Unpacking the Unit .................................................................................................................................. 6
Meter Anatomy ....................................................................................................................................... 8
PowerScout™ Meter Safety Summary and Specifications ....................................................................... 9
Symbols on Equipment ............................................................................................................................ 9
PowerScout™ Résumé de Sécurité et Spécifications ............................................................................. 12
Symboles des Equipements ................................................................................................................... 12
PS3037 Serial ....................................................................................................................................................25
Version Control ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Meter Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Entering Wiring Information for an Element ...................................................................................................27
Selecting a Scalar ..............................................................................................................................................29
Connecting the Ports ............................................................................................................................. 32
Establishing Communication Protocol ................................................................................................... 33
Switching between BACnet and Modbus Mode ..............................................................................................33
FIELD INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 36
Mounting a PowerScout 3037 ............................................................................................................... 36
Wiring Connections on the PowerScout 3037 ....................................................................................... 37
Completing the Field Installation ........................................................................................................... 38
Using the Pulse Output Port Function ................................................................................................... 38
Modbus Output Port Registers ........................................................................................................................39
BACnet Output Port Objects ............................................................................................................................39
Connecting Split-Core Style Millivolt CTs to a Load .........................................................................................41
Connecting RōCoil CTs to a Load ......................................................................................................................42
CT Wire Lead Polarity .......................................................................................................................................44
Connecting Voltage ................................................................................................................................ 44
Powering the Meter .........................................................................................................................................45
Two-wire Single Phase .....................................................................................................................................49
Three-wire Single Phase ...................................................................................................................................50
Verifying Installation with PhaseChek ................................................................................................... 51
Verifying Installation with the ViewPoint Software .............................................................................. 53
Net Measurement Registers ............................................................................................................................74
Meter Specific Objects .....................................................................................................................................80
3-Phase Delta with a “Wild” Leg ......................................................................................................................90
Appendix B—Connecting Multiple PowerScouts to an RS-485 Network .............................................. 91
Communication Protocol .................................................................................................................................91
Daisy Chain Layout for RS-485 Network ...........................................................................................................91
Networking Using the BACnet MS/TP/Modbus RTU Protocol .........................................................................91
PowerScout meters monitor the voltage, current, power, energy, and many other electrical parameters
on single- and three-phase electrical systems. A PowerScout meter uses direct connections to each
phase of the voltage, and uses current transformers to monitor each phase of the current. Information
on energy use, demand, power factor, line frequency, and more are derived from the voltage and
current inputs.
The communications interface to the meters is an RS-485 serial or Ethernet connection that uses the
BACnet Master Slave Token Passing (MS/TP) protocol or Modbus protocol for sending commands and
retrieving data. A separate remote terminal unit (RTU), Data Logger, or Building Management and
Control System is usually connected to the PowerScout to provide data recording and trend logging plus
a human interface or display.
The PowerScout 3037 is light-weight and
compact enough to mount within an electrical
panel. It is used for long-term monitoring of
electrical systems.
Up to 127 PowerScout 3037 serial meters may be
connected to a single BACnet MS/TP network for
monitoring and recording power usage at
multiple locations within a single site. Up to 247 serial meters may be connected to a Modbus RTU
network. You may connect as many Ethernet units as equal to the amount of available IP Addresses.
There is a configurable digital pulse output port on the PowerScout 3037 that can be used to output
kWh, kVARh, or kVAh pulses to external devices, or to toggle on and off to control a remote device or
PowerScout 3037 Optional Digital
An optional visual display is available on the PS3037 which cycles through meter information and realtime values of Volts, Amps, KW, KVA, KVAR, etc. See Appendix.
Unpacking the Unit
Your PowerScout meter comes with documents such as the Certificate of Calibration (COC) that has
information about the meter and is valuable for tech support. Be sure to set these documents aside in a
safe place when not in use.
If a Comm package was purchased as well, look for the ViewPoint software and the USB adapter. Verify
that all connectors are included (CT, voltage, comm, pulse).
