Acnodes APM 5170 User Manual

User Manual
APM5170: 17” industrial panel mount LCD monitor
APM 5170
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
APM 5170
L eg al Inf orm a tion
F irst English printing , O ctobe r 2 0 02 Inform a tio n in this d oc ument has been carefully che cked for a c cura cy; h o weve r, n o g u aran te e is gi ven to the correc t ne ss of the con te nt s . T he i n fo rmation i n th is do c um ent is su b ject to ch an g e with o ut n otice. W e a re not li ab le for a ny injury o r lo s s that re sults from the use of this equ ipm ent.
Sa fet y I nstru cti on s Pl ease read a ll of th ese in struc tio ns care full y before yo u us e th e de vice. Save this m a nua l for futu re r e ferenc e.
¦ Unp lug equipm ent before clea nin g. D on’t u se liqu id o r s p ray d ete rgent; u se a mois t cloth . ¦ Ke ep equipm ent a w ay from e xce ssive hum idity a nd h e at . P re fera bl y, kee p i t in an air -c o nd ition ed envir on m e nt with
temperat ures n ot exceed ing 40º C e lsi us (104º F ah ren he it).
¦ When ins ta lling, place th e eq uipm e nt o n a s tu rd y, level su rface to p revent it from a ccidenta lly fa lling an d causi n g d a m
age to oth er e q u ipm e nt or inj ur y to p erso n s n ea rb y.
¦ When the equip ment is in an open position, d o no t cove r, b lo ck o r in a ny wa y o bstruct th e g ap b e tw een it a n d th e
powe r s u p pl y. Proper a ir co n vection is nece ssary to k ee p it f rom ove rhea ting. ¦ Arra ng e th e e qu i pm ent ’s po w er cord in su c h a wa y t ha t ot he rs w on’t trip or fall o ver it. ¦ If you a re u sing a p o wer cord th at d id n ’t sh ip w i th th e e qu ipm e n t, en sure t h at i t is rated fo r th e vo ltage and cur rent
la be le d o n th e eq u i pm e n t ’s ele c tric al rating s label. The v o ltage ra ting on t he cord s ho u ld be high e r tha n th e on e list ed
on the equ ipment ’s rat ings l ab e l. ¦ Ob s erv e all preca ution s and w a rnin gs at ta ched to t he e q uipm en t. ¦ If you d o n’t intend on u sing t he equip m e nt fo r a long tim e , d i scon n ect it from th e power ou tl et t o p reven t be i ng d a m
aged by tr ansien t ov e r -v oltage. ¦ Ke ep all li q uids a way fr om th e e q uipment to m inim i ze the risk of a ccide nta l spillag e. Liqu id spilled on to the pow e r
su p pl y or o n o the r hard ware m a y cause d am a g e, fire or e lectric a l sh o ck. ¦ On l y qualif ied servi ce person ne l sh ou l d op e n th e c ha ssis. O pen ing it you rsel f could da m age the equipm ent and inv a li
date its w arra n t y. ¦ If any p a rt of th e eq u ipm e nt b ecomes damaged or st op s functi o ning, have it c hecke d by q u alified servic e pe rso nn e l.
W ha t the w arran ty d oe s not co v er
¦ An y p rod u ct, on which t he s e ri al numbe r h a s b ee n d ef ac e d , m o d if ied or rem ove d. ¦ Dam a g e, d ete rioration or m a lfuncti on resu lting fro m :
? Acc ident, m isu s e, n eg lect, fire, wa te r, lightning, or o th e r acts o f na tu re, unauthorized pro d uct m o difica tion, or
failure t o follow ins tru c tions s up p lie d with t he pro du ct. ? Re p ai r o r a tte m p te d repair by anyo ne n o t a uthorize d b y us. ? A n y dama g e o f th e product d ue to shipm en t. ? Re m o v al or ins tallation of the pro du ct. ? Ca us e s ext ernal to the prod uct , such a s e lectric p o we r fluctu a tion or f ailure . ? Use o f supplies or pa rts no t m eetin g ou r sp e c ifica tions. ? No rmal wear an d te a r. ? A n y other c a u ses which do e s not re la te t o a product d ef ec t .
¦ Rem o val, i nstalla tion, and s et -up service charge s.
Re gulato ry Notices Fe deral Co mm un ic ations C om m is sion (FCC )
T his e q ui p m en t ha s b e en t ested a nd f ou n d to c o m p ly w ith th e l imits fo r a Clas s B dig ital device, pursuant to Part 1 5 of th e F CC ru les. These l imits a re designed t o pro vide re a s on a ble prot ect ion agains t h armful i n te rfe ren ce in a resi d en tial ins ta l ­la ti on . An y changes or m o dific at ions m ade to this eq u ipment m a y vo id t he u ser’s authority to opera te t his e q uipm ent. This equip m en t genera te s, uses, a n d c an ra diate radio f requ en cy e n ergy and, if n o t i n stall ed a n d used in acc o rd an ce w it h th e in s tr uctio n s, m ay c a u se harm f ul interf erence to ra dio co m m u nication s. Ho we ver, t he re is no g u ar antee th a t interfe rence wil l not occ ur in a p articu lar inst al lation . I f this equipment does c a us e harm fu l interfe rence to radio or te levis ion recep ti o n, w h ich c an be deter m ined by turn ing the eq u ipment off a nd o n , th e use r is en courag e d t o try to co rrect th e interfe rence b y o n e or more o f th e fo llowing m easu res: ¦ Re -p os ition or relo c at e th e rece iving a nt en n a. ¦ Increase the se pa ration between th e e qu ipm ent a n d rece i ve r. ¦ Con ne ct the equipment int o an outlet o n a c ircuit d i fferen t from t ha t t o wh i ch the rec e iver is connect ed .
