ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 3: Operation
2. Click on the HOST Site Name Edit button (see Figure 3-6). The Site Name pop-up
screen will open as shown in Figure 3-7. Enter a unique name for the HOST. The name
may be up to 32 characters long and must not contain any spaces. The name may include
numbers, punctuation, and upper or lower case letters and must always begin with a letter.
Click on OK to close the screen and make the changes take effect.
Figure 3-7. HOST Site Name Pop-Up Screen
3. Click on the HOST Site Number Edit button (see Figure 3-6). The Site Num ber pop-up
screen will open. Enter any number (must be unique) between 1 and 24 and then click on
OK to close the screen and make the changes take effect.
4. Check the REMOTE Site Number field (see Figure 3-6). The REMOTE Site Number
does not have to be entered. When the HOST Site Number is entered, the system will
automatically enter the same number for the REMOTE Site Number.
5. Click on the REMOTE Site Name Edit button (see Figure 3-6). The Site Name pop-up
screen will open. Enter a unique name for the REMOTE. The name may be up to 32
characters long and must not contain any spaces. The name may include numbers,
punctuation, and upper or lower case letters and must always begin with a letter. Click on
OK to close the screen and make the changes take effect.
6. Open the Tools menu at the top of the main window and then select Refresh Catalog to
make the new Host and Remote sit e names appear in the View menu.
2.5Enter Host Forward Attenuation
The HU internal forward path attenuator setting determines the maximum composite output
signal level at the STM antenna port. The appropriate attenuation value for any particular
system is based on the number of channels the system is transporting and the signal level of the
composite forward path signals input at the host units RF IN ports. By default, the forward path
attenuator is set to 31 dB.
The maximum output power that can be provided by the system is 43.4 dBm (22 Watts). The
total forward pa th gain that is pro vided by the system (with host and remote forw ard attenuators
set to 0 dB) is 85 dBm. Use the following procedure to set the forward path attenuation to
provide the maximum composite output signal level:
1. Click on the HOST RF tab. The HOST RF display will open within the EMS main
window as shown in Figure 3-8.
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 3: Operation
Click on Edit button
to open Host Fwd
Att pop-up screen
Figure 3-8. HOST RF Display
2. Click on the Host Fwd AttEdit button (see Figure 3-8). The Hos t Fw d At t pop-up screen
will open as shown in Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9. Host Fwd Att Pop-Up Screen
3. Obtain the value of the total composite input signal level as determined in step 11 of
Section 2.3.
4. Determine the appropriate value to enter for the Host forward path attenuator by
subtracting the required system output level (per system design plan) from the system ga in
(85 dB) and then adding the composite input signal level. The result (see sample
calculation) is the amount of atte nuation required.
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 3: Operation
2.6Determine Output Signal Level at STM Antenna Port
The RF output signal level should be measured at the STM ANTENNA port to verify that
maximum composite signal level is at the required level. Use the following procedure to
determine the po wer level:
1. Verify that RF ON/OFF swi t c h on the LPA is in th e OFF position.
2. Disconnect the antenna cable from the STM ANTENNA port.
3. Connect a spectrum analyzer or RF power meter to the STM ANTENNA port. (Check the
input rating of the test equi pment. Insert a 30 dB 100 W attenuator if necessary.)
4. Place the RF switch on the LP A in the ON position.
5. If using a spectrum analyzer, proceed to step 6. If using a power meter, measure the
composite signal po wer from the STM and then proceed to step 8.
6. Measu re the RF level of a single ca rrier, such as the con trol channe l, in dBm. Mak e sure
the resolution bandwi dth of the spectrum analyzer is 30 kHz.
7. Calculate the total composite signal power using the fol lowing formula:
= Pc + 10Log N
is the total composite powe r in dBm
is the power per carrier i n dBm as meas u red in s tep 6, and
N is the total number of channels.
