So you've designed a microcontroller board that runs CircuitPython and you would like to show it off to
the world by adding it to the circuitpython.org (https://adafru.it/EFq) website? We can show you how.
Or perhaps you now have Blinka running on your Linux-based Single Board Computer (SBC) and want to
share that to everyone? We can show you how to do that too.
There are two sections where you can add boards. The first is the downloads page for microcontrollers
running CircuitPython and that will not only show off the details of your board, but provide links to
download the latest stable and development releases of CircuitPython.
The other section is the Blinka page which house all of the boards that support Blinka, which is our
CircuitPython library compatibility layer for SBCs and Python 3. This page allows your to display all of the
stats for your board as well as point to a guide for setting up Blinka on your board.
The Process
Either way, the process is about the same. Adding a board to the circuitpython.org website is easy and
only requires three images and one Markdown or MD file per board.
Getting setup is very easy. The first thing you'll need to do is head over to Github and create a fork. If you
would like more information, be sure to check out our Contribute to CircuitPython with Git and
GitHub (https://adafru.it/Dkh) guide.
The repository to create a fork of is https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython-org (https://adafru.it/Fno).
Once you create a fork, you will need to clone it with git and you will have access to all of the source files
for the website.
Let's continue with preparing our images!