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
< Part. 1 > APM 5170
1.1 Package Content
1.2 Structure Diagram & Dimension
1.3 Mounting Hardware & Installation
P.1 P.2 - 3 P.4 - 5
< Part. 2 > Specifications / OSD
2.1 Product Specifications
2.2 On-screen Display Operation ( OSD )
P. 6 - 7 P. 8
< Part. 3 >
3.1 Option Table
3.2 3G / HD / SD-SDI Broadcast-grade input
3.3 MCS Multi-display control solution
3.4 AD2.2 Upgrade : HDMI, S-Video + BNC & Audio
3.5 AD3.0 Upgrade : HDMI, DVI-D, S-Video + BNC & Audio
3.6 17" Touchscreen : Resistive, Capacitive
3.7 48V, 24V or 12VDC power
3.8 MIL-type or lockable connector
3.9 Quad display for CCTV
3.10 TV ( Analog )
P. 9 P.10 P.11 P.12 P.13 P.14 P.15 P.16 P.17 P.18 - 19
APM 5170
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
APM 5170
Before Installation
¦ It is very important to mount the equipment in a suitable cabinet or on a stable surface. ¦ Make sure the place has a good ventilation, is out of direct sunlight, away from sources of excessive
dust, dirt, heat, water, moisture and vibration.
The equipment comes with the standard parts shown in package content. Check and make sure they are included and in good condition. If anything is missing, or damaged, contact the supplier immediatel y.
How To Clean Your LCD Monitor
Caution :
¦ To avoid the r isk of electric shock, make sure your hands are dry before unplugging your monitor from or
plugging your monitor into an electrical outlet.
¦ When you clean your monitor, do not press down on the LCD screen. Pressing down on the screen can
scratch or damage your display. Pressure damage is not covered under warrant y.
¦ Use only cleansers made specifically for cleaning monitors and monitor screens. Cleansers not made to
clean monitors and monitor screens can scratch the LCD display or strip o ff the finish.
¦ Do not spray any kind of liquid directly onto the screen or case of your monito r. Spraying liquids directly
onto the screen or case can cause damage which is not covered under warrant y.
¦ Do not use paper towels or abrasive pads to clean your monito r. Using an abrasive pad or any wood based
paper product such as paper towels can scratch your LCD screen.
Cleaning Your Monitor
To clean your LCD safely, please follow these steps :
Disconnect the power cord.
Gently wipe the surface using a clean, dry microfiber cloth. Use as little pressure as possible.
Cleaning Tough Marks and Smudges
To remove tough marks and smudges, please follow these steps :
Disconnect the power cord.
Spray a small amount of non-abrasive cleanser on a microfiber cloth.
Caution : Do not spray or apply any liquids directly onto the monitor. Always apply the solution to your microfiber cloth first, not directly on the parts you are cleaning.
Gently wipe the surface. Use as little pressure as possible.
Wait until your monitor is completely dry before plugging it in and powering it up.
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
< Part 1 >
< 1.1 > Package Content – APM 5170
17" LCD D isplay
APM 5170
17" LCD display X 1
6ft VGA cable X 1
Power adapter X 1
Power cord X 1
Mounting hardware X 1 pack
- Mounting bracket x 4 pcs
- M4* 6mm screw x 8 pcs
- M4* 50mm screw x 8 pcs
Standard I/O
AD2.2 upgrade I/O
Power BNC S-Video Audio
out - in - in
Video PC
AD3.0 upgrade I/O with advanced features
Power BNC S-Video Audio
out - in - in
Video PC
- An abundance of input connections that include HDMI, DVI-D, VGA, S-Video + BNC and audio
- On-chip Faroudja® DCDi Cinema processing
- Casing dimensions will be changed
APM 5170
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All righ ts reserved. Product descripti on and product speci ficat ions are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
< 1.2 > Structure Diagram - APM 5170
Front view
1 Rear case
2 LCD panel
3 Protective 3mm glass
4 6mm aluminum front bazel
5 Audio speaker ( for HDMI, Audio or TV option )
6 LCD membrane
Remote sensor
Rear view
Product Dimension
(W x D x H)
Packing Dimension
(W x D x H)
439 x 64 x 357 mm
17.3 x 2.5 x 14 inch
615 x 113 x 523 mm
25.6 x 4.9 x 23.5 inch
5.5 kg 12 lbs
7.5 kg 17 lbs
APM 5170
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
< 1.2 > Dimension - APM 5170
17” LCD Display
Front View Side View
Rear View
UNIT : mm
1mm = 0.03937 inch
Bottom View
< 1.3 > Panel Mount Installation – APM 5170
x 4 pcs
2 M4*6mm screw
x 8 pcs
M4*50mm screw
x 8 pcs
Hardware set part no. UV-BK#2
¦ Install 4 mounting brackets with 8 x M4*6mm screws ¦ Adjust the LCD panel with 8 x M4*50mm screws and fix it on the surface.
APM 5170
14628 Ce ntral Ave, Chino , CA 91710 tel:909.597.7 588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc. All right s reser ved . Produc t descr ipt ion and product speci fi cat io ns are subj ect to change w ith out n oti ce. F or lates t product inform ati on, ple ase vis it Acnod es’ we b site at nodes.c om.
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