Read and Save These Instructions
Form 613134
1. Insert grommets into holes in fan mounting brackets.
1 4 Grommet
2 8 10 - 32 Nuts
3 8 Flat Washers
4 4 Sleeve
2. Thread one nut onto each support rod followed by
one flat washer and one rod sleeve.
3. Insert end of support rod and sleeve into grommet.
4. Install flat washer and nut onto end of support rod.
5. Adjust support rods as required and tighten nuts.
DE SIGN CHANGES The Company re serves
the right to make changes in de sign, im prove ments and ad di tions in and to its prod ucts any
time with out im pos ing any li abil ity or ob li ga tions
to it self to ap ply or in stall the same in any prod uct manu fac tured by it.
TI TLE The ti tle and right of pos ses sion of the
equip ment sold herein shall re main with the
Com pany and such equip ment shall re main
per sonal prop erty un til all pay ments herein (in -
These in struc tions cover the usual in stal la tion, op er a tion and main te nance meth ods for which the prod uct(s) was de signed. They do not pur port to
cover all de tails or vari a tions in the prod uct(s) nor to pro vide for ev ery pos si ble con tin gency that might be met in con nec tion with the in stal la tion, op er a tion and main te nance. For any de par tures from these in struc tions, or should par tic u lar p rob lems arise which are not cov ered suf fi ciently for the pur chaser’s pur pose, the mat ter should be re ferred to the Com pany.
WARN ING The Com pany prod ucts are de signed and manu fac tured to pro vide re li able per form ance but they are not guar an teed to be 100% free of de fects. Even re li able prod ucts will ex pe ri ence oc ca sional fail ures and this pos si bil ity should be rec og nized by the User. If these prod ucts are used in a
life sup port ven ti la tion sys tem where fail ure could re sult in loss or in jury, the User should pro vide ade quate back- up ven ti la tion, sup ple men tary natu ral
ven ti la tion or fail ure alarm sys tem, or ac knowl edge will ing ness to ac cept the risk of such loss or in jury.
WARN ING DO NOT use in HAZ ARD OUS EN VI RON MENTS where fan’s elec tri cal sys tem could pro vide ig ni tion to com bus ti ble or flam ma ble ma te ri als
un less unit is spe cifi cally built for haz ard ous en vi ron ments.
CAU TION Guards must be in stalled when fan is within reach of per son nel or within seven (7) feet (2.134 m) of work ing level or when deemed ad vis able
for safety.
DIS CLAIMER The Com pany has made a dili gent ef fort to il lus trate and de scribe the prod ucts in this lit era ture ac cu rately; how ever, such il lus tra tions and
de scrip tions are for the sole pur pose of iden ti fi ca tion, and do not ex press or im ply a war ranty that the prod ucts are mer chant able, or fit for a par ticu lar
pur pose, or that the prod ucts will nec es sar ily con form to the il lus tra tions or de scrip tions or di men sions.
clud ing de ferred pay ments whether evi denced
by notes or oth er wise) shall have been made in
full in cash and the Pur chaser agrees to do all
acts nec es sary to per fect and main tain such
right and ti tle in the Com pany.
SAFETY AC CES SO RIES The Com pany manu fac tures equip ment de signed to serve mul ti ple
ap pli ca tions and of fers a wide range of safety
equip ment, in clud ing guards and other de vices,
as may be re quired to meet cus tomer speci fi ca -
tions. With out ex cep tion, the Com pany rec om mends that all or ders in clude ap pli ca ble safety
de vices. Equip ment or dered with out ap pli ca ble
safety de vices is clearly the re spon si bil ity of the
Pur chaser. Fur ther, the Pur chaser war rants
that he has de ter mined and ac quired any and
all safety de vices re quired for equip ment sold
by the Com pany. Weather cov ers and guards
for mo tor and V- belt drives, cou plings, shafts
and bear ings, along with in let and out let
screens, are op tional ac ces so ries noted in the
price list.
WAR RANTY AND DIS CLAIMER: The Com pany ex tends this lim ited war ranty to the origi nal buyer and war rants that prod ucts manu fac tured by the Com pany shall be free from origi nal de fects in work man ship and ma te ri als for
two years from date of ship ment, un less oth er wise noted (see spe cific prod uct literature), pro vided same have been prop erly stored, in stalled, serv iced, main tained and op er ated.
This war ranty shall not ap ply to prod ucts which
have been al tered or re paired with out the Com pa ny’s ex press authori za tion, or al tered or re paired in any way so as, in the Com pa ny’s
judg ment, to af fect its per form ance or re li abil ity,
nor which have been im prop erly in stalled or
sub jected to mis use, neg li gence, or ac ci dent, or
in cor rectly used in com bi na tion with other sub stances. The Buyer as sumes all risks and li abil ity for re sults of use of the prod ucts. War ran ties
on pur chased parts, such as but not lim ited to
bear ings, sheaves, belts, cou plings, elec tric
mo tors, pumps and con trols are lim ited to the
terms of war ranty ex tended by our sup plier.
