Founded in 1938, Acme Engineering and Manufacturing
Corporation is known worldwide as a leader in the
manufacture of fans, blowers, and ventilation equipment.
Acme’s growth over the past half century is a tribute to
superior quality, customer loyalty, and dedicated employees
and sales representatives.
Today, from its headquarters in Muskogee, Oklahoma, Acme
serves customers worldwide with high quality air movement
and control products.
With approximately 350,000 square feet of manufacturing
space, Acme produces one of the broadest lines of air
moving equipment in the industry. State-of-the-art
manufacturing equipment and a well trained, experienced
workforce is the key to Acme’s timely delivery of
quality air moving products.
Research and Testing
The Acme Research and Development Center operates both
air and sound laboratories. The Center houses four wind
tunnels with a data acquisition system, a reverberant sound
room with the latest sound analyzer equipment, and a
structural laboratory for stress and vibration analysis.
Solid modeling, and finite element analysis support
product research and development. The Center also
houses a fully equipped prototype facility enabling Acme to
develop and introduce new products to the market in the
shortest time possible.
Sales & Service
A factory trained, knowledgeable sales organization
addresses the needs of many diverse and distinct
markets. Customers around the world are serviced by a
complete system of sales representatives, equipment
distributors and local dealers supported by nationwide
distribution centers and backed by a staff of sales and
marketing professionals.
A highly trained production staff sets the standard for
dependable, quality air moving products. By using the
latest computer techniques for research and design,
and rigorous quality control standards Acme can offer
one of the best warranty programs in the industry. Our
exclusive 2/5 year limited warranty provides our customers
with confidence…Year After Year.
Model EV
For exhaust or gravity relief. Featuresa1to1ratio of hood
perimeter opening to throat area. Maximum design velocity
of 1200 fpm.
Model IV
For fresh air intake. Featuresa2to1ratio of hood
perimeter opening to throat area. Design velocity at
perimeter of 600 fpm to minimize moisture entrainment.
Maximum design velocity of 1200 fpm.
Low silhouette design
Full 360° perimeter hood opening for greater air flow
Generously sized throat and hood perimeter for low
resistance and efficient air flow
Wide hood design for protection from blowing rain and
Hoods are precision formed
for strength and weather
resistance. Constructed of
.050” aluminum
Hoods are
and braced
with heavy
members for
strength and
resistance to
wind damage
Birdscreens are constructed of ½" x ½"
galvanized welded wire mesh (Omitted
when supplied with optional filters)
Curb caps are miter cut and
continuous welded for extra
strength and water tightness
Typical drawings are for dimensional purposes only and are correct within
limits suitable for normal installation requirements. They do not necessarily
show actual construction.
Hinged Hood - for easy access to backdraft dampers,