Example of a COC for a PowerScout 3037
Meter Anatomy
PowerScout™ Meter Safety Summary and Specifications
These items conform to the
This general safety information is to
be used by both the Logger operator
and servicing personnel. DENT
Instruments, Inc. assumes no liability
for user’s failure to comply with these
safety guidelines.
The PowerScout is an Over-Voltage Category III device. Use approved rubber gloves with mechanical protection and
goggles when operating the device.
PS3037 Series:
Conforms to UL Std 61010-1, 3rd
Edition & IEC 61010-2-030, 1
Certified to CSA Std C22.2 No.
61010-1, 3rd Edition
Use of this device in a manner for which it is not intended may impair its means of protection.
Symbols on Equipment
Denotes caution. See manual for a description of the meanings.
When connecting the PowerScout to an AC load, follow these steps in sequence to prevent a shock hazard.
1. De-energize the circuit to be monitored.
2. Connect the CTs to the phases being monitored.
3. Connect the voltage leads to the different phases. Use proper safety equipment (gloves
and protective clothing) as required for the voltages monitored.
PS 3037 Hazardous voltage exist, there are no user serviceable parts inside. Do not open the enclosure.
DO NOT EXCEED 600V. This meter is equipped to monitor loads up to 600V. Exceeding this voltage will cause
damage to the meter and danger to the user. Always use a Potential Transformer (PT) for loads in excess of
600V. The PowerScout is a 600 Volt Over Voltage Category III device.
undesired operation.
Factor) that should be ignored.
PS3037 Pulse output: 30V max open voltage, 5mA max current.
See Pulse Output.
Do not use other CTs. Only use shunted CTs with a 333mV maximum output only. Serious shock hazard and
logger damage can occur if unshunted CTs are used. The UL listing covers the use of the following DENT
Instruments CTs that are UL Recognized and have been evaluated to IEC 61010-1:
The use of any other CT will invalidate the UL Listing.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at user’s own expense.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
The PowerScout 3037 is designed to measure AC voltages for installations up to 600 VAC. The
PowerScout 3037 is also capable
of measuring DC voltages up to 600 VDC with the following caveats.
1) The internal fuse installed in the PowerScout 3037 is not a suitable disconnect for voltages above 80
VDC. Customers using the PowerScout 3037 for high voltage DC systems must
600 volt DC fuse with a rating of 1 amp or less. These fuses are commonly available in the solar power
2) UL and ANSI testing of the PowerScout 3037 was conducted on AC systems only. DC results are
comparable but not tested.
3) DENT Instruments VIEWPOINT software does not currently have a configuration or registers that are
specific to DC systems. Values reported for voltage, current, KW, KWH will be correct however it should
be noted that the meter will also report values that pertain to AC systems (such as VARs and Power
Equipment protected throughout by double insulation (IEC 536 Class II).
install a UL listed inline
There is no required maintenance with the PowerScout. Abide by the following items:
Cleaning: No cleaning agents, including water, shall be used on the PowerScout.
Battery Life (If equipped): The lithium battery is only used to maintain the date and clock settings during power
failure and has a life expectancy of greater than 10 years. Contact DENT Instruments for service.
No accessories are approved for use with the PowerScout other than those specified in the DENT Instruments
product literature and price sheets.
If the logger appears damaged or defective, first disconnect all power and sensors. Call or email technical support
for assistance.
DENT Instruments
Bend, Oregon USA
Phone: 541.388.4774
Email: techhelp@DENTinstruments.com
PowerScout™ Résumé de Sécurité et Spécifications
Tous les articles sont conformes à
ce qui suit:
Cette information de sécurité est
destinée à être utilisée à la fois
par l'opérateur de l'enregistreur
et le personnel de service. DENT
Instruments, Inc n'assume aucune
responsabilité pour l'utilisateur
qui ne respecte pas les directives
en matière de sécurité.
Le PowerScout est un appareil de surtension de catégorie III. Utiliser des gants en caoutchouc approuvé avec protection
mécanique et des lunettes lors de l'utilisation de l'appareil.