8. Record the result measured in step 5 or calculated in step 7.
9. Place the RF switch on the LP A in the OFF position.
10. Disconnect the spectrum analyzer or RF power meter from the STM ANTENNA port.
11. Re-connect the antenna cable to the STM ANTENNA port.
Note: To comply with Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) requirements, the
maximum composite output from the antenna cannot exceed 1000 Watts EIRP and the
antenna must be permanently installed in a fixed location that provides at least 6 meters
(20 feet) of separation from all persons.
2.7Enter Remote Forward Attenuation
The STM internal forward path attenuator setting is used to reduce the power level of the
composite output signals at the STM antenna port. The maximum composite output signal level
at the STM antenna port is set using the Host internal forward attenuator (see Section 2.5).
However, component variations may result in the output power at the STM antenna port being
slightly above or below the required power per channel. If this is the case, the STM forward
attenuator may be used in conjunction with the Host forward attenuator to add or remove
attenuation to produce the required output signal level. If less power is required, the STM
forward attenuator may be used to reduce the power level. The default setting is 31 dB. Use the
following procedure to change the STM forward attenuation:
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 3: Operation
1. Click on the REMOTE RF tab. The REMOTE RF display will open within the EMS main
window as shown in Figure 3-10.
Click Edit button to
open the Remote Fwd
Att pop-up screen
RF output signal
level (± 3 dB)
Figure 3-10. REMOTE LPA Display
2. Check the level of the RF output signal (as determined in Sectio n 2.6) ag ains t the sys tem
design plan specifications. Table 3-2 shows the output signal level required to provide 5
watts per channel for systems with 1 to 4 channels. The maximum output signal level
permitted for the system is 43.4 dBm (22 Watts).
Table 3-2. Composite Output Signal Levels
137 dBm
240 dBm
342 dBm
443 dBm
3. Dete rmine i f mor e or l e ss a t tenu ati on is r equ ire d to pr o duce the r equi re d out put s ig nal le v el .
4. Click on the Remote Fwd Att field Edit bu t to n (s ee Figure 3-10). The Remote Fwd Att
pop-up screen will open as shown in Figure 3-11.
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 3: Operation
Figure 3-11. Remote Fwd Att Pop-Up Screen
5. Enter the required attenuation value and click OK to close the pop-up screen and to make
the changes take effect.
6. Verify that the appropriate RF output signal level appears in the RF Output Power field
(see Figure 3-10). This is primarily a reference value and should not take the place of
external test equipment when determining the power level of the composite RF output
signal. Depending on the modulation type and number of channels, the EMS softwar e may
report a power level that is higher or lower (± 3 dB) than the actual RF output signal.
Note: To comply with Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) requirements, the
maximum composite output from the antenna cannot exceed 1000 Watts EIRP and the
antenna must be permanently installed in a fixed location that provides at least 6 meters
(20 feet) of separation from all persons.
2.8Enter Host Reverse Attenuation
The level of the RF signal that should be input to the EBTS will vary depending on the type of
EBTS, the receive distributi on, and the number of channels pre sent. To interf ace with the EBTS,
the reverse path signal level must be adjusted to provide the signal level required by the EBTS.
The HU provides from –1 to +30 dB of gain in the reverse path. By default, the host reverse
attenuator is set to –31 dB of attenuation which provides –1 dB of gain. Use the following
procedure to set the reverse path gain:
1. Check the EBTS manufacturer’s specifications to determine the composite signal level
required at the 806–824 MHz and 896–901 MHz reverse path input ports.
2. Determine the overall gain and loss imposed on the signal by the antenna, antenna cable,
and by the cables that connect the HU to the EBTS.
3. Determine the amount of gain required to raise the revers e path signal to the le vel required
at the EBTS.
4. Click on the HOST RF tab. The HOST RF display will open within the EMS main
window as shown in Figure 3-12.
