Acnodes FPC 7161 User Manual

FPC 7161
Industrial Fanless Panel PC
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All rights reserved. Product description and product specifi cations are subj ect to c han ge with out notic e. For l atest produ ct informati on, please visit Acnodes web site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave, Chin o, CA 91710 tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
User Manual
FPC 7161: 15.6 Industrial Fanless Multi-touch Panel PC with Atom D2550 1.86GHz Processor
FPC 7161
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If you replace wrong batt eries, it causes th e dang er o f explosion. It is recomme nded by the man ufacturer that yo u fo llow th e ma nufa ctu rers instructio ns t o o nly replace the same or
14628 Central Ave, Chin o, CA 91710 tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
equ ivale nt t ype o f batte ry, and disp ose of used o nes.
Industrial Fanless Panel PC
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All rights rese rved. Product descri pt ion and produc t specif ication s are subj ect to c han ge with out notic e. For l atest produ ct informati on, please visit Acnodes web site at www.acnodes.c om.
FPC 7161
Industrial Fanless Panel PC
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All rights reserved. Product description and product specifi cations are subj ect to c han ge with out notic e. For l atest produ ct informati on, please visit Acnodes web site at www.acnodes.c om.
14628 Central Ave, Chin o, CA 91710 tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
Be fore getting sta rte d, rea d the follo wing important ca utions.
1. Be su re to groun d yourself to preve nt static ch arge wh en installing t he intern al com ponen ts. Use a ground ing wrist st rap a nd place all electronic comp onents in any static-shielde d devices. M ost e lectronic compon ents are sensitive to static electrical cha rge .
2. Discon nect th e power cords f ro m FPC7161 be fore makin g a ny insta llatio n. Be sure b oth the system an d t he external d evice s are turned OFF. Su dden surge of power cou ld ruin sensitive com ponents. M ake sure the FPC7161 is prope rly groun ded.
3. Do not o pen t he system s to p cover. If opening the cove r f or maintena nce is a mu st, only a trained t ech nician is allowed to do so. Integ rate d circu its on co mpute r boards are sen sitive to sta tic electricity. To avoid dam aging chips f rom electro static disch arg e, o bserve the fo llowin g p re cau tion s:
 Before h andling a boa rd or int egrated circuit , touch an unpa inte d portion of the
system un it chassis for a fe w se con ds. This will he lp to discharge an y static electricity on your bod y.
 When h andling b oards a nd compon ents, wear a wrist-grounding strap, available
from mo st electronic com ponen t stores.
Table of Contents
Disclaimers ........................................................................................ii
Safety Precautions ..............................................................................iii
Chapter 1 Introduction .........................................................................1
1.1 General Description .....................................................................1
1.2 Specifications .............................................................................2
1.3 Dimensions and Outliners .............................................................4
1.4 I/O Outlets ................................................................................5
1.5 Packing List ...............................................................................6
Chapter 2 Hardware and Installation.....................................................7
2.1 CF card Installation ......................................................................8
2.2 Open back cover ...........................................................................9
2.3 Serial Ports Interface ...................................................................11
2.3.1 COM1&COM2 Connector ................................................................11
2.4 Ethernet ....................................................................................12
2.5 Mounting:Panel/ Wall/ Desktop/ VESA.............................................13
2.5.1 VESA-ARM/Wall-Mount ...................................................................13
2.5.2 Panel-mount Kit Assembly ..............................................................13
2.6 HDD Installation..........................................................................14
2.7 DRAM Installation........................................................................16
2.8 Wireless LAN Card Installation ......................................................18
2.9 Power ........................................................................................20
Chapter 3 AMI BIOS Setup Utility .........................................................21
3.1 Starting ......................................................................................21
3.2 Navigation Keys ...........................................................................21
3.3 Main Menu ..................................................................................22
3.4 Advanced Menu ............................................................................23
3.5 Chipset Menu ...............................................................................30
3.6 Boot Menu ...................................................................................32
3.7 Security Menu ..............................................................................33
3.8 Save & Exit Menu .........................................................................34
Chapter 4 Drivers Installation .............................................................37
4.1 System ......................................................................................37
4.2 Touch Screen ..............................................................................37
4.3 Embedded O.S ............................................................................37
This chap ter contains ge neral inf orm atio n and detaile d spe cifications of the FPC7161. Ch apter 1 in cludes the following sections:
Gene ral Descrip tio n
Spe cification
Dimen sions
I/ O Outlets
Packa ge List
The FPC7161 adopts a 15 .6-inch WXGA TFT L CD with 300-nit brigh tness and an
At om
proce ssor D2 550 1.86 GH z to pro vide exce llent com puting p erformance and
therma l resistan ce. This fanless pla tf orm is especially de signed for o pera tin g un der hea vy-d uty environme nt including steel refinery, oil pipe, ship, m ach ine maker operating systems and man y more. Having below ab ilities makes FPC716 1 surely a most robust and cost-e ff ect ive solutio n.