PS3037 Série:
Conforme à UL Std 61010-1, 3rd
Edition & IEC 61010-2-030, 1
Certifié CSA Std C22.2 No. 61010-1,
3rd Edition
L'utilisation de cet appareil d'une manière pour laquelle il n'est pas destiné peut annuler ses moyens de
Symboles des Equipements
Signifie prudence. Voir le manuel pour une description de la signification.
En faisant la connexion du PowerScout à une prise de courant alternatif, suivez ces étapes en ordre pour
empêcher un risque de choc.
1. Décharger le circuit à contrôler.
2. Connectez le TC aux phases à surveiller.
3. Connectez les fils de tension à des phases différentes. Utiliser des équipements de sécurité (gants et des
vêtements de protection) qui sont nécessaires pour les tensions surveillées.
PS 3037 tension dangereuse existent, il n'y a aucune pièce réparable par l'utilisateur n'ouvrez pas le boîtier.
NE PAS DEPASSER 600V. Ce compteur peut contrôler les charges jusqu'à 600V. Le dépassement de cette
tension peut causer des dommages à l'appareil et du danger pour l'utilisateur. Utiliser toujours le potentiel
transformateur (PT) pour des charges de plus de 600V. Le PowerScout est un appareil à 600 V de surtension
de catégorie III.
PS3037 sortie d'impulsion: 30V max tension ouverte, 5 mA courant maxi. Voir sortie par impulsion.
N’utilisez pas d'autres TC. Utilisez seulement des TC shuntée avec une puissance maximale 333mV. Un sérieux
risque de décharge électrique et des dommages à l'enregistreur peut se produire si des TC pas shuntée sont
utilisés. Utiliser seulement les CTs des DENT Instruments suivants qui sont énumérés jusqu'au 600V/CATIII.
L'utilisation de tout autre CT annulera la certification UL.
La PowerScout 3037 est conçu pour mesurer tensions c. a. pour les installations jusqu'à 600 V c. a. Le
PowerScout 3037 est également capable de mesurer les tensions c. c. jusqu'à 600 V c. c. avec les
avertissements suivants.
1) Le fusible interne installé dans le PowerScout 3037 n'est pas un dispositif de désaccouplage adéquat
pour des tensions supérieures à 80 V c. c. Les clients utilisant la PowerScout 3037 pour haute tension DC
systèmes doivent installer un UL inline 600 volts DC fusible avec une valeur nominale de 1 amp ou
moins. Ces fusibles sont couramment disponibles dans le marché des piles solaires.
2) UL ANSI et tests du PowerScout 3037 a été menée sur systèmes CA uniquement. DC résultats sont
comparables, mais pas testé.
3) Impact Instruments logiciel VIEWPOINT ne dispose actuellement pas de configuration ou de registres
qui sont spécifiques aux systèmes à courant continu. Les valeurs rapportées pour la tension, le courant,
en KW, KWH sera correct mais il convient néanmoins de noter que le compteur sera également rapport
valeurs qui se rapportent aux systèmes à courant alternatif (tels que VARs et facteur de puissance) qui
doit être ignoré.
L'équipement protégé en double isolation (IEC 536 Classe II)
Il n'y a aucun entretien requis avec le PowerScout. Respectez les points suivants:
Nettoyage: Aucun agents de nettoyage, y compris l'eau, doit être utilisé sur le PowerScout.
Espérance de Vie de la Batterie: La pile au lithium est utilisée uniquement pour maintenir les paramètres de date
et d'heure en cas de coupure de le courant et a une espérance de vie de plus de 10 ans. Contactez DENT
Instruments pour le service.
Pas d'accessoires approuvés pour une utilisation avec le PowerScout sauf ceux spécifiés par DENT Instruments
dans ses documentations sur les produits et également sur les prix.
Si le compteur semble endommagé ou défectueux, tout d'abord déconnecter le pouvoir de l'appareil. Alors s'il
vous plaît appelez 541.388.4774 ou contacter par courriel l'assistance technique pour obtenir de l'aide.