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 3: Operation
Click Edit button to
open the Host Rev Att
pop-up screen
Figure 3-12. HOST RF Display
5. Click on the Host Rev Att field Edit button (see Figure 3-12). The Host Rev Att pop-up
screen will open as shown in Figure 3-13.
Figure 3-13. Host Rev Att Pop-Up Screen
6. Enter the attenuation value that will provide the required gain. Refer to Table 3-3 for the
attenuation values and the corresponding gain (nominal) values.
7. Click OK to close the pop-up screen and to make the changes take effect.
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 3: Operation
Table 3-3. Reverse Path Attenuation Setting and Nominal Gain Provided
0 dB →30 dB 11 dB →19 dB22 dB →8 dB
1 dB29 dB12 dB18 dB23 dB7 dB
2 dB28 dB13 dB17 dB24 dB6 dB
3 dB27 dB14 dB16 dB25 dB5 dB
4 dB26 dB15 dB15 dB26 dB4 dB
5 dB25 dB16 dB14 dB27 dB3 dB
6 dB24 dB17 dB13 dB28 dB2 dB
7 dB23 dB18 dB12 dB29 dB1 dB
8 dB22 dB19 dB11 dB30 dB0 dB
9 dB21 dB20 dB10 dB31 dB–1 dB
10 dB20 dB219 dB
2.9Enter Host Forward and Reverse Delay
The forward and reverse delay function allows entry of from 0 to 63 µsec of delay in the
forward and reverse path s. This featu re is used when mu ltiple sys tems are used to tran sport th e
same channel and the re is a significant differenc e in the path delay betwe en s ystems. Additional
delay may be e ntered to balance the overall system delay. The amount of delay requir ed must be
calculated by the RF engineer and should be included in the system design plan. The default
setting is 0 µsec. Use the following procedure to change the forward and reverse path delay:
1. Click on the HOST RF tab. The HOST RF display will open within the EMS main
window as shown in Figure 3-14.
2. Click on the Host Fwd D elay field Edit button (see Figure 3-14). T he Host Fwd Delay
pop-up screen will open as shown in Figure 3-15.
3. Obtain the value of the forward delay as specified in the system design plan. The delay is
adjustable in 0.1 µsec steps.
4. Enter the forward path delay value and click OK to close the pop-up screen and to make
the changes take effect.
5. Repeat the pr ocess for reverse delay by right-clicking on the appropriate delay section (see
Figure 3-14) and then entering the required delay value in the pop- up screen.
6. Click OK to close each pop-up screen and to make the changes take effect.
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 4: maintenance
This section explains the Digivance system f ault detection and alarm reporting system, provides
a method for isolating and troubleshooting faults, and provides test procedures. The Digivance
system requires minimal regular maintenance to insure continuous and satisfactory operation.
Components that require regular replacement, cleaning, or testing include the HU fans, STM
fan, LPA fa ns, RU cabinet air-filter, and RU back- up battery.
Maintenance also includes diagnosing and correcting service problems as they occur. When an
alarm is repo rted, it will be necessary to follow a systemat ic troubleshooting procedure to locate
the problem. Once the source of the problem is isolated, the appropriate correctiv e action can be
taken to restore service. The only internal components that can be replaced are the cooling fans
which mount in the HU, RU, and LPA. The failure of any other internal component will require
replacem ent of the en ti re uni t.
1.1Tools and Materials
The followi ng tools and materials are required in order to complete the maintenanc e proc edures
specified in this section:
•ESD wrist strap
• IR filtering saf ety glasses
• Patch cords with SC connectors
• 15 dB in-line SC optical attenuator s
• Optical power meter (15 50 and 1310 nm)
• TORX screwd river (with T10 b it)
• Battery maintenance tools (see PRC-SERIES OPERATING AND FIELD SERVICE
MANUAL for tool recommenda tions)
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 4: maintenance
The Digivance LRCS on-board embedded software de tects various unit and system faults which
generate et her a Maj or or M inor a larm. A Major alarm indicates that the syst em has failed in a
way that directly affects RF transport performance. When a major alarm occurs, all RF
functions are disabled and the system is out of service. A Minor alarm means that system
performance is not affected or in some cases, that the performance may no longer be optimal.
