Acnodes KC 801 User Manual

User Manual
KC801/1601/3201: 1U rackmount ComboCat6 KVM switch 8/16/32-port RJ45 with 1 user console
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
Le gal Informa tion
Fi rst Englis h p rinting , O ct ober 2 002 Inform ati on i n this docum ent has be en carefully che cked for ac curacy ; howev e r, no g uara ntee is g iven to th e correctne s s o f th e conten ts. The information in thi s doc u men t is subject to cha nge wit hout no tice. W e are n ot liable fo r any injury o r loss that res ul ts from the use o f this equipmen t.
Safety Instruc tions Plea se read all of these ins tructions carefully before you use the devi ce. Save this manual for future refer enc e.
¦ Un pl ug equ ipm ent bef ore c lean in g. Do n’ t us e l iquid or spray deterge nt; use a mois t c lo th. ¦ Keep eq uipme nt away from exc es s ive humi di ty and he at. Prefe rabl y, keep it in an a ir -co nditi one d e nvironm ent wi th
tempe ratures not e x ce eding 40º Cel sius (104º Fah renh eit).
¦ When installing , place th e eq uipme nt o n a sturd y, level s urface t o pre ven t it from accidenta lly falling and causing da m
age t o ot her eq uipment o r in ju ry to persons n earb y.
¦ When t he e qui pment is in an open po sition , do not co ve r, block or in an y way obs tru ct the gap between it an d the
power s up pl y. Prop er air convection is ne cessary to keep it from o verheating. ¦ Arrang e th e eq uipment ’s powe r co rd in s uch a way th at others wo n’t trip or fa ll over i t. ¦ If you a re using a po wer cord th at d idn’t ship with th e eq uipme nt, ensure that it is r ate d fo r the vo lta ge and c urrent
labeled o n the eq uipme nt ’s electrical ratings l abel. The voltage ra tin g on the c ord s ho uld be h igh er tha n th e one l isted
on th e eq ui pme nt ’s ratings label. ¦ Obs er ve a ll precautions an d wa rnings att ac hed to t he e qui pm ent . ¦ If you d on’t i nte nd o n using the e quipm ent for a long t im e, d isc onnect it from the pow er out let to prev ent being dam
aged by transi ent over -voltage. ¦ Keep al l liquids aw ay from the equ ip ment to minimize the risk of a cciden tal sp illage. Liqui d s pilled on to th e p ower
supply or on o the r hardwa re m ay c aus e d ama ge, fire or elec trical sho ck. ¦ Onl y qua lified s e rvice pers on nel shou ld ope n th e chassis. Op eni ng it yourse lf cou ld damage the eq uipme nt a nd invali
date its warra nt y. ¦ If an y p art of the equ ipmen t becomes d ama ged or stops fun ction in g, h ave it checked b y q uali fie d s ervice p ers onnel.
What the w arranty does not cove r
¦ Any product, on w hich the serial n umb er has b een def aced, mod ified or rem oved. ¦ Da mage, d eteriorat ion or m al fun ction resultin g from :
? Ac cide nt, m isus e , ne gle ct , fi re, wa te r, lightning, o r o the r acts of nature , un auth orized prod uc t modifica tion, or
failure to follow instruction s su ppl ied with the produ ct. ? Re pai r or attemp ted repa ir by anyone not aut horize d by us. ? Any damag e of th e product d ue to shipme nt. ? Re mov al or insta llation of th e prod uct. ? Ca us es ex te rn al to th e p ro duc t, s u ch as electr ic power f luctu ati on or failu re . ? Use of s up plies o r p arts not mee ting o ur s pec ifications. ? No rmal wea r and tea r. ? Any other causes whi ch doe s not relate to a p roduc t defect.
¦ Re mo val, ins ta llati on, and se t -up service charges.
R egulatory Notice s Fede ra l Communic ations C ommiss ion (FCC)
Th is eq uipme nt has be en te sted and fou nd t o c om ply with the limi ts for a Class B di gi tal de vice, p ursu ant to P art 1 5 of th e F CC rul es . The se lim its a re des igned to provide reason abl e protection ag ain s t ha rmful interfe rence in a reside ntial inst al - l ati on. Any chan ges o r mod ific ations m ade to t his equi pm ent ma y void the u se r’s autho rity to ope ra te this e quipm ent. This e quipm ent gene ra tes , u ses, and c an ra dia te rad io frequen cy en ergy an d, if n ot i ns tal led a nd u se d i n a ccorda nc e w ith the in structions, m ay cause ha rm ful inte rfe rence to radi o c om mu ni ca tio ns . H owever, t here is no guarante e that int erferen ce will not oc cur in a p arti cular ins tal la tion. If this equip ment does cause harmfu l interfe rence to radio or tel ev ision rec eption, which c an be determined by tu rn ing the e qui pment of f and on , the use r is enco urage d to try t o correct th e i nte rfer enc e by one or mo re of the foll owing m eas ure s: ¦ Re -posi tio n or relocate the rec ei ving ante nna . ¦ Increas e the sep aration b etwe en the equi pm ent and receive r. ¦ Co nne ct the equipmen t into an o utlet on a circuit di fferent from that to w hich the receiver is conn ec ted.
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
< Part 1 > Combo Cat6 KVM
KC801 KC1601 KC3201
1.1 Package contents
1.2 KVM port & Cat6 dongle connection
1.3 KVM Cascade
1.4 Specifications
P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4
< Part 2 > Usage
2.1 KVM Button
2.2 Password
2.4 KVM Hotkey & Remote Console Hotkey
2.5 DC power 12V, 24V, 48V Input
P.5 P.6 P.7 P.8 P.9
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
Before Installation
¦ It is very important to mount the equipment in a suitable cabinet or on a stable surface. ¦ Make sure the place has a good ventilation, is out of direct sunlight, away from sources of excessive
dust, dirt, heat, water, moisture and vibration.
The equipment comes with the standard parts shown in package content. Check and make sure they are included and in good condition. If anything is missing, or damaged, contact the supplier immediatel y.
Installation for standalone KVM
Screw A: 2 pcs Screw B: 8 pcs
M3.2 x 4.5 m m M4 x 10 mm
¦ Install each bracket using screws
B provided shown in Figure 1.
¦ Fix the KVM into the rack
Figure 1.
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
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