ACT ACT-5231PC-200F22M, ACT-5231PC-150F22T, ACT-5231PC Datasheet

32-Bit Superscaler Micropr ocessor
Full militarized QED RM5231 microprocessor
plies (2.5V and 3.3V) Dual Issue superscalar microprocessor - can issue one
integer and one floating-point instruction per cyc le
133, 150 and 200 MHz operating frequencies – Consult Factory for
lates t speeds
325 Dhrystone2.1 MIPS
SPECInt95 5.0, SPECfp95 5.25
System interface optimized for embedded applications
32-bit system interface lowers total system cost
High performance write protocols maximize uncached write
bandwidth with 600 MB per second peak throughput
Operates at processor clock divisors 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5,4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
IEEE 1149.1 JTA G boundary scan
Integrated on-c hip caches
32KB instruction and 32KB data - 2 way set associative and per
set locking
Virtually indexed, physically tagged
Write-back and write-through on per page basis
Pipeline restart on first double for data cache misses
Integrated memory management unit
Fully associative joint TLB (shared by I and D translations)
48 dual entries map 96 pa ges
Variable page size (4KB to 16MB in 4x increments)
High-performance floating point unit
532 MFLOPS single-precision performance
Single cycle repeat rate for common single precision opera-tions
and some double precision operations
Two cycle repeat rate for double precision multiply and double
precision combined multiply-add operations
Single cycle repeat rate for single precision combined multiply-
add operation
MIPS IV instructi on set
Floating point multiply-add instruction increases performance in
signal processing and graphics applications
Conditional moves to reduce branch frequency
Index address modes (register + register)
Embedded application enhancements
Specialized DSP integer Multiply-Accumulate instruction and 3
operand multiply instruction
I and D cache locking by set
Optional dedicated exception vector for interrupts
Fully static CMOS design with power down logic
Standby reduced power mode with WAIT instruction
2.7 W typical power @ 200MHz
2.5V core with 3.3V IO’s
128-pin Power Quad-4 package (F22),
Consult Fac tory for
package conf iguration
Block Diagram
eroflex Circuit
– RISC TurboEngines For The Future © SCD5231 REV 1 12/22/98
Integer Unit
The AC T5231 is a hig hly inte grated supers calar micropro cessor that imp lements a sup erset of the MIPS IV I nstruc tion Se t Archit ecture(I SA). It has a high performance 64-bit integer unit, a high throughpu t, ful ly pip elin ed 64 -bit f loat ing po int un it, an operating system friendly memory management unit with a 48-entry fully associative TLB, a 32KB 2-way set associative instruction cache, a 32KB 2-way set a ssociative da ta cache, and a n efficient 32-bit system interface. The ACT5231 can issue both an integer and a floating point instruction in the same cycle.
The ACT5231 is ideally suited for high-end embedded control applications such as internetworking, high performance image manipulation, high speed printing, and 3-D visualization.
The ACT5231 offers a high-level of integration targeted at high-performance embedded applications. The key elements of the ACT5231 are briefly desc ribed below .
Superscalar Dispatch
The ACT5231 has an efficient asymmetric superscalar dispatch unit which allows it to issue an integer ins t ruction and a floa tin g-point com putatio n instruction simultaneously. With respect to superscal ar issue, i nteger ins tructions in clude alu , branch, load/store, and floating-point load/ store, while floating-point computation instructions include floating-point add, subtract, combined multiply-a dd, conver ts, etc. In c ombinatio n with its high throughput fully pipelined floating-point execution unit, the superscalar capability of the ACT523 1 pro vide s un pa rallele d p rice /perfo rman ce in computationally intensive embedded applications.
The ACT5231 implements the MIPS IV Instruction Set Architecture, and is ther efore fully upward compatible with applications that run on processors implementing the earlier generation MIPS I-III instruction sets. Additionally, the ACT5231 includes two implementation specific instruct ions no t found in t he base line MIPS IV ISA but tha t are u seful in t he em bedded marke t place. Described in det ail in the QE D R M 5231 dat as heet, these instructions are integer multipl y-accumulate and 3-operand integer multiply.
The ACT5231 integer unit includes thirty-two general purpose 64-bit registers, a load/store architecture with single cycle ALU operations (add, sub, logical, shift) and an autonomous multiply/ divide unit. Additional register resources include: the HI/LO result registers for the two-operand integer m ultiply/divide operat ions, and the program counte r(PC).
Register File
The ACT5231 has thirty-two general purpose registers with register location 0 hard wired to zero. These registersi ch allo are used for s calar in teger operations and address calculation. The register file has two read ports and one write port and is fully bypassed to minimize operation latency in the pipeline.
The ACT5231 ALU consists of the integer adder/ subtractor, the logic unit, and the shifter. The adder performs address calculations in addition to arithmetic operations, the logic unit performs all logical and zero shift data moves, and the shifter performs shifts and store alignment operations. Each of these units is optimized to perf orm all ti o ns in a single processo r c y cl e.
CPU Registers
Like all MIPS ISA processors, the ACT5231 CPU has a simple, clean user visible state consisting of 32 gene ral purpo se regi sters, two sp ecial pu rpose registers for integer multiplication and division, a program c ounter, and no condition code bits .
For additional Detail Information regarding the operation of the Quantum Effect Design (QED) RISCMark RM 5231, 32-Bit Superscalar Microp roc essor see th e lat est QED da ta s heet.
For integ er operations, loa ds, stores, and oth er non-floating-point operations, the ACT5231 uses the simple 5-stage pipeline also found in the ACT52xx family, R4600, R4700, and R5000. In addition to this standard pipeline, the ACT5231 uses an extended seven stage pipeline for floating-point operations. The ACT5231 does virtual to ph ysical t ranslatio n in par allel with c ache access.
Aeroflex Circuit Technology SCD5231 REV 1 12/22/98 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
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