Acnodes FES 2230 User Manual

FES2230: Fanless Embedded System Atom D2550 Dual Core 1.86GHz Processor
14628 Central Ave, Chin o, CA 91710 tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
Fanless Embedded System
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All rights reserved. Product description and product specifi cations are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product informati on, please visit Acnodes we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
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1. The chan ges o r modifica tion s n ot expressly a ppro ved by th e p arty r espo nsible fo r compliance cou ld void th e user ’s auth ority
to op erate t he eq uipment .
2. Shielded int erfa ce ca bles must be used in or de r to comply wit h t he emission limits.
Static Electricity Precautions
It is quite easy to inadvertently dam age the system board, c omponents or devices e ven before i nstal ling them i n your system unit. Static electri cal discharg e can dam age computer com ponents wi thout causing any signs of physi cal dam age . You must take extra care in handl ing them to ensure against el ectrostatic bui ld up.
1. To prevent electrostatic bui ld up, le ave the system board i n i ts anti-static bag unti l you are ready to install it.
2. Wear an antistatic wrist st rap.
3. Do all preparation w ork on a stati c-free surface.
4. Hold the device only by its edges. Be careful not to touch any of the components, contac ts or connections.
5. Avoi d touching the pins or contacting all m odul es and connectors. Hold modules or connectors by the ir ends.
Impo rt ant: Elect rost atic d ischa rge (ESD) can damage you r p rocessor, disk dr ive an d ot her compo nents. Perform t he up grade instru ct ion pr ocedures describ ed at an ESD wor kstation on ly. If such a sta tion is no t availab le, yo u can provide some ESD protection by wear in g a n ant istatic wrist st rap and attaching it to a met al part of the system chassis. If a wr ist strap is una vailab le, es tab lish an d maintain contact with the syst em chassis th roug hout any p rocedures req uiring ESD protection .
Safety Measures
Fanless Embedded System
To avoid dam age to the system :
Use the correct A C input vol tage range to reduce the risk of ele ctric shock.
Unplug the power cord before rem oving the system chassis cover for install ati on or servi cing. After
instal lation or servicing, cover the system chassis bef ore plugging the power cord.
Batte ry:
Dange r of expl osion if battery incorrectly replaced.
Repl ac e only w ith the same or e quival ent type re com mend by the manufacture r.
Dispose of used batteries according to l ocal ordinance.
1. Warranty does not cover dam ages or fai lures caused by m isuse of the product, inabili ty to use the
product, unauthorized replacem ent or any kind of alterations of components and product specif ications.
2. The warranty i s voided if the product has been exposed to physi cal abuse , improper instal lation, a ny
kind of modific ation, acc idents or unauthorized repair of the product.
3. Unl ess otherwise instructed in this user m anual, the user m ay not, under any ci rcum stances, attem pt to
perform servi ce , adjustm ents or repairs on the product him se lf, whether the product is sti ll covered by warranty or not. It must be returned to the place i t was purchased at, the fa ctory or an authorized se rvic e agency for any re pai r work.
4. We w il l not be l iabl e for any indi re ct, spe cial, incidental or conseque nt damages to the product that has
be en m odif ied or alte red.
14628 Central Ave, Chin o, CA 91710 tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All rights reserved. Product description and product specifi cations are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product informati on, please visit Acnodes we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
Copyright .................................................................................................................. 2
Trade marks ............................................................................................................... 2
Stati c Electrici ty P recautions .............. ...................................................................... 2
Safety Me asures ....................................................................................................... 3
Warranty ................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1: Introduction
1-1 O verview .............................................................................................................. 5
1-2 P roduct Specification........................................................................................... 6
1-3 System Block Di agram ....................................................................................... .. 8
1-4 Me chanical Diagram ........................................................................................... 9
1-5 Front & Rear I/O ………….…...................................................................................... 10
Chapter 2: Pin D efinition & Jumper Se ttings 2-1 2 230D Front P anel P in Definition……… …………….………………… …………………………… 11 2-2 2 230D Re ar Pane l P in Defi niti on…………………….……………………………………………… 11 2-3 Internal P in Defi niti on & Jum per Settings……………………………………………………… . 15 Chapter 3: BIOS Setup Menu 3-1 BIOS Configuration O verview ………………………………………… …… …………………………. 25 3-2 Entering BIO S Setup……… …………………………………………………… …………………………… 25 3-3 Advanced BIOS Fe atures…………………………… ……………………………………………………. 28 3-4 O ther BIO S Settings ……..……………… ……………………………………………… ………… ….….. 35 3-5 Security Feature s..………………… ……………………………………………… …… ..……………... 36 3-6 Boot M anagem ent Setup………………..……………………………………… …………….……..…. 37 3-7 Exi t BIO S Setup………… ………………..… ……………………………………………… ………………... 3 8 Appe ndix A..…………………… ……… ……………………………………………… …………………………… 39
14628 Central Ave, Chin o, CA 91710 tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
Fanless Embedded System
Table of Con tents
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All ri ghts reserved . Produ ct descri pti on an d produ ct specificati ons are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product informati on, please visit Acnodes we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
Chapter 1: Intr
1-1 Overview
Fanless Embedded System
Acnodes FES 22 30 supports the exclusive features to provide custom er an improved and outstanding experience by applyi ng the Atom D255 0 processor, (N2 800 / N 2600 avail able based on customers choi ce) with i ts outstandi ng and re liable em bedded system with hi gh performance and l ow power consumption remai ned.