FPC71 61 f eatures a technology o f wid e operating temp erature ran ge which allows it to work betwe en -10°C to +5 0°C. It incorpora tes co mpact ID and f anless cooling syst em with a low
powe r Inte l
Ato m
p ro cessor D25 50 1.86 GHz, making the platform a power-efficient
solu tion .
The FPC7161 ado pts a fan-less cooling syste m, which makes it especially su itable for vibration-heavy en viron ments, best f or th e tra nsp orta tion , ship, and in dustrial machinery markets. For high capa city storage requ ireme nt, FPC7 161 ca n work unde r 2.0G (5 ~
500 Hz, ran dom for Compa design. Th e patent improves the syste m relia bilit y and susta ina bility.
ctFlash? ) in op era tion mod e with a paten t of anti-vibration
FPC71 61 has a PCI Expre ss Min i Card slot fo r o ptio nal ad d-ons such as wireless LAN card f or 802 .11 b/g co nnection s & 3G/ GPRS application, a nd more. It also provides an optiona l fixed rotational WLAN a ntenn a f or wirele ss n etwork connection.
FPC71 61 utilizes one 204 -pin DDR3 1066 SODI MM syste m m emory ma x. up to 4GB, o ne SATA HDD and one CF. It provides ove r-curre nt pro tection -fu se an d a full se t of I/O in cluding RS-23 2, RS-232 /422/ 485, USB 2.0 , aud io (line -o ut), and Gigabit Ethernet. Ad ditiona lly, th is slim unit supports panel mou nt, wall moun t (optional), VESA mo unt (op tion al) and d esktop stand (opti onal).
Main CPU Board
CPU: Atom
Sys te m Chi ps et: N M10 Express
Sys te m Memory:
On e 204-pin DDR3 1066 MHz SO-DIMM socket Maxim um mem ory up to 4 GB
I/O System
BIOS: Am erica Megat ren ds BIOS
Stand I/O:
1 x RS-232/ 422/4 85, 1 x RS232 4 x USB 2 .0
Ethernet: 2 x RJ4 5 for Giga Ethernet
Audi o: 1x Line-out
Ex pa ns ion: 1 x Mini-card slot
1 x 2.5 SATA HDD 1 x CompactFlash
Power Connector: Phoen ix p ower conn ect or
D2 550 1.8 6GH z proce ssor on board
Typ e II(optional)
Disk dr ive housing: One 2 .5 SATA Drive
Net We ight: 5.0 Kgs (11.02 lb)
Dimension: 396. 8x 53 .9x 24 7.1mm
Oper ati on Temperature: -10C to 50C
Relative Humidi ty: 1 0% t o 95% @ 4 0C, Non-Cond ensing
Power Input: 10~30VDC with pho enix powe r connector
The following diagrams sho w th e dim ension s and ou tlines of FPC 71 61
Termin al Blo ck for D C Power Input
2 x USB2.0
CO M 1 (RS-232/422/485)
CO M 2 (RS-232)
2 x USB2.0
Audio (Line-Out)
Please re fer t o the follo wing illustra tion fo r I/O lo cat ions of the FPC7 161.
When you receive th e FPC7 161, t he bu ndled package should co ntain the follo wing items:
FPC7161 unit x 1 Driver CD x 1
Phoenix connector x 1 Screws for HDD x 4 Panel mount k it x 6
If you cannot find the pack age or any items are missing, please contact Acnodes distributors immediately.
The FPC 7 161 provide s rich I/O ports a nd flexible expa nsions f or you to mee t different dema nd, for example CF card. Th e ch apter will show yo u how to install the hardware. It include s:
 CompactFlash Card  Serial Port  Ethernet  Mouthing Method  Hard disk  DRAM  Wireless LAN Card  Power
The FPC7 161 provide s one CF slot f or u sers t o install CompactFla shcard. Please refer to the followin g instru ctions fo r installation:
Step 1 Open the cover, unscrew 2 screws on the chassis
Step 2 Stick the mylar on the CF card bottom side
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