PowerScout 3037 Technical Specifications
Specification Description
Service Types Single Phase, Three Phase-Four Wire (WYE), Three Phase-Three Wire (Delta)
3 Voltage Channels 80-346 Volts AC Line-to-Neutral, 600V Line-to-Line, CAT III
Current Channels
Maximum Current Input
Measurement Type True RMS using high-speed digital signal processing (DSP)
Line Frequency 50/60Hz
Power Out Unregulated 5VDC output, 140 mA max
Waveform Sampling 12 kHz
Parameter Update Rate .5 seconds
Accuracy 0.2% (<0.1% typical) ANSI, C12.20-2010 Class 0.2
3 channels, 0.525 VAC max, 333 mV CTs, 0-4,000+ Amps depending on current
158% of current transducer rating (mv CTs) to maintain accuracy. Measure up to 4000
Amps RōCoil CTs
From L1 Phase to L2 Phase. 80-600VAC CAT III 50/60Hz, 90mA Max. Non-user
replaceable .5 Amp internal fuse protection
Volts, Amps, kW, kWh, kVAR, kVARh, kVA, kVAh, Apparent Power Factor (aPF),
Displacement Power Factor (dPF). All parameters for each phase and for system total.
0.01 Amp, 0.1 Volt, 0.01 watt, 0.01 VAR, 0.01 VA, 0.01 Power Factor depending on
scalar setting
Bi-color LEDs (red and green): 1 LED to indicate communication, 3 LEDs for correct
phasing (PhaseChek™: Green when voltage and current on the same phase; Red when
incorrectly wired.) Pulse output LED.
Pulse Output Open Collector, Optically Isolated , 5mA max current, 30V max open voltage
Max Communication
RS-485 Loading 1/8 unit
Communication Rate
Data Bits 8
Serial Meters
Parity None, Even, Odd
Stop Bit 2, 1
Data Formats
User Selectable Modbus RTU or BACnet Master Slave Token Passing protocol (MS/TP)
RS-485 or Ethernet
1200 meters with Data Range of 100K bits/second or less
An optional 2 x 16 character display which auto-cycles between informational screens every
2-3 seconds, with real-time values updated every second.
Operating Temperature -7 to + 60⁰ C (-20 to 140⁰ F)
Humidity 5% to 95% non-condensing
Enclosure ABS plastic, 94-V0 flammability rating
Weight 340 g (12 ounces), exclusive of CTs
Dimensions 24.2 x 8.5 x 4.0 cm (9.5” x 3.3” x 1.6”)
ViewPoint™ Minimum System Requirements
Operating System Windows® 7 (32 or 64 bit), Windows® 8 Pro, Vista (32 or 64 bit), XP
Communications Port One USB port or serial port
Hard Drive 50 MB minimum available
Processor Pentium Class 1 GHz or more recommended
The following are UL listed:
Serial/Ethernet Meters
The PS3037 Series:
Conforms to UL Std 61010-1, 3rd Edition & IEC 61010-2-030, 1st Edition
Certified to CSA Std C22.2 No. 61010-1, 3rd Edition
Table I-1: Technical Specifications
There are multiple tasks that are typically completed before heading to the field, usually by your
technical support personnel. These include determining how to communicate with the meter, setting
address switches, installing ViewPoint, etc. Communication configuration must be set up in the
ViewPoint software even if you use a separate logger to record data. The more tasks completed before
installation means less time in the field.
These determinations figure into how you set up the PowerScout meter for operation:
BACnet vs. Modbus
Set the network address switches on the meter to either Modbus or BACnet
RS-485 vs. Ethernet
The type of connection is part of the configuration set up in the ViewPoint software
Laptop/PC for setup verification via USB
A convenient method for setup before going in the field, and once in the field, to easily read
real-time values
NOTE: Installation of the ViewPoint
tested with a meter prior to the field installation. A USB cable can be used when configuring the meter
in this manner.
software and a communication cable should be completed and
Installing the ViewPoint Software
The ViewPoint software is designed to let you easily configure
the PowerScout for different current transformers, check
readings, and verify correct setup. All of DENT Instruments PowerScout meters use ViewPoint software
to communicate with the meter. It needs to be installed on any computer talking to the PowerScout
3037. ViewPoint is compatible with Windows® 7 (32 or 64 bit), Windows® 8 Pro, Vista (32 or 64 bit), or
Insert the ViewPoint CD into the CD-ROM drive.
