or Passive Monitor Hybrid with Status Word Control
• Performs the Complete Dual-Redundant Remote Terminal, Bus Controller Protocol
and Passive Monitor Functions of MIL-STD-1553B
• Automated Self-Test Functions
• Allows setting of the Message Error Bit on illegal commands
• Provides programmable control over Terminal Flag and Subsystem Flag Status Bits
• MIL-PRF-38534 Compliant Circuits Available
• 50 mw Typical Power Consumption
• Small Size
• Available in Ceramic Plug-in Package Configuration
• Compatible with all ACT Driver/Receiver Units
• 5V DC Operation
• Full Military (-55°C to +125°C) Temperature Range
• DESC SMD# 5962–94775: Released CT1990, Pending CT1991
General Description
The CT1990/1 Series is a monolithic implementation of the MIL-STD-1553B Bus Controller, Remote
Terminal and Passive Monitor functions. All protocol functions of MIL-STD-1553B are incorporated and a
number of options are included to improve flexibility. These features include programming of the status
word, illegalizing specific commands and an independent loop back self-test which is initiated by the
subsystem. This unit is directly compatible with all transceivers and microprocessor interfaces such as the
CT1611 and CT1800 produced by Aeroflex Incorporated.
BUS "0"
BUS "1"
Block Diagram (With Transformers)
Sub Address
Word Count
Aeroflex Circuit TechnologySCDCT1990 REV B 8/21/00 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage (VDD)-0.3 to +7.0V
Input or Output Voltage at any Pad-0.3 to (V
Storage Case Temperature-65 to +150°C
DD + 0.3)V
Recommended DC Operating Conditions
Vcc Power Supply Voltage Vcc4.5
High Level Input Voltage, Vcc = 5V2.2
Low Level Input Voltage, Vcc = 5V0.7V1,2
Electrical Characteristics
(TA = -55°C to +125°C)
ParameterTest ConditionsMinMaxUnitNotes
VOH High Level Output VoltageVcc = 4.5V2.4V4
Low Level Output VoltageVcc = 4.5V0.4V4
High Level Input Current Vcc = 5.5V, VIN = 2.4V-200
Low Level Input Current Vcc = 5.5V, VIN = 0.4V-400
Supply CurrentVcc = 5.5V20mA4
1. RTAD 0/1/2/3/4 and RTADPAR ONLY.
2. ALL Inputs and Bidirectionals other than those in Note 1.
3. l
OL max = 3mA / lOH max = -2mA TX INHIBIT 0/1 and TX DATA/DATA ONLY. IOL max = 2mA / lOH max = -1 mA. ALL
remaining Outputs and Bidirectionals.
4. Input Clock (running) = 6Mhz, ALL remaining Inputs are Open and ALL Outputs and Bidirectionals have no load.
Clock Requirements
Frequency6.0 MHz
Stability -55°C to +125°C±0.01% (100ppm)
Maximum Asymmetry48 - 52%
Rise/Fall Time10ns MAX
Output LevelLogic "0" 0.4V MAX
Logic "1" 2.4V MIN
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Receive Data Operation
All valid data words associated with a valid receive data command word for the RT are passed to the subsystem.
The RT examines all command words from the bus and will respond to valid (i.e. correct Manchester, parity
coding etc.) commands which have the correct RT address (or broadcast address if the RT broadcast option is
enabled). When the data words are received, they are decoded and checked by the RT and, if valid, passed to
the subsystem on a word by word basis at 20 µs intervals. This applies to receive data words in both Bus
Controller to RT and RT to RT messages. When the RT detects that the message has finished, it checks that the
correct number of words have been received and if the message is fully valid, then a Good Block Received
signal is sent to the subsystem, which must be used by the subsystem as permission to use the data just
The subsystem must therefore have a temporary buffer store up to 32 words long into which these data words
can be placed. The Good Block Received signal will allow use of the buffer store data once the message has
been validated.
If a block of data is not validated, then Good Block Received will not be generated. This may be caused by any
sort of message error or by a new valid command for the RT being received on another bus to which the RT
must switch.
Transmit Data Operation
If the RT receives a valid transmit data command addressed to the RT, then the RT will request the data words
from the subsystem for transmission on a word by word basis. To allow maximum time for the subsystem to
collect each data word, the next word is requested by the RT as soon as the transmission of the current word
has commenced.
