shall not be modified, used, copied, reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without
the written consent of TE.
Trademark Information
FlexWave, FlexWave Prism, InterReach Spectrum, Universal Radio Head, TE
Connectivity, and TE connectivity (logo) are trademarks.
All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be
trademarks of their respective owners.
Disclaimer of Liability
Contents herein are current as of the date of publication. TE reserves the right to change
the contents without prior notice. Should the content of printed user documentation
shipped with product differ from documentation provided on a product CD (inclusive of
the associated Help modules), the printed user documentation supersedes the
documentation on the product CD. In no event shall TE be liable for any damages
resulting from loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits, and TE further disclaims any
and all liability for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other similar damages.
This disclaimer of liability applies to all products, publications and services during and
after the warranty period.
Specific Disclaimer for High-Risk Activities
This Product is not specifically designed, manufactured, tested or intended for use in
high-risk activities including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, on-line
control of aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircr aft communications; or in the
design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. TE (including its
affiliates) and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of
fitness for such purposes or any other purposes.
Screenshots in User Documentation
Due to concurrent development of this documentation, artwork, and the InterReach
Spectrum Element Management System (EMS), there may be some minor discrepancies
between screenshots contained in this documentation and those actually displayed in
the InterReach Spectrum EMS. These discrepancies will generally be few and minor and
should not affect your understanding of InterReach Spectrum EMS.
Revision History .......................................................................................................................................................2
InterReach Spectrum User Documentation...............................................................................................................2
Main Remote Access Units.......................................................................................................................................5
MRAU Ports, Cable, and Connectors .................................................................................................................5
Secondary Remote Access Units ..............................................................................................................................7
SRAU Ports, Cable, and Connectors..................................................................................................................7
RAU N Connectors....................................................................................................................................................9
Install the RAUs and Antennas.......................................................................................................................................10
Mount the RAUs and Antennas...............................................................................................................................10
General Safety Precautions.....................................................................................................................................10
Connect the IFEU to the MRAU...............................................................................................................................11
Connect the MRAU to SRAUs .................................................................................................................................13
Configure the MRAUs and SRAUs ..........................................................................................................................14
Remote Access Unit Specifications.........................................................................................................................15
Spectrum System Specifications ............................................................................................................................15
Composite Power Out of RAU.................................................................................................................................17
Appendix C: Omni Antenna ............................................................................................................................................23
Appendix D: Contacting TE Connectivity ........................................................................................................................24
This manual provides installation instructions for InterReach Spectrum® Remote
Access Units (RAUs). Table 1 lists the RAUs that are supported in this document.
Table 1. Supported Spectrum Remote Access Units
Catalog Number Description
SPT-M1-8519-1SPECTRUM, 850-1900 MAIN RAU
SPT-M1-AWS19-11SPECTRUM, 2100AWS Path 1-1900 Path 1 MAIN RAU
2December 2011Added “Supported Spectrum Remote Access Units” on page 2, “RAU N Connectors” on page 9, and
“Nominal Passband Gains” on page 16. Updated “Appendix D: Contacting TE
page 24.
3May 2012Updated “Composite Power Out of RAU” on page 18.
Connectivity” on
InterReach Spectrum User Documentation
The InterReach Spectrum user documentation is intended for system
administrators, engineers and installers responsible for planning, administering,
configuring, and maintaining ADC InterReach Spectrum systems. Table 2 lists the
manuals that correspond to this InterReach Spectrum release.
Table 2. InterReach Spectrum User Documentation
TitleADCP Number
InterReach Spectrum Quick Start GuideADCP-77-165
InterReach Spectrum Host Unit Installation GuideADCP-77-166
InterReach Spectrum Expansion
InterReach Spectrum Remote Access Unit Installation GuideADCP-77-168
InterReach Spectrum Element Management System 7.2 User ManualADCP-77-189
Two types of messages, identified below, appear in the InterReach Spectrum user
CAUTION!Caution text indicates operations or steps that could cause personal injury, induce a safety
problem in a managed device, destroy or corrupt information, or interrupt or stop services.
NOTE:Note text contains information about special circumstances.
