Acme Electric Acme True-Power General Product Line Information

Acme® True-Power® Power Line Conditioners
The average computer installation, representing mini-computer, workstations or personal computers, experiences an average of 100 power disturbances each month. These disturbances can cause equipment malfunction, loss of memory and inaccurate data, and in the worst cases complete failure of these delicate electronic devices. Computer installation manuals recommend dedicated service lines, but these are expensive to install, offer minimal future flexibility and do not provide total protection of the equipment. Acme offers a complete line of Power Protection Equipment. Refer to the “Product Selection Guide” for the product that best meets your requirements.
Note: This section of the general catalog contains complete specification and selection information on Acme’s True-Power power line conditioners.
Acme True-Power® products consist of speciality designed fer­roresonant transformers. Although ferroresonant transformers have been an economical solution to power problems for many years, it took the skills of Acme’s highly regarded engineering staff to refine it to meet today’s exacting requirements.
For example, typical ferroresonant transformers have an input limited to 100-130 V. Acme’s True-Power range of +10/-20% around input voltage nominals of 120/208/240 and 480 volts. At 120 volt input, this relates to 95-130 volts.
The typical ferroresonant transformer has limited electrical noise suppression capability. True-Power the following noise attenuation capability:
Common Mode: 120 db Transverse Mode: 60 db
The typical ferroresonant transformer has an audible hum that
Computers and Data Processing
Point of Sale Terminals
Electronic Test Equipment
X-Ray Equipment
Critical Lighting Applications
Programmable Controllers
Security Systems
Microprocessor Controls
Communications Equipment
Photographic Equipment
Regulated DC Power Supplies
Electronic Cash Registers
Numerical Controls
can be objectionable in most offices. Acme’s True-Power line conditioners are encapsulated in epoxy to lower sound levels below ANSI standard C 89.2.
The typical ferroresonant transformer has on output regulation of ± 3% for input line changes only. Acme’s True-Power line conditioners have an output regulation of ± 3% for input line and load changes, making them suitable for operation at any load condition.
Reliable, regulated output voltage when input voltage varies,
even to brownout levels.
Extended operation to 65% of nominal when operated at 60% of
full load.
Noise rejection—effectively suppressing transient spikes and
surges—120 db common mode and 60 db transverse mode.
Rapid response to line and load changes—5% variation in 8m
sec, 10% variation in 16m sec.
Hold up time of 3m sec for complete loss of input power.
Product Selection Guide
Shielded PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED Isolation True- SPS UPS Transformer Power
Power Failure X X Widely Varying Source Voltage X X Brown Outs X X X Switching Of Power Factor Correction Capacitors X X X X Distorted Wave Shape Due To Harmonic Content X X Common-Mode Transients X X X Transverse-Mode Transients X X X Voltage Spikes Due To Proximity Of
Welding Equipment Or Certain Medical Diagnostic Equipment X X X X
Line Distortion Due To Noise Generated From Occasional Lightning Strikes X X X X
Operation Of Computer Storage Devices Such As Floppy Disks Or Winchester Drives Generates Transients X X X X
units have an input
power line conditioners have
Inherent overload and short circuit protection,
without thermo protectors, fuses or circuit breakers, for immediate recovery when the overload is removed.
Sinusoidal output features, less than 3% harmonic
distortion, improves input wave forms which have total harmonic distortions of greater than 5%.
Available in 250 through 15,000 VA in hardwired
and portable models.
Hardwired models will handle multiple primary
input voltages.
Illuminated ON/OFF switch, multiple output
receptacles and six foot input power cord on portable units.
UL Listed.
CSA Certified (Hardwire models).
ACME ELECTRIC • MILWAUKEE, WI • 800.334.5214 •