Acuson Sequoia System Architecture User manual

Overview 5-4
Objective 5-4 Purpose 5-4 Instructions 5-4
System Architecture 5-5
System Chassis 5-5 Basic System Architecture 5-6
Coherent Imageformer 5-7 Multiple Beamformation 5-7 Coherent Imageformer PCBs 5-7
Theory of Operation 5-8
Transmission 5-8 Reception 5-9
Transmitter Board 5-11
TX3 5-11 Function 5-11 Troubleshooting Hints 5-11
Multiplexer Board 5-12
MX2/3 5-12 Function 5-12 Troubleshooting Hints 5-12
Receiver Board 5-13
RX 5-13 Function 5-13 Troubleshooting Hints 5-13 RI Board 5-14
Beamformer Board 5-15
BF3 5-15 Function 5-15 Troubleshooting Hints 5-15
Controller Board 5-16
CN2/3 5-16 Function 5-16 Troubleshooting Hints 5-16
DIMAQ Integrated Ultrasound Workstation 5-17
The DIMAQ Workstation PCBs 5-17
Module 5 - System Architecture Acuson Confidential
Theory of Operation 5-18 Acquisition and Preprocessing 5-18 Reconstruction 5-18 Video Conversions 5-18 DIMAQ Workstation Subsystem Control 5-18 System Supervisory Processor 5-18 Scan Formats 5-19 User Interface 5-19
Color and Spectral Doppler Board 5-22
CSD1/2 5-22 Function 5-22 Spectral and Audio Processing 5-22 Color Doppler Processing 5-22 Troubleshooting Hints 5-22
BDM Board 5-23
BDM1/2 5-23 Function 5-23 SMM Processor 5-23
Reconstruction and Display Processor Board 5-24
RDP2/5 5-24 Function 5-24 SSP 5-24 Troubleshooting Hints 5-24
Input/Output Video Board 5-25
IOV1/2 5-25 Function 5-25 Troubleshooting Hints 5-25
Input/ Output Expansion Board 5-26
IOE3 5-26 Function 5-26 Troubleshooting Hints 5-26
Peripheral Interface Controller Board 5-27
PIC1/2 5-27 Function 5-27 Troubleshooting Hints 5-27
Physio Interface Module 5-28
FIZ 5-28 Function 5-28 Troubleshooting Hints 5-28
Front Panel Processor Board 5-29
FPP 5-29 Function 5-29 Troubleshooting Hints 5-29
2-D/ M-Mode Signal Flow 5-30
Transmission 5-30
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Acuson Confidential
Reception 5-30 Reconstruction and Display 5-30
Solo™ Spectral Doppler Signal Flow 5-33
Doppler Theory 5-33 Pulse Wave Doppler 5-33 Nyquist Limit 5-33 High PRF 5-33 Continuous Wave Doppler 5-33 Solo™ Spectral Doppler 5-34 Display 5-34 Audio 5-34
Color Doppler Signal Flow 5-35
Color Doppler 5-35 SST™ Color Doppler 5-35
ECG/Physio Signal Flow 5-37
DIMAQ System Store and Review 5-38
Acquisition 5-38 Review 5-38
VCR Playback 5-40
Acquisition 5-40 Playback 5-40
Worksheet: System Architecture 5-41
S. Williams July 1999 Incorporate reviewer comments
A3210 59155 Rev. 1 J. Madarasz S. Williams Dec. 2000 Initial Release
P/N 59155 Rev. 1 Sequoia Service Training Manual Module 5- 3
Module 5 - System Architecture Acuson Confidential


OBJECTIVE To explain the signal paths for different the Sequoia system
ultrasound modalities and board functions, in order for Customer Engineers, International Distributors and BioMed Engineers to troubleshoot a Sequoia sy stem problem.
PURPOSE Troubleshooting a Sequoia system at a customer site can be a
demanding task. Most of the time, isolating the cause of a failure is an easy task using the state-of-the-art service diagnostic software. However, occasionally the failure symptom must be related to th e function of a specific board. Following the signal path for the modality can also be a useful tool in such a situa tion.
INSTRUCTIONS 1 Listen to the presentation.
2 Read the module. 3 Answer the questions in the worksheet provided at the end of the
Module 5-4 Sequoia Service Training Manual P/N 59155 Rev. 1