It is essential that the subsystem should provide all the data words requested by the RT once a transmit
sequence has been accepted. Failure to do so will be classed by the RT as a subsystem failure and reported as
such to the Bus Controller.
Control of Data Transfers
This section describes the detailed operation of the data transfer mechanism between the RT and subsystems.
It covers the operations of the signals DTRQ
transmit data transfers.
Figure 7 shows the operation of the data handshaking signals during a receive command with two data words.
When the RT has fully checked the command word, NBGT
as an initialization signal. TX/RX
been fully validated, DTRQ
low. This indicates to the RT that the subsystem is ready to accept data. The data word is then passed to
the subsystem on the internal highway IH08-IH715 in two bytes using IUSTB as a strobe signal and H/L
byte indicator (high byte first followed by low byte). Data is valid about both edges of IUSTB. Signal timing for
this handshaking is shown in Figure 12.
If the subsystem does not declare itself busy, then it must respond to DTRQ
within approximately 1.5 us. Failure to do so will be classed by the RT as a subsystem failure and reported as
such to the Bus Controller.
It should be noted that IUSTB is also used for internal working in the RT. DTRQ
enable for clocking data to the subsystem with IUSTB.
Once the receive data block has finished and been checked by the RT, GBR
correct and valid. This is used by the subsystem as permission to make use of the data block. If no GBR
is generated, then an error has been detected by the RT and the entire data block is invalid and no data words in
it may be used.
will be set low indicating a receive command. When the first data word has
is set low. The subsystem must then reply within approximately 1.5 µs by setting
, DTAK, IUSTB, H/L, GBR, NBGT, TX/RX during receive data and
is pulsed low, which can be used by the subsystem
as the
going low by setting DTAK low
being low should be used as an
is pulsed low if the block is entirely
If the RT is receiving data in an RT to RT transfer, the data handshaking signals will operate in an identical
fashion but there will be a delay of approx 70 µs between NBGT
Figure 10.
going low and DTRQ first going low. See
Aeroflex Circuit TechnologySCDCT1990 REV B 8/21/00 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
Figure 6 shows the operation of the data handshaking signals during transmit command with three data words.
As with the receive command discussed previously, NBGT
requests the first data word from the subsystem by setting DTRQ
approximately 13.5 µs by setting DTAK
word ready to pass to the RT. Once DTAK
and TX/RX
IH08-IH715. The RT will latch the data bytes during IUSTB, and will then return DTRQ
must remain stable until IUSTB has returned low. Signal timing for this handshaking is shown in Figure 11.
will be set high indicating a transmit data command. While the RT is transmitting its status word, it
low. By setting DTAK low, the subsystem is indicating that it has the data
is set low by the subsystem, DTRQ should be used together with H/L
to enable first the high byte and then the low byte of the data word onto the internal highway
is pulsed low if the command is valid and for the RT.
low. The subsystem must then reply within
high. Data for each byte
Additional Data Information Signals
At the same time as data transfers take place, a number of information signals are made available to the
subsystem. These are INCMD
word count lines CWC0-CWC4. Use of these signals is optional.
, the subaddress lines SA0-SA4, the word count lines WC0-WC4 and current
transmit/receive bit, and word count from the command word are all made available to the subsystem as
valid while INCMD
The subaddress is intended to be used by the subsystem as an address pointer for the data block. Subaddress
0 and 31 are mode commands, and there can be no receive or transmit data blocks associated with these. (Any
data word associated with a mode command uses different handshaking operations. If the subsystem does not
use all the subaddresses available, then some of the subaddress lines may be ignored.
described in the previous section.
The word count tells the subsystem the number of words to expect to receive or transmit in a message, up to 32
words. A word count of all 0s indicates a count of 32 words.
The current word count is set to 0 at the beginning of a new message and is incremented following each data
word transfer across the RT - subsystem interface. (It is clocked on the falling edge of the second IUSTB pulse
in each word transfer). It should be noted that there is no need for the subsystem to compare the word count and
current word count to validate the number of words in a message. This is done by the RT.
will go active low while the RT is servicing a valid command for the RT. The subaddress,
and WC0-WC4 respectively. They may be sampled when INCMD goes low and will remain
is low.
signal indicates the direction of data transfer across the RT - subsystem interface. Its use is
Subsystem Use of Status Bits and Mode Commands
General Description
Use of the status bits and the mode commands is one of the most confusing aspects of MIL-STD-1553B. This is
because much of their use is optional, and also because some involve only the RT while others involve both the
RT and the subsystem.
