel Hub, the Hub’s mounting bracket must be moved to the center mounting position.
Cable management (Cable manager: PN 4759; Tie wrap bar: PN 4757) Teltone Line Sharing Switch (M-394-B-01) When using a single POTS line with multiple Accel Hub/Modems: Connect up to four
modems to a line sharing switch; can cascade switches to accommodate up to 16 modems per POTS line
Alarm Cables:
5-port Alarm Daisy-Chain Cable (PN 4024-3) Alarm Sense Adapter Cable (PN 4025-1)
RAU Dust Cover (PN UNS-1RDP-1)
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6.4 Unison Accel Installation Procedures

The following procedures assume that the system is new from the factory and that it has not been programmed with a band.
If you are replacing components in a pre-installed system with either new units or units that may already be pr ogrammed (i.e., re-using units f rom anothe r system), refer to Section 7.
• Installing an Accel Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
• Installing an Accel Hub in a Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
• Installing an Optional Cable Manager in the Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
• Connecting the AdminManager PC to the Accel Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
• Installing an Accel Hub in a Wall-Mounted Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
• Connecting the ScTP Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
• Troubleshooting Accel Hub LEDs During Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
• Installing RAUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
• Installing RAUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
• Installing Passive Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
• Connecting the Antenna to the RAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
• Connecting the ScTP Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
• Troubleshooting RAU LEDs During Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
• Installing RAUs in a Dual Band System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
• Connecting the Antenna to the Dual Band Diplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
• Configuring the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
• Configuring the Installed System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
6-8 InterReach Unison Accel Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual PN 9000-10
620021-0 Rev. A
The following procedures assume that the system is installed and programmed.
• Interfacing an Accel Hub to a Base Station or a Roof-top Antenna . . . . . . . . 6-21
• Connecting an Accel Hub to an In-Building Base Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
• Connecting an Accel Hub to Multiple Base Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
• Connecting an Accel Hub to a Roof-top Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24
• Connecting Multiple Accel Hubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -25
• Connecting Multiple Accel Hubs to a Simplex Repeater or Base Station . 6-25
• Connecting Multiple Accel Hubs to a Duplex Repeater or Base Station . . 6-27
• Connecting Contact Alarms to an Accel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
• Alarm Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
• Alarm Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-33
• Alarm Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-34
• Alarm Monitoring Connectivity Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-36
• Direct Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-36
• Modem Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37
• 232 Port Expander Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38
• POTS Line Sharing Switch Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-39
• Ethernet and ENET/232 Serial Hub Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-40
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6.4.1 Installing an Accel Hub

CAUTION: Install Accel Hubs in indoor locations only.
Installing an Accel Hub in a Rack
The Accel Hub (3U high) mounts in a standard 19 in. (483 mm) equipment rack. Allow clearance of 76 mm (3 in.) front and rear, and 51 mm (2 in.) on both sides for air circulation. No top and bottom clearance is required.
• The Accel Hub is shipped with #10-32 mounting screws. Another common rack thread is #12-24. Confirm that the mounting screws match the rack’s threads.
To install the hub in a rack:
1. Insert spring nuts into rack where needed or use existing threaded holes.
2. Place the Hub into the rack from the front.
3. Align the flange holes with the spring nuts installed in Step 1.
4. Insert the mounting screws in the appropriate positions in the rack.
5. Tighten the mounting screws.
6-10 InterReach Unison Accel Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual PN 9000-10
620021-0 Rev. A
Installing an Accel Hub in a Wall-Mounted Rack
• The rack and the Accel Hub are both 305 mm (12 in.) deep. The rack mounting brackets on the Accel Hub must be mo ved to the center mounting p osition to allow for the 76 mm (3 in.) rear clearance that is required.
• The maximum weight the rack can hold is 22.5 kg (50 lbs).
To install the Hub in a wall-mounted rack:
1. Attach the equipment rack to the wall using the screws that are provided.
The rack must be positioned so that the Hub will be in a horizontal position when it is installed.
2. Remove both of the rack mounting brackets from the Hub.
3. Reattach each of the rack mounting brackets to the opposite side of the Hub from
which it came. Refer to the following figure for bracket placement.
Need new photos
Right Rack Mounting Bracket as installed from the factory.
4. Attach the Hub to the rack.
Left Rack Mounting Bracket installed on the right side of the hub.
Installing an Optional Cable Manager in the Rack
• Using the screws provided, fasten the cable manager to the rack, immediately above or below the Accel Hub.
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