Acuson Confidential System Architecture

SYSTEM CHASSIS The Sequoia system consists of a card cage with a capacity for up to
15 printed circuit boards (PCB), plus the backplane. Access to the PCBs is available by removing the right side cover and removing the shielding cover from the card cage.
CAUTION! The Sequoia system contains numerous devices sensitive to
electrostatic discharge (ESD). Failure to observe strict ESD prevention procedures may damage components. Access to internal assemblies is restricted to Acuson trained service personnel only.
T ransducers are plugged directly into the system via the MX board. Depending on the system configuration, up to three 128-element transducers or one 256-element transducer and two 128-element transducers may be connected at one time. The right transducer connector only supports a 256-element transducer on the Sequoia 512 system.
The DC power is supplied to the chassis from a single power supply located at the rear of the chassis, behind the service access cover. Power connections to the printed circuit boards are made via the backplane of the card cage. See the Following Power Distribution module for more detail.
Voltages present within the Sequoia system are capable of causing injury or death. Access to internal assemblies is restricted to Acuson trained service personnel.
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Module 5 - System Architecture Acuson Confidential
Sequoia system technology represents the most fundamental and far-reaching advance in ultrasound technology since the advent of Computed Sonography in 1983. It incorporates four foundation technologies that produce dramatic image quality, performance, and functionality improvements in all mode s of operation. The system architecture can be divided into three major subsystems:
Coherent Imageformer
•DIMAQ workstation
Power Subsystem Figure 5-1 illustrates the basic Sequoia system architecture.
Audio FRQ
Spectral Beamformer
Digital Receive
Xmt/Rcv Switching
Imageformer Subsystem
2-D M-mode
System Supervision
AEGIS system &
DIMAQ Integrated Workstation
Power Subsystem
Main Power Supply
Figure 5-1 Basic System Architecture of Sequoia System
Module 5-6 Sequoia Service Training Manual P/N 59155 Rev. 1

Acuson Confidential Coherent Imageformer


The Coherent Imageformer subsystem performs three primary functions. These are:
Transmission of focused ultrasound energy
Receive and process of back scattered ultrasound energy
Control of transmit and receive parameters to sweep the
ultrasound beams through the field of view
The Coherent Imageformer performs these functions by setting the phase and amplitude parameters for each transmit/r eceive element in the transducer. Sophisticated computer control of these parameters provides extensive flexibility in controlling the transmitted ultrasound beam and processing the back-scattered energy picked up by each transducer element.
The Multiple Beamformer is a new beamformer architecture that utilizes up to 512 digital processing channels. This unique architecture:
Processes phase and amplitude
Acquires multiple beams simultaneously to capture
Acquires multiple beams in the same amount of time that a single beamformer acquires a single beam


The high-speed data acquisition generated by multiple beamformers translates directly into significantly higher frame rates, higher spatial resolution and increased sensitivity in 2-D and Color Doppler imaging modes.
Phase information is utilized by the Coherent Imageformer to acquire additional information that cannot be done without the use of phase.
Five major board types make up the Coherent Imageformer. Each of these boards performs specific functions in the formation of an ultrasound image cell.
Transmitter Board TX Multiplexer Board MX Receiver Board RX Beamformer Board BF Controller Board CN
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Module 5 - System Architecture Acuson Confidential