The CT1990/1 allows full use to be made of all the Status Bits, and also implements all the Mode Commands.
External programming of the Terminal Flag and Subsystem Flag Bits plus setting of the Message Error Bit on
reception of an illegal command when externally decoded is available. The subsystem is given the opportunity
to make use of Status Bits, and is only involved in Mode Commands which have a direct impact on the
The mode commands in which the subsystem may be involved are Synchronize, Sychronize with data word,
Transmit Vector Word, Reset and Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance. The Status Bits to which the subsystem
has access, or control are Service Request, Busy, Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance, Terminal Flag, Subsystem
Flag, and Message Error Bit. Operation of each of these Mode Commands and of the Status Bits is described in
the following sections.
All other Mode Commands are serviced internally by the RT. The Terminal Flag and Message Error Status Bits
and BIT Word contents are controlled by the RT; however the subsystem has the option to set the Message
Error Bit and to control the reset conditions for the Terminal Flag and Subsystem Flag Bits in the Status Word,
and the Transmitter Timeout, Subsystem Handshake, and Loop Test Fail Bits in the BIT Word.
Aeroflex Circuit TechnologySCDCT1990 REV B 8/21/00 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
Synchronize Mode Commands
Once the RT has validated the command word and checked for the correct address, the SYNC line is set low.
The signal WC4 will be set low for a Synchronize mode command (See Figure 16), and high for a Synchronize
with data word mode command (See Figure 15). In a Synchronize with data word mode command, SYNC
remains low during the time that the data word is received. Once the data word has been validated, it is passed
to the subsystem on the internal highway IH08-IH715 in two bytes using IUSTB as a strobe signal and H/L as
the byte indicator (high byte first followed by low byte). SYNC being low should be used on the enable to allow
IUSTB to clock synchronize mode data to the subsystem.
If the subsystem does not need to implement either of these mode commands, the SYNC signal can be ignored,
since the RT requires no response from the subsystem.
Transmit Vector Word Mode Command
Figure 14 illustrates the relevant signal timings for an RT receiving a valid Transmit Vector Word mode
command. The RT requests data by setting VECTEN
byte and then the low byte of the Vector word onto the internal highway IH08-IH715.
It should be noted that the RT expects the Vector word contents to be already prepared in a latch ready for
enabling onto the internal highway when VECTEN
the Vector word mode command, it will be the fault of the Bus Controller if the RT receives such a command.
Since the subsystem is not required to acknowledge the mode command, the RT will not be affected in any way
by Vector word circuitry not being implemented in the subsystem. It will however transmit a data word as the
Vector word, but this word will have no meaning.
low. The subsystem should use H/L to enable first the high
goes low. If the subsystem has not been designed to handle
Reset Mode Command
Figure 8 shows the relevant signal timings for an RT receiving a valid reset mode command. Once the command
word has been fully validated and serviced, the RESET
signal is pulsed low. This signal may be used as a reset
function for subsystem interface circuitry.
Dynamic Bus Allocation
This mode command is intended for use with a terminal which has the capability of configuring itself into a bus
controller on command from the bus. The line DBCREQ
time of the valid command, i.e. tied low. For terminals acting only as RTs, the signal DBCACC
high (inactive), and the signal DBCREQ
should be ignored and left unconnected.
cannot go true unless the DBCACC line was true at the
should be tied
Use of the Busy Status Bit
The Busy Bit is used by the subsystem to indicate that it is not ready to handle data transfers either to or from
the RT.
The RT sets the bit to logic one if the BUSY
edge of INCLK after INCMD
goes low. This is shown in Figure 13. Once the Busy bit is set, the RT will stop all
receive and transmit data word transfers to and from the subsystem. The data transfers in the Synchronize with
data word and Transmit Vector word mode commands are not affected by the Busy bit and will take place even if
it has been set.