filters and screens
Filters - 1" or 2" thick aluminum mesh mounted for easy
cleaning (add .13" to static pressure listed in the tables
when using filters on IV ventilators)
Insect Screens - 18 ga. mesh aluminum screen
attached to the full perimeter opening of the hood (add
.10" to static pressure for EV and .05" to static pressure
for IV when using insect screens)
Aluminum Bird Screens - .050" thick ½" x 1" diamond
shape expanded aluminum attached to full perimeter of
hood opening by spot welds or stainless steel fasteners
Galvanized Steel Construction
100 MPH construction
Custom Sizes - consult factory for details
Coatings - decorative and protective
Prefabricated Roof Curbs
Exhaust Relief Type
Model AR-CAR - automatic counter balanced
Model AR-ML - manual operated
Model AR-MT - motorized
Air Intake Type
Model WAGC-ML - manual operated
Model WAGC-MT - motorized
12 x 12 20 x 2018187 667 1054 149023 16 x 2824 x 362638 7 1950 3083 436049 20 x 84 28 x 923598 9 5818 9199 13010 180
12 x 14 20 x 2218207 772 1220 172625 16 x 3024 x 382640 7 2088 3302 467051 20 x 96 28 x 10435 1119 6440 10182 14400 213
12 x 16 20 x 2418227 881 1394 197128 16 x 3624 x 442646 7 2370 3748 530057 20 x 108 28 x 11235 1239 7413 11722 16577 240
12 x 18 20 x 3619257 993 1570 222131 16 x 4024 x 482650 7 2656 4200 594062 20x 120 28 x 12836 1369 8343 13191 18655 267
12 x 20 20 x 2819277 1059 1675 236833 16 x 4224 x 502652 7 2789 4410 623664
12 x 22 20 x 3019297 1185 1874 265036 16 x 4824 x 562759 7 3190 5045 713474 22 x 22 30 x 303232 9 2223 3515 497051
12 x 24 20 x 3220327 1252 1980 280039 16 x 5424 x 622765 7 3354 5303 750090 22 x 24 30 x 323234 9 2342 3702 523656
12 x 28 20 x 3620367 1462 2312 327042 16 x 6024 x 682771 7 3578 5657 8000 100 22 x 28 30 x 363339 9 2679 4236 599065
12 x 30 20 x 3820387 1565 2475 350043 16 x 6624 x 742878 7 3763 5949 8413 110 22 x 30 30 x 383341 9 2871 4540 642070
12 x 36 20 x 4421457 1775 2807 397048 16 x 7224 x 802884 7 4105 6490 9178 120 22 x 36 30 x 443448 9 3260 5155 729074
12 x 40 20 x 4821487 1954 3090 437051 16 x 8024 x 882892 7 4387 6937 9810 133 22 x 40 30 x 483452 9 3508 5547 784588
12 x 42 20 x 5022527 2048 3239 458053 16 x 8424 x 922896 7 4655 7361 10410 140 22 x 42 30 x 503656 9 3757 5940 840095
12 x 48 20 x 5621577 2392 3782 534859 16 x 96 24 x 10428 108 7 5152 8146 11520 160 22 x 48 30 x 563561 9 4214 6663 9423 113
12 x 54 20 x 6222647 2567 4059 574167 16 x 108 24 x 11629 121 7 5578 8820 12473 180 22 x 54 30 x 623668 9 4521 7149 10110 135
12 x 60 20 x 6822707 2798 4423 625577 16 x 120 24 x 12829 133 7 6261 9899 14000 199 22 x 60 30 x 683775 9 4919 7778 11000 158
12 x 66 20 x 7422767 2998 4740 670485
12 x 72 20 x 8022827 3204 5066 716589 18 x 1826 x 262626 8 1543 2439 345038 22 x 72 30 x 803787 9 5756 9100 12870 187
12 x 80 20 x 8822907 3437 5434 768593 18 x 2026 x 282729 8 1690 2672 377943 22 x 80 30 x 883896 9 6176 9765 13810 208
12 x 84 20 x 9222947 3719 5879 8315 105 18 x 2226 x 302731 8 1856 2934 414945 22 x 84 30 x 9238 1009 6532 10327 14605 218
12 x 96 20 x 10422 1067 4119 6513 9210 120 18 x 2426 x 322733 8 1917 3031 428749 22 x 96 30 x 10438 112 9 7084 11201 15840 249