TRANSMISSION All Coherent Imageformer functions are controlled by the
Controller board (CN). Data regarding the type of ultrasound information to acquire, (e.g., 2-D mode, Color, Pulse Doppler, Depth of Scan, Power to use, etc.) are passed to the CN board on the system control bus.
The CN then passes parameter data to the transmitter boards on the Imageformer bus. In addition, configuration data is also passed to the Multiplexer (MX) and Receiver (RX) boards.
The Tr ansmitter (TX) boards use this data to determine the pulse characteristics and time delay requir ed. The digital pulse waveform is passed to a D/A converter, which creates the analog wave used to drive a high voltage amplifier. This amplifier output drives the transducer piezoelectric-crystal element. Two TX boards may be used to process a total of 512 digital processing channels. The high voltage pulses from the TX board are passed to the Multiplexer board (MX).
The MX board switches the transmit pulses to the appropriate transducer element, based upon the transducer(s) connected and the scan format used.
Each transducer consists of a number of piezoelectric-crystal elements. A piezoelectric-crystal element changes spatially when a voltage is applied across it. On receiving a high-frequency electric wave, the piezoelectric-crystal element vibrates and creates a high­frequency ultrasound wave.
The ultrasound wave propagates into the tissue of the patient being scanned. Wherever there is a change in the acoustic impedance, such as the interface between dissimilar tissues, a portion of the ultrasound wave is reflected. The magnitude of the reflected wave is a function of the difference in acoustic impedance between the tissues.
Module 5-8 Sequoia Service Training Manual P/N 59155 Rev. 1
Acuson Confidential Theory of Operation
RECEPTION Immediately after transmitting the ultrasound wave, the system
begins acquiring echo data. A piezoelectric-crystal element not only changes geometry when a voltage is applied, it also creates an electric charge when the geometry of the element is mechanically changed. The ultrasound echo data returning from the patient excites the piezoelectric-crystal elements. The crystals output a small electric signal that is proportional to the amplitude of the received ultrasoun d waves.
The MX board r outes these i n dividual s ignal s to th e Recei ver bo ard (RX). The RX board provides initial amplification of the echo data. The signals are processed for gain and then passed to the Beamformer board (BF), where apodization occurs. The RX board also creates the clock signals used to synchronize system operations.
During spectral Doppler operation, the Doppler data is passed to the Spectral Doppler Preprocessor located on the RX board. The PW Doppler data is sampled only at the range gate. CW Doppler data is acquired from the entire sample line. The Doppler data is then processed and the quadrature data I&Q derived. The I&Q data are then digitized and placed on the RX I/Q data path for processing and display by the DIMAQ workstation.
The Beamformer board (BF) rece ives the back-scatter ed echoes from each receive channel. By processing echoes from numerous transducer arrays, the BF defines a series of coherently-focused image cells.
Two BF boards may be used to process four different ultrasound beams utilizing a total of 512 digital processing channels.
Figure 5-2 diagrams the Imageformer functions.
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Module 5 - System Architecture Acuson Confidential
DIMAQ Work­station
Control & Calibration
To DIMAQ Work­station
Figure 5-2 Imageformer Block Diagram
Module 5-10 Sequoia Service Training Manual P/N 59155 Rev. 1

Acuson Confidential Transmitter Board

Part Number TX2 35282 Part Number TX3 39142
Quantity Cardiology: 1, Radiology: 2 Power Supplies +5 VDC, +5.5 VDC, -5.7 VDC, Signals In TX Apodization, TX Delay Signals Out TX Signal (1-64)
FUNCTION The Transmitter board (TX) provides the electrical signal used to
drive the piezoelectric elements in the transducer. The TX is controlled by the Controller board (CN) via the IAB bus. Apodization and delay parameters are passed to the TX by separate signal lines.
The programmable wave generator (PWG) ASIC generates a digital transmit waveform for up to four beams.
±12 VDC; Vxmt
The pulse parameters are specified for each transducer element based on the ultrasound line being fired. The parameters are converted to an analog signal, which is used to drive a high voltage amplifier. The high voltage amplifier uses the output from the Programmable Power Supply (PPS). The PPS is set by software to a given voltage based on the ultraso und line being fired. The high­voltage transmit pulses for each transducer element are then passed to the MX board.
Failures of the TX board are most likely to interrupt a single transmitter channel only. This is unlikely to be visually perceptible. If problems are suspected, replace the board to check for image improvement.
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Module 5 - System Architecture Acuson Confidential