The ne w launched Atom ™ P rocessor D25 50 Dual-core 1.86 GHz Processor carries out an enhanced function in graphic performance for increasi ng the capabil ity in multi-media. The new FES 223 0 supports for reaching up to 4 GB DDR3 - 8 00/1 066 as its maxim um me mory. For the disk dri ve storage, it is desi gned with 2.5 SATA HDD and one M ini -P CI-E m SATA.
In orde r to m eet the network stabil ity, the FES 2 230 uses two Realte k 8 1xx 100/1 000 Mbps L AN with Wake-On L AN & DM I to support and m aintain Ethe rnet function. The system designed w ith tw o D B-9 supports for RS-23 2/ 422/ 485 and two for RS-2 32 interface with auto-flow control. It also provides a software programm ing Watchdog ( WDT) with tim er range from 1 to 255 se conds. For the audio output, there has occupied with an ALC 662 for speaker.
In displ ay function, it supports for dual displ ay of DVI-I+DVI-D, and the VGA supports for 1920 x 1 200 (1 080P ) resol utions. The new FES 2 230 also equipped by NM 10 South Bridge Chipset that supplies high spe ed storage inter fac e as in faster data transfer rate. The construction of FES 223 0 i s designed as Alumi num housing Em bedded platform. For extended I/O devices, there is an optional support for 8 bit GP IO wi th TTL level provided.
FES 2 230 is c apable to accept DC power input from 6 V~34 V. The power consumpti on can reach up to 22W in m ax imum with D25 50 chipsets. The system also offers opti onal support for Anti-V ibrati on and Anti-Shock functi onal iti es to e nhance the pe rform ance and durabili ty of FES 223 0. The system is valuable for all the em bedded applicati ons, and also we ll support with the Wi ndow 7, Window s XP and Linux Operation system.
14628 Central Ave, Chin o, CA 91710 tel: 909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyrigh t 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All rights reserved. Product description and product specifi cations are subj ect to chan ge without noti ce. For latest product informati on, please visit Acnodes we b site at www.acnodes.c om.
1-2 Pr
oduct Specification
Atom D 2550 Dual-c or e 1.86 GHz P rocessor Atom N2800 Du al-core 1.86 GHz Pro cesso r Atom N2600 Du al-core 1.6 GHz Pro cesso r
NM10 sou th Bridge Chipset
System Memory
1 SODIM M Socket, u p to 4 GB 800/ 1066 MHz DDR3 M emory
Expansion Slots
1 PCI -104 expansion no dule (2PCI master ) 2 Mini-P CI-E exp an sion slot
Gr ap hic cor e 640 Mhz (D2550/N2800)/ 400 M hz (N260 0) Su ppo rt AVC/ H. 264, Blu -Ray su pport (D2550) HDCP 1.3 ans PAVP 1.1C cont en t p rotection supp ort Su ppo rt Mic roso ft D XVA 2.0 and Overlay DD MS COPP an d PVP -OPM sup port Enabling key ISVs-Co rel, Cyb erlink, ArcSoft Su ppo rts OpenGL 3.0 and M icro soft DirectX9
Su ppo rt DVI -I+D VI-D or Du al 18/24 b it LVDS d ual display DVI, VGA su ppor t 19 20 x 1200 (1080p) resolut ion D255 0 LVDS su pport 1 channel 24 bit 1440 x 900 resolution N2800 LVDS supp ort 1 ch an nel 24 bit 1366 x 7 68 resolution
ALC 662 HD C odex supp ort
Ph oenix BIOs, Sup port Power On After P ower Failure
2 Realtek 81xx 100/1000 Mbps LAN with Wake-On LAN & DMI
Disk Drive S torage
2.5” SATA HDD (share 1 P CI-104 space) mSATA (occu py 1 Mini-PCI-E)