Standards Certification
FCC: This equipment complies with the applicable sections of Title 47 CFR, Part 22
(800 MHz Cellular), Part 24 (1900 MHz - PCS), Part 90 (800/900 - SMR), and Part
27 (700 MHz, 2100 MHz - AWS).
IC: This equipment complies with the applicable sections of RSS-131 (800/900 –
SMR), RSS-132 (800 - Cellular), and RSS-133 (1900 – PCS). The term “IC:” before
the radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canada Technical
Specifications were met.
The Manufacturer's rated output power of this equipment is for single carrier
operation. For situations when multiple carrier signals are present, the rating
would have to be reduced by 3.5 dB, especially where the output signal is
re-radiated and can cause interference to adjacent band users. This power
reduction is to be by means of input power or gain reduction and not by an
attenuator at the output of the device.
NOTE:The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has developed guidelines for evaluation of
human exposure to RF emissions. The guidelines incorporate limits for Maximum Permissible
Exposure (MPE) for power density of transmitter operating at frequencies between 300 kHz and 100
GHz. Limits have been set for portable, mobile, and fixed equipment. ADC products fall in the
category of fixed equipment; products intended to be permanently secured and exposures are
evaluated for distances greater than 20cm (7-7/8”). Portable devices fall into exposures of less
than 20cm, where SAR evaluations are used.
Antenna gain is restricted to 1.5 W ERP (2.49 W EIRP) in order to satisfy RF exposure
compliance requirements. If higher than 1.5 W ERP, routine MPE evaluation is needed.
The antennas should be installed to provide at least 20cm from all persons to satisfy MPE
requirements of FCC Part 2, 2.1091.
UL/CUL: This will be installed in a restricted access location. This equipment
complies, per UL and CUL 50, Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment.
UL/CUL: This equipment complies with UL and CUL 60950-1 Standard for Safety
for Information Technology Equipment, including Electrical Business Equipment.
UL/CUL: All InterReach Spectrum RAUs are Plenum rated and suitable for use in
environmental air space in accordance with Section 300-22(C) of the National
InterReach Spectrum supports up to eight frequency bands in a single system.
Each antenna location supports those bands in modular, group pairings. Each
location includes a Main Remote Access Unit (MRAU), which can power up to three
additional Secondary Remote Access Units (SRAUs). An MRAU supports two
frequency bands, and each SRAU can support up to two frequency bands, for a
total of up to eight frequency bands. MRAUs and SRAUs are grouped logically,
based on common service provider groupings and include, as an example:
To add more frequency bands, you connect
0/700 MIMO
0/900 SMR
an SRAU to the existing MRAU.
Figure 1 illustrates how RF and IF signals are sent between Spectrum units and
Figure 1. REV and FWD Signals for the RAU
NOTE:This book refers to the Omni Antenna (4214-M727), which is the antenna that ADC recommends.
Other antennas may be used. For further information on the Omni Antenna, see “Appendix C: Omni
The Main Remote Access Unit (MRAU) receives FWD IF signals from an IF
Expansion Unit (IFEU), which is part of the Spectrum Expansion Module Group,
using 75
a passive RF antenna using 50
configuration information and power from and sends its status information to the
CATV cable. The MRAU converts the IF signals to RF and sends them to
coaxial cable. The MRAU also receives
The MRAU receives REV RF signals from a passive RF antenna using 50
cable. It converts the signals to IF and sends them to the IFEU using 75
MRAU Ports, Cable, and Connectors
Ref # ComponentDeviceFunction
1 2 3
1 2 3
1RF SubMiniature ver
(SMA) cable
2Antenna port(s)50 N-type connectorConnects to an antenna. See Table 3 on page 9.
3FWD IF IN connectorF connector portConnects to the IFEU FWD Mod
4FWD SECONDARY PORTS (1 - 3) F connector portsConnect to a SRAU SECONDARY FWD connector via
5REV SECONDARY PORTS (1 - 3) F connector portsConnect to a SRAU SECONDARY REV connector via
8REV IF OUT connectorF connector portConnects to the IFEU REV Module IF IN
(1) The AWS/PCS MRAUs does NOT have an RF SMA cable, and has two Antenna ports.