The installer starts automatically. If it does not, browse to the CD and locate the ViewPointInstaller.exe
program. Start the installer by double-clicking ViewPointInstaller.exe.
The Communication screen is displayed when ViewPoint is first started. This is where the software
networking parameters are entered to match the PowerScout networking configuration (meter type,
COM port, baud rate, base address, etc.). ViewPoint remembers your last connection and displays those
previous selections when opening the software once again.
NOTE: ViewPoint software serves several functions, such as setting up a meter, getting real-time values,
and read/write registers and objects, but for the purpose of prepping for field installation only three are
important to the process: Communications, Meter Setup, and Comms Setup. The other functions are
described later in this document.
DID YOU KNOW? ViewPoint may be
installed on multiple computers.
Connecting a Communication Cable
There are various ways to communicate with a PowerScout meter and how you do so will determine
what type of cabling system you will use. To set up the meter, communication can be established with a
USB cable, an RS-485 adapter, or an Ethernet cable. Once in the field, communication between a
PowerScout meter and a logger is established with a RS-485 or an Ethernet connection. A RS-485
connection is limited in speed while an Ethernet connection is much faster.
NOTE: PowerScout meters are ordered from DENT Instruments based on the type of desired connection.
A type AB USB cable may be used between a PC and a PS3037 meter and is the preferred method for
setting up a PS3037 with Modbus protocols. The USB cable will also power the meter when connected
to a PC. When using a USB cable with a PC, each USB port on the PC generates a unique comm port in
the ViewPoint software, such as Com3 or Com4.
NOTE: A USB driver is installed when you install the ViewPoint software.
ViewPoint can read information through a USB, an RS-485 isolated COM port, or an Ethernet
connection. When the RS-485 connection is selected a base address is required (the base address is the
rotary switch settings). Address switches are ignored by both USB and Ethernet. When the Ethernet
connection is selected an IP address is required. The screen display changes based on your connection
The USB connector on the PowerScout 3037 can be used to power the unit when configuring it using
ViewPoint and Modbus protocols.
If connecting with a USB cable is not practical, the use of an RS-485 to USB adapter connected to your
PC may be used for communicating with your PowerScout. First, install the driver on the computer and
then complete the connection between the meter and the computer by plugging the RS-485 connector
into the meter.
DID YOU KNOW? If an RS-485 adapter is used instead of a USB, an RS-485 driver must be installed
on your computer and power applied to the PowerScout meter before the software will function
Installing the RS-485 Adapter on a
NOTE: If ViewPoint was installed first, it needs to be restarted following an RS-485 driver installation. If
an RS-486 port does not appear in the drop-down list, the RS-485 was not installed correctly.
1) Insert the CD that came with the RS-485 adapter into your computer.
2) Insert one end of a USB cable into the RS-485 adapter and the other end into a USB port on the
3) The Found New Hardware Wizard window appears.
The window states “This wizard helps you install software for: Model USOPTL4,” and asks “What do
you want the wizard to do?”
4) Select Install the software automatically and click Next.
5) Click Finish when the installation is complete.
6) Remove the CD from your computer.
Connecting the Adapter to the
Figure II-3: RS-485 Connector on PS3037
The three wires coming from the RS-485 adapter are plugged into the COM connector. Insert each white
ferrule into the appropriate slots on the connector. The red wire inserts in the left slot (+), the black wire
in the middle slot (-), and the green wire in the right slot (Shield), Figure II-1 and Figure II-3. Verify that
the dip switches on the back of the RS-485 adapter are set to RS-485, Echo Off, 2 Wire, 2 Wire as shown
in Figure II-2 before plugging the adapter into the PowerScout 3037.
Figure II-2: Dip switches on back of RS-485
Figure II-1: RS-485 Adapter
NOTE:USB is always active on the PS3037 (and the protocol is Modbus over the USB virtual
communications port).
NOTE: If ViewPoint was installed first, it needs to be restarted following a RS-485 driver installation. If a
RS-485 port does not appear in the drop-down list, the RS-485 was not installed correctly.
