ACL Streamlites FL 2.0 Cut Sheet

©2012 Architectural Cathode Lighting, Inc.
c a t h o d e l i g h t i n g . c o m
5 3 0 1 P a c i f i c B o u l e v a r d Huntingt on Park, California 90255 U SA Telephone 323.581.8800 Fax 323. 581. 7971 i n f o @ c a t h o d e l i g h t i n g . c o m
Architectural Cathode Lighting, Incorporated
Project Name Qty Date
S P E C I F I C A T I O N C O D E :
Product Model Ballast Emergency Mounting Nominal Length Run
SLFL- T8 S01 - Armature Mount E - Electronic 0 - None CM - Cable Mount 4 - 4' S - Single SLFL--T5 S02 - Ceiling Mount EHO - High Output X - Indicate quantity SM - Surface Mount 5 - 5' D - Double
S03 - Remote ED - Dimming C - Continuous
4' Cable and power drop standard. Can be field adjusted. For custom length contact ACL.
Specifications subject to change without notice. 073112
New and improved S treamlite FL 2.0 (fluores c ent) offers a creative w ay to illuminate an interior space while supporting energy efficient fluorescent lamps. ACL's new threaded lamp holders with no visible fasteners make this luminaire even more sleek and minimalistic then its predec es sor. Streamlite FL 2.0 fixtures are available in standard T8, 4', 5' and 6' lengths, as well as 8' cus tom lamp length upon request. Lamps are mounted to an armature with multiple pow er s upply options . The Streamlite FL 2 .0 luminair e offers unlimited poss ibilities that ar e both aes thetic ally timeless and ener gy ef fic ient.
The Art and Science of Light
mod el: SLFL primary power: 120V, 277V Comp lia n ce: UL Listed control: Dimming Compatible nish: Clear Anodized Aluminum dimensions: 4'0", 5'0"and custom update: August 25, 2012