It should be noted that a minimum of 0.5 µs subaddress decoding time is given to the subsystem before setting
of status bits. This allows the subsystem to selectively set the Busy bit if for instance one subaddress is busy but
others are ready. This option will prove useful when an RT is interfacing with multiple subsystems.
line from the subsystem is active low at the time of the second falling
Use of the Service Request Status Bit
The Service Request bit is used by the subsystem to indicate to the Bus Controller that an asynchronous
service is requested.
The timing of the setting of this bit is the same as the Busy bit and is shown in Figure 13. Use of SERVREQ
no effect on the RT apart from setting the Service Request bit.
It should be noted that certain mode commands require that the last status word be transmitted by the RT
Aeroflex Circuit TechnologySCDCT1990 REV B 8/21/00 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
instead of the current one, and therefore a currently set status bit will not be seen by the Bus Controller.
Therefore the user is advised to hold SERVREQ
low until the requested service takes place.
Use of the Subsystem Status Bit
This status bit is used by the RT to indicate a subsystem fault condition. If the subsystem sets SSERR low at
any time, the subsystem fault condition in the RT will be set, and the Subsystem Flag status bit will subsequently
be set. The fault condition will also be set if a handshaking failure takes place during a data transfer to or from
the subsystem. The fault condition is cleared on power-up or by a Reset mode command.
Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance Status Bit
DBCACC, when set true, enables an RT to configure itself into a Bus Controller, if the subsystem has the
capability, by allowing DBCREQ
Control is not required then DBCACC
TIME 18 in the status response.
to pulse true and BIT TIME 18 to be set in the status response. If Dynamic Bus
must be tied high. DBCACC tied high inhibits DBCREQ and clears BIT
Message Error Bit
The CT1990/1 monitors all receptions for errors and sets the Message Error Bit as prescribed in
MIL-STD-1553B. The subsystem designer may, however, exercise the option of monitoring for illegal commands
and forcing the Message Error Bit to be set.
The word count and subaddress lines for the current command are valid when INCMD
must then determine whether or not the word count or subaddress is to be considered illegal by the RT. If either
of them is considered illegal, the subsystem must produce a positive-going pulse called MEREQ. The
positive-going edge of MEREQ must occur within 500 ns of the falling edge of INCMD
goes low. The subsystem
Subsystem Flag and Terminal Flag Bits
The conditions that cause the Subsystem Flag and Terminal Flag Bits in the Status Word to be reset may be
controlled by the subsystem using the ENABLE
below: (i.e. the other three option lines are disabled).
Subsystem Flag Bit
This bit is reset to logic zero by a power up initialization or the servicing of a legal mode command to reset
the remote terminal (code 01000).
This bit shall be set in the current status register if the subsystem error line, SSERR
ever goes active low. This bit shall also be set if an RT/subsystem handshaking failure occurs. This bit,
once set, shall be repeatedly set until the detected error condition is known to be no longer present.
Terminal Flag Bit
This bit is reset to logic zero by a power up initialization or the servicing of a legal mode command to reset
the remote terminal (code 01000). This bit can be set to logic one in the current status register in four
possible ways:
This bit, once set, shall be repeatedly set until the detected error condition is known to be no longer
present. The transmission of this bit as a logic one can be inhibited a legal mode command to inhibit
terminal flag bit (code 00110). Similarly, this inhibit can be removed by a mode command to override inhibit
terminal flag bit (code 00111), a power up initialization or a legal mode command to reset remote terminal
(code 01000).
is inactive (high), then the Terminal Flag and Subsystem Flag behavior is the same as described
a) If the RX detects any message encoding error in the terminals transmission. A loop test failure,
LTFAIL, will be signalled which shall cause the Terminal Flag to be set and the transmission aborted.
b) If a transmitter timeout occurs while the terminal is transmitting.
c) If a remote terminal self test fails.
d) If there is a parity error in the hard wired address to the RX chip.
, from the subsystem
Aeroflex Circuit TechnologySCDCT1990 REV B 8/21/00 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
If ENABLE is held low, then the three options described below are available and are essentially independent.