RS-232/422/485 Support
2 DB-9 for RS-23 2/422/485 & 2 for RS-232 (rear I/O 1) with au to-flow co ntrol. Option al ex pansio n to 6 C OM.
Watchdog Timer
Programmable WDT fr om 1 to 255 sec on ds/ min utes
V9, MPEG2 HW engine
Optional Support Digital I/O
Option al su pport 8 bit GPIO with TTL level
Remote P ower
Option al su pport Remote Power On/Off function
P ower & HD D Led
Po wer & System Reset bu tton, 2 o ptional WiFi an ten na
Panel Extend I/O
Rear P anel E xtend I/O
Sc rew-Lock D C power in put con nector 1 female DB-44 (I/O 2) t o 4 male DB-9 for 2 RS-232/422/485 & 2 RS-232 DVI-I + D VI-D display in ter face 4 USB, 2 RJ-45 100/1000 M bit L AN connec tor 1 Micro ph one-in, 1 Line-out con nector (occupy DB-44 I/O 1 sp ace; may remove M icro Phone-in & Line-o ut fo r o ptional I/O exp an sion).
Rear P anel Optional I/O
2 DB-9/15 (I/O 3 & 4 ) for PC I-104 mo dule o r C OM 5 & 6
Power Supply
DC 6 V~34 V inpu t, 2 4 VDC/0.85A, 12VDC/ 1.7A, AT/ATX po wer typ e Po wer adapter: AC to DC , D C 12V/5A 60W (Optional)
Power Consumption
Typical Power C Maximum Power Con
Oper ation Temper atur e:
- With extend temperature HD D:
- With SSD / mSATA:
Sto rage Temper atur e:
Relative Humidity: 10%~90%
Anti-Vibr ation (operation):
- 2G rms @10~500Hz r an dom, 3 axes (HD D with anti-vib ration kit, SSD /mSATA withou t anti-vibration kit)
Anti-Sh ock (no n-o perat io n):
- 50G rms, 11ms dur atio n (HD D with an ti-vib ration kit, SSD / mSATA with out anti-vib ratio n kit)
n: 17W/ 12W/ 9W (D2550 / N2800/ N2600)
-40°C ~85°C
Dimensions and W eight
D imension W x H x D : 200mm x 86.5mm x 133. 5mm (7.87” x 3.41” x 5.26) Weigh t (Net / Gr oss): 2. 0KG (4. 4lb)/ 2. 7KG (5.94lb)
: 22W/ 17 W/ 14W (D 2550/ N2800/ N26 00)
densin g)
Mo unting: Din Rail M oun t
C onstruct io n: D IN Rail Heavy-Du ty Steel Embedded platform
Certification &
C E/FCC Class A Windo ws 7, Win X P, Linux
OS Supports
1-3 System
Block Diagram
1-4 Mechanical Diagrams
1-5 Fr
& Rear I/O
Rear Panel
Chapter 2: Pin Definition & Jumper Settings
Sig nal
Sig nal
5V 5 5V
D- 6 D-
D+ 7 D+
D efi niti on
Lan_T X1+
Lan_T X1-
Lan_T X2+
Lan_T X2-
Lan_T X4+
Lan_T X4-
2-1 2230 Front panel Pin Definition
Power On/Off & Reset B utton
Power & HDD Led
2 optional W iFi ante nna
2-2 2230 Rear Panel Pin Definition
USB Connector
2. LAN 1 & 2 (RJ-45)
3. DVI-D: J1 8 DV I 2 ( DVI-D ) connector
4. DVI-I: J15 DV I 1 ( DVI-I ) connector
5. Power Input
Remote On/Off
Signal name
Signal name
D +
Data positive
Requ est To Send
D -
Data negative
Transmitted D ata
Clear To Sen d
Data Carrier D etec t
D ata Terminal Ready
Data Set Ready
Ring In dicato r
Rec eived Data
6. COM 3 (I/O3) DB-9: Optional PCI-1 04 extension module
7. COM 4 (I/O4) DB-15 : Optional PCI-104 extension module
8. COM 1 (I/O1): M icro phone -Out & Line-Out Connector
COM 2 (I/O2) DB-44: RS-2 32/ 422/ 485
COM 2 Exter nal Cable:
+ 30 hidden pages