Activeforever Bed Buddy Back Wrap User Manual

Microwave BED BUDDY for
1 minute and 15 seconds
at standard power. DO
unattended while heating.
Product # - BBF5085
• Microwave heating times vary – DO NOT overheat. DO NOT use convec­tion function of your microwave oven.
• Always heat on clean empty microwave safe dish. Lay fl at and distribute contents of BED BUDDY evenly lengthwise.
• ALWAYS touch-test by shifting contents to check for hot spots before use.
• If higher heat is required, continue microwaving in 15 second intervals – repeat above.
• Continually shift the position of the BED BUDDY when in use.
• NEVER place a heated BED BUDDY over the eyes.
• Never wash this BED BUDDY product. Wipe with a damp cloth only and let dry thoroughly.
• DO NOT use this product on persons with nerve damage, circulatory problems, sensitive skin, or with damaged or broken skin; or on persons unable to remove this product such as infants, children, and some older persons.
• Consult physician before use if pregnant or any medical conditions exist.
DO NOT exceed 2 minutes total heating time.