Acrox PR02 User Manual

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User’s Guide
Wireless Presenter
We hope yo u enjoy your Wi reless Prese nter from Radi oShack. Please re ad this user 's guide be fore using you r wireless presenter.
Package Contents
• Wireless Presenter • Receiver
• Carrying Pouch • User’s Guide
System Compatibility
• Windows® 10, Wind ows 8, Windo ws 7
• Mac OS® 9 or above
Not all f unction s will work w ith all Mac o perating s ystems.
Install Batteries
Slid e open the bat tery cover, and i nsert two A AA batter ies (not incl uded) in the batte ry compar tment matc hing the polarity symbols (+ and –) marked inside.
Battery N otes:
• Make su re the ON/OFF switch is at th e OFF position b efore installing or replacing batteries.
If th e battery / l aser indic ator ashe s during op eration , replace the batteries.
• Disp ose of batter ies prompt ly and prope rly. Do not bur n or bur y them.
• Use on ly fresh bat teries of th e required size a nd type.
Do not m ix old and ne w batterie s, dieren t types of batte ries (alkal ine or recha rgeable), or r echargeab le
batte ries of die rent capaci ties.
• If you d o not plan to use t he presente r for a long ti me, remove t he batteri es. Batte ries can lea k chemica ls that can damage electronic parts.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Batter y / Laser Indicato r
Flash es - low battery
Light s - laser beam is o n
LCD Display
Shows e lapsed time
Displays opened application icons
Press rep eatedly to sele ct desired application icon
Pause on t he icon for 3 seco nds to open
Previous Page
Black Screen
Displ ays a black screen d uring a slide show. Press agai n to resume slideshow
Point la ser apert ure at target
Laser B utton
Press to tu rn on the las er beam.
Releas e to turn o.
Scroll er / LCD Display Backlight
Scroll s up/down page
Press to tu rn on LCD back light.
Releas e to turn o.
Stopwatc h
Turns stopwatch
func tion on/o
Star t, pause and resu me stopwatch
Next Page
F5 / ESC
Star ts / exits slideshow
Plug in to your comp uter's USB p ort
Connect Button
Plug in the Receiver
1. Turn on your co mputer and p lug the rece iver
into a USB p ort.
2. Slide the ON/OFF switch to ON. Your presen ter and recei ver is automat ically paired.
• Inser t the receiv er back into th e presenter ’s receiver slo t when no t in use.
• If you do n ot plan to use you r presenter fo r several minutes, slide ON/OFF to OFF to save batter y power.
Stopwat ch automati cally tur ns on in stan dby mode whe n presen ter is turned o n. If stopwa tch is not acti vated with in 1
minu te, it turns o.
Light s consta ntly - stopw atch is on/pa used
0 : 0 0
Hour Minutes
Flash ing - stopwa tch is acti vated and co unting
Elapsed time advances at 1 minute increments
Press to tu rn on
Press rep eatedly to st art, pau se, and resum e counting.
Press an d hold to turn o .
To reset the stop watch, tur n it o and on aga in.
Important Safety Precautions
• Warnin g! Never loo k directl y into the lase r beam.
• Warnin g! Keep away fr om children .
• Warnin g! Never poi nt the devic e towards anyon e’s eyes.
Warnin g! Laser li ght can also b e dangerou s when reec ted on a mir ror-like sur face.
• Warnin g! Use of contro ls or adjust ments, o r the
perf ormance of pro cedures oth er than spec ied herei n,
can result in hazardous radiation exposure.
If you hav e dicult y pairing yo ur presente r with your com puter:
• Make sure y ou have proper ly instal led fresh ba tteries.
• Pair the presenter and receiver again:
1. Place th e presenter w ithin 12 inc hes (30.5cm) of t he
2. Slide the ON/OFF switch to ON.
3. Press t he connect b utton on th e receiver, then p ress
the con nect but ton on the prese nter.
4. If pairing fails, switch the ON/OFF switch to OFF, then
repeat pairing steps.
Care and Maintenance
• Use and s tore the prese nter only in ro om tempera ture environments.
• Kee p the presente r dry; if it g ets wet, wi pe it dry im mediatel y.
• Keep th e presenter awa y from dust an d dirt, an d wipe it with a d amp cloth occ asionall y to keep it look ing new.
• Hand le the presen ter careful ly; do not dis assemble o r drop it .
RF Frequency ..............................................................................2.4 GHz
RF Dist ance .......................................................................... 85 f t. (25 m)
Wavelength ..................650 nm ± 10nm (Clas s IIIa Lase r Product)
Power Output................................................................................< 5mW
Speci ficati ons are subje ct to chang e and improvem ent with­out not ice. Actual p roduct may v ary from th e images fou nd in this document.
FCC Information
This eq uipment h as been teste d and found to co mply with the li mits for a Cla ss B digita l device, pur suant to Par t 15 of the FCC Ru les. These l imits are d esigned to p rovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can rad iate radio f requency e nergy and, i f not insta lled and used in a ccordance wi th the inst ruction s, may cause ha rmful inter ference to ra dio commun ications . However, there is no guar antee that i nterferen ce will not occ ur in a part icular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radi o or televisi on reception , which can b e determin ed by
turni ng the equ ipment o an d on, the user i s encourag ed to
try to co rrect the i nterferen ce by one or more of t he followi ng measures:
• Reori ent or reloca te the receiv ing antenn a.
• Increa se the separ ation betw een the equ ipment and receiver.
Conne ct the equ ipment into a n outlet on a ci rcuit die rent from th at to which the r eceiver is con nected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If you ca nnot elimi nate the inte rference, t he FCC requires
that you s top using you r product . Changes or m odicat ions
not expre ssly approve d by the part y responsib le for
compl iance could v oid the user ’s authori ty to operate t he equipment.
This de vice compli es with Par t 15 of the FCC Rule s. Operat ion is subj ect to the fol lowing two c onditio ns: (1) this device m ay not caus e harmful i nterferen ce, and (2) this d evice must accept any interference received, including interference that may caus e undesire d operatio n.
Responsible Party
Wireless Pre senter
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Gener al Wirele ss Operat ions Inc. dba RadioShack 300 Ra dioShack C ircle Fort Wor th, TX 76102 817-4 15-3 20 0
Limited Warranty
Go to for details.
RadioShack Customer Relations 300 Ra dioShack Ci rcle, Fort Wor th, TX 76102
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Mac OS is a re gistered t rademar k of Apple In c., regis tered in the U.S. a nd other cou ntries.
Compl ies with t he Europea n Union’s “Rest rictio n of Hazardou s Substan ces Direc tive,” whic h protect s the
enviro nment by res tricti ng speci c
© 2016 Gener al Wireles s Operati ons Inc. All ri ghts reser ved. Rad ioShack is a re gistered trad emark used b y General W ireless Oper ations In c. dba Radio Shack.
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