1) Select USB/RS-485 (MSTP) as your communication type.
2) Select PS/PS3037.
3) When connecting with an RS-485, enter a base address that matches the switches on the
PowerScout. A USB connection ignores address switches. See Setting the Network Address Switches
4) When connecting with an RS-485, select Modbus or BACnet as your communication protocol. When
communicating over USB, whether the PS3037 is configured for Modbus or BACnet mode, the
PS3037 will communicate over the Modbus protocol.
5) Select the PC COM Port from the drop-down list. For a USB connection, select “COMxx DENT USB”
in the field, where “xx” is the port number. For an RS-485 connection using an RS-485 adapter,
select COMxx RS-485 Isolated Port (COMxx) where "xx' is the COM port number.
Default settings are used for the two remaining fields: Data Bits is 8N1 and the Baud Rate is 9600. When
BACnet is selected as your protocol an additional read-only field appears displaying the BACnet Device ID.
Setting the Network Address
Reserved for resetting the PowerScout to Modbus mode with 9600 baud,
Available (01/001 is the factory default setting).
Reserved for BACnet slave devices.
The rotary switches can be used to configure the communication protocol
Reserved for resetting the PowerScout to Modbus mode with 9600 baud,
Available for Modbus slave devices.
Reserved for network wide broadcast.
The rotary switches can be used to configure the communication protocol
There are two rotary network address switches on a serial PowerScout 3037, labeled MSB and LSB.
These two switches are used to select the BACnet/Modbus address the client uses to communicate with
the PowerScout.
The rotary switches are 16-position, hexadecimal switches. The default factory setting is hex 01. The
address is a hexadecimal (hex) value, represented by the digits 0 through 9 and letters A through F. For
example, a network address of 100 in decimal is converted to 64 hexadecimal and set on the
PowerScout 3037 by:
MSB switch—select 6
LSB switch—select 4
In some cases the hex value may need to be converted to decimal when entered into the RTU or data
logger. See the Appendix for a hexadecimal conversion table.
The BACnet MS/TP MAC and Modbus address is a decimal value, represented by three digits: 000
through 009, 010-090, and 100-999.
Note: BACnet MS/TP masters only support addresses 001–127.
BACnet Address Availability
8 bit, 1 stop bit and no parity.
to BACnet or Modbus as well as changing the baud rate if unsure of the
current settings (PS3037 only).
If ViewPoint is unable to communicate with the PowerScout, the Status window displays the following
message in the Status field:
“Unable to establish connection with meter, please check settings and try again.”
Try the following to resolve the communication error on a serial PowerScout:
No RS-485 option available in the PC COM Port drop-down list—indicates the PowerScout is not
properly connected or the required software driver is not installed.
Modbus Base Address Switch does not match the selected hex switch settings on the
PowerScout—change the switch settings.
The selected Baud Rate does not match the PowerScout baud rate—change the baud rate.
For more information, refer to the Appendix, Troubleshooting Communication Issues.
Connect one end of the Ethernet cable into the PowerScout and the other end into your computer or
network. To begin communicating via an Ethernet cable you must first set it up within the ViewPoint
software that came with the meter. See Ethernet (TCP/IP) Connection in the Communicating with a PowerScout Meter section.
The meter will require power to communicate over Ethernet. Power can be supplied by connecting the
USB or voltage lines 1 and 2.
PowerScout 3037
Figure II-4: Ethernet Connection
Keep in mind that the Ethernet connection must have an IP Address in the ViewPoint software that can
either be set manually within the software with the Use Static IP address option (for a fixed address) or
obtained automatically from the router connected to the logger using the Use DHCP option (dynamic
address). Both options have advantages. See About IP Addresses further in this document.
NOTE: When Ethernet is connected, any RS-485 connection is inactivated. The PS3037 must be power
cycled with the Ethernet cable removed in order to activate the RS-485 interface.
1) Select Ethernet (TCP/IP) to gather information via a network connection. When selected, the
Communications Setup screen changes and an IP Address is required as address switches are
2) Select your mode of communication.
3) Enter the IP Address for the Ethernet connection of the meter or select one of the previously used
addresses from the drop-down list. See About IP Addresses on the following page.
