① Click on the desired color on the color ring (or drag the white knob
onto the desired color).
② Input the RGB values directly (or drag the white knobs corresponding
to R, G, B, S). S is color saturation.
③ Input HEX value directly
Area 3: Five preset colors
Area 4: LED On/Off switch
Area 5: Brightness adjustment
After achieving the desired settings, click “Apply” to save.
3. Lighting Effect ─ Breathing
Area 1: Click on the desired LED (“LED 1 to LED 8”) to be adjusted. To sync
all the LEDs with “LED 1” click “Sync to LED 1.”
Area 2: Adjust colors as follows:
① Click on the desired color on the color ring (or drag the white knob
onto the desired color).
② Input the RGB values directly (or drag the white knobs corresponding
to R, G, B, S). S is color saturation.
③ Input HEX value directly
Area 3: Five preset colors
Area 4: LED On/Off switch
Area 5: Brightness adjustment
Area 6: Light effect speed adjustment. To speed up adjust the knob to the
left and vice versa to slow down.
After achieving the desired settings, click “Apply” to save.