Any, all, or none may be selected. Also, reporting of faults by the subsystem requires that SSERR
(not pulsed) low until the fault is cleared.
be latched
Resetting SSF and TF on Receipt of Valid Commands
If ENABLE is selected and the other three option lines are held high, then the Status Word Register will be reset
on receipt of any valid command with the exception of Transmit Status and Transmit Last Command. Note that in
this mode, the TF will never be seen in the Status Word, and the SSF will only be seen if SSERR
Also note that the SSF will not be seen in response to Transmit Status or Transmit Last Command if the
preceding Status Word was clear, regardless of actions taken on the SSERR
line after the clear status
is latched low.
Status Register Update at Fault Occurrence
If STATUS UPDATE is selected (held low), then the TF or SSF will appear in response to a Transmit Status or
Transmit Last Command issued as the first command after the fault occurs. Any other command (except as
noted in the Preserving the BIT Word section) will reset the TF and SSF. Repeated Transmit Status or Transmit
Last Command immediately following the fault will continue to show the TF and/or SSF in the Status Word. Note
that this behavior may not meet the "letter-of-the-spec" as described in MIL-STD-1553B, but is considered the
"preferred" behavior by some users.
TF and SSF Reporting in the Next Status Word
After the Fault
If NEXT STATUS is selected (held low), then the TF or SSF will appear in response to the very next valid
command after the fault except for Transmit Status or Transmit Last Command. The flag(s) will be reset on
receipt of any valid command following the status transmission with the flag(s) set except for Transmit Status,
Transmit Last Command, or as noted in the following section on Preserving the BIT Word.
Preserving the BIT Word
In order to preserve the Transmitter Timeout Flag, Subsystem Handshake Failure, and Loop Test Failure Bits in
the BIT Word, it is necessary to select BIT DECODE
Transmit Bit Word Mode Command immediately follows the fault or follows a Transmit Last Command or
Transmit Status immediately following the fault. It will also prevent resetting the TF and SSF Bits in the Status
Word. Any other valid commands will cause those BIT Word Bits and the Status Word Bits to be reset.
(hold it low). This will prevent resetting those bits if the
Bus Driver/Receiver Interface
Receive Data
The decoder chip requires two TTL signals, RXDATA and RXDATA, to represent the data coming in from the bus.
PDIN should be driven to a logic level ‘1’ when the bus waveform exceeds a specified positive threshold and
NDIN should be driven to a logic level ‘1’ when a specified negative threshold is exceeded. During the quiet
period on the bus both signals should be at the same logic level. All the bus receivers must be permanently
enabled, the selection of the bus in use is controlled within the ASIC.
Transmit Data
The signals generated by the encoder chip, TXDATA and TXDATA, are of the same format as the receive data.
The only difference is that the TTL signals are negative logic, e.g. the signal is active when on logic level "0".
This means that when the encoder is quiet both TXDATA and TXDATA
should be used in conjunction with TXINHIBIT 0 and TXINHIBIT 1. TX INHIBIT 0 and TX INHIBIT 1 enable the
appropriate driver when it should be transmitting. Figure 5 shows an example of a typical interface circuit
between the CT1990/1 and a driver/receiver unit.
are at logic level "1". Both the signals
Aeroflex Circuit TechnologySCDCT1990 REV B 8/21/00 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
To enable its use in a bus controller the ASIC has additional logic within it. This logic can be enabled by pulling
the pin labelled RT/BC
control processor correctly commanding the ASIC via the subsystem interface. In bus control mode six inputs
are activated which in RT mode are inoperative and four signals with dual functions exercise the second function
(the first being for the RT operation).
To use the CT1990/1 as a 1553B bus control interface, the bus control processor must be able to carry out four
basic bus-related functions. Two inputs, BCOPA and BCOPB allow these four options to be selected. The option
is then initiated by sending a negative-going strobe on the BCOPSTB
low when NDRQ
With these options all message types and lengths can be handled. Normal BC/RT exchanges are carried out in
ASIC option zero. This is selected by setting BCOPA and BCOPB to a zero and strobing BCOPSTB
of the strobe, the CT1990/1 loads the command word from an external latch using CWEN and H/L The
command word is transmitted down the bus. The TX/RX
inverse and so if a transmit command is sent to a RT (Figure 17), the ASIC in BC mode believes it has been
given a receive command. As the RT returns the requested number of data words plus its status, the BC carries
out a full validation check and passes the data into the subsystem using DTRQ
in RT operation. It also supplies GBR
down the bus is interpreted by the BC as a transmit command, and so the requisite data words are added to the
command word. See Figure 18.