12 x 108 20 x 11622 1207 4448 7033 9946 135 18 x 2826 x 362838 8 2191 3465 490053 22 x 108 30 x 11639 125 9 8155 12894 18235 281
12 x 120 20 x 12822 1327 4896 7741 10947 150 18 x 3026 x 382840 8 2348 3712 525055 22 x 120 30 x 12839 1379 8975 14191 20070 311
14 x 14 22 x 2220207 919 1453 205526 18 x 4026 x 482951 8 2929 4632 655067 24 x 24 32 x 323434 11 2456 3883 549161
14 x 16 22 x 2420227 1051 1662 235030 18 x 4226 x 502953 8 3077 4865 688070 24 x 28 32 x 363539 11 2864 4528 640372
14 x 18 22 x 2622267 1181 1867 264032 18 x 4826 x 563060 8 3515 5558 786082 24 x 30 32 x 383642 11 3070 4854 686477
14 x 20 22 x 2822287 1237 1955 276535 18 x 5426 x 623066 8 3852 6091 861498 24 x 36 32 x 443749 11 3486 5512 779680
14 x 22 22 x 3022307 1386 2192 310038 18 x 6026 x 683072 8 4025 6364 9000 116 24 x 40 32 x 483854 11 3904 6173 873099
14 x 24 22 x 3222327 1425 2253 318743 18 x 6626 x 743179 8 4232 6691 9463 130 24 x 42 32 x 503856 11 4101 6484 9170 108
14 x 28 22 x 3622367 1671 2642 373646 18 x 7226 x 803185 8 4618 7301 10326 137 24 x 48 32 x 563862 11 4687 7410 10480 128
14 x 30 22 x 3823397 1825 2885 408047 18 x 8026 x 883192 8 4955 7835 11081 152 24 x 54 32 x 623969 11 5031 7955 11250 153
14 x 36 22 x 4423457 2075 3281 464052 18 x 84 26 x 9243197 8 5135 8119 11483 160 24 x 60 32 x 683975 11 5367 8485 12000 179
14 x 40 22 x 4823497 2323 3673 519557 18 x 96 26 x 104632 110 8 5577 8818 12471 184 24 x 66 32 x 744082 11 5756 9100 12870 197
14 x 42 22 x 5024527 2393 3783 535059 18 x 108 26 x 11632 122 8 6400 10119 14310 211 24 x 72 32 x 804088 11 6279 9928 14040 206
14 x 48 22 x 5624587 2789 4410 623667 18 x 120 26 x 12833 135 8 6907 10921 15444 225 24 x 80 32 x 884096 11 6878 10876 15381 224
14 x 54 22 x 6224647 3059 4836 683979
14 x 60 22 x 6824707 3264 5160 729887 20 x 2028 x 282929 9 1802 2850 403046 24 x 96 32 x 10441 113 11 7887 12471 17636 262
14 x 66 22 x 7424777 3502 5536 783096 20 x 2228 x 302931 9 1981 3132 443048 24 x 108 32 x 11642 126 11 8709 13770 19473 292
14 x 72 22 x 8024847 3738 5911 8359 105 20 x 2428 x 323034 9 2177 3443 486953 24 x 120 32 x 12842 138 11 9791 15481 21894 326
14 x 80 22 x 8825927 4012 6344 8971 117 20 x 2828 x 363139 9 2536 4010 567259
14 x 84 22 x 9225957 4243 6709 9487 123 20 x 3028 x 383141 9 2661 4207 595062 28 x 28 36 x 364040 13 3478 5499 777776
14 x 96 22 x 10426 1087 4805 7598 10745 140 20 x 3628 x 443147 9 2961 4681 662067 28 x 30 36 x 384143 13 3654 5777 817081
14 x 108 22 x 11626 1207 5189 8205 11604 158 20 x 4028 x 483252 9 3256 5148 728078 28 x 36 36 x 444149 13 4146 6555 927097
14 x 120 22 x 12826 1327 5712 9031 12772 175 20 x 4228 x 503254 9 3417 5402 764083 28 x 40 36 x 484355 13 4651 7354 10400 108
16 x 16 24 x 2423237 1199 1895 268032 20 x 5428 x 623367 9 4277 6762 9563 116 28 x 48 36 x 564363 13 5469 8648 12230 130
16 x 18 24 x 2624267 1342 2121 300036 20 x 6028 x 683373 9 4472 7071 10000 137 28 x 54 36 x 624570 13 5867 9277 13120 146
16 x 20 24 x 2824287 1470 2324 328639 20 x 6628 x 743480 9 4893 7736 10941 146 28 x 60 36 x 684476 13 6139 9707 13728 162
16 x 22 24 x 3024307 1616 2555 361342 20 x 7228 x 803486 9 5340 8444 11941 160 28 x 66 36 x 744583 13 6582 10408 14719 178