Part Number MX2 Cardiology: 39052, Radi ology: 36262 Part Number MX3 Cardiology: 50642; Radi ology: 39132
Quantity One Power Supplies +5.5 VDC; Signals In TX Signal (64 or 128 channels), TX Off, Control
Signals Out MX Signal (64 or 128 channels)
FUNCTION The Multiplexer board (MX) provides the electrical connection
between the Imageformer and the transducers supported by the Sequoia system.
The MX board has three functions:
±12 VDC; ±100 V


To switch the electrical transmit pulse from a selected transmitter channel to the appropriate transducer element.
To switch the appropriate transducer element to the proper receive channel.
Provide a signal path for calibration signals generated by a selected transmitter channel to be monitored by a selected receive channel.
The MX board is controlled by the Controller board (CN) via the MX/RX Bus. The CN configures the MX based upon the transducer(s) connected and selected.
Calibration signals may be passed from the Transmitter board (TX) to the Receiver board (RX) via the MX board. If a transmit or receive channel fails diagnostics and replacement of the board does not correct the problem, it is possible that the MX is not providing the necessary signal path.
Module 5-12 Sequoia Service Training Manual P/N 59155 Rev. 1

Acuson Confidential Receiver Boa rd

Part Number RX2 Cardiology: 39052, Radiology: 32012 Part Number RX4 Cardiology: 51642; Radiology: 51562
Quantity One Power Supplies +5.5 VDC; -5.7 VDC; Signals In MX Signal (64, or 128) Signals Out RX Signal, RX I/Q, Master System Clocks
FUNCTION The Receiver board (RX) operates in two ways, depending upon the
type of ultrasound data being processed. When a 2-D, F-mode or M­mode ultrasound line is being processed, the receive signal from MX for each channel is acquired and passes through circuitry that amplifies and preprocesses it. The signal is then passed to the Beamformer board (BF) for construction of an image cell.
±12 VDC
When PW Doppler or CW Doppler data is being acquired, the data path is quite different. The Doppler data is amplified and preprocessed based on range gate position (PW), or acquired over the entire sample line (CW). The Doppler signals are then shifted temporally to create a coherent ultrasound image cell.
The temporally shifted Doppler data is summed and passed to the Color Spectral Doppler board (CSD) for conversion from time domain to the frequency domain.
The RX board also generates the master clock signals used by the system to synchronize operations.
The RX board is the point in the system where 2-D, F-mode, and M-mode signal processing diverge from PW Doppler and CW Doppler signal processing. For this reason, it is valuable to check each mode to see if symptoms that appear are present in each.
For instance, if a 2-D image has noise artifacts in one area of the image, then placing the PW Doppler cursor in that area provides an important troubleshooting clue. If the noise is present in both modes, then it is being introduced at RX board, or earlier in the processing path (e.g., RX, MX, TX, Power Supplies). If the noise is only in PW Doppler then it is being introduced in the RX boa rd or later in the PW signal path (e.g., RX, CSD).
Failures of the RX board are most likely to interrupt a single signal path to/from the transducer. This is not visually perceptible. If problems are suspected, replace the board to check for image improvement.
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Module 5 - System Architecture Acuson Confidential
Failure of the clocks causes the system to stop executing the boot sequence. The system display and boot appear “dead.”
RI BOARD The Receiver Interconnect board or RI is located on top of the MX
and RX boards in the cardcage. The main functions of this board are:
Connects the signal from MX board to the RX board
Passes clock signal to the MX board
Two versions of the RI boards are available. P/N 31992 is used on Sequoia 512 ultr asound syst ems, and P /N 35662 is used for Seq uoia 256 echocardiography systems.
Module 5-14 Sequoia Service Training Manual P/N 59155 Rev. 1
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