-orUse the Scan Network or Setup buttons to acquire a new IP Address. See About IP Addresses on the
following page.
4) Enter the Port connected to the PowerScout. A checkbox is available to make the port the default.
Different networks may require different ports. See your network administrator.
About IP Addresses
The Ethernet connection must have an IP Address that is set manually in the IP Address: field or
obtained automatically from the router connected to the meter using the Use DHCP option (dynamic
address) found in the Logger Network Setup dialog box accessed via the Setup button. Both options
have advantages.
NOTE: A Static IP address of is assigned in the factory to all Ethernet PowerScouts.
Static Connection: If you know an IP address that is not being used by another device on the
network, enter that address into the IP Address: field. This may require permission from a
network administrator. With a static IP address it is easy to connect to the meter as there is no
doubt about what IP address to use.
Dynamic Connection: If you want the router to assign an IP address to the meter automatically,
select Use DHCP. This may avoid the need of a network administrator as the router will assign an
IP address that does not conflict with any other devices on the network. A disadvantage of the
DHCP option is that the “lease” of the IP address may expire after a period of time and the
router could assign a different IP address. A new IP address means that ViewPoint cannot
connect to the meter until the new IP address has been entered. (See below.)
An additional option is to set the meter to DHCP and go to the router and assign a specific IP address to
the MAC address that corresponds to the meter. In this way, if the lease does expire, the router will
always assign the same IP number back to the meter. This option may also require a network
The Scan Network button scans the network for possible meters and displays them in the Logger
Selection dialog box. Look for the serial number on the meter (found on the back of the meter) to
determine which connection point is yours.
Select the correct device from the list of IP Addresses and click OK.
The Setup button displays the Logger Network Setup dialog box where network address information is
entered. See your network administrator before making changes.
When you select the Use DHCP checkbox the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is used to populate
the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address fields automatically.
NOTE: Each meter connected to the network requires its own unique network IP address. An address is
provided automatically if the network allows DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and the
meter is configured to request an address.
Click Update Logger after making your selections.
ViewPoint displays the following message when the connection is successful:
Communications LEDs
Steady Green
Flashing Green
ViewPoint Update Dialog
Firmware Update Dialog
The PowerScout COM LEDs signal the following communication information.
BACnet Modbus Description
Steady Green Power is applied to the meter.
Flashing Green
Steady Red Communications failure, or talking with BACnet while the meter is in
Flashing Red The meter is receiving communication on the bus for a meter at
The meter is communicating.
Modbus mode.
another address.
Table II-3: PS3037 Serial COM LED Signals
The Ethernet cable has a Link LED on its connector that glows amber when connected to the network
and flashes green during Ethernet traffic.
BACnet/Modbus Description
Steady Green Power is applied to the meter.
Flashing Green The meter is communicating.
Table II-4: PS3037 Ethernet COM LED Signals
Version Control
Installed versions of the software and firmware are checked when first connecting the meter. A pop-up
dialog box appears if either of those is out of date:
Thereafter, the software is checked once every seven (7) days for the current version. Firmware is
checked each time the meter is connected. You can stop the check for updates by selecting the Don’tcheck online for firmware of ViewPoint updates check box.
Click OK to close the dialog box without updating.
Click Download to begin the updating process. The DENT Instruments Tech Support Downloads website
appears with a link to the download. Once you have the file downloaded to your computer, use the
Firmware tab to download the file to the meter.
Meter Setup
Once communications is established between the PC and the PowerScout, you are now ready to
configure the meter for the field. This is accomplished in the Meter Setup tab of ViewPoint.
The Meter Setup screen allows unique changes to an element on the 3037. Within the element, CT Phase, Type, Amps, and Phase Shift are entered, based on wiring connection, for CT1, CT2, and CT3. The
type of wiring connection and the Digital Output are also entered for the element. Overall, a Demand Window of 1–60 minutes is available for the recording of values and a Line Frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz
is selectable. Also, the Volts Multiplier field can be altered when used with a step-down transformer to
allow the meter to record values as if it was connected to a higher than 600V source.