When a minor alarm occurs, RF functions continue and the system remains in service.
The following means are used to report Major and Minor alarms:
• HU alarm cont acts
• HU, STM, and LP A front panel LED’ s
• EMS soft ware G ra phi ca l Us er Int erfac e (G U I)
• Network Operations Center - Network Element Manager (NOC/NEM) interface
• SNMP interface
The HU is equipped with a set of both normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC) alarm
contacts which may be used to report both Major and Minor al arms to an exter nal alarm system.
The alarm cont acts summarize the i nputs so that any Major or Minor ala rm will trigger an a larm
repo r t to the external a larm system .
The HU, STM, and LPA front panel LED indicators show status and alarm information by
displaying various colors: Green, Red, Yellow, and Off. In addition to LED indicators, the 35
Watt LPA is also equipped with a Digital Display that provides text messages. A description of
the Host Unit, Spectrum Transport Module, and 35 Watt LPA LED indicators is provided
resp e ctively in Table 4-1, Table 4-2, and Table 4-3.
The EMS software GUI provides both a summary and a detailed list of alarm information that
includes unit and module level faults, circuit faults, and measured value faults such as voltages,
RF power, and temp erature. A s ummary showin g a list of all systems a nd their curre nt alarm
status is presented through the Alarm OverView display. A more detailed list of alarm
information is presente d through the HOST alarm display and the REMOTE alar m display. The
various fault conditions that trigger a major or minor alarm report are shown in the HOST and
REMOTE alarm dis pla y s.
The NOC/NEM interface provides the same summary and detailed listing of alarm information
as the EMS software GUI but in an ASCII text string format. Sending the command GET
ALARMSUMMARY produces a list of all systems and their current alarm status. Sending the
command GET ALARM ALL for a specific system will produce a detailed list of alarm
information for the specified system.
The SNMP interface provides alarm information to up to ten SNMP managers which must be
register ed with the SNMP agent. The SNMP interfac e allo ws the SNMP managers to rece iv e the
alarm and status information generated by the host and remote units. The presentation of the
alarm information is depe ndent on the features of the SNMP manager.
ADCP-75-179 • Preliminary Issue A • September 2004 • Section 4: maintenance
Table 4-1. Host Unit LED Indicators
Indica tes if the HU is p owered or un- pow e red .
The DC power source is on.
The DC power source is off.
Indicates if the system is in the standby, normal, test, or
program load mode.
Green (blinking)
Yellow (blinking)
Red (blinking)
The HU is in the standby m ode.
The HU is in the program loa d mode.
The HU is in the test mode .
The HU is in the normal mode.
Indicates if the HU is normal, over temperature, if an
internal fault is detected, or if there is an equipment mismatch.
DRIVE 851–869
DRIVE 935–940
(PORT 1/P ORT 2)
The HU is normal.
The HU is over temperature or d etects an internal fault.
The HU detects an internal fault or HU/RU band mismatch.
Indicates if an alarm is detected at the RU.
No alarms detected at the RU.
A minor alarm is detected at the RU.
A major alarm is detected at the RU.
Indicates if the specified forward path RF si gnal level is
norma l, abov e overdrive thresh o l d , or bel ow un derdrive
The RF signal level is normal
The RF signal level is belo w the underdrive threshold.
The RF si g nal level is above the overdrive th r esho ld .
Indicates if the reverse path optical signals fr om the STM
are normal, if errors are detected, or if the optical signal is
not detected.
The reverse path optical signals are normal.
Excessive errors (see Note) are detected in the reverse path
optical s ignals or t he HU is not rece ivi ng a rev er se pa th optic al
Note: Excessive erro rs means the Bit Error Rate (BER) has exceeded 10