PUBLICATION NUMBER OM--04760 December 2, 1998 Rev. A 11-20-03
eCopyright by the Gorman-Rupp Company
Thank You for purchasing a Gorman-Rupp Self-
Priming Centrifugal Pump. Read this manual carefully to learn how to safely install and operate yourpump. Failuretodosocouldresultinpersonal injury or damage to the pump.
A set of three manuals accompanies your pump. Each set consists of three parts; the Operation Manual on installing and operating the pumps. However, since pump installations are seldom identical, some of the information only summarizes general recommendations and practices required to in­spect, position, and arrangethe pump andpiping.
The Parts List Manual curve(s), a pump model cross-section drawing, and parts list for your pump.
The Maintenance and Repair Manual troubleshooting and maintenance instructions re­quiredtoproperlydiagnose operationalproblems, and to service the pump components.
Because pump installations are seldom identical, this manual cannot possibly provide detailed in-
contains essential information
provides performance
structions and precautions for every aspect of each specific application. Therefore, it is the re­sponsibility of the owner/installer of the pump to ensure that applications not a ddressed in this manual are performed only after establishingthat neither operatorsafety nor pumpintegrity arecom­promised by the installation. Pumps and related equipment must be installed and operated ac- cording to all national, local and industry stan­dards.
If there are any questions regarding the pump which are not covered in this manual or in other lit­erature accompanying the unit, please contact your Gorman-Rupp distributor or the Gorman­Rupp Company:
The Gorman-Rupp Company
P.O. Box 1217
Mansfield, Ohio 44901--1217
Gorman-Rupp of Canada Limited
70 Burwell Road
St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3R7
GENERAL INFORMATION PAGE B --- 1.....................................................
PREINSTALLATION INSPECTION PAGE B --- 1...............................................
POSITI ONING PUMP PA GE B --- 1..........................................................
SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PIPING PAGE B --- 2............................................
AUTOMATIC AIR RELEASE VALVE PAGE B --- 5..............................................
ALIGNMENT PA GE B --- 7.................................................................
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS PAGE B --- 9..................................................
PRIMING PA GE C --- 1....................................................................
STARTING PA GE C --- 1...................................................................
OPERATION PA GE C --- 2.................................................................
STOPPING PA GE C --- 3...................................................................
BEARING TEMPERATURE CHECK PAGE C --- 4.............................................
LUBRICATION PA GE C --- 4................................................................
PAGE I -- 1
The warranty provided with your pump is part of
Please record the pump model and serial number in the spaces provided below. Your Gorman-Rupp distributorneedsthisinformationwhen yourequire parts or service.
Pump Model: Serial Number:
The following are used to alert personnel to procedures which require special attention, to those which could damage equipment, and to those which could be dangerous to personnel:
Immediate hazardswhichWILL resultin severe personal injury or death. These instructions describe the procedure re­quired and the injury which will result from failure to follow the procedure.
Gorman-Rupp’s support program for customers who operate and maintain their equipment as de­scribed in this and the other accompanying litera­ture. Please note that should the equipment be abused or modified to change its performance be­yond the original factory specifications, the war­ranty will become void and any claim will be de­nied.
HazardsorunsafepracticeswhichCOULD resultinminorpersonalinjuryor productor property damage. These instructions de­scribe the requirements and the possible damage which could result from failure to follow the procedure.
Hazards o r unsafe practices which COULDresult in severe personal injury or death. These instructions describe the procedure required and the injury which could result from failure tofollow the procedure.
Instructions to aid in installation, operation, and maintenance or which clarify a procedure.
PAGE I -- 2
This information applies to G-R Self­Priming Centrifugal pumps. These pumps are available as basic,pedestal­mounted models or as close-coupled models driven by either an electric mo­tor, gasoline or diesel engine. Refer to the manual accompanying the power sourcebeforeattemptingto beginoper­ation.
This manual wil l alert personnel to known procedures which require spe­cial attention, to those which could damage equipment,and to thosewhich could be dangerous to personnel.How­ever,thismanualcannotpossiblyantici ­pate and provide detailed instructions and precautionsfor every situationthat might occur during maintenance of the unit.Therefore,itis theresponsibilityof the owner/maintenance personnel to ensurethatonlysafe,established main­tenance procedures are used, and that any procedures not addressed in this manual are performed only after estab­lishing that neither personal safety nor pump integ rity are compromised by such practices.
Inaddition to this manual,see the sepa­rate literature covering maintenance andrepair, pumpparts,andanyoptional equipment shipped with the pump.
4. Check the temperature before opening any covers, plates, or plugs.
5. Close the suction and discharge valves.
6. Vent the pump slowly and cau­tiously.
7. Drain the pump.
Do not attempt to pump any liqui d s the pump has not been designed for, and which may damage the pump or endan­ger personnel as a result of pump fail­ure. Consult the factory to determine compatibilitybetweenthepumpandliq­uid.
Use lifting and moving equipment in good repair and with adequate capacity toprevent injuriesto personnel or dam­age to equipment. Suction and dis­charge hoses and piping must be re­moved from the pump before lifting.
Beforeattemptingtoopen or servicethe pump:
1. Familiarize yourself with thisman­ual.
2. Disconnect or shut down the pow ­er source and take necessarypre ­cautions to ensure that the pump will remain inoperative.
3. Allow the pump tocompletely cool if overheated.
After the pump has been positioned, make certain that the pump and all pip­ing orhose connections are tight, prop ­erly supported and secure before oper­ation.
