Activeforever HealthCraft PT Rail for Bathroom Safety User Manual

P.T. Rail
The “Patient Transfer” Rail
Thank you for investing in your independence with HealthCraft Products. Be certain to read & understand these instructions prior to using your new P.T. Rail Rail is properly assembled, installed, operated, and
. It is your responsibility to see that your P.T.
cared for. Failure to follow these instructions could result in injury. The P.T. Rail should only be installed in areas where
the mounting surface is structurally sound. If you are not equipped to undertake the outlined work we recommend that you have your P.T. Rail installed by
a qualified contractor. The P.T. Rail, ( or P.T. Rail Mast) must be secured to wall (or floor) with fasteners appropriate to the structural material. Fasteners must be rated for certain retention force each for maximum weight capacity (see within for recommendations). Mounting fasteners should be inspected monthly and tightened if necessary. is capable of
P.T. Rail
supporting a maximum suggested user weight of 350lbs/160kg. NOTE - Due to variances in needs, materials and local construction methods, the information contained within concerning mounting location, fasteners and wall fabrication is provided as suggestion only. Consult the appropriate local professionals for best advice.
Hinged Model, Right Side (PT-WRxxR)
Fixed Model, Right Side PT-FIXxxR
Fixed Model, Left Side PT-FIXxxL
28”, 32”/
710, 810 mm
Hinged Model, shown on optional Floor Mast
5.5”/ 140mm
4.5”/ 115mm
1-1/2”/ 38mm
Installation NotesInstallation Notes
We strongly recommend that you give some thought as to the optimal location of your PT-Rails before installation. The
W= 28-32” (71-81 cm)
following suggestions are offered for your consideration, however, it is recommended to consider advice from the appropriate healthcare professional for locating of any support rail. The PT Rails may be installed on only one side or, more typically, both sides of a toilet. The PT Rail(s) typically provide(s) most optimal support with a height to top rail (H) of between 32-34” (81-86 cm), or more in some
Right Side Model
Left Side Model
H= 32 - 34”
( 81-86 cm)
In the case of two PT Rails being installed, one on each side of the toilet, a suggested width between top rails (W) would be in the range of 28 - 32” (71-81 cm). Always ensure that the proposed location of your PT Rail will not obstruct access to other parts of the bathroom. For folding models, ensure that the space above the rail is clear to permit folding.
Copyright 2003, Specifications subject to change without notice.
Installation Suggestions - Frame & Wallboard WallInstallation Suggestions - Frame & Wallboard Wall
NOTE: Due to variances in local construction methods, and materials used, details given below are
suggestions only.
Consult the appropriate local contractor for specific advice. For concrete walls, you may be able to install fasteners (such as a wedge anchor) directly into the concrete wall without modification.
1. Choose optimal mounting
location of rail including height (H) and side to side location (L). Mark the height and location on the wall for future reference.
Wood Screws
Back view, inside wall
4. Insert support
frame structure through hole in wall and secure uprights to wall studs using a generous amount of wood screws.
5. Hold the PT Rail against
the support frame to confirm your support frame cross members are in the correct location.
2. Find wall support studs & cut
hole in wall board to expose wall studs. Suggested hole size is height (A) of 18-24+”(48-61cm) and width (B) corresponding to wall stud spacing. Expose half width of each stud to facilitate re­installation of wall board patch.
(* Take care not for any utilities located in wall!)
6. Ensure your “H” and “L”
locations are marked on the wall. Then, patch the wall cutout to match the surrounding wall.
3. Fabricate a support frame structure from suitable wood
pieces as shown above. Support frame width (D) should fit snugly within wall studs. Support frame height (E) should be from 24-32” (61-81cm) high or more, depending on material and stiffness of wall studs. Locate top cross member (F) to position in line with top fastener holes when rail is located at the height (H). Lower cross member should be spaced at C= 8”(20cm) from top cross member. Use a generous quantity of wood screws and glue to hold the support frame structure together as shown.
7. Install the PT Rail in the noted location using the previously recorded height
and location marks. Use fasteners of sufficient strength:
200 lbs/90kg user - 330lbs/150 kg rated fastener (1/4” dia wood lag*) 350 lbs/160kg user - 580lbs/263 kg rated fastener (5/16” dia wood lag*)
(* suggestion only based on min 2.5”/6.3 cm thread engagement in quality wood in pre-drilled pilot hole ­b)ased on full weight of user near end of one rail only
Alternative 1 - Multi-layer Plywood inside wall with wallboard patch (Top view)
Back of wall (can insert structure from this side too)
Generous amounts of wood screws & glue
Multi layers of 3/4” plywood (approx 24”+ high)
2” x 2” nom. Stud (approx 36” high)
Wall Stud
3/4” plywood
Wallboard patch
Wood Lag Screw
1/4” or 5/16” hex cap head wood lag screw (Stainless)
P.T. Rail Wall Plate
Quality Wood Frame Structure
washer (stainless)
** drill pilot hole!
2.5"/6.3 cm minimum thread engagement
Alternative 2 - Multi-layer Plywood inside wall with multilayer plywood covering hole in wall (Top View)
Wall Stud
Trim moulding
Generous amounts of wood screws & glue
Back of wall
Multi layers of 3/4” plywood (approx 24”+ high)
Multi-layer 3/4” wall patch
Wall board, or stiff wood spacer
2” x 2” nom. Stud (approx 36” high)
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