Poly eth yl ene tub ing and cool ing pads are war ranted to be free of de fects in ma te rial and
work man ship for a pe riod of 90 days from date
of ship ment and a like war ranty ap plies to the
cross fluted cel lu lar type cool ing cells for a pe riod of two years from date of ship ment pro vided same have been prop erly han dled,
stored, in stalled, serv iced, main tained and op er ated. And fur ther, not sub jected to ex ces sive
heat, cor ro sive agents or chemi cals, or me chani cal abuse that may cause tear ing, crush ing or un due de te rio ra tion nor used on a sys tem or in a man ner other than that for which it
was de signed as ex plained in the prod uct lit era ture.
All claims un der this war ranty must be made in
writ ing and de liv ered to P. O. Box 978, Musko gee, Okla homa, 74402, within 15 days af ter dis cov ery of the de fect and prior to the ex pi ra tion
of the war ranty period from the date of ship -
ment by the Com pany of the prod uct claimed
de fec tive, and Buyer shall be barred from any
rem edy if Buyer fails to make such claim within
such pe riod.
Within 30 days af ter re ceipt of a timely claim,
the Com pany shall have the op tion ei ther to in spect the prod uct while in Buy er’s pos ses sion
or to re quest Buyer to re turn the prod uct to the
Com pany at Buy er’s ex pense for in spec tion by
the Com pany. The Com pany shall re place, or
at its op tion re pair, free of charge, any prod uct
it de ter mines to be de fec tive, and it shall ship
the re paired or re place ment prod uct to Buyer
F.O.B. point of ship ment; pro vided, how ever, if
cir cum stances are such as in the Com pa ny’s
judg ment to pro hibit re pair or re place ment to
rem edy the war ranted de fects, the Buy er’s sole
and ex clu sive rem edy shall be a re fund to the
Buyer of any part of the in voice price, paid to
the Com pany, for the de fec tive prod uct or part.
The Com pany is not re spon si ble for the cost of
re moval of the de fec tive prod uct or part, dam ages due to re moval, or any ex penses in curred
in ship ping the prod uct or part to or from the
Com pa ny’s plant, or the in stal la tion of the re paired or re placed prod uct or part.
Im plied war ran ties, when ap pli ca ble, shall com mence upon the same date as the ex press war ranty pro vided above, and shall, ex cept for war ran ties of ti tle, ex tend only for the du ra tion of
the ex press war ranty. Some states do not al low
limi ta tions on how long an im plied war ranty
lasts, so the above limi ta tion may not ap ply to
you. The only rem edy pro vided to you un der an
ap pli ca ble im plied war ranty and the ex press
war ranty shall be the rem edy pro vided un der
the ex press war ranty, sub ject to the terms and
con di tions con tained therein. The Com pany
shall not be li able for in ci den tal and con se quen tial losses and dam ages un der the ex press
war ranty, any ap pli ca ble im plied war ranty, or
claims for neg li gence, ex cept to the ex tent that
this limi ta tion is found to be un en force able un -
der ap pli ca ble state law. Some states do not al low the ex clu sion or limi ta tion of in ci den tal or
con se quen tial dam ages, so the above limi ta tion
or ex clu sion may not ap ply to you. This war ranty gives you spe cific le gal rights, and you
may also have other rights which vary from
state to state.
No em ployee, agent, dealer, or other per son is
author ized to give any war ran ties on be half of
the Com pany or to as sume for the Com pany
any other li abil ity in con nec tion with any of its
prod ucts ex cept in writ ing and signed by an of fi cer of the Com pany.
RE PLACE MENT PARTS If re place ment parts
are or dered, buyer war rants that the origi nal
com po nents in which these re place ment parts
will be placed are in sat is fac tory work ing con di tion, and when said re place ment parts are in stalled, the re sul tant in stal la tion will op er ate in
a safe man ner, at speeds and tem pera tures for
which the origi nal equip ment was pur chased.
past prac tice or deal ings or any cus tom of the
trade, sales shall not in clude the fur nish ing of
tech ni cal ad vice or as sis tance or sys tem de sign. Any such as sis tance shall be at the Com pa ny’s sole op tion and may be sub ject to ad di tional charge.
The Com pany as sumes no ob li ga tion or li abil ity
on ac count of any rec om men da tions, opin ions
or ad vice as to the choice, in stal la tion or use of
prod ucts. Any such rec om men da tions, opin ions
or ad vice are given and shall be ac cepted at
your own risk and shall not con sti tute any war ranty or guar an tee of such prod ucts or their
per form ance.
GEN ERAL In no event shall any claim for con se quen tial dam ages be made by ei ther party.
The Com pany will com ply with all ap pli ca ble
Fed eral, State, and lo cal laws.
June 2000 Form 613134