For mode commands, where a single command word is required, option one is selected by strobing BCOPSTB
when BCOPA is high and BCOPB is low. On receiving the strobe, the command word is loaded from the external
latch using CWEN
Mode commands followed by a data word requires option two. Option two, selected by strobing BCOPSTB
BCOPA is low and BCOPB is high, loads a data word via DWEN
them to the bus (See Figure 21). If the mode code transmitted required the RT to return a data word, then
selecting option three by strobing BCOPSTB
and if validated, output it to the subsystem interface using RMDSTB and H/L.
from mode codes to be identified differently from ordinary data words and routed accordingly (See Figure 22).
All received status words are output to the subsystem interface using STATSTB and H/L
low. Once the ASIC is in bus control mode, all data transfers must be initiated by the bus
input. BCOPSTB must only be strobed
is high. This is particularly important when two options are required during a single transfer.
. On receipt
bit is, however, considered by the ASIC as being its
, DTAK, H/L, IUSTB and CWC as
at the end of a valid transmission. Conversely, a receive command sent
and H/L, the correct sync and parity bits are added and the word transmitted (See Figure 20).
and H/L, adds sync and parity and transmits
when BCOPA and BCOPB are both high will identify that data word
This allows data words resulting
In BC option three, if the signal PASMON
subsystem using STATSTB for command and status words or RMDSTB for data words.
RT to RT transfers require the transmission of two command words. A receive command to one RT is
contiguously followed by a transmit command to the other RT. This can be achieved by selecting option one
followed by option zero for the second command. The strobe (BCOPSTB
and transferred in the subsystem interface to the bus control processor (See Figure 19).
Note: For all BC operations, BCOPA and BCOPB must remain valid and stable for a minimum of 1 µs following
the leading (negative going) edge of BCOPSTB
has gone low and returned high following the strobe for option one. The RT transmissions are checked
is active, then all data appearing on the selected bus is output to the
) for option zero must be delayed until
The Monitor Mode may be utilized to analyze or collect all activities which occur on a selected bus. This is
initiated by selecting a bus, placing the unit in BC option three and setting PASMON
the selected bus is output to the subsystem using STATSTB for Command and Status Words or RMDSTB for
Data Words.
low. All data appearing on
Aeroflex Circuit TechnologySCDCT1990 REV B 8/21/00 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
The CT1991 has been designed to fully support a wrap-around self-test which ensures a high degree of fault
coverage. The monolithic circuit includes all circuitry required to perform the self-test.
Self-test can be an on-line or off-line function which is initiated by simple subsystem intervention. The DRVINH
signal selects on-line or off-line testing. The circuit accomplishes the on-line test without accessing the
MIL-STD-1553 data bus by providing an internal data path which connects the encoder circuitry directly to the
decoder circuitry. The transceiver is inhibited during this on-line test. The off-line test is designed to include the
transceiver as well as the protocol device. This mode will generally be useful as an off-line card test where no
live bus is in use.
To initiate the self-test a word is placed in the Vector Word Latch, Loop Test Enable (LTEN
Loop Test Trigger (LTTRIG
Vector Word Latch, encoded then looped back, decoded and presented to the subsystem as a normal data
transfer would be accomplished. The secondary bus is sequentially tested after the primary bus is completed
via Request Bus A (REQBUSA) utilizing the same word residing in the Vector Word Latch. Upon completion of
each test, pass/fail signals will be asserted reporting the results of the test. This test implementation verifies
MIL-STD-1553 protocol compliance; proper sync character, 16 data bits, Manchester II coding, odd parity,
contiguous word checking and a bit by bit comparison of the transmitted data. The self-test circuitry increases
the fault coverage by insuring that the internal function blocks; encoder, decoder, and internal control circuitry
are operating correctly. An effective data pattern to accomplish this is HEX AA55 since each bit is toggled, (8 bit
internal highway) on a high/low byte basis. The total time required to complete the self-test cycle is 89
microseconds. The Loop Test Enable signal must remain in the low state throughout the diagnostic cycle.
) signal is pulsed low. The primary bus will be tested with the word that resides in the
) is held low, and the
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