Streaming Explorer User’s Manual
Streaming Explorer is a Web tool used to manage devices remotely. The Functions provided
include Connection, PTZ, DI/DO, Motion, Camera Settings and Preview.
Fig. 1 Streaming Explorer
To use streaming explorer, you should first configure connection settings and connect to the device.
Then you can just enable all the other functions, including Preview, PTZ, DIO, Motion and camera
setting adjustments.
Note: Not every device supports all the functions. For functions or commands not supported by the
particular device, you will not be able to use them.
Streaming Explorer connects to devices through Internet Explorer. Before using Streaming explorer,
be sure to update the ActiveX Control you use by running the setup.bat that comes with the file.
This batch file will register the proper controls to your system, so that you may access the devices

Streaming Explorer User’s Manual
This section describes how to connect to your device. Before you successfully connect to the
device, only the „Connect‟ page will be shown.
Connection setting
The first step is filling up all the fields and connecting to camera/video server.
Fig. 2 Connection Setting
1. Media Type: Please select the corresponding media type according to the device.
i. HTTP with control
ii. HTTP without control
iii. RTSP with control
iv. RTSP without control
v. TCP with control
vi. TCP without control (default)
2. Camera IP: Enter the IP address of camera/video server. Default value: Please note that domain names are not supported in this field.

Streaming Explorer User’s Manual
3. User Name: Enter user name to login camera/ video server with. Default value:
4. Password: Enter password. Default value: 123456
5. HTTP Port: Enter the HTTP port number of the device. Default value: 80
6. Register Port: Enter the Registration port number of the device. Default value: 6000
7. Control Port: Enter the Control port number of the device. Default value: 6001.
8. Streaming Port: Enter the Streaming port number of the device. Default value: 6002.
9. RTSP Port: Enter the RSTP port number of the device. Default value: 7070
10. Channel No: Enter the channel number on the video server that user wishes to
connect. Default value: 1.
11. URI Path: When select media type HTTP or RTSP (media type is 7, 8, 10 or 12), user
needs to enter URI Path to communicate with device especially when user uses other
than ACTi cameras/video.
(For example:
Complete Path:
URI Path will be: cgi-bin/videoconfiguration.cgi)
12. Connection Timeout: Enter the maximum amount of time before connection is
considered to have timed out. For example: If we set it to 3 seconds, the maximum
timeout value is 3 seconds. Default value: 5 second.
13. Stream Setting: For devices that support dual stream, select Media 1 or 2 to connect
to. Default setting is none, which means that the media to connect is determined by the
Channel No.
If you select media 1 or media 2 from the drop down list, Channel no. will automatically be set
as the stream number, and will be grayed out as read only info.
14. Connect: Click this button to connect to device and start to preview. If user is not currently
connected, then “Disconnect”, “Full screen”, “Mute Off” and “Mute On” BTNs will be disabled
15. Disconnect: Click this button to disconnect with device.
16. Full Screen: Click this button to change preview window to full screen.
17. Mute Off: Click this button to turn the audio on
18. Mute On: Click this button to turn the audio off (It is the default setting of Preview)
Take Snapshot
Once you can connect to the device, you will see Snapshot tab appear and take snapshot for the
live video. Fill in the snapshot saving path and click “Take Snapshot” to execute it immediately.

Streaming Explorer User’s Manual
Save Setting
As you can connect to only one device at a time yet may need to switch connection among several
cameras, we allow you to save the settings. Next time, when you want to connect again, just load
the settings before connecting and you will get all previous settings back, including all connection
settings and PTZ configurations.
Fig. 3 Save Connection Setting
1. Connection Set: When user wants to save connection settings, select one of three set
number to save.
2. Set Name: Enter the name of the connection
If the field is left blank when you click „Save Setting‟ button, the connection setting will be cleared.
3. Save Setting: Click this button to save setting in the selected connection set.