NOTE: In PowerScout meters, Peak Demand is calculated using a moving window and is averaged across
the selected demand window size. Each minute the total consumption is recalculated and compared to
the last demand window. If the new window is larger than the last recorded value it is recorded. This
value is calculated during the sampling of the waveform.
The Meter Setup screen is blank when first accessed. Click Retrieve Meter Setup to view the current
status of the element. The Element Status dialog box displays while the element is read.
Begin setup by entering an amount of time (1-60 minutes) into the Demand Window and selecting a
Line Frequency from the drop-down list.
Use the following steps within an element:
1) Select WYE or DELTA as the wiring connection.
NOTE: DENT Instruments recommends using 3 CTs in a WYE connection for Delta loads.
A WYE connection automatically displays all three CTs. Any changes made to CT1 also apply to
CT2 and CT3.
Wye Wiring Connection
A DELTA connection displays only the two available CTs. Any changes made to CT1 also apply to
Delta Wiring Connection
2) Depending on the wiring connection, make changes to CT1, CT2, and/or CT3.
CT Phase—Shows the voltage of the referenced CT
CT Type—Use the drop-down list to select the type of CT attached to the PowerScout.
CT Amps—Enter the amperage rating.
CT Phase Shift—Enter in degrees the phase shift of the CT. The default is 1.1.
Current Transformers Recommended CT Phase Shift Values
3) Select a Digital Output from the drop-down list if being used.
4) Select a Data/Digital Scalar from the drop-down list.
.1 1 .001
.1 4 1 1 1
.01 1 1 5 10
.01 1 1
.01 1 1
The use of Modbus protocols limits the data registers to a maximum of two
bytes (16 bits) or a maximum decimal value of 65535. Modbus requires that
the data be unsigned (positive) integer values. To overcome these
limitations some measured (and stored) values must be scaled to fit into the Modbus registers. The raw
value read from the Modbus registers is multiplied by a scalar to convert the raw data. The following
table lists the data scalars and the respective values for the PowerScout.
Scalar Value
Data Scalar
register value must
be less than 65,535.
Amps Volts
Table II-6: Data Scalars and Values for Registers 44001 thru 44061
The data scalar is stored in register 44602.
When selecting a data scalar, the following guidelines need to be considered:
If the data scalar selected is too low, an incorrect data result is returned from the register.
If the data scalar selected is too high, the significant digits following the decimal point are
After selecting a data scalar, the formula for calculating the actual value is:
register value X scalar value = actual value
Or, another way to state this formula is:
actual value/scalar value = register value
The following table is an example when selecting a data scalar for 3-phase loads based on the CT size or
maximum current. These are the minimum recommended scalar settings.
CT Size or
Max. Current
50 Scalar 1 Scalar 2
100 Scalar 2 Scalar 2
200 Scalar 2 Scalar 2
400 Scalar 2 Scalar 2
600 Scalar 2 Scalar 3
1000 Scalar 3 Scalar 3
3000 Scalar 3 Scalar 3
3-phase Loads
230 volts 460 volts
Table II-7: Data Scalar Selection
Examples Using a Data Scalar
The following examples use kW throughout.
For example 1, the following data is used:
Volts x amps = watts 480 volts x 100 amps = 48,000 watts
Watts x 3 = system watts 48,000 watts x 3 = 144,000 watts (144kW)
Check the register’s value using the data scalar 2 value of .01:
System kW / scalar value = register value 144kW/.01 = 14,400
Since 14,400 is less than 65,535, using data scalar 2 is a good choice for this example.
For example 2, the following data is used:
480 volts x 1000 amps = 480,000 watts
480,000 watts x 3 = 1,440,000 watts (1,440kW)
Check the register’s value using the data scalar 1 value of .001:
1,440kW/.001 = 1,440,000
Since 1,440,000 is greater than 65,535, using data scalar 1 returns an incorrect result. Data scalar 1 is
not an appropriate choice.
Reviewing this example using the data scalar 3 value of .1 provides the following result:
1,440kW/.1 = 14,400
Since 14,400 is less than 65,535, using data scalar 3 is a good choice for this example.
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