Do not operate the pump against a closeddischargevalve forlongperiods oftime.Ifoperatedagainstacloseddis­charge valve, pump components will deteriorate, and the liquid could come
to a boil, build pressure, and cause the pump casing to rupture or e xplode.
Do not remove plates, covers, gauges, pipe plugs, or fittings from an over­heated pump. Vaporpressure within the pump can cause parts being disen­gagedto be ejected withgreatforce.Al­low the pump to cool before servicing.
Thesepumpsmaybeusedtohandle productswhichifoverheatedcouldpro­duce dangerous fumes. Use extreme caution when venting the pump, or whenremovingcovers,plates,plugs,or fittings.
parts can catch clothing, fingers, or tools, causing severe injury to person­nel.
If the pump is powered by an electric motor, do not operate a non-explosion proof motor in an explosive atmo­sphere. An explosion, which may cause severe personal injury or death, could result. Install, connect and operate the motor in accordance with the National Electric Code and all local codes. If there is a conflict between the instruc­tions in the manual accompanying the unit and the National Electric Code or applicable local code, the National or Local code shall take precedence. All electrical equipment supplied with the pump conforms to applicable federal regulations and national codesin effect on the date of manufacture.
Neverrunthispumpbackwards. Becer­tain that rotation is correct before fully engaging the pump.
If the pump is used to pump materials which c ould cause seriousillness orin ­jury through di re ct exposure or emitted fumes, wear protective clothing, such asrubbergloves,facemask, and rubber apron, as necessary before disassem­bling the pump or piping.
Do not operate the pump without shields and/or guards in place over the drive shafts, belts, and/or couplings, or other rotating parts. Exposed rotating
If the pump is electric motor driven, the electrical power used to operate this pump is high enough to cause injury or death.Obtainthe servicesof a qualified electrician to troubleshoot, test and/or service the electrical components of this pu mp.
If the pump is powered by an internal combustion engine, do not operate in anexplosiveatmosphere.Whenoperat­ing internal combustion engines in an enclosed area, make certain that ex­haust fumes are piped to the outside. Thesefumes containcarbonmonoxide, a deadly gas thatis colorless, tasteless, and odorless.
PAGE A -- 2
Fuel used by internal combustion en­gines presents an extreme explosion and fire hazard. Make certain that all fuel lines are securely conne cted and free of leaks. Never refuel a hot or run­ning engine. Avoid overfilling the fuel tank.Alwaysusethe c orrect typeoffuel.
Never tamper with the engine governor to gain more power. The governor esta­blishessafe operatinglimits thatshould not be exceeded. The maximum contin-
uous operating speed for the pump is shownontheperformancecurve(see the Parts List Manual).
Ifthepump ispoweredbyanengine,the engine exhaust from this product con ­tains chemicals known to the State of California tocausecancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm.
Pumps and relatedequipment must bein­stalled and operated according to all na­tional, local and industry standards.
Review all SAFETY information in Section A.
Since pump installations are seldom identical,this section offers only general recommendations and practices required to inspect, position, and ar­range the pump and piping.
Most of the information pertains to a standard staticliftapplication wherethe pump ispositioned above the free level of liquid to be pumped.
If installedin a flooded suctionapplication where the liquid is supplied to the pump under pressure, some of the information such as mounting, line configuration, and priming must be tailored to the specific application. Since the pressure supplied to the pump is critical to performance and safety, besuretolimitthe incomingpressure to50%ofthe maximum permissible operating pressure as shown on thepump performancecurve (see Parts ListManual).If the pump is fitted with aGorman-
Rupp double grease lubricated seal, the maxi­mum incoming pressure must be reduced to 10 p.s.i.
Forfurther assistance, contact yourGorman-Rupp distributor or the Gorman-Rupp Company.
Thepumpassemblywasinspectedand tested be­fore shipment from the factory. Before installation, inspect the pump for damage which may have oc­curred during shipment. Check as follows:
a. Inspect the pump and power source (if so
equipped) for cracks, dents, damaged threads, and other obvious damage.
b. Check for and tighten loose attaching hard-
ware. Since gaskets tend to shrink after dry­ing, check for loose hardware at mating sur­faces.
c. Carefully read all tags, decals, and markings
onthepumpassembly, andperformallduties indicated. Note that the pump shaft rotates in the required direction.
d. Check levelsand lubricate as necessary. Re-
fer to LUBRICATION in the MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR section of this manual and any other literature accompanying the unit and perform duties as instructed.
e. If the pump and power source have been
stored for more than 12 months, some of the components or lubricants may have ex­ceeded their maximum shelf life. These must be inspected or replaced to ensure maxi­mum pump service.
If the maximum shelf life has been exceeded, or if anything appears to be abnormal, contact your Gorman-Rupp distributor or the factory to deter­mine the repair or updating policy. Do not put the pump into service until appropriate action has been taken.
Battery Installation
If the pump is engine driven, the engine battery is not included with the unit unless otherwise speci­fied on the pump order. See the battery tag in­cluded with the battery box assembly for battery specifications. Refer to information accompanying thebatteryand/orelectrolytesolutionforactivation and charging instructions.
Before installingthe battery,cleanthepositiveand negative cable connectors, and the battery termi­nals. Secure the battery by tightening the hold­down brackets. The terminalsand clamps maybe coated with petroleum jelly to retard corrosion. Connect and tighten the positive cable first, then thenegativecable.
Lifting Use lifting equipment with a capacity of at least 5
times the weight of the pump, not including the
weight of accessories, wheel kit or optional equip­ment. Customer installed equipment such as suc­tionanddischargepipingmust be removedbefore attempting to lift.
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