ACTi Edge Recorder User Manual V1.0.03

ACTi Edge Recorder Client
(For Windows)
User’s Manual
For V1.0.03 Version
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
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versions are provided as a convenience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translations of any other languages are not legally binding.
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ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
Table of Contents
1 Legal Notice 2
Disclaimer ............................................................................................. 2
Copyright ............................................................................................. 2
Trademarks ............................................................................................ 2
2 Table of Contents 3
3 Introduction 5
Product Overview .................................................................................. 5
System Requirements ............................................................................ 6
4 Getting Started 7
Connections ........................................................................................... 7
ERC Client Program Installation ............................................................ 8
Log in to ERC ....................................................................................... 10
Add Devices ......................................................................................... 11
Auto Device Search ..................................................................... 12
Add Device Manually ................................................................... 13
5 Live View 15
Live Screen Overview .......................................................................... 15
Add Device View to Channels ............................................................. 16
Take a Snapshot .................................................................................. 18
Trigger DO Devices .............................................................................. 19
Send Audio Signal ............................................................................... 20
Digital PTZ Navigation ........................................................................ 21
Optical PTZ Navigation ....................................................................... 22
Fisheye Camera Dewarping Option .................................................... 23
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
6 Setup 25
Manage the Devices ............................................................................ 25
Configure Device Video Settings ................................................. 27
Fine-tune the Image .................................................................... 29
Configure Motion Settings ........................................................... 32
Configure PTZ Settings ............................................................... 34
Configure Local Storage Settings ....................................................... 37
Browse the Saved Recordings ............................................................. 39
Manage User Accounts ....................................................................... 41
Display Performance Setting Location ................................................ 42
OSD Settings ........................................................................................ 43
OSD Setting ................................................................................. 43
Event OSD Setting ...................................................................... 44
Exported File Location ........................................................................ 45
7 Playback 46
Search and Play Video Recordings ...................................................... 46
Export Video ........................................................................................ 49
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
Product Overview
ACTi cameras with the local storage compatibility can take over the recording service which is mainly performed on NVR server by storing the recordings at the edge. Along with Edge Recorder Client application, ACTi offers an ideal solution to a small system limited by budget or bandwidth.
ACTi Edge Recorder Client (hereafter referred to as ERC) is a light video surveillance solution which supports live monitoring of up to sixteen (16) channels. It makes building up a surveillance system as cost-effective and simple as possible with these features: (1) No channel license required (2) No central recording server needed (3) High quality images H.264 video streaming (4) One-click installation (5) Auto-device search upon starting up
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
PC Spec
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz
Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz
4GB (*2)
Operation System
Windows 7, Windows 8,
Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 (*3)
Screen Resolution
Ethernet 1000 Base-T
System Requirements
The performance of live display quality is largely determined by the computer hardware capability and number of live channels. The table below provides basic guidelines for selecting proper hardware for the computer to be installed with ERC(*1).
*1 These specifications are based on following camera settings: 1280x1024, 3Mbps, 18fps, MPEG-4
*2 Please use 64-bit Windows operation system if your client computer has more than 4GB
*3 Please make sure your operation system is fully patched with the latest service packs.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
1 2 3
Camera firmware interface
BBeeffoorree yyoouu mmoouunntt tthhee ssttoorraaggee ccaarrdd vviiaa tthhee ffiirrmmwwaarree iinntteerrffaaccee oorr EERRCC,, tthhee ccaammeerraa ccaannnnoott ffuullllyy rreeccooggnniizzee iitt,, ssoo tthhee SSttaattuuss wwiillll aappppeeaarr
Setup page
Getting Started
ERC system does not require a typical “Server” to manage the services. After installation, the computer installed with ERC can immediately perform the tasks required by the client; the client user can access ERC interface to do live monitoring, playback search and system maintenance.
Please follow the procedures below to connect the devices:
1. Install the SD card in the camera and make sure it is properly connected. Access the camera firmware webpage via Internet Explorer browser, once this SD card is connected, the “Local Storage” section will appear on Setup page. You can check the SD card status by entering Setup page Local Storage Status.
2. Mount the camera.
3. Connect the cameras with the POE switch to power them on.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
ERC Client Program Installation
Install ERC program in your client computer. If your client computer falls in a different network segment, make sure the cameras’ network allows remote access.
1. Extract the installation files and run
2. Accept the Software License Agreement and complete the installation.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
After the installation is complete, a shortcut “Edge Recorder Client” will appear on
your Windows Desktop.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
If you enable “Remember Login Info”, ERC Login window will remember the User Name and Password you last input.
Log in to ERC
Double-click on the “Edge Recorder Client” icon to initiate the client application. On Login window, input your account and password. If it is the very first login after ERC program’s installation, please input admin” as User Name and “123456” as Password, and click Login”.
After you log in to the system, please follow the instructions in Manage User Accounts on page 41 to change the account’s credentials.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
Setup screen
Device Setup page
Add Devices
Upon your first logging in to ERC, this application will auto-search for available devices in the same subnet with you client computer.
You may manually perform a new search by doing this: Go to Setup screenDevice Setup tab, and click “+”.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
Total discovered devices
Inaccessible Device
Accessible Device
When performing auto search, ERC will connect all devices using ACTi default
Username/Password – admin / 123456
Auto Device Search
On top of the Device Search List will show the total number of discovered devices. You may scroll down to scan through the thumbnails of the discovered devices. Check your desired ones and then click “Apply” to add them.
If the thumbnail view of this device does not appear, this device might be inaccessible due to the incorrect connection properties. Please fill in the correct information in these fields to have ERC reconnect the device again.
1. Move your mouse cursor over the inaccessible device, the device connection properties will
2. Click and modify any of the fields, ERC will automatically reconnect the device using your
latest-input value.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
Add Device Manually
If your devices are located outside the local subnet or over WAN, you will have to add the device manually.
1. Move the mouse over the camera icon on top left of
Device Search List.
2. Enter the connection
properties and wait for ERC to get connected with this device.
3. After a few seconds, the thumbnail of the added device will appear on the right.
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
Field Name
Enter the camera’s IP address or host name.
Enter the HTTP port for cameras / video servers. Most cameras use the default port 80.
The channel ID you set for a stream of a multi-streaming device. By default, ERC will connect with Stream 1. You may switch to another live stream later on Device Setup tab.
Enter the user name to access the camera.
Enter the password to access the camera.
Device Setup Live View
Added Devices
After you add the desired devices, you will be brought to Setup screen Device Setup tab. All the added devices are shown on the Device List, where you can delete any of them or configure their settings.
To enter Live screen, please click on
ACTi Edge Recorder User’s Manual
Layout Switch
Stream Switch
Take a snapshot
Audio Broadcast
Take snapshots of all the channels
DO Triggers
Device list Live Channels
Screen Switches
Audio Out
Full Screen Exit full screen
Audio-in Volume Control
Un-stretch Video
Operation for single channel
Live View
Upon logging in to ERC you will enter the live view screen. ERC will always remember the last layout arrangement of each account.
Live Screen Overview
ERC Live screen consists of three main components: Device List on the left, Live Channels on the right, and tool buttons at the bottom. Select a channel and right-click on it to open the channel menu for more functions.
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