Easy Risers
To Mount Easy Risers:
1.) For chairs, couches & love seats, always place the smaller cones under the front legs of your furniture
and the larger cones under the back legs. For large based furniture, furniture with a wooden rail, or for
added strength, safety and stability
mend the permanent mount. We have included four (4) adapters. (see Exhibit “A”) (see application “c”)
2.) Three different mounting applications are possible, free standing, semi-permanent or permanent. The
method you select will be up to your own discretion.
a.] Free Standing
application works well when a temporary solution (such as traveling) is necessary.
b.] Semi-permanent
adapters into the legs. (screws included) Once the adapters are on, they should fit nicely into the top recess of the Easy Risers.
c.] Permanent
through the Easy Risers themselves by tipping them upside down and drilling right through the center of
the cone. (There is already an indentation there for you) Drop the adapter into the recess at the top of the
Riser and place the adapter against the furniture leg. Screw through the Easy Riser and the adapter into
the leg. (The small cones require the 2 longer screws)
: place the leg of the piece of furniture into the recess at the top of the Easy Riser. This
: use a 7/64” bit to drill pilot holes approximately 3/4 inch deep into the leg. Screw the
: use a 7/64” bit to drill pilot holes approximately 1/2 inch deep into the leg. Drill a hole
on furniture where the legs fit directly into the Easy Risers, we recom-
We recommend using the adapters or mounting the Easy Risers solid wherever possible
for added strength, safety and stability.
SAFETY PRECAUTION: Regardless of whether or not the Easy Risers are permanently
mounted, NEVER
IMPORTANT! If the legs on your furniture are angled, drill the pilot hole at the proper an-
gle so that when your furniture is sitting upright, the adapter will sit flat on the floor.
Once the Easy Risers have been mounted, they should sit flat on the floor. (If needed,
you can loosen the screw just a little to allow the adapter to swivel enough to fit squarely
into the Easy Riser. (see exhibit “A”)
attempt to move furniture while someone is seated.